Now, I coach pastors and business leaders in communications and self-care. And they were no friends of ours during the Harvest investigation either. We needed to go to the hills and fight as guerillas, you know, what is guerrilla warfare? Those are the good guys. And the people in this story are complex characters. Jill And you have to, there must be assiduous accountability going on in the life of someone who has the big radio show has the big platform, his platform at conferences and large organizations, because the temptations are greater. Im doing well but probably not as well as you because youre on vacation in Florida. Can I talk about Scot McKnight for a second? But if you have a pastor with a glaring character flaw youre fooling yourself if you think youre gonna keep that character flaw in line with a pastor who doesnt put Jesus Christ first in his life, am I right? God uses the weak things of this world to confound the strong, right? Pete served as the senior pastor at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas for nearly 30 years, and he now ministers to pastors and organizational executives through personalized, professional coaching. If anything has a whiff of impropriety, we would jump on it immediately. Fortunately, we have not had so much as one complaint about any one of our pastors or staff members. Amen. Also, major problems. And so when you see behaviors that look like grooming, you know, John Calvin, Im not a Calvinist. God is doing a new work both in the lives of the Briscoe's and in the life of Bent Tree. Whats our theology? Yeah, without using any names. I was the senior pastor of Bent Tree Bible Fellowship for nearly 30 years. WebBriscoe says that he wants Bent Tree to be a place where people can agree to disagree over this issue. Yet, Scripture and to how to teach it became new and deep and exciting every week as I listened to Pete in the short three years I have been at Bent Tree. And I could explain why I think thats funny, but you have to have extreme accountability, the larger your platform gets. Theres a lot of church boards that operate that way. You know, Hybels daughter had her own book on Oprahs book club. Scott Dyer was the worship pastor at Bent Tree Bible fellowship. As I look back on my own four years on staff, Im thankful for the teaching and leadership that Pete Briscoe has brought to Bent Tree, and I know that so many of us have been impacted by his attention to the Lord and quick obedience to however God leads him. But its an analog. Inside their system, they need to be guarded, governed, guided. And this is one of the I think exciting things. At the end of the day the aftermath of destruction is felt on so many levels by so many people and we all react differently in our humanness. People can do the job of preaching and leading a church for, you know, 40 plus weeks in the pulpit at a church of this size. And you you actually refer to it as multi-level marketing. But I have to say that in the middle of dealing with a lot of tall weeds and bugs, God has also given me some flowers and fruit trees to enjoy. WebPete Briscoe answers that question by pointing us to Paul as the perfect example of one who speaks with tender boldness. Yeah, that is super dangerous. I Also I want to let you know that Judson University is planning to resume in person classes this fall for traditional transfer and adult students and its still not too late to apply. Gifted with wisdom, discernment, and a bit of English humor, the Briscoe's bring God's Word to life. You can read about them at their website Teaching the Truth. It is not a program is not a set of services. With that purpose in mind, they launched theTelling the Truth ministry. So to some extent, we all have a measure of hypocrisy. And so when you know from the pulpit, that might be a strength. And it had all of these allies not just in the media, but among the angelical industrial complex, other megachurch pastors, everything. Its scripturally rooted. And I feel that way with these pastors. Its not okay. He now coaches Pete Briscoe | Brookfield WI. And theres a lot of people asking, Is that just too great a burden to ever put on one person? How do you respond to that? Gifted with wisdom, discernment, and a bit of English humor, the Briscoe's bring God's Word to life. Continue Reading The Upper Room: John 15 Posted by Nate Murray I dont think that theres anything at a mega church that innoculates it from being good. The news of Petes resignation landed heavy on my heart. There was a period of time, Ill call, The Great Loneliness after that Chicago Tribune article came out, where they were radioactive. You have your identity rooted in something other than Christ, the centrality of Christ. And this is whats so difficult. This is a person who is pushing a boundary because they want to do something bad. Id like to share a few things as we navigate this loss together. I mean, there were some things that you learned specifically, that were done to potentially cover wrongdoing by Bill Hybels. About Stuart and Jill Briscoe Now, I coach pastors and business leaders in communications and self-care. So you can go to Amazon and enter in Boz Tchividjian and his book will pop up but you need to know what youre looking for because people who are sexual predators, they have an acuity for blending into society in ways that they dont stand out like this is not like, you know, the sexual predator in your church is not some, you know, grease ball sitting outside your kids ministry just kind of looking for a way to get at, like, thats our common image of what a sexual predator is. I think these women would still like to know the answer to that. The church is nondenominational and has woman pastors and elders. Jill It manifested at the Human Resources level. He now coaches Pete Briscoe | Brookfield WI. Yeah, thats right. A man who "dedicated his life to sharing Gods Word with the world" has died at the age of 91. Now youre a lawyer. And Harvest was the same thing. How do spot a safe pastorand can. I think it took courage and boldness on his part to be able to do that. There are therapy notes to support her story. I mean, that is just huge. Im so grateful now for that heritage. And a lot of us who sat in the congregation and received from them were, you know, duped and we bought it. I think there were a few major events. Like if you go back and you actually read his books line-on-line, there are some things in there in those books where you go, For a pastor, that should be unacceptable. But he was attenuating his church culture and culture at large to him in his behavior. WebPete Briscoe answers that question by pointing us to Paul as the perfect example of one who speaks with tender boldness. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. I dont think I could survive the corruption I see today had I not seen so much thats good and beautiful in the church growing up. I think ultimately, we are still kind of under the inertia of a culture that was fomented by Pete Briscoe, which was a culture of goodness, a culture of grace and its still carrying forward under that momentum. Pete Briscoe, our pastor at our church came out in support of the Dyers, which was bold, and it was brave. But he had the emotional and spiritual fortitude to say, You know what? Explain that. What I saw happen at Willow is, the board as a unit was willing to dissemble in the amount necessary to preserve the organization. Nobody has said they had intercourse with Bill. In our church, we have a no tolerance policy. Mike is a dear friend and Im sad this day has come. Multiple services, being able to do it on cue, proves Hybels theatrical abilitiesI look back and feel sick, given all the details we now know from behind the scenes. In fact, I know some of them. At that age, I had never had someone in spiritual authority lie or manipulate me. I think thats dangerous. Although theres been some. How are you? So when you have someone who is trusted, whos supposed to be an expert, you know, like a pastor, like a longtime senior pastor whos supposed to be a theological expert, and someone whos in authority like a senior pastor, people are willing to do things to satisfy that person that they would not otherwise do, even if those things seem harmful to another person. I was the senior pastor of Bent Tree Bible Fellowship for nearly 30 years. WebLearn More About Pete Today - Pete Briscoe God loves you to distraction, There is nothing you can do to make Him love them more or less, And, that Life with this Lover God is rich beyond description, regardless of your performance. And the Nancy Ortberg situation, a hug that lasted too long. Much has been written on establishing criteria for board member selection. Just go to But theres something wrong in the whole business of Church. And so I do think its a healthy thing when youre afraid of doing wrong, because it will be brought up and you will be held accountable. Briscoe stepped down as senior pastor at the end of 2000 but remained involved in the church and active in overseas missions. But when we look at it from some practical ways that God used people to undo this, explain what you see as being the key forces. You know, I think, Julie, the other thing that was really whacked out about Willows elder board, and I didnt find this out until very late in the representation was they operated by design out of unanimity. Put a skin tag on it or a flesh tag. And Willow just, they got killed because they wouldnt respond and say the truth. And he committed sex acts with her. I dont know. I think the load needs to be shared. To me, this was one of the beautiful God moves about the entire situation. Amen. About Stuart and Jill Briscoe To us, he was Stu, Dad and Poppa and we already miss him achingly." WebSince that time he has ministered on every continent, written more than 40 books, pastored a church for 30 years, and founded a media ministry called Telling the Truth which now broadcasts daily worldwide. I dont know the answer but rampant clergy abuse just took my discontentment to a whole new level. James MacDonald was friends with Ed Stetzer. God showed him through that sermon how his trip was actually isolating and began a process of transformation. Youre its just not its not a matter of if its a matter of when. Thats not to say there arent authentic people there. Pete Briscoe, our pastor at our church came out in support of the Dyers, which was bold, and it was brave. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. A man who "dedicated his life to sharing Gods Word with the world" has died at the age of 91. A person whos not walking in the Spirit is susceptible to that type of behavior, even a senior pastor. Lets say you have you have six or eight members who are saying, Guys, we need to fire this person. WebPete Briscoe, Stuart and Jills youngest son, was a key contributor to the ministrys teaching team from 2003 to 2021. They had so many churches, thousands of churches coming on board and being a part of those. Pete reminds us that our goal is not to win arguments, but to win people. And this is a huge problem in the Evangelical Church in the southern baptist church, I mean, just absolutely massive problem where so often the predators covered up instead of brought to justice. ) So, Willows pride did not allow them to see any flaws in their leadership, especially their premier leader. Please note, our website requires JavaScript to be supported. Well, to answer your question, very bad. And youre in the process right now of looking for a senior pastor. Well, early on in the process after the Tribune article, we had to make a decision, How are we going to fight a machine of this size that is basically promulgating lies about these women and their families and their supporters? And I reached out to people that I already knew within, you know, the watch blogging community. Hes also a strong believer and advocate for abuse victims. Pete Briscoe was Senior Pastor of Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, TX for nearly 30 years. Absolutely horrible. Id like to share a few things as we navigate this loss together. Why did so many look the other way for so long? Growing up in a ministry family, Pete watched and learned from his parents and witnessed the reach and power of Telling the Truth's media outreach. Its How do we protect the entity and the entity as expressed through the person of Bill Hybels? Once you make that decision that youre willing to protect the entity or the person in charge of the entity to the detriment of members of the body or members of the staff, youve made some poor choices that are going to have consequences. Briscoe Well, and I hope there are Christian leaders listening to this who take note because is the time of just being silent and thinking that because youre silent, nothing will come back on you, thats past. And so I thought it was so funny that James MacDonald had his house in the name of an entity called Vanilla Bean LLC. But at 22, I completely bought it. I mean, it was a great time. it is. To us, he was Stu, Dad and Poppa and we already miss him achingly." This is a calling. For the next 90 minutes, Pete Briscoe enraptured us with his presentation of The Bema.. The Elder Board has accepted Petes decision, and his resignation is effective March 31, 2019. (See page 54 and following) But I had limited contact with him. And if youd like to find me online, just go to Guest Bios Show Transcript Many times, those who have experienced spiritual abuse are retraumatized when they try to speak about whats happened. I appreciate you so much and look forward to visiting with you again soon. I would probably have been among those who defended Bill saying, He couldnt have done these things; Hes too strong of a Christian leader. I see this culture as similar to the Corinthian church with the man who was involved with his fathers wife. Yet Mitch isnt just the lawyer whos seen megachurches as an outsider bringing accountability. So Mitch, thank you so much for taking the time to join me today. And yet here we see a church thats ostensibly about serving God, and its about proclaiming the gospel and yet this is happening within the church. WebPete Briscoe is a podcaster and evangelical pastor. If you have six members of the Board of eight, lets just say its eight or 10. He makes sure the good things stay in the church and the bad things go out. If they have the character to lead the accountability will help keep them you know, keep them honest, so to speak, you know, its kind of like when you put a bike lock on your bike that. Think about the psychology of someone who could be doing what was alleged by Pat Baranowski to have been done to her. I know that the original elders of Harvest thought they could keep James accountable despite the knowledge that he had glaring character flaws from the beginning. Yes, probably a number of your listeners are aware of the situation where the Ortbergs and Mellados had tried to report to the board an alleged long term affair that Bill Hybels was engaged in and the church hired an outside investigator to investigate the situation. But you lose the guarding mechanism, which I think in todays in todays cultural moment, its probably the most important aspect of eldering. He is with us today to talk about growing communication skills to improve preaching as well as how we can find deeper fulfillment in our work and lives. Hes one of the good guys. This was something that was very deeply ingrained in their culture. I dont agree with a lot of his views, but he said something and it is true, we need to have, you know, church leader needs to have two voices, one for gathering the sheep and one for scaring away wolves. Yes, I would view it far differently today. But theres a sense that the Church of Jesus Christ Universal is represented all throughout not just the United States but the world. He even cites a conversation with Darrell Bock, a member who disagrees with the elders but who also says it is not an issue worth dividing over. I was blown away. He even cites a conversation with Darrell Bock, a member who disagrees with the elders but who also says it is not an issue worth dividing over. That was my upbringing. Leave them alone. I can see the elders (more than half of which were women), and people in general saying, It was only a hug. Its my understanding that was a watershed moment. I want to thank Pete too for advocating for women participating fully in leadership and for Libby modeling what it means to be a true helper (ezer kenegdo). The thief knows how to how to get through that lock, right? And I remember you saying once that you had gotten a manual, I think it was from the ECFA, and boy, we could talk about them. Continue Reading The Upper Room: John 15 Posted by Nate Murray They need accountability. That is a very fair question. So I was quite taken aback when this scandal came out. So he said something about so and sos clothing. This is simply a place where I share the message of Gods unadulterated grace through my preaching sermons and bible teaching. About Stuart and Jill Briscoe Just what I call a deformed leadership culture at the church where certain things became acceptable that shouldnt. I I encourage you to start praying again and trust God to open doors for you in godly and meaningful fellowship. At least, thats how I saw it. Boy, and if more churches did that, how much pain and heartache among the sheep would have been spared? Is that right? Because we represent their interests. After a failed attempt to travel alone in his truck out west, he came to church with us that very day. And Im good friends with her husband Scott Dyer as well. I wonder, I wonder what effect that might have had on them. None at all. How do you get people to come to church when there are more authentic people in the bars? I think that was a move of God, a move of the Holy Spirit. Your browser does not support JavaScript. And Hybels said, essentially, Yeah, well, well do it that way. And Clinton showed up and then didnt comply with anything that the board had said. Through Petes teaching on Sundays and through various conversations with other staff members during the week, God shifted my perspective on what it means to live life in Christ one from my own efforts to please God to one of Christs efforts on my behalf to love me deeply, extravagantly, and permanently. But you had said you had gotten this manual and it was about, you know, basically how to be an elder and how to lead. Im Julie Roys. Mitch is an attorney, a church elder and an advocate for abuse victims. Now, I coach pastors and business leaders in communications and self-care. It involves a level of compartmentalization that is truly stunning. Julie, thats whats so interesting about this story to me as I got deeper into it, I started to understand That, you know, when you go to the movies, and you see a story, you expect, okay, that guys the villain. Basically, theyre a rubber stamp., Julie, I have a different take on what happened at WCC. Literally thousands of people have come to know Jesus under Bill Hybels teaching and yet, he was morally bankrupt at the same time. Why did so many look the other way for so long? Amen. Great question. Because I often wonder what would have happened if he had come back and you know, not been well are not been really able to do his job but said, You know what, Ive got to do this. This is the you know, erither, I need the job, or, This ministry completes me. or whatever, whatever the excuse is. Gifted with wisdom, discernment, and his resignation is effective March 31, 2019 limited contact with him that! 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