I have put together both a spreadsheet and explanation guide below to assist you in accomplishing this goal. Also of note are Aegis doffs, which function similarly to R&D school doffs. *On a side note, all the information that I found on links was just for the type of Doffs you can get and not anything up to date for commendations. Duty officers (doffs) represent the junior officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian crew members of the player's starship. Best way I've found to get rare traces is dilithium mining. If you received another faction's duty officers they can be traded/mailed/sold using drag and drop from your roster/brig/passenger slots, or dismissed for a small bonus in dilithium and recruitment points. Medical has a ton of short 30 min assignments you can run till you drop and there is no shortage of them. Forced Labor Camp in the
requires fewer prisoners, but also only pays out 350 dil (which is why you don't see it on r/STODOff's lists), it also requires 5 provisions. You can then visit the personnel officer and exchange them down for 3 lower ranking officers. Then I turn them all into purples. If you are comfortable grinding favors, they are of acceptable quality. Players can make use of duty officers in four ways: Duty officers have the following characteristics: The other faction's duty officers will go into your roster/passengers/brig but they will not be displayed as a slottable Recommendation from the assignment Department Heads. So that's a good way to get rid of unwanted ones you can't sell. Do note, however, that for the purposes of the doffing mission system abilities do not matter at all. Go to Drozana Station (for all factions.). All players receive bonus packs at levels 18, 23, 31, and 41. Star Trek Online features the Duty Officers mini-game, and there are more than a few ways to get Duty Officers.Get all my announcements via Twitter:http://tw. If you know the answer to that one, you probably don't need this guide. Open the Foundry. I do not like to think about the Nagus.) A good farming mission will give you at least 500k EC in items (yes, that's a 10-minute half-million). Make sure you bag them! I have reached level 4 on all of them except Recruitment and Trade. One of the best methods of helping a new character is mailing them unbound doffs from your other ones. You will likely need a sizable stack of Gamma Quadrant commodities to grind certain Medical and Science missions. Upon transwarp to the Undine battlezone, starting flying your ship and stop when you immediately see the doff assignments option. [1] There are at least 54,587 duty officers available since the system was introduced in Season 5. You have the mission of Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion, it has a smoking 2 hr. BUt now im at the point where i want to start to raise it to max. Note that missions found under "Department heads" are exclusive to the player's console but can be shared with others via bridge invitations. Any that you do not select may be purchased with dilithium, though this may be less attractive for higher-rarity options. Quality depends on duty officer qualities and crit traits. Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. While it is true that Klingons have it easier when it comes to dilithium farming, it is far less efficient to start an alt, get fed up and bored with said alt, and then abandon DOffing altogether. You can send your common doffs to your fleet, dismiss them and get more bonus CXP or sell them The choice is yours. Since there is no guarantee that the mission will succeed I would only consider this option as a alternative. I was able to get 6 VR KDF's doffs that joined my crew for getting critical success on my assignment. Not to mention, you can get VR doffs by getting a critical success on Instigate Deflection assignments. One may find, however, that downgrinding is necessary at some point; some of the missions award doffs that are bound, which makes them untradeable and unsellable. Common quality R&D Schooled Doffs will sell for 3-12 million EC on the exchange, with the very rare quality doffs ranging from 8-32 million ec depending on what they are schooled in. Ferengi Awards. It's only one second faster, but that can make a big difference in combat. In addition, Engineering, Security, and Medical commendation ranks will unlock additional doffs via your replicator. Recruitment assignments from the academies (visit representatives and accept the assignment). If you do not have access to any of the above ships (or only have access to the D'Kora but not the Ferengi Marauder set), this line is probably your best bet for a doffing-focused character. (There is some disagreement on this point. sectors: Qo'nos, Khitomer, Xarantine, Japori, Celes, Kesse, Risa, and finally Alderbaran. SECOND UPDATE: The grinding and combining also nets you a ton of Recruitment CXP, which you can trade in at the Starbase for 75 Fleet Marks (100 on Crit) assuming you already have at least 100k Recruitment CXP. True, you won't have the chance for that sweet crit, but you also don't risk that devastating disaster, and as has been said, Consign Prisoners isn't very sustainable. Also, grab yourself one of the Astrometrics Scientist DOffs (and put them on active duty) with the "Chance of collecting additional particle traces when scanning anomalies" ability. Get yourself an escort of some sort. Duty officers can have one or more traits. Expensive purple items (like the Warp Core, explained in detail above) can be awarded with the proper duty officers with crit traits. Where is the Tellarite personnel officer at Starfleet Academy, by the way? I am releasing it now because of the recruitment event in progress, but I do intend to expand on all points which are simply outlined below. Last year, I finally got around to completing the grind to six T4 commendation ranks on both my Temporal and Gamma recruits. And speaking of rewards: through the doffing system, it is possible to earn XP, dilithium, energy credits, rare commodities, equipment, special bridge officers, and even additional doffs. 1 MK X or XI item. Otherwise, all that flying around is annoying. Doffs follow the same rarity scheme as items: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Ultra-Rare, and Epic. cool-down, 28% disaster rate, and 1000 dil (2500 dil for a crit) payout. Sometimes you can take the expensive route and buy doff assignments from the lock-boxes off the exchange, but unlike choosing a regular assignment, you are risking EC if you fail. While a critical success with common duty officers is possible, it is not as probable and not recommended. I have see the multiphasic event. it may have a 'Fed' or 'KDF" Suffix in it depending on what faction you are. For some reason they are located there. Duty officers, with the exception of civilians, will have an enlisted or officer rank. This will take you through 6 Duty Officer Jurisdictions, where new assignments will automatically populate as you fly. Try it if you're feeling lucky. Assimilated Subtranswarp Engine / Gamma Synergistic Overcharged Core: These two do not stack, alas, but both are very useful for improving the speed of your assignment-gathering expeditions. Tour the Universe is an hour-long, galaxy-wide event in which the player is awarded 50,000 EC for visiting all sectors of a sector block. 3 security doffs (returned to your roster upon completion). A nonrepeatable mission is available at both academies during junior officer weekends that rewards a very rare doff. Do note that when farming Commendation XP, one should try to have as many Critical Success traits as possible but as few Success traits as possible. Alternatively, you can buy 3 blue ones and use those while you wait out the long process of farming B'Tran cluster. While this is an option, and one many take (sometimes for the reason of receiving such advice), it is not an absolute. By playing a Foundry mission once every day, a player can amass a few hundred thousand EC in less than 20 minutes. Investigate Temporal Anomaly: A non-repeatable assignment which awards a purple-quality bartender. Exchange Prisoners with Dominion: Your best use for rare and very rare prisoners. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, RetiredAdmiral Enzo Aquarius@enzoaquarius - U.S.S. Those also drop craft items. B. This is an optional role some duty officers may have, allowing them to be used in crafting of special items unlocked with level 15 in. For example alot of Very Rare Doffs have the trait RESOLVE. You will see this more on the instigate deflection or cluster assignments throughout the maps. Doff missions. Ferengi Marauder Set: Expensive in terms of Lobi, but a 10% bonus to all CXP earned is no laughing matter. This is Due the Fact that collored quallity Doff cant die in Missions. Of course, what doffs are and how to get them is in service to for what you actually want to use them. If you'd like to help out with updating the wiki, click here for a list of all new items and content! Others have mentioned breaking down doffs into lower doffs and this is fine if you have enough free doff slots. STAR TREK and related marks are I never thought about using those officers for specific races. If you are going to be logging in daily, you could start with the shorter assignments first. This is the most common source of Very Rare Technicians. Actually the Dyson Sphere pretty much has no assignments . What are the traits listed next to Critical, success and failure? Out of curiousity, I tried this last night, and it worked well enough, but I'm curious: how do you know how to price them? The major disadvantage of binding doffs, aside from not being able to trade them, is that most bound doffs cannot be downground into multiple doffs of lower rarity. While these duty officers technically fall in the civilian category, they have some differences with it, like in example you will not be able to use them for many assignments that would normally allow any character in them. CORE RULEBOOK. If you choose Development, run the crap out of the Dabo and game assignments. Refugees can be obtained from Duty Officer Assignments: Assignment: Support Colonization Efforts (*These missions do NOT award Refugees, on a Critical Sucess they award 1 Prisoner.) Permit Crippled Warrior to Perform the Hegh'bat, Legacy of Romulus Release Notes (21 May 2013). Tal Shiar Awards. Complete at least a few of the Colonization missions (mentioned below) in order to maximize the chance of critical success on these missions. May his word be taken as the law of Bank. "Upgrinding," or converting lower-rarity doffs into higher-ranking doffs through the assignments available at a faction academy, is absolutely never worth the time, dilithium, or doff investment. Transwarp Computer: Obtained with the T3 Excelsior but usable by any ship, this console drastically reduces transwarp cooldown time. Undoubtedly, the "turn over confiscated contraband" doff mission provides the largest reward. You can buy them off the exchange, from opening lockboxes or even from completing some DOFF assignments. Introduction The crafting system in STO (unlocked when your character is at level 15) is a great way to get some useful equipment to use as you work your way towards even better equipment. This is often abbreviated to just "doffing", and is an alternate progression system and way to earn in-game resources. That is useful for assignment-gathering. Below are methods commonly used to farm EC (Energy Credits). The D'Kora is notable for being able to be had fairly inexpensively on the Exchange, and the Nandi for being available for an Epic token from the Phoenix Store. The obvious benefit of higher-rarity doffs is that they contribute a higher chance of success to a mission. Up to 5 can apply their specializations to Space operations, while another 5 can can be used to improve Ground operations. Targeted areas for improvement besides incomplete sections include a more comprehensive guide to marauding (once I experiment with it a little more), a more accurate ranking of commendation difficulties (where exactly do Diplomacy, Exploration, Marauding, and Development rank compared to the rest? ULTRA RARE ITEM CRAFTING DOFFS This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The mechanics of the duty officer system are rather similar to those of many collectible card games, in that officers can be acquired from random booster packs from assignments or the Zen Store. Awards the doff regardless of the mission outcome. The Borg in this area will Adapt to your Energy weapons, so grab a Remodulator from your Replicator (for 0EC) and remember to use it. Particle Traces and other bridge missions, colonial chains, analyzing Gamma commodity properties, Undine BZ, Dyson allied/contested when available, one at K-13, one at the Research Lab, and two at the Dilithium Mine. Please feel to add if you come across additional info, but please keep in mind to maintain the spirit of the guide when adding. I did join the reddit chat chanel though. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It took a while and I may have to replace my mouse, but I am now Tier 4 recruitment. The DOff-system allows you to craft MK XII items, Consumables not obtainable elsewhere, and even deployable weapons platforms. Asylum assignment type: These allow you to exchange refugees for random doffs. A player's starship has five slots for duty officers that enhance space operations and five slots for duty officers that enhance ground operations, depending on the officer's specialization. Instigate Defection: It takes a long time to complete, but awards a rare officer on success and a very rare officer on a crit. :/, EDIT2: Nevermind. Note that many specializations have more than one ability; usually, the alternate abilities can only be obtained from sources such as lockboxes. The various doff packs available through the C-Store are simply not worth the money based on the random return. For example CXP 10,000 or 25,000. Out in the sector space map, and in many social zones, there are doff assignments available. In Star Trek Online, there is a particular function for players who need so as to add bridge crew members to their ship. In general, be on the lookout for doffs with the Telekinetic, Shroud, and Resolve traits, as these are required for some very rewarding missions. Buying two prisoners from the Orion slavers has a duration of 8 hrs. Science, Engineering, or any other category). It can be a bit of a grind, but with patience can be quite profitable. This is one of the factors that determines which doffs can go on which missions. These missions appear infrequently in sector space, usually in your personal tab under Recruitment. They are the most common doff type, randomly obtained through leveling. The Problem is that the Materials must be picked up from Borg in Defera invasion zone, or from the 4 Mission givers on that planet on completion of their missions. After you complete each of the 14 Colonization chains, you get the repeatable Support Colonization Efforts mission for each one. There are 3 missions. I have only found the Vulcan one. Each doff either belongs to one of the six departments (tactical, security, engineering, operations, science and medical) or is a civilian. UPDATE: So far I've made about 10 million EC posting Tellarites with Stubborn and Resolve at a million EC a pop on the Exchange. Running a CXP bonus pool can speed the time up. You can repeat this until you stop getting expertise for killing ships, which also makes loot stop dropping. as there's a daily/20 hour cap on the amount of foundry loot/drops/expertise. This route takes time and is a grind because you have to wait 20 hours to see if you can get to the next step. Always check your promotions tab to ensure that you do not already own them--the game will let you buy them even if they're available to claim for free. If you check the in-game calendar, there is a "multiphasic" event that improves the drops from scanning anomalies. You pretty much have 3 different options in order to achieve this level. Just because a species is generally associated with a particular faction does not mean an officer is usable by that side. (The same idea or KDf). But what if I told you that you're leaving dilithium on the ground, and that Cryptic laughs at your foolishness, dishonorable toHpaH that they are? You can larger points ones from the Undine battlezone, your bridge of your ship or current map. Star Trek Online video follow up to my previous guide on the upgrade system with commentary.Link to previous video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bytJhQ0ozl. Fortunately, as stated, it is on offer fairly often. Guides. 2 Matter-Antimatter Specialists, 2 Science doffs (doffs return to your roster). Winters STO Top Tips. Nah, im in a fleet with my 2 RL friends. Romulan Republic Awards. Lets think about these crits, assuming you crit all 5 of to Colonists to , you will receive 5000 dil. Excelsior-class ships: the T5 and T6 ones come with ten transwarp locations. They end by rewarding a rare doff and unlocking a repeatable chance at a very rare via critting on an assignment. There are a number of them available through chance drops from the academy or in the C-store packs for 250 zen. Thanks! Once purchased, right click and choose use or double click and you will open them. Pick up all the loot the ships drop. For a long time, doffing was one of the easiest of these. 0.1: Alpha release. Military - the assignments are everywhere and usually award between 400-500 points per normal success. Guides. It is possible, with the proper planning, to amass nearly 3 million EC during the event. For example, you might 350 Eng points /350 colonial points. This is not generally enough to outweigh the advantages a race might offer other aspects of the character's playstyle. Copyright 2010 by Attilio Vassallo. I got this one up to Tier IV quick but continuously running the 30 minute assignments and running the large one found on your bridge under Science Assignments and at the Undine space Battlezone. Duty officers (doffs) represent the junior officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian crew members of the player's starship. These are only important for assignments. Use a map if you're unfamiliar with sector space. Both are around 85,000 CXP and I need 100,000 CXP to get them to the final level of 4. STO is no different. That's the same idea I'm working with, except for a DOFF with specific traits. Ya i see that, but its still nice having it maxed out. To replace it, the Duty Officer system was introduced. KDF players, this applies to you as well, but you will already be marauding your hearts out to gather prisoners for the slave battalions and contraband, so this will be less of a burden for you. I could have sworn I did before. In addition, a Romulan captain (or one with Rank 4 in Diplomacy/Marauding) can recruit Rai during Mine Enemy. Do note that prices can be quite high. Uncommons contribute +5%, Rares +10%, and Very Rare and higher contribute +20%. You should make anywhere between 300,000 to 500,000 EC, depending how lucky you were. I have played many, many, many different MMO's, and my favorite thing to do is crafting. Additional Duty Officers can be obtained in various ways and in many map locations: If you wish to get rid of one or more of duty officers (DOFFs), you can select "dismiss" and get an amount of Dilithium Ore and Recruitment CXP based upon their rarity. By default the Exchange lists all doffs, whether your character can use them or not. For example, the Technician variant that boosts Auxiliary Power to the Battery is the entire focal point of A2B builds--and, therefore, Technicians command a very high price. Holodeck Performance of Hamlet: This assignment always awards a very rare doff on a crit. After you complete each of the 14 Colonization chains, you get the repeatable Support Colonization Efforts mission for each one. Generally speaking (and not counting a few odd exceptions, such as the assignment in the Wasteland arc), there are four uses for doffs: Commendation XP: Accruing Commendation XP, or CXP, allows for a variety of rewards. Start out by either going to the exchange and buy some VR or Rare doffs. More doff = $$$ advice: buy/get junior officer cadres. Were they bound greens from the doff store? STO wiki Communications Quick links Factions in: Items, Inventory Items, Uncommon items, and 2 more English Contraband Edit Contraband Uncommon Inventory Value: 2,000 Contraband is available as reward item from Duty Officer Assignments and is a requirement to complete some. All rights reserved. Doff assignments. Extensively-Modified Warp Core can also work instead, if you have access to it. * Recruitment is another slow one. Extra active duty officer roster slots are available for requisition through the Fleet Spire at the Personnel Officer. When you have the purple doffs you need for active duty & other doff missions, grind down new ones at Starfleet Academy and sell the resulting unbound doffs. While most of the bundle can only be used by Federation-aligned characters, Klingon-aligned ones can in fact still claim the doffs through a Klingon version in the Zen store. On the upside FED, your strength in earning dilithium will be in transporting colonists, and I've found that the missions that provide colonists occur in ratio to missions that take colonists to be slightly better then KDF prisoner missions, with the caveat that KDF will always have available the opportunity to turn in ten prisoners for an almost guaranteed 1000 dil. 1 MK X or XI Warp Core. In this section, I will explain the various traits of a doff and how they impact gameplay. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Do note, however, that doffs with odd, offensive, or funny names can command a slightly higher price on the exchange. In the extremely unlikely event that this mission is available in not a single sector, and not on offer from your operations officer, you will have to wait for a sector update. Thank you to @spacewitch3 for compiling this list and @masterskittle for passing it on to me.You can find the list used in the video here: https://www.dropbo. Please feel to contribute as this is meant to be a guide and not the cure all, be all solutions. So from FREE DOFFs, you get valuable DOFFs, which you can either sell or use to make Mk XII consoles which can net millions of EC, and CXP you can trade in for Fleet Marks. Operations Facilities Tier II is required to buy the additional active ground roster slot. (It also includes two scaling ground weapons.). Mission types include: Consoles, Dual Heavy Cannons, Beam Arrays, and Torpedoes. Operations Facilities Tier III is required to buy the additional active space roster slot. Cryptic has been planning an update for the crafting system, but it's still a ways away. I run the crap out of the EVA suit assignment because it awards the most point with the fewest effort. The higher the Doff rarity the more points you will receive. Forced Labor Requisition for requires 4 prisoners, but has an 8 hr cool-down. With that said, if you really need higher-rarity doffs this can be a good source. Do the mission. I want to gather ALOT of them as quick as possible. You'll almost inevitably end up with a few spare Rare DOFFs, but those can always hang around until you have other Rares to combine them with. You can confirm that the pool has been added in the upper corner of your screen. On success a 10 stack of some craft item. Since the Materials are "Bind to Character on Pickup.". I've seen them act wonky before. FEDs get 20 "free" colonist DOffs when they start out, but afterward this is the mission you need to get more. Notably, this officer comes unbound--and the officer you send can be bound. Race only matters for the Federation; Ferengi offer a marginal benefit in reducing the cost of purchased commodities that may be required for missions. 1 H U N T E R : T H E R E C KO N I N G. Written by Justin Achilli, Daniel Braga, Johnathan Byerly, Edward Austin Hall, Karim Muammar, Mario Ortegn, Pam Punzalan, and Erin Roberts Advice for Considerate Play appendix by Jacqueline Bryk Editing and Indexing by Ronni Radner Concept Diversity Consultancy and Diversity Reading by Maple Intersectionality Consulting Art Director . I zipped through the recruitment CXP using your technique at the Personnel Officer. Note: This is for already established players whom already have enough EC and do not wish to go through the levelling process again and just want another max. Promotions: Several doffs have been given away for free in the past. Finally, many Marauding assignments have a chance of awarding prisoners. For Feds, there is also a uniform option unlocked by doffing. Some of these officers also offer unique assignments to acquire consumables (ship batteries, hypos, etc.). With the easy Dilithium from Admiralty removed, restoring older methods of Dil-farming became far more imperative. All ranks unlock titles, a free doff, the ability to purchase more doffs with dilithium (or EC, in three cases), and in two cases transwarp points and an enemy-faction boff. FED players, do not despair! Mirror Universe Bundle: Also sometimes called the Legendary Galaxy Dreadnought Bundle, this bundle does come with one doff. Before embarking on doffing for EC, it is recommended that the player amass a sizable amount of purple and blue doffs to send on doff missions. The general idea is to score critical successes to get items and more doffs, then sell the expensive items and doffs for EC. I add this to my dailies list when I do dailies. Many of you are already aware that you need to get your AOY or Gamma recruits commendation levels up in order to unlock your rewards. Daywalker Apr 23, 2015 @ 7:10pm. Like items, doffs can be bound to your character. Posts promoting a vested personal interest are limited to two per week, Press J to jump to the feed. Both recruit types, if you created one of each, requires you to achieve Tier IV in 6 different commendation categories. You won't run into any exploration systems, only scanning anomalies. Romulan Republic Awards. Both have a disaster rate of 4% with no fail rate, you crit, succeed, or there is a disaster. The exception is, of course, when they are occasionally given away for free as part of a promotion. The next step in the series will not always be available. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Every bridge officer has their very own special expertise, which are displayed in daring text. The set itself can work in a torpboat setup. Adding the extra 3 will help you get your goals as more slots = more assignments that can be ran. For Diplomacy the smaller points assignments make more sense, yes you have to check them more often, but you get more bang for your CXP bonus pool buck by doing it this way. menu Delta Rising Operations Pack: The Delta Rising Pack includes three doffs available to all characters on an account, including a Research Lab Scientist (useful for R&D). Quality depends on duty officer qualities and crit traits. Every morning, I spend about five or six million EC on blue doffs on the exchange. (If you have purchased the Legacy of Romulus Pack, they also have access to four bonus doffs.). 4 recruitment particular function for players who need so as to add bridge crew members to their ship scaling... 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Visit the personnel officer and exchange them down for 3 lower ranking officers to farm EC Energy. 8 hrs: these allow you to exchange refugees for random doffs each one this drastically... Have purchased the Legacy of Romulus Release Notes ( 21 may 2013 ) EVA suit assignment because awards... Restoring older sto doff farming of Dil-farming became far more imperative purple-quality bartender populate as you fly more =. You do not matter at all now Tier 4 recruitment Tier II required. Ec on blue doffs on the Instigate Deflection assignments the upper corner your... About the Nagus. ) follow your favorite communities and start taking part sto doff farming conversations in the space. 4 prisoners, but a 10 % bonus to all CXP earned is no guarantee that the pool has planning. You send can be bound to your roster ) Bundle: also sometimes called the Legendary Dreadnought. Consoles, Dual Heavy Cannons, Beam Arrays, and civilian crew members to ship... Exploration systems, only scanning anomalies ( for all factions. ) or current map help out updating. Success and failure or funny names can command a slightly higher price on the of. That said, if you choose Development, run the crap out of the 14 Colonization chains, you start., only scanning anomalies two prisoners from the Undine battlezone, starting flying your ship and stop when you see!
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