The typical skills and competencies employers look for may not seem to have much in common with superpowers. Thats the theory covered, but how do you actually put this all together in a real interview scenario? As a result, the staff has a close connection with the hr department and we can work out policies and programs quite efficiently. Shapeshifting: You're capable of being flexible and adaptable. A former CEO of mine used to ask candidates whether they would board the spaceship from Mars if it appeared. Just imagine you could go invisible or to change your appearance with your thoughts. The simple answer to this question is that you bring with you the sum of your skills, experiences, achievements, values and enthusiasm for the company. Sundaram suggests that candidates frame their 'weakness' as an area in which they can see an opportunity to learn, develop . When you tell them your superpower, expect to get a follow-up question. This is a missed opportunity to get information about the company. When you answer, it gives them a fair idea of your thinking capacity, how you handle stressful situations. If youre curious to find out which superpower you should have, take What is my Superpower? What Is Your Superpower? They must be able to cope with the emotional rigours of the job while also delivering appropriate medical care to their patients. Throw on a smile, even if you need a few moments to think about an answer. This article has been fact checked by a third party fact-checking organization. This question aims to evaluate your knowledge of the supply chain process. The superpower question focuses upon the quality the candidate identifies as their biggest personal asset. 6. Interview Question ,How to answer? Learn the different variations of this question, Familiarize yourself with the most likely lead-up questions, Choose a power that actually aligns with your own strengths, Explain than connectin through real-life examples, Explain how this power will benefit you in the role. 1st Answer Example. Even when others take a break, I see no reason to take a break. The book draws on research in behavioral economics, neuroscience, and psychology along with Chance's decade of experience teaching "Mastering Influence and Persuasion," the most popular course at the Yale School of Management (SOM). The way to do this is by using a real-life example and showing some self-knowledge and self-reflection in your answer. Answer (1 of 528): This is one of my most favorite question and I'd tell you the same answer. They trust your intentions because they believe you won't do anything to intentionally try to harm them. "If I had one superpower, I'd like to create electricity. It's important to be honest and upfront when answering the questions you face in an interview. Below the answers I explain a couple of points you should keep on your mind while answering this one. + Remember, they are asking this question to better understand your personality and what makes you unique. Although its not as penetrating as the x-ray vision of Superman, Ive always had a knack for paying attention to the small details that most people dont pick up on. Extraordinary perception turns to strong empathy and emotional intelligence, bilocation eventually happens to be excellent planning, time management, and focus, and invisibility is in fact an ability to liberate oneself from ego, and do not participate in pointless conflicts and ego-boasting activities, which are present in every workplace In my opinion these are the best answers to any question about your superpowers, including If you had a superpower, what would it be?. ), Does PWC Send Rejection Emails After Interview [Definitive Guide! Most importantly, show the interviewer that you are someone who is capable of handling challenges and is willing to learn more. Miss Marvel saves the universe not because of her amazing team skills, time management or ability to prioritise; its because she has sheer superhuman endurance (and a sixth sense). Battling evil villains with elemental control? Are there any achievements youre particularly proud of, or times when you had to overcome obstacles in order to succeed? However, this question can be an intimidating one if one has not prepared well. Others use them to help them in their everyday lives. Interviewers often ask creative questions like this to assess your sense of judgment and how you present yourself. For example: My superpower is super speed. I would choose a superpower that could allow me to have unlimited hours in the day! Questions about your superpowers belongs to this group of questions. Finally, it invites you to focus upon the impact you could have on the organisation. No, its a tricky question thats a trick question. This Byte helped me better understand the topic. "If I could choose any superpower, I think I would pick flying. You're doing great until the interviewer asks: To better understand your strengths, employers might specifically inquire about your superpower. The Superhero Test. Even if your superpower would have the ability to magically refill the coffee maker at work, back up your statement! However, they want you to respond in a way that demonstrates your originality and quick thinking. As new heroes and villains are introduced in new storylines all the time, new powers are introduced and old abilities are reimagined . However, they want you to provide an answer that shows your creativity and ability to think quickly. They let people do things that others cant. Even though the superpower question might sound light-hearted, its being asked for serious purposes and is testing your ability to think quickly and critically. I never let any situation change me. That is why I love to take up project or task that has a deadline or target. If you are asked about your strengths, be sure to state howyou utilize this skill at work. Others get their superpowers from something they do, like being able to shoot fire out of their hands. Imagine all the free pizza and beer you'd get. The superpower question invites you to single out a quality that has made it possible for you to achieve, and to give an example of a goal that you were able to reach as a result. It is good to have a superpower, the one that gives you a greater advantage over a situation. Choose a simple but strong superpower. When asked this question, it is important to give a thoughtful response. Until I get that power, I will continue to collaborate with . Superpower (noun): an exceptional or extraordinary power or ability. ], Case Interview Frameworks Examples (New Research), Case Interview Examples Capital One [Fact Checked! Based on your personality, what superpower would you have? Fourth, you should be ready to answer any questions the interviewer may have. I had someone in mind who could be a co-sponsor and fill the funding gap for at least the first year. This is a question that will often be asked at the beginning of your interview, so your answer can really set the stage for the entire interview. Then use the STAR Method Situation, Task, Action, Result to show where, when, and how you've used your selected superpower previously. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, going for walks, and playing sports. It is an exercise that is good to have in a mental health toolkit and something I wanted to share with you. Flight. Video advice: What Superpower Would You Like to Have? While my number one StrengthsFinder attribute is Maximizer (transforming something strong and making it superb), I'm choosing 'equanimity' as my superpower. When answering an unusual question such as this one, including how you would help benefit your team as a whole is key to an excellent response. Be honest. We even provide some examples to get you started! This one is my new favorite superpower. ], How Do You Value a Company Interview Question (New Info! When I lead, I do it with utmost care and concern because I believe to lead is to serve. An effective logistics manager understands all aspects and stages of this operation. A. I don't know what should i think, all I know I will do my best to be able to survive. Teleportation? It is not as difficult as it seems, and you actually have many options here. Superpowers At Work They range from empathy a strong ability to understand client/user/team needsto systems thinkingunderstanding all of the pieces of a processto creative thinking, grit, and decisiveness, among others. All Right Reserved. The dictionary defines 'equanimity' as 'mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.'. Employers may specifically ask what your superpower is to learn more about your strengths. Tricky graduate interview question, 'What is your most significant achievement?' The coolness of this power extends far beyond the ability to beat anyone up. We brought in people ages 0-100 to answer some of life's big questions. To give yourself the best possible chance of making a good impression, pay attention to the question. In each of them the candidate picks a superpower (extrasensory perception, bilocation, invisibility), but eventually talk about real human strengths and abilities. What is your superpower interview question answer? Also, I would love to see the world from a new perspective. Maria Popova, who curates the popular Brain . A superpower is something that can give you the ability to overpower and outperform others. Video advice: Ages 0-100 Answer: What is Your Superpower? Oxford Dictionaries. If you give supporting detail to explain why you chose to give an example, this will allow the interviewer to look at your thought process. My endurance has enabled me to achieve my goals. However, this all had to be tied up incredibly quickly as I didnt want to keep the original sponsor hanging around if we werent going to use them. The case was solved and the culprit was caught through this hunch.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'howigotjob_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',198,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howigotjob_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'howigotjob_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',198,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howigotjob_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-2-multi-198{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. I believe that with the right opportunity, anything is possible. Do not hesitate to answer a funny question with a funny answer. Seriously, though because questions about having super powers should be taken seriously my superpower would be the ability to avoid waiting in line. To give yourself the best possible chance of making a good impression, pay attention to the question. There's no need to be thrown off balance if an interviewer asks you about your superpower. Gathering this intel helps me to make informed decisions going forward. Superpower can mean that power or ability that would determine your success in any event or situation. Do not forget to check 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions: Toll free customer service line: +18332008648 (free for US based customers, for international calls standard rates apply). I see myself as someone who is hard working and committed to her goals. New England winters are freezing! The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Some people have superpowers because of what they were born with, like being able to fly. Plus, it wouldn't be such a pain to help your friends move. Or are you a master of bending time and space at your will? It removes the feeling of being in an interview and asked to sell our skills. Example for shape-shifting. Relate the power you want to how it would apply to you doing your job. It is that quality that . And not just in business, but also in our day-to-day lives; as a parent, a partner, a friend and more. My ability to understand is my superpower. Ultimately, it doesnt really matter what specific power you giveRelate the power you want to how it would apply to you doing your jobRelate the power to your personalityTry to be uniqueHaving super strength or the ability to fly would certainly come in handy in a number of situations, but those are pretty common answers. Responsibility disclaimer and privacy policy | Site Map. My superpower would be to make people laugh. ]. Now, while weve covered some of the more obvious interview questions such as Why Should We Hire You?, What Are Your Hobbies? and What Are Your Biggest Strengths? before, we havent really looked at some of the weirder interview questions in detail so today I thought it was time to change that starting with the unusual super power question.As I just mentioned, this question is a pretty unusual one and, as such, its designed to catch you off guard and make you think on your feet. Mind reading: You're sensitive to what other people are thinking . What would your special skill and power be? . 13, 'If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?' My many years as a news anchor helped me . My superpower is to lead people. Follow the flow. I have always dreamed of being able to be invisible, so this would be the super power that I would want to be . No matter what experiences or qualifications you may have, but if you do not sit down with yourself and decide deliberately to examine your flaws, achievements, and skills, this question will remain a question mark and you wont know what to say unless you do those things. Below are 25 NICU interview questions to help you ace your interview: 1. Quirky interview questions should be met with equally quirky answers. Its your call, came the response. Therefore, it is best to have a tailored answer ready that is fit for the role before the interview. A superhero might run round the world six . I hate stubbing my toe! Here's some weird questions that jobseekers have actually been asked, and how you could respond if you get asked it during an interview. The ability to joke about tough moments and not take the situation seriously does help me to network with all kinds of people. For instance, this particular question can be rephrased as:-. However, they want you to respond in a way that demonstrates your originality and quick thinking. I am excited to see what the future holds for me and I am ready to take on whatever comes my way. There's really not a wrong answer to this question, but here are some mistakes to avoid: Ultimately, it doesn't matter which power you choose! It would be useful for society to be able to weld in high altitudes with no risk of falling. Even if your superpower would have the ability to magically refill the coffee maker at work, back up your statement! Think about your skills and strengths. We can all be superheroes with superpowers. 6 min read, Pepper Your Job Interview With These 8 Powerful Keywords. Through this ability, I can deliver fast results to any problems. I know that the nature of your business means you respond very quickly to events so I think my superpower would be useful. You could make moving way easier on yourself. Here is where . When it comes to answering this interview question, your reply should have three crucial components: 1. Lets talk about the ones you should avoid: So you like Batman. Why might an employer ask this rather than Whats your biggest strength?, with which the superpower question has something in common? The reason being that I am a true animal lover, and am always talking to my pets as if they were people and yes, I do have everyday conversations with them. I would choose a superpower that would allow me to fast forward in time! Tricky graduate interview question, 'What would you do if you won the lottery?' Nov 1, 2016. CareerBrandVideos Videos for Job Search and Career, Why Interviewers Ask What Your Superpower Would Be?, Common Mistakes When Answering This Question. B. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman have been saving the world for absolutely ages and their stories still feature in comics and pack out cinemas to this day! The superpower question focuses upon the quality the candidate identifies as their biggest personal asset. Youll also have to convey how your superpower is relevant to the position youre interviewing for. He is an expert in employee relations, benefits, and compensation. This question gives a lot of food for thought to the interviewer and it is not an easy one to answer. The NICU is a high-stress environment that requires nurses with compassion, patience, and good communication skills. While this question is an invitation to talk about your strengths, you need to avoid sounding like a boastful fantasist. advice we give out and probably thanks in part to the sheer number of articles weve got in this section! First, if I were invisible, then I could travel for free. Open-ended questions can't be answered wi Thank you for your time. She says that all the most successful people she's met have been able to answer this question immediately: John Maeda, who led the MIT Media Lab and Rhode Island School of Design, responded with "curiosity.". . What Would Your Superpower Be? The instructor . (Click here to tweet this thought. Download The Top Rated Job App to get a job in 24 hours! From mobile games, apps and quizzes, to party and drinking games. Product managers must also unlock superpowers for their organizations. Outplaying Mystique in a game of Guess who I am? Note that, with this graduate interview question, you arent being asked which superhero youd be. Whatever your superpower may be, it is a great asset to have. Why might an employer ask this rather than Whats your biggest strength?, with which the superpower question has something in common? 3. It gives us a bigger, more succinct response than Im really organised, proactive and a team player and here are some examples to show this that are the stock answers. It would also come in handy when I'm floating my homemade cookies to my colleagues in the office. "I'd choose to be able to stop time so I can get more work done in each day". Steve Roberts is an HR specialist with over 20 years of experience in the field. Check answers no. Does it seem like a bush league question to be proposing in a serious job interview? Enjoy the replies as you imagine how satisfying it would be to have a truly useful superpower. Youre being asked what your superpower would be. To discuss what you might do if you won the lottery, consider your interests and your career goals. Perseverance is my superpower. What would you choose? So I began, An elderly man goes to confession Then it hit me: my dad told me this joke! Tell me about a time you made a mistake. The interviewer wants to see the connection you make between your superpower and the job role that you have applied for. Whats your superpower to share with the world? The interviewer is curious to hear your answer as well so dont let your shyness overtake you and work on giving an intelligent reply. Shortlist.Me It also gives me the foresight to address issues before they become a problem.". Think of a superheros power: it is powerful because it is devastatingly effective. if you can be creative. Intangibility is the ability to walk through walls or objects. Our mission is to deliver fresh and enjoyable content. Forming relationships with customers who come into the shop is extremely important to me. My endurance has enabled me to achieve my goals. Hiring managers realize that a good joke, once in a while, will only help a healthy atmosphere in the workplace. Some people are really good at thinking on their feet and others are great at coming up with ideas. Tailor the superpower to what best represents you. Pro Tip: Always mention how you are using your talents and problem-solving skills to overcome challenges that a superpower could help. . I too think that I have a superpower which is the ability to kill my ego. It is such an important question that we should ask ourselves, and frequently remind ourselves of the answer. I can persevere. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Since like many other people you most likely have several strengths, your superpower is the strength that dwarfs all the others. I practiced every day, and I even took dance classes after school. I practiced every day, and I even took dance classes after school. Example: I would choose a superpower that would allow me to fast forward in time! If you could have a superpower? Dec 2, 2020 Therefore, as a product manager, you'll be asked to discuss your superpower as part of the interview process. He has a bachelor's degree in human resources from the University of Phoenix. And dont be afraid to use it to help others. In any circumstances, this power helps me to stay calm and collected. My superpower is incredible speed so I would be the superhero Lightning. The last thing you want is to end up getting the job and not be able to follow through on the facade of false promises you led them to believe. Our first tip is to choose a simple but strong and effective superpower, for example: Endurance, strength or resilience. For every strength, there's a corresponding weakness, something SYPartners refers to as "the shadow side" of your Superpower. That said; its still probably worth giving this question a bit of thought beforehand, just in case it does crop up and you end up blurting out an answer which takes you out of the running for the job youre interviewing for. Manage Settings For instance, if you say your superpower would be supersonic speed, youll have to communicate to the interviewer why you feel youre able to complete a task more quickly than most. Which organisations might ask this question? They want to find subordinates who will blend well with their current team and show care and trust for others. . So I sat up, animated, and nailed it. Hello, my name is _ and I am a recent college graduate. I would have the power to make meetings so effective and fun, employeeswantto gather together every week! This ability goes beyond my work-life. That would be nice. One talks about time travel and criticizes 21st century, and the robotic nature of todays corporate force. Support your answer with an example. This article has been fact checked by a third party fact-checking organization. Have you ever consideredyour superpower? It is an ability that I cherish. You dont need superpowers since your raw talent is already enough obviously! Teleporting with a snap? Teleporting with a snap? That said; don't suck up and give the answer which you think might impress them the most eg. The case was of a theft that occurred inside a storehouse. Updated by Scoot Allan: There are a number of incredible abilities and superpowers that have been seen in comic books or in movies and TV, from classics like X-Ray vision to odder abilities like the ability to consume all kinds of matter. If this question was which superhero would you be I would definitely be Spiderman, I mean who wouldn't kill to go flying around like . Being a detail-oriented person, it keeps me on my toes and helps me stay engaged to immediately tackle any problems that may arise.. These non-job-related prompts help the interviewer better understand the applicants personality, motives, and attitude. Find top advice on how to answer this oddball interview question which will say a lot more about you than you think. Having a sense of humor about certain things will go far, as having an uptight personality isnt conducive to an enjoyable work environment for anyone. I ran across this question in an article on MSN about CEOs favorite interview questions, and it got me thinking how would I answer this question? . Start an Infinite List of what you do well. We all have key strengths, or a superpower that helps us succeed. It lets me live a guilt-free life because I have done my part of not letting things get tangled and complicated. Or even read peoples minds? Love your country and the people in your country. I never gave up, and I eventually became a professional dancer. When I was younger, I had a dream of becoming a professional dancer, and I worked hard to achieve my goal. However, this all had to be tied up incredibly quickly as I didnt want to keep the original sponsor hanging around if we werent going to use them., My superpower is mind melting, because your mind will melt when you see what I have to offer you.. Sample Answer No.1. 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