Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Many of these are advantages for wellness and creativity. Louise Gaille - 16 Advantages and Disadvantages of Being A Police Of All rights reserved. Consequently, it may also be hard for police officers to build trust with others and to make really good friends since they may always mistrust people right from the beginning. Consequently, apart from your decent salary, you will also be able to save money on many occasions in your daily life, which makes becoming a police officer even more attractive from a financial standpoint. Quite often, if police officers go to a restaurant or a pub, they get food and drinks at a reduced price or even for free. Furthermore, the use of discretion helps to foster police and judicial economy. As an associate, I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon or other programs. The major pro of being a police detective would be that the work would be interesting and intellectually stimulating. Especially if this case is revealed in public, chances are that there will be huge shitstorms on social media and the pressure to fire you will be enormous. 1. These officers tend to work more proactively with community members to resolve issues and prevent problems rather than only reacting to incidents when called. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-box-4','ezslot_14',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-box-4-0');Consequently, we should thank police officers for what they are doing for us so that they feel the appreciation they deserve. Cons of a Career as a Probation Officer. Id like to think it made me a better person. 39 Pros & Cons Of Being A Police Officer. If you have made bad decisions in the past and have an extensive criminal record, your chances of becoming accepted as a police officer will be almost zero in most states. In turn, you will get to know each other quite well and your colleagues will become your second family. Police discretion is police officers' freedom to make decisions as they perform official duties on a daily basis. Racing through traffic to crime scenes, risking being shot and approaching unsuspecting criminals are just some of the daily activities that make being a police officer dangerous. Police body cameras provide visual and audio evidence that can independently verify events. Studies have found that a small proportion of police officers about 5% produce most citizen complaints, and officers with a two-year degree are about half as likely to be in the high-rate complaint group. There is just that much insecurity involved in this job that you will never know when you are called to the next operation. Policemen also learn how to deal with difficult people early on in their careers. America has created its own monster. In fact, attacks and insults towards police officers have increased quite a lot over the past years. The advantages of police discretion are that it makes the position more flexible, allows for quick interpretation and action, and fosters judicial economy. Uniform Stories covers an array of subjects like field stories, entertaining anecdotes, and expert opinions. Read several examples of police discretion in use. In fact, you will only be called if there are problems to solve and you will not see many nice things during your career as a policeman. The job is simply too hard for that and you would just not become happy if you dont have an inner motivation for it. This makes it really difficult since you will never know whether you will be able to pick up your kids the next week or not. You may also just not be eligible for a career as a police officer. WebShare Cite. If discretion in law enforcement is used in a wrongful manner, it has great potential for being abused out of the field. If you dont get any support from the right influential people, your chances of making it to the top will be almost zero. Hence, dont think that your job as a police officer is entirely safe. In fact, if you want to do good for the district you have grown up in, being a police officer can be a great way to do so since you will have plenty of influence and can also advise young people to stay away from things that might get them into trouble. Because of the high level of responsibility, police are held to high standards by internal affairs and the general public. In fact, it can even make you much stronger and overcoming our fears is crucial to really grow in character and to develop a more stable personality. If you are still not sure yet, you may have some friends who are police officers and can give you some additional information on this topic. These charities bridge community partnerships and sometimes close the gap of societal isolation plaguing officers who disassociate. Many police officers just have a hard time dealing with this fact and try to suppress it. A 'thin blue line' also exists with police discretion. succeed. WebPhotos by Chris Roussakis. Research has also shown that police officers themselves recognize the value of a college degree. An example of police discretion is when a car gets pulled over for speeding. Gabrielle Nicolet has been writing and editing professionally since 2004. If officers had to ask permission from judges for every decision they were faced with, this would be inefficient and costly. Now let's look at another example. Many police officers are also not happy with their overall working environment. Police enjoy a high status and reputation in society, since policing is a well-respected position. As a police officer, you can also work in many different fields. One Grade 9 student said that the presence of police officers made the high school feel safer than other schools. Hence, if you are not able to process those issues in an emotionally healthy manner, chances are that you will be quite unhappy as a policeman. We cant sit still nor do we seem to have the mindset at times to settle down at home. The use of discretion allows the police officer the flexibility necessary to perform their job. We have come to an age where the public thinks the system and the police have a solution for their every problem. Police work is particularly dynamic and no day is the same. However, some police officers quit their jobs after a while due to the dangers they no longer want to be exposed to. This does not mean that police officers can make unlawful decisions, but rather that they must use their knowledge of what is lawful and reasonable and what is unlawful and unreasonable to make appropriate decisions in stressful circumstances. Police discretion is used while officers are performing their official day-to-day duties. In fact, many police officers have an inner motivation to protect the people they already know from early childhood. Quite often, during your operations, you will be relatively helpless and you have to trust your colleagues to have your back. Of the 60,105 assaulted officers, 31% sustained injuries. Many police officers also suffer from serious mental issues. Policing is a very dangerous job. In fact, there are countless career opportunities out there and you should just choose the one that seems to be right for you. Many police officers receive medical, vision and dental insurance. Many people also underestimate the amount of paperwork police officers have to deal with. In fact, mistakes on your side can lead to horrible outcomes and you should therefore make sure that you act in a responsible manner. Many people hail police officers as being heroes and consider them to be brave and helpful people they can count on to come to their rescue in a time of need. In the long run, officers are becoming physically and mentally stronger, which helps to ward off depression and disease. Police officers also have to make really difficult decisions. In Texas, a police officer was fired, charged with murder, and sentenced to a $10,000 fine and 15 years in prison after body-worn camera footage contradicted his initial statement in the Apr. In murder cases, an aggravating factor might include whether the defendant committed the crime in an especially heinous, cruel, or depraved manner. Often police officers have to deal with angry, distressed citizens or people who do not want to cooperate, which can make police work feel like a thankless job. With all these ambitious peers and competitive factors pressuring us, who wants to be at the bottom? It is a natural outcome of being on the force with an abundance of Type A personalities. Those who truly love the work will go to extra lengths for others. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Pro: Youre a hero! Copyright 2023 Discretion in criminal justice is present at all levels of the system and in its bureaucracies. You can get our highlights each weekend. Law enforcement is ever-evolving, and so is the person occupying the uniform. List of the Advantages of Police Discretion 1. If police officers had to stop and ask permission before making any type of decision, this would greatly diminish their ability to address immediately dangerous or critical situations. Officer discretion is a useful and necessary part of an officer's ability to do their job, as police officers must often make quick, in-the-moment decisions that cannot wait for specific laws to be consulted or reviewed. Higher education has been shown to enhance the technical training that police get in the academy or on the job. This can be rather annoying, especially if you have a family and dont know how to manage your private life since you often dont know the exact hours of your shift. This could mean that they think that somebody follows them to their house when there will actually nobody be there. Each specialized duty boasts about its place in the organization and those assigned sometimes try to outshine the others in performance while respecting the independent functions. 551 lessons. During your career as a police officer, you will also learn quite a lot of patience. They protect the community or certain neighborhoods and work to reduce crime rates. If the judge decides on life imprisonment, they can decide whether or not the convicted party will ever get the chance for parole, and after how many years they will be eligible for parole. Since there will always be people who dont comply with the law, police officers will always be needed and your future job prospects will be quite decent. Also make sure to check out the following articles: Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a dentist, Advantages and disadvantages of becoming an actor,, Many police officers are also not able to deal with the emotional burden that comes along with their job. Add to that the ability to help people on a daily basis and this line of work can be very fulfilling. At the beginning of your career, you will likely be rather intimidated and insecure regarding how to handle difficult situations. In fact, your colleagues will become your second family since you simply spend so much time with them. A college education helps officers become better at identifying quality information and scientific evidence. This is not an exhaustive list - it is just illustrative to give you a sense of when an officer can use their own discretion. Many children dream of becoming a police officer. Learn about the practice of police discretion and how police officers make decisions based on the best possible situational outcome. Being a police officer in America is a tough job.. finds relevant news, identifies important training information, In fact, teamwork is key during your operations and if you have colleagues that dont have your back, you may even lose your life due to that. This can be rather unclear in many situations and one mistake in this regard can even cost your life. If you make mistakes, you may also get fired. If you dont like your colleagues or your work environment at all, you can still be transferred to a different department where conditions will hopefully be much better. Officer Bob sees the person assault a passerby and must now use his discretion to decide whether he will intervene and possibly draw and use his weapon, or call for back up assistance. Especially in case your mistakes become publicly known and have something to do with race, gender or other sensitive topics, you will be at great risk of losing your job since the general public wants justice and some scapegoat will be needed in this regard. Good since not many people want to do this job. Also if you think that police officers have a relaxed life, you should think twice. There are advantages and disadvantages of police discretion, just like there are pros and cons of being a cop. Thus, if you have those ambitions, make sure that you connect to the right people and do your job extraordinarily well. An aggravating factor is an aspect of crime that increases an act's severity and culpability. Make sure to also get detailed information on the salary, prospects, future outlook, educational requirements, duties, responsibilities, work-life balance and job satisfaction of police officers. Higher education and police reform efforts are at a critical juncture. Some employers Danger at Work. Police officers with at least some college experience are more focused on promotion and expect to retire at a higher rank compared to officers with no college. We can no longer look at the world we live in the same way. To begin, it can result in unnecessary escalation, injury or death. Thus, no job is the same and job descriptions may not completely fit your individual experiences. Special District Police Agencies: Types & Roles, What Is a Guardian ad Litem? My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people about the different career paths that are possible in our current state of the world. Bureau of Labor Statistics: OOH: Police and Detectives, Police One: The Pros and Cons of Being a Police Officer. 1. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_18',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');While many other jobs can be automized in the near future and many people will lose their jobs due to that, this will not be true for police officers. Thus, every goodbye will sound strange and will have a sad implication of what might happen sooner or later. If your colleagues make mistakes, you could potentially lose your life. What makes us this way? Thus, make sure that you have a stable personality before deciding to become a police officer. Enter and click OK. You may not only lose your job, you may even have to pay high fines and this could ruin you also from a financial perspective. Those attributes we contract from experience tend to become permanent character traits. and manufacturers. Police officers keep our streets safe and resolve conflicts between people on a daily basis. Many policemen stay awake at night and think about the bad things that they have experienced during the day. The Disadvantages of Being a Police OfficerDanger Is Everywhere. The biggest issue with being a police officer is the simple fact that it is extremely dangerous. Pay Is Disappointing. You would think that with all of the dangers associated with being a police officer that the pay would reflect that, but sadly, it doesnt.Crazy Hours. Training Is Crazy. WebSome advantages of giving full police authority to private police are authority to address a wider range of criminal activity, improved security-officer morale, improved career If the police had to consult with other officers or go to a judge every time they needed to make an on-the-job determination, this would result in a drain not only on the economy but also on the overall law enforcement and judicial systems. Of course, to succeed in this regard, you also have to build a strong network over time. Consequently, if you are not willing to take this risk, you should definitely go for a different career path instead. Officers with a bachelors degree reportedly: have fewer citizen complaints choose options short of an arrest to resolve problems are less authoritarian are more ethical have fewer disciplinary problems compared to their high school graduate counterparts What are the reported disadvantages of a bachelors degree? Most young people have a relatively nave view of how the job as a policeman really looks like and most hopes and wishes will fade soon. As you can see, there are many additional benefits for police officers and this can compensate for the relatively low salary policemen get at the beginning of their careers. It also requires plenty of paperwork and also legal knowledge. Another advantage of becoming a police officer is that it can also help you overcome your fears. As a police officer, you have the power to significantly improve the conditions in your neighborhood since you can send people who behave in a criminal manner to court and many of them will end up in jail and can no longer have a bad influence on your neighborhood. You can make a huge difference in many peoples lives over the span of a careerand in Another advantage of being a policeman is that you can keep your neighborhood safe. Due to the bad things and the difficult decisions they have to make during their shifts, many police officers also suffer from serious sleeping issues. - Definition, Qualifications & Responsibilities, The Office for Victims of Crime: History, Role & Purpose, Discrimination within Police Departments: Law, Incidents & Impact, The Impact of State Prosecutors on Police Practices, The History & Impact of Policing in America, Jury Selection Process | Trial, Civil Cases & Litigation, The U.S. Court Systems & History | Overview & Purpose of the Dual-Court System. However, the police have to use their discretion when deciding to perform a search. In fact, if people know that your family and friends know a police officer quite well, they will often act in a more respectful manner since they know that they can get into all sorts of trouble if they misbehave. For example, many departments employ de-escalation tactics that aim to reduce use of force. Fraternal relationships in law enforcement are very strong. So are The Conversations authors and editors. In fact, many police officers see things during their career that are that disgusting that they have difficulties to mentally process and to forget them their whole lives. Officers are afforded the opportunity to use their best judgement and knowledge to make decisions. It is also not that easy to become a police officer. As I went to university and got my Masters degree in Economics, I did plenty of research in the field of Development Economics. These sources are experts and educators within their profession. In fact, there is plenty of frustration around in the cop world since many people just had different plans for their lives and thought that being a cop would just be different. Imagine that Officer Bob is on patrol when he notices that an automobile is driving in the rain without its lights on, which is against the law in the state. If you are thinking about becoming a police officer, you should first consider the many advantages and disadvantages of this profession. This can be either an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your perspective. There are advantages to police discretion, such as allowing officers the flexibility to perform their job, allowing officers to make quick determinations when applying statutory law, and fostering judicial economy. Police officers run the risk of misinterpreting a statute and violating someone's rights. However, the majority of the general public is still thankful for the help and security police officers ensure on our streets. Denying reality gets you killed. There are many instances throughout a police officer's day-to-day work where they can decide how to respond to a situation using their own best judgement and wisdom rather than a strict law. Uniform Stories features a variety of contributors. WebOne important advantage of being a police officer is that cops have a pretty high reputation in society. Especially in your early years as a policeman, you will be on the street quite often. It is unique devotion to people which comes along with the territory. These are held in a tiny little space inside our heads often referred to as Pandoras box which complicates our moods and influences. By far, the residual payoffs outweigh the bad. Along with the good, we get hit with the bad. Imagine a world without police. Since you will have to resolve conflicts on a regular basis and also have many stressful days during your career, chances are that you will stay in shape. In other words, the statute may indicate that a certain act is illegal; the police officer can then expeditiously make an arrest based upon his interpretation. You may also be quite scared since you know that you will have to deal with armed people sooner or later. A critical step in knowing whether an approach is achieving its intended goal is evaluating its impact. They also get paid for family leave, sick leave, vacation and long-term disabilities. Official websites use .gov Some exposures to police work change us for the better and others for the worse. Being a police officer is inherently dangerous, and each day In fact, you will spend plenty of time together and will be able to talk about myriads of different topics. 7. You always feel secure.. My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people of all ages about our environmental problems and how everyone can make a contribution to mitigate these issues. Similarly, researchers have found that officers with at least a two-year degree were 40% less likely to lose their jobs due to misconduct. $55,000 per year on average, ranging from $45,000 to $75,000 per year. This will also be quite hard for yourself since you will never know whether you will see your kids again or not. Police officers are given the freedom to use police discretion and make decisions on the job and in the heat of the moment. Leana Bouffard does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. In many states, it is also not easy to become a police officer. Officer Bob pulls the car over and requests the driver's license and registration. This also means that you have to interact with the general public on a daily basis and you will also be the one who has to solve conflicts. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. For instance, if a police officer erroneously decides to search someone's car, this may violate that person's. Thus, make sure that you also have backup plans in case you will not be suitable for a police career. This will not only make your life as a police officer easier, but you can also profit from it in your private life since the skill to make rational decisions under difficult circumstances is crucial to succeed in various parts of life in general. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Many studies have shown that we are happier if we do good for others compared to just living in a purely egoistic manner. Among other things, they say a college education improves ethical decision-making skills, knowledge and understanding of the law and the courts, openness to diversity, and communication skills. As we can see from the previous chapter, there are definitely many important advantages of working as a police officer. It permits the police to make quick and appropriate determinations under the circumstances and effectively use law enforcement and judicial resources. Giving officers the power to make determinations on the job without having to seek approval or permission frees up human and monetary resources. In turn, you will have pretty good job prospects and dont have to fear losing your job due to automatization in the near future. And damn, its a great job! If you are looking for a fast-paced, exciting career that will allow you to make a difference in your community, you may enjoy being a police officer. It enhances the status of the profession. Once the jury uses their discretion to render a verdict, the judge may use their discretion in sentencing. There will always be the risk to get injured or dying during your shift as a police officer. I show you all the pros and cons of being a police officer so you can make a profound decision of whether you still want to become a police officer or not. Resources in the criminal justice system are limited and must be used efficiently. The police discretion definition refers to the freedom of police officers to make decisions as they perform their official duties. Nicolet is also a certified nutrition, wellness and weight-management consultant with American Fitness Professionals and Associates. Chances are that it can get much better if you stay ambitious and try to get into different departments. The following are the types of decisions that might require a police officer to use their own discretion. I admit, this can be annoying at the beginning. Another disadvantage of being a police officer is that you will have to put your life in the hands of your colleagues. A lock ( Many citizens are shielded from the horrors we encounter. Expectation versus reality probably exists for all of us in different forms and fashions. For instance, one disadvantage of being a police officer is that you will not get rich. Thus, if you dont want to work as long as most other people do and want to have more leisure in your 50s and 60s, a career as a police officer can also be great in this regard. You still want to become a police officer? It's not a lame assignment or a job for a cop looking for a cushy job Leaders with a graduate degree are twice as likely to be familiar with evidence-based policing, which uses research to guide effective policy and practice. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-leader-2','ezslot_20',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-leader-2-0');Since you will often have to deal with difficult people and have to see many unpleasant things, you will soon take things less seriously and your overall frustration tolerance will increase as well. You will just have to live with the fact that your life could be over anytime. Regarding the use of force, officers whove graduated from college are almost 40% less likely to use force. Problem-oriented policing is a proactive strategy to identify crime problems in communities. Depending on the state you live in and your educational level, you can also earn pretty decent money from being a police officer. However, while you can do a great job for your community, it can be quite annoying and exhausting to work at nighttime. They are also terminated less frequently for misconduct and less likely to use force. It is often very exciting and spotted with adrenaline dumps. During your career, you will often have the chance to support people who urgently need it. Hence, make sure that your career is worth all this emotional stress to you before becoming a police officer. However, it can also be a dangerous, stressful and difficult job. You should really be convinced about it and should take your mission quite seriously. 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