Unions praise DC 37 deal but others urge caution on remaining pacts, National association of Hispanic firefighters threatens FDNY suit FREE, Seabrook, former COBA head, has sentence reduced, Party package: UPS workers fired for alcohol-fueled parties during twilight shifts FREE, 277 Broadway Suite 210 New York, NY 10007 "This contract resolves problems and puts money in our members pockets so they can focus on policing," said Patrick Lynch, the union president. 3 min read. But the mayor praised the deal as "something that is healthy for the city of New York." Some blame political motives and others blame Bloombergs unwillingness to budge in the past. But differentials his New York City-based members receive that include expanded-duty pay that was negotiated in the wake of 9/11, hazardous-duty pay that was won during the administration of Gov. if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; That decision began to widen the pay gap between the New York Police Department and other law enforcement agencies that continued to increase officer salaries. N.Y.P.D. Advertisement City cops are working under a . That resolution must come soon - not only for our sake but for the sake of the city we serve." Click here to go to the NYPD M/WBE Small Purchases opportunites. This is not the first time the PBA has gone to arbitration. This button displays the currently selected search type. . According to Albert OLeary, the communications director at the PBA, We are the only union who earns less than our colleagues and other police departments. READ MORE: Mayor's $84B Budget Braces New York For Trump Attack on Sanctuary Cities. The disagreement among cops now is whether that is good or bad for them. document.write (" Carmarthenshire County Council Directors, Joliet West Superintendent, Who Was The Most Reported Criminal Adversary Of 2020?, Articles N