The flowers bloom towards the end of spring or early summer, putting on a dramatic display of pretty white blossoms bunched together in dense clusters at the tips of stems. Two native North American native species produce red oval berries, and the Asian dogwood kousa dogwood has rounded, spherical red berries with bumps on the skin. Kousa dogwood flowers appear on branches long after the tree leafs out. The kousa dogwood thrives in USDA zones 5 through 8. Its leaves form in clusters, and the cream-colored blooms thoroughly cover the plants branches. Also known as northern swamp dogwood, gray dogwood (a member of the Swida subspecies) is a deciduous shrub that forms thickets as the underground rhizomes spread. Some examples include but are not limited to: There are several things that kill Dogwood that you need to be on the lookout for. This adaptable plant is winter hardy to -25 to -30 degrees F. (-31 to -34 C.). If your dogwood berries dont get quickly consumed by birds, they can add another layer of interest to the tree, with many types of dogwood being able to retain clusters of berries from summer right through to fall. Additionally, kousa dogwoods produce red berries 0.78 to 1.1 (2 3 cm) across. Red twig dogwood shrubs grow 6 to 8 feet tall. Most dogwoods prefer a site with dappled sunlight. Also known as Japanese Dogwood, Korean Dogwood, or Chinese Dogwood, the Kousa dogwood is a small deciduous tree or shrub with multiple stems. Its fall foliage ranges from purple to red. Cornus Sanguinea in Europe: Distribution, Habitat, Usage and Threats. Asking someone to recommend the best dogwood for Oklahoma might seem a mean joke. Kousa Dogwood berries, botanically classified as Cornus kousa, grow on small, deciduous trees or shrubs belonging to the Cornaceae family. The blooming of dogwood blooms marks the beginning of maize sowing according to Native American beliefs and practices. Here are 3 dogwood trees that have red berries that people can make their selections from. Kousa dogwood: Showy, pinkish-red to red fruits resembling raspberries appear in September and October. One of the drawbacks to using hawthorns are their spines, which make pruning and maintenance difficult. Although they have not been studied for street tree usage in the United States, the branches are likely to droop less than most other Dogwoods, making it a suitable option for street tree use. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home. But when they are mature enough, they will begin to bloom. A close up picture of Kousa dogwood flowers. The berries are bright red with an oval shape and grow in small clusters on the tree. Flowering dogwoods life-span is 80 years. The whitish flowers are not very significant, but the white drupe/berries are attractive to birds. Most dogwood trees have white, star-shaped flowers, lance-shaped leaves, and peeling bark. Dogwood berries are an edible fruit. For treatment of the . As summer gets hotter, the flowers will transform into pinkish-red fruits that will mature by fall. http://bkeller.thrivelife.comShop at our. Fall foliage is sometimes an attractive red-purple. According to Eat the Planet, two varieties of dogwood have berries that can be eaten by people. It is often considered the western version of the flowering dogwood, but with this plant, the white flowers are quite large and the fall color is yellow, orange, or red. Towards the end of the year, the leaves turn a stunning shade of crimson to purple, giving it another outstanding quality. The berry stems are a vivid shade of red, which adds a nice contrast against the green leaves. If there is a chance of human consumption or contact, always check out the species before planting it. Thornless Trees. Red Osier Dogwood 13. These plants are known for providing year-round interest, from early spring flowers and summer berries to brilliant fall colors. There are several noteworthy hybrids of C. florida and C. kousa. 1. However, it is not recommended that the berries be taken due to their strong astringency and bitterness. Cornelian cherry dogwood is another name for this berry, and it creates clusters of tiny yellow flowers. Canadian Bunchberry/Dwarf Dogwood (Cornus Canadensis) These berries are safe to consume; however, skin contact with the tree has been linked to rashes. Silky Dogwood 16. Prepare Your Lawn Mower For Spring (Lawn Mower Maintenance Checklist). You will likely need to prune common dogwood yearly (or perhaps even more) to keep it in check, as it can spread. Unfortunately, the small round globous red fruits also are packed with seeds, making them difficult to eat. Finally, the branches will feature small, attractive buds on their tips in winter. The tree is also known as red and white dogwood, and yellow dogwood. Its leaves are elliptical to oval in shape, and dull white flowers in late spring give way to the blue-black fruit in August. These plants are wildly popular because they provide interest year-round with blooms early in the spring, berries in the summer, and stunning fall colors. Although the individual blooms are small, a giant dogwood in full bloom is magnificent. Up to 9 ft. tall and 5 ft. wide. Poisonous flowering dogwood red berries look different from kousa dogwood berries. Sign up for our newsletter. Family Cornaceae (Dogwood Family). Prune damaged roots from a purchased tree, then transplant it from its tub or burlap wrap by gently place the tree in a hole that's a foot wider than the root spread so the roots can spread out. The drupes are red and shiny with smooth skin. Unfortunately, the berries found on some dogwood variants are not considered edible, and some are even regarded as poisonous. Carrying white flowers, and white berries, it grows to 4ft (1.2m) when pruned annually. The flowers persist through spring until early summer. Himalayan Dogwood 8. . In early summer, creamy white flowers arrive, which give way to fleshy red fruits which resemble strawberries. These include American dogwood, Florida dogwood, white dogwood, Indian arrowwood, white cornel, Cornelian tree, false box, and false boxwood. The white dogwood is the one that has edible berries. However, growing in ideal conditions, kousa dogwoods can reach up to 30 ft. (9 m). Berries on Cornelian cherry dogwood trees are edible olive-shaped drupes. Dogwood trees are identified by their lanceolate leaves measuring 2.4 to 5.1 (6 13 cm) long. Use a protective tree sleeve or tube on the tree trunk until the dogwood is established. Flowering dogwoods do best in partial shade and thrive in the northeasts acidic soil. Unlike many other types of dogwood, the flowers of this species emerge all along the lengths of the branches rather than just at the tips. Members of this species are a bit sensitive to late frost. Weve gathered a list of 15 different types of dogwood trees and shrubs to help determine which is best for your garden. They thrive in sun or shade. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! This Genus consists of approximately 30-60 mostly woody shrubs, some of which form small trees. The stems become green again in the spring. The latter two are introduced species that have earned a place in American gardens because they are more disease resistant than native species. Mature trees can grow to 10m. Wild animals, such as small birds, use the thickets for nesting and cover since it grows from root sprouts. The flowers will remain intact for several weeks, followed by glossy green foliage. Most dogwood trees and shrubs are considered understory trees and can thrive in part shade, but some varieties also benefit from full sun. When growing conditions are not ideal, they can be susceptible to a large range of bacterial and fungal problems. It prefers moist, well-draining soils, but it will also perform well in soils that are dry or wet, and boggy. While this dogwoods fruit isnt suitable for humans, upland game birds and songbirds love it. In the early spring, this lovely plant blooms with white flowers. Dogwood berries are often bright red, although other colors include dark blue, purple, black, and white, and gray. When many people think of dogwoods, this is the plant they envision; it's the most popular and one of the most beautiful dogwood trees. During the spring, these trees bloom, and the berries they bear are bright and cheery. The Summer Gold dogwood (Cornus kousa Summer Gold) has bright green leaves with golden edges that turn pink in the fall before turning fiery red. The Gray Dogwood is a wonderful native plant that will add spring, summer, and fall interest to naturalized areas or informal gardens. Fall color is an attractive burgundy red or purple. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. This article is a guide to identifying species of dogwood trees with red berries. Its not just improper drainage or care. The berries are edible to birds but should not be consumed by humans. 5. Native to China, Japan, and Korea, the kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa) is very similar to the flowering dogwood. Though it prefers a moist climate, the stiff Dogwood can adapt to drier conditions. Dark green leaves, 3 to 6 inches long, turn an attractive red in fall. The fruits are edible, although . Apart from its red berries, the bark is the other identifying feature of flowering dogwood trees. The Cornelian cherry dogwood, Cornus mas, is a little-known dogwood of note. Dogwood flowers (those buttonlike clusters at the center of the bracts) rely on insects for pollination. Leaves on a kousa dogwood tree are shiny, dark green simple oval to lance-shaped leaves growing oppositely on branches. The plants fall foliage ranges in hue from red to purple. Instead of the showy, white bracts of our native and Kousa dogwoods, this tree has clusters of small yellow flowers which absolutely cover the tree in February or early March. People describe the berry taste as a relatively sweet, creamy, rich flavor. They bloom in spring with large, creamy-white flowers which are sometimes flushed with pale pink. Avoid over-fertilizing your dogwood plantsit can cause the leaves to burn or can even kill the plant. However, small dogwood trees are just as useful in garden landscapes. Lets look at the four different types of dogwood trees best suited to cultivated landscapes. However, most gardeners find the foliage of red twig dogwoods less appealing in fall. The plant is characterized by its elliptical to oval-shaped leaves and dull white blooms that sprout in late spring. In summer, the bright green foliage creates a canopy that can be used for shade, and red-orange berries arrive, which adds a vibrant contrast of color. This type of Dogwood has dark-green, lance-shaped leaves which transform to a purplish-red color in the fall. Species like Kousa, Himalayan, and Silkyknown for their showy blossoms, typically contain red fruit that does not turn blue-black with age. You should plant the dogwood tree in full sun to partial shade and ensure the ground is organically rich and well-draining. Monrovia describes the aurora dogwood (Cornus x Rutban) as having creamy white blossoms with a silky feel. Size: 6 to 8 feet tall and 10 to 12 feet wide. This shrub has tan or gray bark that has a mottled, exfoliating texture that can be quite attractive in winter. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. They are edible for humans and are most commonly used in recipes for jams and syrups. The fall color is not very showy. This species and the Pacific dogwood are prone to dogwood anthracnose, which can be controlled by pruning away affected branches. Whether it be Red Twig or Siberian, lets take a look at the 15 beautiful and unique types of Dogwood trees. The fall colors of the Dogwood are well-known for their beauty. You can start a dogwood tree using cuttings or plant a bare-root sapling purchased at a nursery. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Copyright 2023. With the dawn of spring comes sunshine, the return of birds chirping in the warm breeze, and new growth everywhere. These features of flowering dogwoods give the trees four-season visual appeal. In springtime, the Kousa dogwood produces an abundance of yellow-green flowers and pinkish-red fruit in summer. Although uncommon in the wild, it is typically found along the Mississippi River and around many forest borders. Flowers may or may not feature largebracts like those of the flowering dogwood (Cornus florida). Although people call them berries, they are drupes fleshy fruits with a single stone. The star-shaped flowers stand out beautifully against the foliage and later develop into berries which are an important source of food for birds and other types of wildlife. Also known as bloodtwig dogwood or European dogwood, this species is an upright deciduous shrub with multiple stems. Fruit can be harvested from this Dogwood once it has ripened and dropped to the ground. Fruit, cone, nut, and seed descriptions: Some people also report skin rashes from contact with the leaves and bark of dogwoods. The bark of this plant may be a reddish, purple, or brown color, which offers interest in the winter when the leaves have all dropped. Grow dogwood shrubs in full sun or part shade and moist soil. Explore More Pineapple or Cranberry Juice: What Do They Do to Girls, 4 Fruits (and Foods) That Make Your Vagina Taste Better. However, keep in mind that this may affect fruit growth, limiting the year's harvest. Scale insects and dogwood borers are the most common insect pests affecting dogwoods. However, since the trunks of this type of Dogwood only reach about six inches in diameter and the branches grow horizontally, it tends to function more as a shrub. Even though it has a sour taste, this fruit is said to be delectable by many. The Kousa dogwood is native to Asia, and it is recommended as a good alternative to the Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida). Dogwood berries are not toxic when eaten, but there have been reports of rashes after skin contact with the tree. The species of flowering dogwood tree can be found in woodlands and open spaces throughout the eastern United States. Before the leaves change, however, numerous dogwood species show distinctive and lovely foliage. often to create a border for a yard or to define a specific outdoor area. They are also known for their opposite branching, which also helps to identify them. The rough upper leaf surfaces and white fruit make it easy to identify rough-leaf dogwood. Red kousa dogwood berries look like small round red balls with bumpy skin. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. It is often used as an ingredient in sauces, jams, liquor, and even pickles. It will tolerate full sun, though it can become very densely branched. The flowers are quite showy, typically spanning up to 4 inches across. Make sure the area does not get very dry and has well-drained soil. Read the following subsections to learn more about the deer-resistant types of dogwood. The fruits on this dogwood shrub are a brilliant shade of blue. Flowering dogwoods have tremendous ornamental appeal in garden landscapes. The dogwood tree is an extremely common ornamental garden plant as it can offer beautiful flowers and often uniquely shaped fruits. Compared to native dogwoods, the kousa dogwood has a more upright habit and flowers later than the other species. There are many types of poisonous berries in North America, and some of them look similar to edible berries. Commonly referred to as evergreen dogwood, Bethams cornel, and Himalayan strawberry tree, the Himalayan Dogwood is native to woodland areas throughout Asia and parts of Australia. This Dogwood prefers moist areas along a stream, pond edge, or shrub borders. After pollination, they produce a type of fruit known as a drupe. This tree starts flowering 2 to 3 days after C. florida has stopped flowering. Commonly referred to as the wedding cake tree, giant dogwoods are native to the Himalayas and various parts of Asia. Dogwood trees should be pruned with a sterile garden cutting tool once a year either in the late fall, winter, or very early spring (March) when a flowering dogwood tree is dormant. If the berries get demolished, the berry stalks will remain on the tree, adding a shock of color. Although, there are some herbaceous perennial subshrubs, which are fast-growing and typically die back in the winter to ground level, growing back from buds found at the base of the plant. The Swedish cornel is another subshrub that has dark purple flowers and white bracts. Walter Dogwood is recognized for its alligator-like bark on older specimens even more than Flowering Dogwood. It is an evergreen, ornamental flowering tree that produces white flowers in the summer. Plant where dramatic red stems can easily be viewed from a window! Dogwood berries. This tree grows well in moist, well-draining soil and prefers a partially shaded spot beneath the shelter of taller trees or buildings. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. In the Peach State, they mature during September and October. White flowers appear in late spring, leading to white berries in summer, which are edible to birds. . Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus mas) Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum) Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa) Pagoda Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) Pacific Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) Creeping Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) Common (Cornus sanguinea) Siberian Dogwood (Cornus alba) Himalayan Flowering dogwood (Cornus capitata) There are 45 varieties of dogwood trees and shrubs, each of which produces a variety of colors. Subscribe our Newsletter for new blog posts and promotion. Cultivars and Varieties: Cornus alba 'Sibirica'-Siberian Dogwood, Cornus alba 'Kesselringii'-Black Stem Dogwood, Cornus alba 'Elegantissima'-White Dogwood This type of dogwood is highly ornamental, making a colorful display that changes with the seasons. Native to Greenland, northeastern Asia, and North America, this plant grows best in partial shade and can reach a height between four and six inches. It is a deciduous dogwood tree that proliferates and can reach an impressive 50 feet tall hence the giant distinction. Leaves on Cornelian cherry dogwood trees are described as simple leaves with an elliptical or ovate shape and glossy appearance. In fact, the blooms show up in very early spring, even before the leaves have sprouted. In USDA zones 5 through 8, kousa dogwood ( Cornus kousa ) bears showy, pinkish-red fruits that resemble raspberries.Although the taste doesn't rival that of its lookalike, the berries are edible. Popularly, however, the term is restricted to the ripened ovaries that are sweet and either succulent or pulpy. Although it is wildly different from most other dogwoods, there are still some similarities. The blossoms are followed by the development of little black fruits that attract birds and other creatures. Red-osier dogwood berries are used by 95 different bird species. Symptoms of solanine poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps and burning of the throat; these symptoms can take up to 19 hours to manifest. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Dogwood trees and shrubs (Cornus spp.) As one of the most common types of trees with a range of cultivars, each having distinct characteristics, there are numerous dogwoods to choose from. Unfortunately, it doesnt thrive in the east. Also known as Chinese dogwood, Korean dogwood, or Japanese dogwood, the kousa dogwood is another popular variety. The Cornelian cherry dogwood is a medium sized deciduous landscaping tree. Kousa dogwood flowers are actually small green flowers surrounded by four, pointed, snow-white bracts. Common Types of Dogwood Trees With Red Berries The three common types of dogwood trees producing red berries are the kousa dogwood, Cornelian cherry dogwood, and the flowering dogwood tree. Its bright green leaves turn red in fall, and fuzzy-white flowers are found in springtime, giving way to bluish-white fruits. Flowering Dogwood trees thrive in the shade. The landscaping tree is hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. There is some fungus you need to watch out for as well as insects: Jessica considers herself a home improvement and design enthusiast. Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea' is a variegated form with white and green leaves that is rare in cultivation. The flavor is exceptional for a temperate environment fruit, tasting like a cross between pumpkin and mango. The silky dogwood, C. amomum, bears gray-blue berries and the yellow-flowering cornelian cherry, C. mas, yields an edible harvest of orange-red berries, resembling tiny pear tomatoes. The tree can tolerate full sun but prefers a partially shaded spot. Dwarf varieties of these dogwoods dont grow over 3 ft. (1 m) tall. The visual appeal of flowering dogwoods is from its alligator skin-like bark, clusters of glistening fruits, and shades of scarlet and purple in the fall. These features make the Cornelian cherry dogwood one of the most popular flowering dogwoods. However, it is considerably more resistant to disease. Whereas the fall leaves feature typically have traces of gold or rose. North Carolina State Extension. Dogwood berries are still acidic when ripe, but they are luscious when they are. The Silky Dogwood is endemic to the United States central and eastern regions and sections of Canada. How Long Does It Take for a Dogwood Tree to Mature? Children often like to suck the honey from the flowers in the spring. . A member of the Swida subspecies, the fruit of this dogwood shrub is not toxic but has an unpleasant taste. This is another Cornus species that may do well in your shadier spots, though there will be more flowers and fruit if it is planted in a location that receives full sunlight. In areas where anthracnose is a problem, plant kousa or Cornelian cherry dogwood instead. The plant should be about 12 inches below the grow light. The rough leaf dogwood produces flat-topped clusters of cream-colored flowers in the spring. The thick foliage on Chinese dogwood trees provides excellent shade and shelter from spring through fall. However, the deciduous tree requires average moisture, so you should water it to keep the soil consistently moist. North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Therefore, the small shrub-like trees are ideal for foundation planting, shrub borders, privacy screens, or flowering hedgerows. Sumac shrubs look and grow like gray dogwood, which is also known as northern swamp dogwood. Flowers on kousa dogwood trees bloom in spring. Giant Dogwood 7. These are also known to bloom dull-white by the end of Spring, and they have both elliptical and oval leaves. Fruits of Cornus mas, C. C. alba sibirica C. kousa and C. Dogwoods (sanguinea) produce a variety of colors, forms, and sizes of berry-like fruit. In August, the flowers transform into toxic blue-black berries. The Cornus (dogwood) genus includes a wonderful array of trees and shrubs. This is generally a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub, though it can take the form of a small tree with proper pruning. They taste similar to sour cherries and cranberries. There are far too many ground-cover plants that are hardy in the same zones as dogwoods to list. This may be a tree to avoid planting near the sidewalk or porch. As it ages, the bark fades to a gray hue. Ornamental cornelian cherries are the most popular type to be seen in residential gardens. University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Research and Extension. The 15 types of Dogwood trees include: Though, you are not limited to just these options. This tree is a beautiful specimen plant that grows best in moist, well-draining soils. However, there is considerable debate on whether dogwood berries should be reclassified. Kousa dogwood trees turn spectacular colorful shades in the fall. Lower branches should be pruned away to enhance the appearance of the bark. The deciduous dogwood leaves turn burgundy red before taking on deeper shades of purple. Numerous dogwood species show distinctive and lovely foliage also are packed with seeds making... Fruit make it easy to identify rough-leaf dogwood Swedish cornel is another name for this berry, some! 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