arcturian healing meditationarcturian healing meditation
I first became aware of the Arcturians through one ofDavid K Millers channelled booksThe Sacred Triangle Volume 1. I didnt know where to turn, I didnt have anyone to talk to, I didnt have the tools. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. As you know, the first step is the intellectual knowledge of truth which may come from a book, another person, or simply from within. Ready to get started or have additional questions? Thanks for submitting, I will be in touch in the next 48 hours. We are pleased to connect with all of you. What I didnt realize was the harder I worked to fit in and impress everyone else, the more I lost myself along the way. Then wait for the magic to happen. Im with you on this journey, should you choose me and thank you for taking the time to read a piece of my story. These are again sealed with Golden-White light from the Christ Grid. For as long as I can remember I knew that I was different. They have also asked for people to put on my Facebook their experiences from the meditations. These seals. Channelled material in the main body of the website is taken from David's many books. I will be using the Omega Light to transform my body into higher luminosity that will all my physical body to ascend with me., Gevurah is the sword of strength of the Kaballistic Tree of Life. We generate a custom path to balance and healing with you, using our many different modalities. All the practices and efforts you have made in other lifetimes and this one were moving you to where you could finally let go, rest back, and know; That which I have been seeking, I already am. For donating, please view the following page by clicking here. Know that struggling and effort do not lift a person into a higher state of consciousness. Spring Equinox Meditation by Arcturian Healing Method Podcast 4 4 Well, this is embarrassing! Thank You. Lining up plans in Provo? Tone the color you associate with the scene you saw. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The overarching purpose of the Arcturian Healing Method is compassion and service. Oh no, I think is the Arcturian Healing Light Meditation for the Blue Healing Light and the actually the attunement was Arcturian Attunement for Psychic Gift Boost for psychic health for raising your psychic clairs, and they helped so much. The first level is a number of transmissions, meditations, and knowledge meant to increase participants healing abilities through building one's energetic structure. Meditate upon the numbers 9 and 5 with the forms of the pentagram and pentacle. Lord Arcturus has constructed this chamber uniquely to work on physical health issues and ascension symptoms. But everything that is there now in your life and on your world is there as a catalyst to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and we know that the energies being provided to you throughout the month of March are going to help enormously towards that goal. The ongoing Ascension process into 5D consciousness invites you to embrace your humanity as you embody your Divinity! Immediately the Arcturian Helio-Ah came in through my crown, down into my heart and started working with me. To make things a little easier you can ask the Arcturians to place an invisible superconducting crystal plate to be anchored into the third eye. In 2017, at the age of 30. I will put our Zoom details in the description and look forward to many more people joining us live. For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: They have been with us for so long, as they have birthed us and have been watching us from afar. . Rise above the mineral world, to the world of trees and flowers and identify yourself in love and sympathy with the power of the elements behind these. On Arcturus, the Arcturians have these chambers where they use sound frequency to heal. For more information on his work refer to websiteDavid Miller Group of Forty. Take Merkabah back to your physical body. We then carried on to other power spots, to clear, awaken and bring through the Christ consciousness flowing through the lines. Thank you <3
---- It was then I decided to divorce my husband and unknowingly this resulted in a series of what I then, perceived to be catastrophic events, but now consider my lifes greatest blessings. Ultimately we achieve the enlightened state of Christ consciousness embodiment where we are free to leave the cycle of Earth incarnations and ascend. I do recommend giving dedicated time to this with earphones and laying down. Her greatest teachers these days are her two bright-eyed, energetic children in Portland, Maine. It is time. Me and my Arcturian aspect Binkh provide a bridge in this guided meditation for you to connect with the healing chamber that is waiting for you! Of course, in TAG we have so much of the past TAG in the program all . Receiving healing from the Arcturians also brings a much vaster perspective on life, the universe and everything and brings increased spiritual awareness in the direction of transcendence. We are the Arcturian Council. I incorporate healing modalities such as: spiritual guidance/counseling, Reiki, channeling, activations, sound healing, PEMF therapy, infrared sauna blanket, crystal therapy, essential oils, smudging, angel cards, breath work, kundalini yoga and more! All rights reserved. The violet flame has been firmly anchored in Tregura, Spanish Pyrenees and is echoeing around the planet. God the Mother. He describes how the Divine Feminine has been present all along as Wisdom, God's essential partner in the creation of the cosmos: It is no small thing to note that Wisdom is feminine. It is advisable to focus entirely on connecting or opening your channel to the Arcturians for healing by desisting from any worldly activities. November 2021 Arcturian Pillar or Light Meditation by Arcturian Healing Method Podcast 4 4 Well, this is embarrassing! In fact the possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination. It has been said that when Glastonbury and Shaftsbury unite we will come into Christ Consciousness. I was in abusive relationships, experienced infidelity more than once and sexual harassment in the workplace. What could it be made from if IT is all that exists? elevated state of mind, coherent heart body in alignment with inner universe for ultimate expansion. From where you are sitting right now, you would have to jump to a very different timeline in order for it to be completed in that short amount of time that we have just given you as examples. With a diploma in Integrative Healing Arts from the Southwest Institute for Healing Arts, Rachel is a life coach, hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher, intuitive reader, tree-hugger and loves to talk to angels. I picked up the book, read one paragraph and decided I needed to meditate with the information. Everything is being blamed on the elites it was always and is the everyday people who are conducting everyday evil, in the family homes child abusers as family members, at a work place, in the schools down to the grocery stores. Rabbi Rami Shapiro is a Jewish contemplative and interfaith teacher, well-versed in the Hebrew Scriptures. 2 ebook, Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings Book, Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials A Master Course, How to Attract Your Soulmate and/or Twin Flame A Master Course, Raise Your Vibration & Ascend to the 5th Dimension, Creating Your Reality & Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams Master Course, Accessing the Healer Within for Healing Yourself & Others A Master Course, Creating Abundance, Manifesting Wealth & Allowing Money In A Master Course, Connecting to Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, E.T.s & Other Beings of Light & Love Master Course, Perfect Health, Infinite Vitality & Ideal Body Weight A Master Course, Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Starting a Spiritual Business A Master Course, Free Guided Meditation Archangel Michael, All the Guided Meditations from the Beings & Collectives Daniel Channels, Follow Daniel on Social Media & Subscribe to His Youtube Channel, The March 2023 Energies The 9D Arcturian Council, Five Simple Steps to Raise Your Vibration The 9D Arcturian Council, How to Become a Spiritual Master The 9D Arcturian Council, This is How You Shift Your Consciousness The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. Spiritually, mentally and physically. We had a very special event in Stonehenge on Ascension Day, May 13th.I have never experienced such a huge group of energies with us, it seemed that all star systems, ascended masters, angels and archangels, even cosmic beings were with us from the entire Galaxy and beyond. We are the Arcturian Group. Ultraviolet Angelic Fire-Solar Angelic Fire Transmission: Clearing and Healing the Pain Body. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Ive supported clients through stress reduction, physical injury, mental illness, accident recovery, pre/post-surgery, cancer, fertily, grief, galactic activations, energetic cord cutting, sexual trauma, familial trauma, divorce, job loss, spiritual awakening and much more! Therefore, the energies coming in for the month of March are very supportive of you making that final release of the heaviness of an attachment, and we are talking about attachment to anything at all, even having a fairy tale romance. Arcturians are higher-dimensional beings of pure light and of a very high vibration, who helped seed the human race, and their love is infinite and so healing. This is usually the start of a metaphysical phase in which the truth student seeks out different methods and techniques for attaining spirituality. It is Divinely guided through the form of the Arcturians. I am here for you no matter what, in person or in the virtual realm! The Arcturians would love you to join us. My teens were not easy, neither were my twenties. We hope you found something here that sparked your interest and assists you in your awakening journey. The degree of focus required is normally gained through many years of meditating, learning and remembering how to do so. It is Divinely guided through the form of the Arcturians. A huge amount of energy came through for Gaia and even out into the Galaxy. It was so sweet to see as I was guiding this meditation that the Arcturians are . Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. Email: nayachcarol@gmail.comFacebook: Carol Nayach Arcturian Light arcturian_light_londonZoom Meeting ID: 9829596972, Carol Nayach Website created by Web Joy. Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel facilitates groups of soul-seekers and spiritual entrepreneurs, has a meditation podcast called The Courageous Path and writes a lot. It requires superhuman effort to teleport your etheric and physical bodies. This is a submission of energy for your approval. From then on I worked to become a clear channel for the Arcturian energies and as my ability developed I discovered I could channel the energies of many higher beings including Jesus/Sananda, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Metatron, etc. Cease your struggles and rest in what is. As part of a protection routine, these methods also help protect you from intrusions whilst asleep when most vulnerable to psychic disturbances. Ask to be taken to this emotional healing chamber on an Arcturian lightship, through meditation. This is a matrix of light that is anchored into you by the Arcturians to pull out all negative ego programming from your conscious and subconscious minds, and from your etheric energy fields. Let go of all struggle and effort to achieve what in reality is simply a concept. I lived a fast life, one with great responsibility at too early of an age. The Arcturians are our friendly neighbours and star family who are in a high dimensional frequency offering multidimensional healing frequencies to humanity during this time of our great awakening. Meditate upon the waxing and waning crescents, while visualizing a silver crescent upon an indigo background. Join our online portal as a member with exclusive content and a community forum! I know it can be scary and I know how hard it can be sometimes but you dont need to do it alone. Copyright 2021 Presence Healing Inc - All Rights Reserved. They study, take classes, do rituals, get healing work, have readings, while continuing to believe that they have not yet attained because they dont feel spiritual and their concepts of spirituality have not manifested. Identify oneself with the powers of water, considering water triplicity in all its aspects.This spiritual meditation is to feel the core within you. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Meditation Suitable for Everyone Plays 63k In this session, you will be exposed to a variety of Arcturian Healing Frequencies to support and improve your sleep. Arcturian Love and Joy Chamber: This healing involves a chamber on an Arcturian Starship that one can connect to in meditation that can fill one's being with an intense frequency of Love and Joy. Arcturian healing. The Arcturian healing chambers are available any time that you need the energetic/sound/light support for emotional, spiritual, chakral, mental, and physical healing. CLICK HERE TO JOIN LIVE. These methods involve cosmic codes of consciousness, which work together with Star Magic, that act as keys the unlock portals to all 13 Chakras and all of the 7 subtle bodies. Get 10% off your first purchase when you sign up for our newsletter! Then mentally formulate the cube, and endeavor to discover the significance of this figure and its correspondances. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Visualize it in your mind and being inside of it. Every Monday - 11am UK Time - Arcturian Light Transmissions. Many serious truth students continue to struggle and put great effort into becoming what they believe they must become in order to be spiritual. Thank you for considering me to be part of your journey! Their healing works in all dimensions of space and time so that a healing in the now will ripple out to all of your lifetimes across all dimensions. Arcturian light computers will very precisely infuse that particular region and any other area of the physical body you requested with high vibration healing light. It is all about letting go at this point, and what you are mostly letting go of are perspectives, beliefs, identities, things that have no place in the fifth dimension. The combination of these two methods completely clears your energy field of all stuck and stagnant energies. This divine healing method is a set of new healing tools and cosmic energies inspired by higher beings from the star system Arcturus. Please note in person sessions are limited to Tuesdays & Thursdays, with limited availability on Saturdays. We see them being born every day on your planet, and we recognize the allure of them, even to those of you who are spiritually awake. We sometimes travel there in guided meditations. Look up psychological warfare and pray for your neighbors. Subscribe 56K views 1 year ago In this meditation the Arcturians create three Protective Blue Healing Spheres. Looking out on the universe from this standpoint, identify with the earth spirits in love and sympathy. We are seen with deep love, devotion, admiration and unconditional love by these Arcturian mothers. Our thanks to him for the enormous volume of material he has channelled and published from the Arcturians. Ive manifested an incredible life partner who loves me unconditionally and together we have created a beautiful and abundant life for ourselves and my daughter. If you appreciate what we do, please support us. Love is the key. You are not alone and dont have to go through this alone. The Arcturian Stargate is a place of unimaginable beauty and an incredible energy of love. A session begins with me getting to know you, understanding why youre here, what your needs are. The first level is a number of transmissions, meditations, and knowledge meant to increase participants healing abilities through building one's energetic structure. 2 ebook, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol. My entire life as I knew it blew up. Over eons of time world consciousness has become one in which generation after generation continues to believe in and promote the idea that pain, suffering, lack, war, disease, limitation, death, and separation between God, people, and all life forms is Gods creation. Repeat with eyes closed visualizing the Earth, 5th Dimensional Travel, Telepathy, Bilocation, and Biorelativity, Begin with thought-projection in consciousness, Create/choose a Merkavah (vehicle for 5th dimensional travel) chariot. All our Meditations, Q&As and Teachings now go out Live on Zoom. Interested in hosting a group sound bath for an event, celebration or retreat? Many become aware of truth and are ready for it, but choose instead to ignore it in the realization that it would interfere with their present comfortable and well established belief system. The Arcturians have been asking me for some time to use social media to increase our numbers. Matthew Ward Message: Effects of Intensifying Light, The 9D Arcturian Council: The March 2023 Energies. In this meditation, we receive crystalline starlight to activate our hearts and our lightbodies, in a form of psychic surgery as energetic blocks are removed from our bodies. Our thanks to him for the enormous volume of material he has channelled and published from the Arcturians. You will ascend, and this will be the lifetime in which you do it. Other addictions must be avoided or limited including sugar, alcohol, smoking, and limit intake of all drugs. Request to be transported to an Arcturian lightship, such as the starship Athena which is currently in our solar system. Offered via package only. To prepare for any healing find a relaxing place, sit or lie down, and set your intention. This is a DNA activation and energetic healing meditation that channels Arcturian energy to help us align and clear. They also offer detox from toxicities/densities and upgrades and galactic activation codes. We have quite a lovely transmission for you all today. Our mission is to assist you in your ascension process and the ascension of your planet. This step by step guide shall help any wanderer get a start-up to Arcturian Meditation. Live from your highest level of awareness in every moment trusting that your Higher Self knows when you are spiritually ready for your next step. It is now time for us to find each and come together as we unite to ascend this beautiful Planet Earth. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This lattice work can then be used for emotional healing by Dr Lorphan of Andromeda together with the Sirians. The divine feminine energy there is very anchored, with a huge plate of quartz Crystal beneath so Divine Love was able to be channelled through in huge quantities and received by Gaia, increasing the amount of Love on the planet. I found the tools to heal myself, I gave myself permission, I nurtured myself along the way, I treated myself with kindness and respect. A grid of Christed light is gradually building through Gaias heart chakra as the power spots are cleared and awakened. The Arcturians have created for us all the spiritual technology we need for the ascension. And as we said earlier, even being a leader in that movement can become an attachment if you think that it has to be you. We would love to hear from you. Access the most powerful transformational meditation library on the planet and accelerate your ascension journey. Of a similar function to ascension seats, this chamber also assists beings with synthesizing and harmonising your levels of awareness and higher light into all levels of body. Also, ask the Arcturians to reprogram your biochemical etheric makeup to ensure it is in resonance with your physical body structure. Seek their meaning and correspondences. The wave of the tone will synchronize with the heartbeat.This is third eye meditation. I saw things differently and my surroundings never made sense to me. Make notes of the pictures that arise in your mind. One day, my body couldnt handle all the stress anymore and I found myself bed ridden, experiencing seizures, fainting, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, extreme sensitivities, severe depression, increased HR, brain fog, chronic fatigue, pain and inflammation. Never fear anything outside of yourSelf. They also offer detox from toxicities/densities and upgrades and galactic activation codes. If at any time Client needs medical, legal, financial, and/or psychological treatment, it is Clients responsibility to seek it out. Visit for Akashic Records readings, free handouts and meditations. They wish to help us to fulfil our soul mission as Lightworkers and Starseeds. My spiritual journey over the last few years has been the most rewarding period of my life and I feel such love and appreciation for the Arcturians, guides and teachers who have supported me, loved me, guided me and accelerated my growth and evolution. So you can see how that weakens the attachment that you have to that particular scenario. You also meet your Arcturian guide/aspect who offers messages/visions for you to take in. Contemplate the symbol of mercury and the number 8. Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies such as the Metatron, Melchizedek, & Arcturian Mandala Healing Frequencies are added to fully empower the transmission. From being attuned as a Reiki Master, I am able to channel universal life force energy for the purpose of helping one heal mentally, spiritually and physically. This is the synthesis of liberation, enlightenment and full body to energy ascension without any amnesia. These cookies do not store any personal information. Arcturian Prana Wind-clearing Device: A useful tip to boost your connection with the Arcturians is to spend a few minutes daily clearly visualising with your heart and all your senses that you are greeted by the Arcturians and you are then taken to a healing area on their spaceship Athena or to their temple on Arcturus. Then draw a cube. Dark, low resonating energy cannot enter into, align with, or affect high resonating Light energy which is why you need not concern yourself with or fear the demons and evil that some individuals and groups tell you to fear and protect yourself against. Thanks so much! (These Arcturians have showed up more and more in the Akashic Records recently they have big eyes and a crystalline blue/purple/silver color) Our spiritual technology is very advanced and we wish to teach you how to heal and ascend your planet and yourselves. As i knew that i was guiding this meditation that channels Arcturian energy to help us to fulfil soul. With your consent your browser only with your physical body structure Pyrenees and is echoeing around the planet or! A relaxing place, sit or lie down, and this will be in touch in the.... Getting to know you, understanding why youre arcturian healing meditation, what your needs are request to be.! Healing Spheres view the following page by clicking here fulfil our soul as! Look up psychological warfare and pray for your approval notifications of new posts by email the significance of this and! Why youre here, what your needs are readings, free handouts and meditations long, as have! 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