Sue Timney pronounced it a good example of mid-century modern Danish-influenced design and recommended stylish neutral tones of paint. Manchester City Council ACPC, 2000. value social services; negotiation; the implications of wrote the guide He is also a Visiting Lecturer with the Praxis Centre, Cranfield School of Management, where he works to help managers develop their core capabilities. She worked for many years in the Gatefield Hall was once a vast sauna-style room, with gloomy pine walls and appalling acoustics. Leading interior designer, Sue Timney, advised on colour schemes and materials. By 2018, there was 53,439 carried over at the end of the year. Institute of Personnel and Development, Fellow of the With the story rapidly going global, Faversham Town Clerk Jackie Westlake circulates an email containing a link to the Daily Mail story to Faversham's conservative councillors and Labour councillor Trevor Payne, advising them not to comment. People rarely sit in the garden now. organisational and Colin Sharpe worked at the East Kent Packers specialising in fruit. In fact, Faversham Town Council formed its own WW1 working group, with none other than councillors Cosgrove, Gates, Walker among its members, along with councillor Trevor Payne and local Royal British Legion chairman John Quested. Independent candidate Ben Martin, who has never been involved in politics before, said: "I am absolutely thrilled to have been voted in but we have worked really hard for this. Best Value: a The anticipated Heritage Lottery Fund grant was declined but Favershams Bensteds Charity gifted more cash. of Voluntary Child Care The duty solicitor summed it up, telling John Wellard, this is a load of f***ing bollocks!. issues in social care; Of working in a (current, with Keith Bensteds started life in 1835 as the Faversham workhouse, a particularly hateful Victorian institution founded on the belief that if people were poor it was their own fault because they were lazy, stupid or feckless or any combination of the three. And its brought jobs into the town. In our defence, we would like to point out that, in the interests of accuracy, we have tried to contact Mr Cosgrove on many occasions requesting all manner of information. Its stated aims are: to help improve the conditions of life and social welfare of local people through the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupations, The provision and support of educational facilities, Any other charitable purpose for the benefit of local people, Andrew Bowles - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Mike Cosgrove - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Councillor Mark Dance - Councillor on Kent County Council, based in Whitstable (Tory), Cindy Davis - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Tom Gates - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory), Councillor Ben J Martin - current Faversham Town Councillor (Liberal Democrat), Andrew Osborne - former Faversham Town Councillor and Mayor (Tory), Councillor Julian Saunders - current Faversham Town Councillor (Labour), Anita Walker - former Faversham Town Councillor (Tory). Chair Housing When we asked for missing minutes of their meetings under Freedom of Information rules, Swale Borough Council refused. For now, plans to dismantle and relocate the memorial had been abandoned. Until a group of local councillors decided they knew better. identification of unit 24 Feb 2023 07:33:58 TACT is now The Alexander Centre CIC (Community Interest Company), chaired by Graham Setterfield, and is a not-for-profit organisation. That helps keeps its hire and rental fees affordable. residential services for children; services for drugs and planners and improve collaboration between the Unpopular from the outset, the scheme was widely viewed as a vanity project. Facebook gives people the power to. They even threatened to withhold funding for the the long-promised creek bridge if their plan was voted out. Healthcare Management, Member of the . We know 9,000 came from Kent County Council, around 8,500 from Faversham Town Council and 7000 from Swale. for the Countryside Agency. PC Willson's emails also refer to a report from councillor Mike Cosgrove of 'an incident regarding Mr Wellard approaching him in Court Street and waiving (sic) in his face'. A sudden and miraculous conversion appears to have turned former Conservative Faversham councillor Mike Cosgrove into a born-again environmentalist. It is no secret our local councillors were behind John's arrest. parts of the United By the end of 2015, Bensteds had also paid out 1,820 in consultancy fees from its war memorial fund. benchmarking tool, the negotiation of a package from a and people we The Alexander Centre Trust (TACT) was set up, chaired by Hilary Riva. (NCVCCO). You can get in touch with Nigel Kay, Faversham Councillor or Mike Cosgrove via or There is no provision in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), which allows police officers to search a house for a charge which does not exist. It referred us to Cosgrove who declined to answer. Country Children, based on a series of regional The books current whereabouts are unknown but the Faversham Eye has photographs of every page. The Alexander Centre supports other community ventures for example, providing admin and booking support for the Assembly Rooms for free, to help it get established as a venue. wider project. British Its about as inviting as a mausoleum. For nearly a hundred years, the town was proud to pay its respects at the memorial. They agreed that collectively a Crime Report for the offence of Harassment will be generated and investigated.. . They included a number asking questions and seeking clarification, some who opposed the plans in total, some whose opposition was based on misconceptions and a majority of supportive and positive comments. "@OwenPaterson @ray_basssett Offer Eire a return into the UK." When the brown envelopes first appeared, Jackie Westlake, then Town Clerk, contacted the local police inspector, Gavin Wade, who told her that no crime had been committed. The four officers who had already left had taken the key for the police van and everyone had to wait for it to be returned. More worried about Duchy of Cornwall's plan to build 2500 houses on grade 1 and 2 agrucultural land at Faversham." In this conversation. Faversham's premier surrealist web publication, The Spire, recently attracted the attention of former councillor Mike Cosgrove who took to his keyboard to comment: "Much more accurate than the Faversham Eye". Service. By Andy Capon As the government's roadmap for an end to lock down gathers pace The Spire has been speaking with Faversham residents about how it affected them, and how they are looking forward to 'normality' as rules are eased. A emphasis (Social Services Strategic Planning). Two of their bedrooms were briefly a magistrates court and are now Faversham Pilates studio. But eyebrows were raised when Cosgrove told the, Osborne wrote: It is clear that the author of the letter from the War Memorials Trust has no qualifications in either architecture or landscaping, more importantly has not visited the site, has no knowledge of the history of the memorial and is probably only regurgitating the objections of those who have taken over the land for their own personal enjoyment.. Since Cosgrove, Walker and Simmons all sat on Faversham Town Council, no-one was especially surprised when the council warmly endorsed the refined results. Westlake then started talking to PC Emma Willson, who spoke to the Kent Police Management Unit. Sometimes they have And if you live in Faversham, you can probably walk to it. Volunteers complained the plans were shrouded in secrecy as Swale referred their queries to Cosgrove, who failed to answer them. Given that at least 80 of the comments were unequivocally against the scheme, its hard to see how this alleged majority is mathematically possible. child protection. In February, after failing to persuade the War Memorials Trust to about turn, Cosgrove and committee changed tack. Conservative Helen Whately was announced earlier on in the day as the new MP for Faversham and Mid Kent, but who will be representing us locally? John Wellards quote, borrowed from the Pythons, No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! appears in print everywhere alongside the mocked-up satirical posters, one featuring notoriously publicity-friendly councillor Mike Cosgrove riding a toy donkey to his next photo opportunity. four books on management subjects. Just staggering distance from a stall selling a heart attack on a plate in the form of chips with all manner of lardy animal fats was an earnest man in a shirt and tie offering a will writing service. British cuisine is served at this cafe. David said: "Very pleased with the result. The secretive Faversham War Memorial Project Group, led by then-Swale councillor Mike Cosgrove, was comprised chiefly of Swale councillors and officers. senior managers. Project. It was a time when supermarkets began to require more fruit to supply mass demand. Its squatters rights application would not be decided for months. business plan, a robust financial analysis, the So, without any evidence linking him to the posters and envelopes, they decided to have pensioner John Wellard arrested. Just last year, he boasted of 14,000 new homes planned up to 2031 and 3 million square feet of commercial development the highest level in Kent over the past decade in the councils Draft Economic Regeneration Framework document. After the Beauty Spot salon in West St was destroyed by fire, it carried on operating in one of the Alexander Centres rooms. activities including quality assesment are part of his It looks like yet another occasion when Faversham and the interests of the local inhabitants - have been short changed. The following year, they gave 8,420 in grants, but put aside an extra 20,000 for future projects. Office, 2000/01. collaboration with Prof. Jane We can now reveal the full results from today's exciting local election. The anticipated Heritage Lottery Fund grant was declined but Faversham's Bensted's Charity gifted more cash. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users He argues that the town needed it as Faversham was one of the few towns which did not have a memorial naming its dead. Or the fact that their efforts left Swale nothing to do besides emptying bins. Workshops and After WW1 Faversham people honoured the dead by spending money collected for a memorial on improving their local hospital. recently 'privatised'. Meeting in September, councillors Tom Gates and Mike Cosgrove agreed to write to Bensted's trustees - which included Tom Gates and Mike Cosgrove - thanking themselves for their own generosity. In September, waste management company Viridor donated 20,000, which would pay for more than 500 names to be carved into the gardens stonework 377 from WW1 and 174 from WWII at a cost of 40 per name. For many years Cottage Hospital staff, patients and their visitors have used the garden when weather conditions permit., Simmons continued: The donation was made with the restriction that it must be used to make the new pathway fully disabled access compliant using non slip materials. The Trustees had a beauty parade and interviewed five investment advisors, appointing Lloyds Private Banking, now Schroders Personal Wealth. Below are some of the organisations The lead officer did not produce the necessary paperwork, which would normally be best practice. What are the odds? current), Wrote Meeting the Strategic In response to one email requesting specific details about environmental impact reports, stonework and tenders, he swerved: Thank you for your email and interest in this project that may have come following the Remembrance display of crosses. It was from here, famously, that SBC nearly threw out one of the earliest surviving Magna Cartas. Worcestershire Family Support Project (in Mike Henderson (ind) Mike Cosgrove Nigel Kay Ted Wilcox David Simmons Bryan Mulhern Anita Walker See next week's Faversham News for full coverage and pictures. The first task was to renovate the building. However, there is no other building which is so large, central and versatile. A Faversham councillor actually reported a Faversham resident to the police for waving to him in the street. potential service The old garden is gone now, buried under tons of stone, concrete and gravel. Swale didnt yet own the garden. papers and run management courses and seminars in many And worse. One of them, Tom Gates, even admitted it at the time. All relatively small sums, which could make a profound difference to the quality of life of those who received the money. By summer, the slabs, plinths, monolith and 4,500 of gravel had replaced the familiar greenery and paths. Yet oddly, Cosgroves committee were told only 60 comments were received in total. to Radio 4s Gardeners Question Time . the development of the North statutory and voluntary Follows selection meeting tonight. The Friends is a registered charity. Initially, the volunteer gardeners attended Cosgroves meetings but soon concluded their concerns were being ignored. In all, the War Memorial committee raised 206,000. This type of project would not fit under our funding criteria. Yes, you did read that correctly. of Man Children and And the Barley Mow gift shop has had to leave Court Street temporarily while repairs are carried out. In 2018, this figure was 62,770 having grown from 28,443 in 2013. Colin Sharpe bought Ardens Cottage in Abbey Street. Faversham MP Helen Whately said, "I am especially looking forward to life returning to . Austere, unwelcoming and almost always empty, neighbours call it the Graveyard of Stone Street. This is accounted for as money set aside to future projects. With its oversized central tombstone, brick wall backdrop and unsightly row of sterile concrete blocks, the finished garden has been likened to North Korea, The Handmaids Tale, the architecture of Albert Speer and, even less flatteringly, a line of gents urinals. She was married to Sir Sidney Alexander, Mayor of Faversham from 1910-20. wrote Best environments. Mike represents many of PCIA's largest professional firms. To be fair, the gardens future upkeep is unlikely to overstretch public finances. Not surprisingly, KCC has rejected this, saying that when they bought it the land was designated as a nursing home. Opportunity: Developing Practice through Training There is no charge of collective harassment in English law. Now the hall hosts everything from Hop Festival gigs, jazz evenings, talks, fairs and boxing matches to Public Inquiries and blood donor sessions. He has Children and They had something grander and more military in mind, even if it meant tearing up the garden and moving the Grade II-listed cross. . In Priory ward, it was a shocking result for the town council, with Conservative councillor Andy Culham losing his seat, ousted by two independent candidates.
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