David E. Taylor was born August 3, 1972, in the small town of Memphis, Tennessee. I felt the power and surge of this anointing in that service going through my whole being! These powerful teachings and revelations have been given to him over 26 years of ministry through thousands of hours of study of the Word, and from personal visitations . I did not even know I had a special ministry, or that I was called to a special ministry in this life. God gave me this warning for America, not to pronounce doom on her but to give wisdom and instruction of what to do so that she will be preserved as a Nation. It was uncontrollable and the receptionist or nurse at the desk didnt know what to do. America has provided for many immigrants, a place of freedom and refuge from famine, disease, hunger, war, starvation and a place of safety from the abuse of dictatorship. During this period I prayed and asked the Lord to give me whatever it was that Kathryn Kuhlman had. Call in and choose a free message out of 5 powerful new teachings that David E. Taylor just released! 'Apostle' David E. Taylor's Kingdom of God Global Church Sued for Failure to Pay for $2 Million Stage Set Kim Roberts September 16, 2022 Movie Prop Rentals has sued the Kingdom of God Global Church and Joshua Media Ministries, both led by self-proclaimed apostle David E. Taylor , to recover the cost of constructing a stage set that the . God spoke to Apostle Taylor in his shut away and said He is releasing "right now" miracles through the text messages Apostle Taylor is sending you! We would love the opportunity to pray and believe God with you for whatever your need might be. Celebrating 30 years of ministry, David E. Taylor has made an indelible imprint throughout his community, the United States, and around the world. They go through a lot. Years later, I wondered, for what reason would He come like this? I understood that God left it blank for us to live the life we chose. His presence, like at times before when Hes visited me in this manner, exuded such a peace and tranquility in contrast to the devastating things that He was about to show me. You must be willing to even give up your best friend if Jesus requires you to! David E. Taylor is a man of prayer and has trained prayer warriors to stand in faith with you and agree for the impossible to become possible! He then turned and walked away and being saddened by this fact as he walked away I replied, But what about the nations? then he replied in response saying, Yes the Lord will also use you to shake the nations of the world some but your main call and assignment is to America! At this time he truly repented, was converted and received salvation by invitation from Jesus personally in this dream. Intimacy and a throughly knowledge of who He the Son of God was. Your dreams are important messages from God! After this I was awakened out of the dream. After these miraculous regional transformations, the Lord kept doing mighty things. These appearance that started as visitations and encounters from Jesus happened through dreams, visions, and in the bright open day while I was wide-awake. In that prophecy, I shared how the Lord warned me prophetically through a series of dreams and by revelation of His Spirit, that the World Trade Centers in New York would be bombed by terrorists, plotted and paid off by Russia. Taylor police agreed to assist, classifying it as a mental health commitment. We are looking forward to connecting and advancing the kingdom of God together! Face to Face Appearances from Jesus ~ The Ultimate Intimacy, My Trip to Heaven ~ Face to Face with Jesus, The Ancient Biblical Move of Face to Face, How the Lord Brought the Healing Ministry to David E. Taylor, David E. Taylor Award from President Obama. He was 93 years of age when I was first introduced to him and he had a spiritually thriving and anointed church. No words were needed for some reason. Welcome to JMMI! 2006 ~ The Father Appears in Rainbow Fire, Jesus Appears on Stage in Taylor, MI [Photo], Jesus Walks the Streets of Chicago ~ 2007, Jesus Appearing In The Services working with David E. Taylor, Jesus Working with David E. Taylor During Services. During the past few years, Taylor has faced charges of financial corruption, sexual manipulation, and spiritual abuse. Most people believe that in order to have a close relationship on this face to face level that He requires absolute perfection from us but that is not the case at all. There were so many mentally sick people in that huge mental hospital, there were scores there. Register Exciting Breaking News! The glory manifested out of this friendship is what flows over into the peoples lives and brings them to meet with the Lord, face-to-face in person, just like it says about Moses life and ministry and he brought the people to meet with God. The United States - David E. Taylor is establishing bases across America (Florida, California, Texas, St. Louis Missouri, Washington) and strongholds in every state. I didnt know that something this dramatic was going to happen as Im about to tell you. He will set circumstances in motion and people to move by the Spirit or do certain things that give you clues or answers by their actions to help reveal the dreams given. God Bless You Officers covered the west and east. Multiple masses of people gave their lives to the Lord in salvation. I didnt know how to totally use them. By this time I had walked with the Lord for seven full years intensely through hundreds of hours of prayer and fasting in my communion with Him I felt so humbled that the King of the Universe would come to me and entrust me with the keys to His whole Kingdom. Apostle David E. Taylor is a master dream interpreter and dream officer. God Bless You! You have been called for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). When I arrived there at his room, me and some other of my staff pastors began praying for him and commanded the illness to leave his mind. The old bridge was worn and torn down. When I picked it up I could not put it down. In the center of the room stood the angel next to a podium with my personal white and gold book. Jesus also appeared to 500 brethren at one time after His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6). He didnt get these keys from Jesus just because He was an apostle. The scripture confirms this in Philippians 4:8 that God wants our minds to think on the good report of things and not the negative. I saw the pastor of the church preaching lying flat on his back. He came right at this time and woke me out of this dream saying, Come and watch Benny Hinn. Again he insisted, Benny Hinn is on.. Tears began streaming down my face from the first few pages. Hello Precious Friends! Another such incident happened after these keys were given to me in Brooklyn, Illinois. As I stood there silently with Jesus, a huge nuclear rocket missile passed right in front of us with the old communistic Russian acronym, U.S.S.R. on its side. I was so overtaken with His love for me and His power upon me, that the more hours I spent with Him, the more I wanted to increase my time with Him. The Lord told David E. Taylor that miracles were going to happen. During this time David backslid into the world smoking dope, partying, in gangs and lived a worldly lifestyle until Jesus appeared to him in a dream showing him His face at the age of 17, while in his 12th grade year of high school. The natural words of my vocabulary fail to describe how awesome He was then and how He is presently today! My whole being felt Him. Until reading this book by Pastor Benny this type of manifestation experience was something talked about as a relic of the past during the time of Moses. And when I saw Him stop walking, then I stopped. Before God Started Your Life, He Finished It! 2006 ~ The Father Appears in Rainbow Fire, Jesus Appears on Stage in Taylor, MI [Photo], Jesus Walks the Streets of Chicago ~ 2007, Jesus Appearing In The Services working with David E. Taylor, Jesus Working with David E. Taylor During Services. When I got a revelation of who Jesus really was on a personal level through this face to face relationship with Him after 7 to 8 year period He entrusted me with the keys to His whole kingdom that He had given Peter in His day. I dont know if it was an out of body experience, even though it seemed like it. Your dreams are important messages from God! During this same time I saw many miracles starting to manifest in my life and ministry that I didnt have before. That evening we were scheduled to be with another church for a 7:00 p.m. service that was three hours away. I was about to marry the wrong person and it could have destroyed the plans God had for my life. When this drop fell from His finger it spray or sprinkled into drops of rain onto the people when this hit the audience on to the people, the whole crowd erupted in spontaneous praises. How exciting this was to me! So when my brother brought the video tapes I watched them, and in the first two tapes Pastor Benny was talking about how to receive the double portion anointing. The unusual thing about these books was that they were not written like earthly natural books. Before he could even begin teaching, Jesus stepped in and miracles broke out as the power of God flowed throughout the room! Suddenly, there He was with eyes glowing full of love. In 1999 David E. Taylor was also visited in a dream by an angel. I responded by getting up but was thinking, I was just in an awesome service in a dream experiencing the power of God! My whole being felt like it was caught up into Heaven. Another dream was shown to me by God around the same time and season of this dream. In whatever city or church David enters, he is accompanied by the special privilege of the Lord personally working with him. Why are you waking me up!? Thats the thing about Jesus when He is inspecting His Church, Bride or one of His Friends, like He did to the seven Churches in the book of Revelations, His pattern is to encourage and tell you all the goods things first, then the things He has against us which we may be wrong about. Seven police officers met at a nearby Burger King with a plan to pick up the son. One of my college roommates thought I was weird locking myself up in the closet for three days and not coming out. After this I awoke out of the dream. This angel of the Lord said to him that this latter rain outpouring that would start in St. Louis (the center of America), would last for seven full years and after then would spread around the world. I shared earlier with you how the Lord brought me to Him. There has been a recent outcry of injustice that has taken place against Apostle David E. Taylor, the president and CEO of Joshua Media Ministries International. Mind you I had never read the story at that time of Elisha and the axe head. The very atoms in my body made me feel like I was about to explode! God has purposed so much more for you than what the 21st Century Church would lead you to believe! I stood there beside Him in midair on His right hand side quietly to watch the events that He was about to show me. You must understand, I was in a Baptist church after my initial conversion from a face-to-face appearance from Jesus in a dream. We are so excited that God allowed you to visit our website today, and believe that it is part of His divine plan and purpose coming to fruition in your life. It is only, here, on earth that you need them. Then the revolutionary moment came when I had only read up until the part where Pastor Benny describes Kathryn Kuhlmans service when it was coming to a conclusion. He had on the beautiful white robe that He normally wears. I mean I can fall asleep and immediately at times Im taken to be right where He is? He was followed by Sharon, then Antonio, Angela, Richard, Marilyn, then David, Zondra and Christopher. Well, as I mentioned, I had this dream waking up on a Sunday morning. From 1989 until this point which wouldve equaled to about two and a half years, He took me through the discipleship stage, but now my life and walk with Him was taking on a drastic turn into Him commissioning me to be His servant. I found the answer! We were waiting in line until our turn! I can identify with Paul Crouch when he says, I had no Father but God.. Because I was very close to him, I got word he wanted me to come to the hospital and pray for him. At the same time, another missile, similar to the first, was launched and had been programmed to hit Jacksonville, Florida and it did. This was a notable mass miracle and my whole staff was astonished including the doctors and nurses of that place. His experience and description of his trip to Heaven that the Lord allowed him in the year 2000 has captured the hearts of many. Its just incredible to see how God is using him now! Mr. Tune into the Special Virtual Online Concert With Tye Tribbett. This was Jesus and His power demonstrated through the Keys of the Kingdom given! Wow!! This appearance lasted for an entire hour and was captured by the secular media on television, in photographs and in print. Then suddenly I awoke. God will use other people in your life giving them dreams to confirm His destiny, purpose and will for your life. As I studied the Lords word and read the whole incident before and after Jesus gave only Peter among all the other apostles the keys to His kingdom. Its like wherever He stands He fills the very atmosphere, air and molecules all around you. In 2016, he appeared in court regarding charges of financial corruption. God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! My life and ministry are personal testaments of this! All I know is that I was suddenly in midair above America standing on the right hand of Jesus. We are looking forward to connecting and advancing the kingdom of God together! For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not, In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of me, and dealeth their instruction. ~ Job 33:14-16. I was very young at the time, only nineteen years old and didnt quite understand the dealings of the Lord and the way He was speaking to me. His index finger was pointed out straight while His other fingers were curled together and a golden liquid that looked like anointing oil poured out of this finger like a pen. Nevertheless, I went from the couch in the living room and went and sat on the edge of his bed. Something greater than the world has ever known is coming the electrics of God are coming, the thunders of God are coming, the promise of power is coming! Use the form below to submit your prayer requests and elevate your faith and expectation for God to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works within us! It was December 1989, during the Christmas season. Jesus told David that He would appear to those who came in contact with his ministry with divine face-to-face appearances from Himself not only once but on a consistent basis like He has done in Davids own life which has been happening now for the last fifteen plus years. I decided it would be me knowing He wouldnt have brought this to my attention if He didnt want me to respond. This initial appearance from the Lord Jesus was the beginning of this face to face relationship, encounters and intimacy that would span over a 20 year period up until now, this very present day. David E. Taylor is a global minister and has a heart for God and for His people. Humility and the meekness of Jesus characterizes Davids lifestyle in person, while walking in an uncommon boldness and authority when serving the Lord. This confirmed and encouraged Gideon to know that what God had promised and told Him, He would perform and do! It was as if I was watching a television screen as I witnessed these two great world leaders shake hands and say, We are friends now and at peace with each other. While they were saying this, another world leader walked on the scene and said, I have a lot of power now! Immediately I saw Russia, along with some other nations who joined in alliance with her to attack America, plunge undetected into the water through submarines and come up on the coast of America. All Rights Reserved. Later I found out why His mouth didnt move. Then Kathryn Kuhlman said: All of you that want the power of God and Glory of God on your life come down here to the front and get it. And to my amazement there was a line of people who came down and stood in front of her and she ministered to them. They penetrate and arrest you at the same time. The Messiah! I didnt tell anyone about this fast. He has established a 24/7/365 Dream interpretation phone line (1-877-843-4567) to help you understand the dreams you dream! I felt like I had to tell the whole world. I have been greatly blessed. This is so powerful! He said, David I brought you to answer you concerning some things that you have been asking concerning why you dont see My power in the church. Then He began pointing out to me things going on in His church that He wasnt pleased with. James H. Taylor and Katie M. Taylor were at the hospital about to give birth to their seventh child. I had heard about this man from my father and mother, and was taught that He died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day from the dead. I would like to take this time to honor this special man of God named Benny Hinn. All that time I was seeking to be intimate with the Lord and closer to Him. We received threats from the Mafia that they would kill us and the mayor for letting me over there. Jehovah released an impartation and covenant of mercy with everyone in attendance! Then He gave me instruction to correct and rebuke this in His house. No man can make something like this happen! The atmosphere was filled with electricity, but with a peace and a serenity beyond articulation. It is the same with us and I have seen it. This dream was pivotal to the success of my life and destiny. Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous. Psalm 69:28, Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in the book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned; when as yet there was none of them. Psalms 139:16. He was so powerful, but yet gentle; so merciful, yet full of judgment; so meek and lowly, yet so silently bold. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing God's vision and heart for you His beloved people! During that time, before Jesus shed His blood to put us back into right standing with the Father, no man could see God and live because of sin. Pastor David E. Taylor is the head of Kingdom Family Church (KFC), a global outreach movement committed to establishing God's Kingdom through the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel. These encounters have been documented and reported by many pastors and leaders and seen in the express testimonials of Gods people for years whom the Lord has appeared to. Then he said, Everything God had you speak about Brooklyn 9 years ago has come to pass. He then said, You are standing in it now! So I did. They were full of love, light and power. Secondly, He pointed out to me the choir stand or praise and worshippers. Have been sent all around the world. I was given a knowing of the destination of this nuclear missile as it was traveling past us. So I bought the book by Benny Hinn, Good Morning Holy Spirit in 1991. From having this dream I became very concerned about the welfare of our country. To confirm this it says in Hebrews 10:7: Then said I lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God. Jesus is our example. I love Apostle David E. Taylor! The angel said: The Lord says if you marry her your life will be a disaster and youll mess up the special ministry in your life. After this I awoke out of the dream. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phillipians 4:8. I depended on Him to tell me everything but during that time I did not have enough spiritual fathers in my life that could really guide me in the type of ministry that the Lord had called me. In this dream a messenger walked up to me and said, The Lord is going to use you to shake America. This is one major reason why I have written a book, because God has shown me things concerning Americas future through dreams so that Americans can be preserved from the devastation of war! There I saw many large books that contained writings of everyones life. He saw the woman evangelist, Kathryn Kuhlman standing there with a glory cloud surrounding her and her face shining through the mist. In this dream I heard a current of electricity shoot throughout the whole building, as if it were skipping on a wire. The people there were different. This was also done by the Lord with Moses and the seventy elders in Numbers 11:17 and Paul to the church at Rome (Romans 1:11). He has used these dreams to mentor and train me in the miracle healing ministry. At this point I did not know what to say, so I actually said nothing. We know this was Peter! I was standing in front of Him as He was present with me, face-to-face, unaware that years later Exodus 33:11 would become the foundational scripture fueling the passion of my pursuit for His friendship and intimacy. In doing so, David has drawn the attention of many nations with his powerful teaching and exponential revelation of God's Word. God uses these dreams to serve as a teacher, mentor and a classroom seeing that they infuse revelation to our lives that are hidden in the scriptures of the Bible. In this dream, I saw war being plotted between Russia and the United States during this gathering around a conference table. After the service, Evangelist Schaffer came to me and said: I saw this whole service in a dream last night. She then began telling me the dream. While at this church he received and confessed Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and was baptized in water as a little boy around 12 years of age. He is mercy. She said to me, But the strange thing in the dream is that as you paced the floor, walking back and forth, there was a cloud of glory and a mist surrounding you and your face was shining through the cloud!, Faith began to arise in me and I felt the anointing as she told me this dream that she had seen about me just that morning. He received these keys because he was given a revelation of who Jesus was as the Son of God. Never take the dreams that God gives lightly! America has provided a place where the nations of the world can see their dreams come alive by being able to pursue them through the liberty that reigns in this land. The first thing you have to know is that one of the most difficult sickness to be healed is mental illness, its not difficult to God but it is hard to us because so few of these people are healed. On the Third Night, Just as God promised David E. Taylor, He came down notably on the third night of services. Standing in front of me was the man Id heard about as a little boy my entire life. When I awoke, I knew that this was serious and that I had to tell someone! He looked at me and said, Be faithful while at the same time dipping one of His fingers in all that latter rain glory oil. This book only had writing on the left side with the heading GODS PLAN. The opposite side was blank with no writing at all. Humility and the mayor for letting me over there me out of the church preaching lying flat on right. Made me feel like I was in a dream by an angel secular media on television, photographs... Me to respond and not the negative you how the Lord and closer to Him is only, here on!, just as God promised David E. Taylor was born August 3, 1972 in... Scene and said, you are standing in it now was first introduced to Him He. Awesome He was an out of the book of the Lord told E.! And for His people and watch Benny Hinn, good morning Holy Spirit in 1991 received threats the... 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