Though both women came from different backgrounds, they still held similar views on gender equality. Throughout history, many impactful and memorable empires have arisen. In the first years of the 16th century, the Safavids founded a dynasty that conquered what is now IRAN. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Some wives with stupid husbands are able to manage the familys finances Even among those whose husband have died and whose sons are young, there are occasionally able to raise and educate their sons (Document 4). inch), 153940 C.E., Tabriz, Kashan, Isfahan or Kirman, Iran (now at the Victoria & Albert Museum; photo: Scenes from popular stories and floral motifs were applied just as easily to the pages of books as they were to walls of palaces and, most commonly, to designs woven into silk and velvet textiles. Special market days were also authorized where women could go out and were allowed to shop and, Both empires, for example, held strong rulers, such as, Akbar the Great and Shah Abbas the Great, that not only conquered vast territories but also distinctively improved their military. In 1639, Safavid Persia and Ottoman Empire signed However, they were better placed in certain respects as compared to Hindu women. master Zahed Gilani For this reason, many silks used floral and vegetal motifs that appealed to both Persian and foreign markets. It is called Elizabethan era because of Queen Elizabeth I and her reign. Yet, in general, their status had deteriorated in the society and they suffered from many social evils. Gendered space in the Royal Maidan serves the means of maintaining social order. Female were expected to be merely spiritual inspiring and morally supportive to the male participants and at the same time as symbol of the next Shiite generation. This article is a study focuses on the gender segregation in Muharram ceremonials in the Safavid period. Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one God ( Allah) [1] and that Muhammad is His last Messenger. Direct link to hdarwish825's post what succession rules was. Safavid dynasty | History, Culture, Religion, & Facts | Britannica Current research based heavily on the central procession on Muharram rituals, especially with activities such as self-flagellation of the male devotees with an almost ignorance of female appearance as public spaces. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Unlike other empires women had a lot of rights. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Posted 4 months ago. Public gatherings with utilization of theatrical devices such as the side drums and alams have a powerful impact in stimulating multi-sensory feelings of the public. 20th and Pattison, Philadelphia (source), The dedication of the Persian Building at the Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exhibition, October 6, 1926. When the Safavid Empire was week, the Ottomans, then ruled by Murad III, invaded the Safavid land in Georgia. This encouraged pilgrimages across the great stretch of the Safavid empire, in places such as Karbala and Najaf, two cities in central Iraq. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The dedication of the Persian Building at the Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exhibition, October 6, 1926. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Appearances of different gender in the Safavid Muharram ceremonials were largely segmented and differentiated. Safavid social laws and expectations for the opposite sexes are manifestoed in Muharram rituals. They could divorce their Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. What role did Gunpowder play in the expansion and rule of the Safavid Empire? Introduction. !^YiAGW]=gZ|sTG_}xG7O=O\#DQG/BOo.2(3,Ax|t Who founded the Safavid empire at the age of 14 years old? The Art of the Safavids before 1600 on The Metropolitan Museum of Arts Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Safavid Period at the National Museum of Asian Art. It is characterised by a rich history, a diverse cultural heritage, and influential political, social, and economic systems. The Safavid ruled from 1501 to 1722 and, at their height, controlled all of modern Iran, Azerbaidjan, Bahrain, Armenia, North Caucasus, Georgia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and also some parts of Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Members of the Safavid Dynasty likely were of Kurdish Persian descent and belonged to a unique order of Sufi [12] Processions of religious groups were observed by Western travelers notably by della Valle were acting as military parades, extensively fight together to show their eagerness of experiencing the dreadful tragedy of Husayn. [25] It affirms the states determination of bring a new life of justice and sacrificing for the coming of the new millennium.[26]. Welcome to! Bihzad, the famed miniaturist from Herat, was commissioned by Shah Ismail to direct this royal workshop. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! It is axiomatic that They sustained one of the longest running empires of Iranian history, lasting from 1501 to 1736. The Ottoman Empire was so huge that it occupied the parts of three continents; it spread to Europe, Asia, and Africa. Safavid Empire decline. I find the role of religion in government quite interesting. In July 1501 Isml was enthroned as shah, although his area of control was initially limited to Azerbaijan. If as a Puritan you honoured your obligation to God, they would be one with God and if they failed, would be punished. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Members of the Safavid Dynasty likely were of Attentions given on the self-sacrifice of the Imams through the encourage of battle and behaviors as self-flagellation of male participants recalled the Safavid collective identity, meanwhile project the Shahs dignity as the spiritual leader on behalf of the Hidden Imams. An infinite number of men armed with big sticks, evolved in all kinds of fights and battle with fury. The Safavid Empire, based in Persia ( Iran ), ruled over much of southwestern Asia from 1501 to 1736. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Those long standards not only evoke a spectacular visual effects, the various inscriptions that generally called to the Prophet and Imams would also provide a sensory experience of sound to the public by calling to the names of the Imams. The Safavids were members of a Sufi tariqa (path of spiritual journey) founded in the The Imperial Examination System required all government officials to pass an examination to ensure that important positions within the government went to the best and the brightest. Gender segregation in the ceremonies allowed a greater impact on the roles each gender performed in the public space. Husayn as the central focus of the narrative has clearly defined the battlefield as a male space and discourage of female of being manipulating this space. They invested a great deal of their capital into the building and decoration of shrines of Shia saints. While silk had always been a highly sought after Persian commodity, dating back to ancient times, the Safavid era produced one of the most lucrative silk industries of the early modern world. By performing the gender segregation in the Royal Maidan, womens participation facilitated the memory of a collective identity. The devotion and commemoration of the death of Husayn and his family would be especially evoked and enhanced by alams with a hand-shape. While the dramatic tragedy of Husayn at Karbala being the focal centre of practicing during the procession in the Maidan, this re-enactment of male martyrdom by the participants embodies the spiritual merit of the Safavid state. When Shah Safi I took control, women were forced to cover themselves completely during public. The month of Muharram in Safavid Iran was the month of mourning to commemorate the sacrifice of Imam Husayn and his comrades in the battle in 680. endobj The mother is depicted exactly in the centre with dramatic gesture which would directly drive the attention of the viewer, emphasised the primary role of female of being mourner of the dead, at the same time addressed their important responsibility in rituals of highlighting and addressing the tragedy. It is quite hard to imagine, but human civilizations along with the development of human culture already exist for thousands of years. Here, Bihzad helped establish the birth of a new Safavid aesthetica hybrid of the colorful expressionism and naturalistic rendering of the dynasties that preceded the Safavids. The Muslim population in Africa was shocked to see Africa interpret Islamic law in a flexible manner, instead of following it strictly. Thereafter, the continuing struggle against the Sunnisthe Ottomans in the west and the Uzbeks in the northeastcost the Safavids Kurdistan, Diyarbakr, and Baghdad, while Tabrz was continuously under threat. They expanded through their great army, which consisted of not only Ottomans, but also Turks and Janissaries. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? However, the lower castes remained free from many of these social evils. In one grand example, Pope facilitated a full-scale reproduction of a Safavid mosque at the 1926 Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exhibition. This essay has aimed to discuss the gender roles and behaviour in Safavid Muharram ceremonies in public spaces, especially the Maidan. 6 0 obj WebThese three factors played critical roles in the rise, success, and fall of Safavid Persia. WebOverall, women role in the Safavid Empire had absolute limitations and womens status in Shah Abbas II monarchy was considered one of the hardest periods for women in their Most of the time it depended on how much money or land they have. This came after a wave of New York exhibitions dedicated to Persian art and culture in 1934, during the millenary celebration of the birth of Firdausi (the author of the previously discussed. The main rivals of the Safavids were the Ottomans to the west and the Mughals to the east, but for about two centuries Safavid armies held both foes at bay. Safavid king Abbas I, who had 7WAc
;y8% [_@0Y . Read this article to learn about the position of women during Mughal period: The Hindu women enjoyed respect in their family, participated in religious ceremonies, were educated and many of them acquired scholarly fame as well. Compared to other Muslim dynasties, women in the Mughal society had the utmost freedom. Some give more independence to women than others and others give them no role. Seven years later Shah ahmsp II recovered Efahn and ascended the throne, only to be deposed in 1732 by his Afshrid lieutenant Nadr Qol Beg (the future Ndir Shh). There were certain other changes which the Hindus accepted because of their contact with the Muslims. Eskandar Beg Munshi (1560 1632), the Safavid historian of Shah Abbas I describes the personal standard of Shah Tahmasp at a battle defeat the Ottomans. There was no practice of sati among Muslim women. The Safavid society’s approach to sexuality and gender has made it a reference for the “pre-modern” discourse, in which gender and sexuality manifest—in contemporary terminology—queerness and fluidity. Struys in tudes Safavides, edited by J. Calmard, 57-68 (Paris: Institut Franais de Recherche en Iran, 1995), Aghie Karman Scot, Gender-Coded Symbols and Public Religious Rituals in Post-Revolutoinary Iran ( ), Allan James W., The Art and Architecture of Twelver Shiism: Iraq, iran and the Indian Sub-Continent (Azimuth Editions, 2012), Babaie Sussan, Isfahan and Its Palaces: Statecraft, Shiism and The Architecture of Conviviality in Early Modern Iran (Edinburgh University Press, 2008), Babayan Kathryn, Mystics, Monarchs, and Messiahs: Cultural Landscapes of Early Modern Iran (Harvard, 2002), Babayan Kathryn and Najmabadi Afsaneh, Islamicate Sexualities: Translations across Temporal Geographies of Desire (Harvard, 2008), Calmard Jean, ShiI Rituals and power II: The Consolidation of Safavid Shiism ( ), Chelkowski Peter, Eternal Performance: Taziyeh and Other Shitte Rituals ( ), Mitchell Colin P., New perspectives on safavid Iran: Empire and Society ( ), Nakash Yitzhak. A similar situation in later Safavid Muharram rituals could be imagined. Not like other groups who were around at the time, the Puritans did not break from the church but decided to change it to there liking instead. The rule of Shah Abbas the Great and was the peak of the Safavid Empire. In the next 10 years he subjugated the greater part of Iran and annexed the Iraqi provinces of Baghdad and Mosul. Its dynastic legitimacy pivoted no to the notion of the Shah being the perfect spiritual director, as well as the Shah being the mediation and agent of the Hidden Imams who reveals his will to the Shah through the medium of dreams. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. WebThe history of OttomanSafavid relations (Persian: ) started with the establishment of Safavid dynasty in Persia in the early 16th century.The initial OttomanSafavid conflict culminated in the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514, and was followed by a century of border confrontation. Fine silks. As they arrived in New England they set up in Massachusetts in a place they named Boston. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Muslim women also did not enjoy a respectable status in the society. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Not only the anti-Sunni defiance is evoked, the spectacles becomes a reaction to the Ottoman insinuations of the Safavid legitimacy. Their appearance in the narrative was supposed to be channels to represent commemoration and devotion to the Imams. x\Y,Va9\]2 KOx_)7vH7rFJF>j\{}olw;wn^t9;_{G~F-s9{~pm/W1*&^ ?wW/W=!~tQyE{#1e|xF3nxs~Du# If there are women that are mentioned as protagonist, the women usually are described because of their 'outrageous behavior '. sggQ0
)&FY[7C ;yQY*3Z8l@fyrM/ Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Two women in the foreground lifted their hands up over their heads, showing their shock and pain of Iskandars death. There is an alam in the Metropolitan Museum of Art made in early eighteenth century, with one finger missing, still have the shape of hand clearly represented [Fig, ]. WebWomen in the Safavid Empire refers to the position and status of women across Safavid society and culture within Safavid Iran. When the outside world finally began learning about the arts of Iran, it was through the lens and example of the Safavids. It symbolizes Zufiqar, the sword used by Ali in the battle [Fig, ]. However, the role of men usually are described as greatest warriors, heroes, and leaders, whereas the, The Mughal and Safavid Empires featured an important variety of political power. It does not store any personal data. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. [23], In transforming the mystically oriented rendition of Twelver Shiism to a more normative practice that root with imperial institutions and performances, there is an urgent need of furnishing a new capital city to the embodiment of religious justice and righteousness when the Shah is in charge while awaiting the return on the Mahdi. [1] Slaves did not inherit their status; people were enslaved as a form of punishment, after capture in war, or voluntarily in order to pay off debts. This concept becomes so popular among the ruling class and accessible level. The Hindus started to accept the converts back to the Hindu-fold. Slavery in the Aztec Empire and surrounding Mexica societies was widespread, with slaves known by the Nahuatl word, tlacotin. City Structure- sewage, roads, irrigation [3] He has also spotted that various decorations such as shields, lion and tiger skin and steel suits of armour were prepared for men and horses to bring the ultimate link of the ceremonial with the battle. Lower down social scale more time spent w/ family, in fields, tending livestock. Museums around the world commissioned Pope and Ackerman to organize symposia and exhibitions on the topic of Persian art, where works from the Safavid Empire were especially of interest. What was the religion of the Safavid Empire? Safavid Empire aka Persia. Sometime around 1400, they adopted an affiliation with Shiism and undertook to spread their Shiite faith by force of arms. Thus, Shiite Islam became the state religion of what evolved into the Safavid Empire, making the empire technically a theocracy. ( Note on Shiism. The large amount of surviving alam has not only proved the crucial notion of battle and warfare in the rituals, it has also made a huge contrast with the absence of object of female mourning. In some countries, women are regarded less than human and are treated like slaves. Outside of Iran, Safavid art was the portal to the wider world of Persian art and architecture when art historians first began studying Islamic art in the early nineteenth century. Womens rights has always been a prevalent issue throughout history, this topic was usually ignored and justified by men. Female Patronage from the Safavid Dynasty Early Safavid women were distinctive from women in other Islamic societies because much power and respect was By restrictedly following the distinct gender roles in the Karbala narrative, many of the the rituals aiming at reappearing the dreadful event at Karbala became authorised. When Shah Abbas I came to power in 1588, he immediately began making plans to move the Safavid capital to Isfahan, a city in central Iran. The societies in question are: Mesopotamia, Greece, China, Rome & Europe, and this essay aims to study different societies viewpoints on women, and to compare and contrast them against each other. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. x\[F$dq/D,OADBZPq9^ B^oCaH_+n8w7z5
"eZGeXX8'x UPHO:"_S Unlike other empires women had a lot of rights. WebSociety and Gender Roles: Ottoman and Safavid Comparisons Dominated by Warrior aristocrats, shared power with the absolute monarchs Encouraged the growth of The Safavids are therefore widely known for bringing this historic change to the region. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Second, it brought the royal workshops closer to the silk route, making it easier for the Safavids to control the sale of Persian silk. $:ONK% :#U }BVGI79_*y)k!R-u *%]rYzwD5.Mizx&aFdC8*/P&4izn}m+[4[|]4AXz.aN DW82J%\%+w- /k9/|N-#\`&vn-wfRhrPQ@*Ha w #Ma2s@? These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. WebThis is a basic Native Americans test for those who struggle with traditional tests. @dOR+qOxz/endstream Events of women being prohibited from doing things like voting or working and being forced to behave the way it is considered to be socially acceptable have been jotted down in history. They were all naked, dancing, fighting and screaming. First, by bringing the capital closer to the center of the empire and away from the Ottoman border, it safeguarded the court from the Turks. In the battle, approximately seventy-two men as well as several women and children that accompanied Husayn were surrounded by Yazids company in the dessert Karbala when they were summoned to travel to Iraq. The Safavid empire had a strong social structure with kings and royals at the top and peasants at the bottom. Iran weakened appreciably during the reign of Ismls eldest son, Shah ahmsp I (152476), and persistent and unopposed Turkmen forays into the country increased under his incompetent successors. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Beautiful unmarried girls were offered to images of God sin temples where they passed their lives as maidservants of gods. It was not only serious injustice to their lives but also resulted in corruption in temples. [2] [3] The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Islam. The silk industry of early modern Iran was one of the cornerstones of the Safavid economy. The predominant status of the Shah is therefore projected through the spectacle of the gendered ritual. All of these empires within the countries have risen and fallen, developing these civilizations to what we know of today. This handbook has been organized to reflect a way to think about gender that goes far beyond ones personal identity and views gender as a system of inequality embedded in all aspects of society. Within Mexica society, slaves constituted an important class . 49/Jul 2017 (Bagh-e Nazar), Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In Muharram processions, alams are embodiment of the tough fight of Husayn and his army in Karbala. One of the most interesting ancient civilizations with outstanding culture was Egypt. Even widow-marriages were permitted among them. Purdha- system was strictly observed among Muslim-women. It is universally acknowledged that society is made up of two partsthe men and the women. Looking for a flexible role? Weeping of the Imams supporters is seen as moral merit. 15021736 AD) Slavery was a common institution in Safavid Iran, with slaves employed in many levels of society. This essay is a short history of the Safavid Dynasty. There was an emergency demand of provoking lamentation and self mortification. TOS4. An Attempt to Trace the origin of the Rituals of Ashura ( ), Rahimi Babak, The Rebound Theater State: The Politics of the Safavid Camel Sacrifice Rituals, 1598-1695 C. E. ( ), Rahimi Babak, Theater State and the Formation of Early Modern Public Sphere in Iran (Brill, 2011), Zahra Rahbarnia and Roshanak Davari, An Investigation into Taziyeh and Performance Art with an Emphasis on the Audience Interaction, Vol. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. For instance, the Qajar dynasty (17891925), the first major dynasty to succeed the Safavids, continued the tradition of Safavid book arts, painting, and architecture. The Safavids were a dynastic family that ruled over modern-day Iran. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. [17] This man as the standard-bearer leading the whole branch of the Third Shia Imam, represented the loyalty to his religion. Gender segregation and discrimination is further reinforced. Their sorrowful bodies and dreadful cries were used to create emotional chaos of grief. While it is important not to romanticize the image of the Orient as a queer heaven, it is possible to Early Safavid women were distinctive from women in other Islamic societies because much power and respect was given to the pious and celibate unmarried sister or daughter of ruling men. They could divorce their husbands, remarry and could claim their share in the property of their parents. [One] participates in the meaning of being a muslim through ritual action, not merely through a profession of faith (Winter 1995: 36), The battle of Karbala is the most symbolic event to the Shiites after the death of the Prophet in 632. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. When the Safavids came to power, Shah Ismail was proclaimed ruler at the age of 14 or 15, and by 1510 Ismail had conquered the whole of Iran. I found it interesting in the Christian faith that during the Middle Ages, the Virgin Mary was the most popular saint but in most Christian sects women arent allowed to be priests, bishops, or deacons. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. China was also more liberal than Islam, believing that women were capable of being the head of the family, of course only with the help of their sons. Trade with the West and industry expanded, communications improved. Shahs at top of social pyramid and common people like farmers on bottom. This could be revealed by the story of Haniyyah and her husband Wahb where Haniyyah was called back by Husayn in the battlefield with very less treatment on her martyrdom in contrast with her husband. endobj The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Muharram rituals provided a rare opportunity for the gathering of both sexes in a society practising sexual discrimination and segregation. They either became sati at the pyre of their husbands or passed their lives as women-hermits. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The maximum extent of the Safavid Empire under Shah Abbas I ( CC BY-SA 4.0) The Safavids were a dynastic family that ruled over Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. They were able to summon for a divorce and were given a lot more trust and respect than usual. Their journey goes from Afghanistan all the way to America. What were the gender roles in the Safavid empire? Privacy Policy3. Muammad Mumin, A Young Lady Reclining After a Bath, leaf from the Read Persian Album Herat (Afghanistan), 1590s, 37.8 x 24.1 cm, MS M.386.5r (The Morgan Library and Museum), Around the middle of the sixteenth century, a trend developed for stand-alone illustrations of popular stories, including the, Rather than confined within the binding of books, individual miniatures were mobile. Women's roles in gunpowder empires 1. Updates? Prior to the rise of the Safavids, the region was broken up into a mosaic of autonomous states, all governed by local rulers. WebThe Safavid Dynasty, a Golden Age in Iran, witnessed a cultural flowering under the charismatic Isma'il and and his son Tahmasp, the first two Shahs of the dynasty. He was known as a young courageous and charismatic, zealous in their Shiite faith and believed to be of divine descent. Muharram rituals as the re-enactment of the battle of Karbala performed in the Maidan turned the square into a symbolic site of martyrdom and the site of rule. It also adversely affected their education and movements in the society. European travelers who provided an unprecedented amount of testimonies of Safavid socio-cultural life have always observed Muharram ceremonies take place in the Maidan-I Naqsh-I Jahan. There are a lot of similarities and differences between this era and the modern era. Every Muslim had a right to keep at least four wives or slaves. It covers homes, clothing, gender roles, farming, hunting, tools, traditions, and kid's schooling. Exquisitely detailed miniatures. Whenever we start reading a historical context or myth, it is obvious that the role of women is not considered as important compared to men, and women won glory that time when they are mentioned in the arguments the least. oT:Yw>-B s>>?n~wst09_5VMv|x+.m5]uqXe4TC_2@S;py>'Nseoskn Arthur Upham Pope, a former Professor of aesthetics at Berkeley, and his wife Phyllis Ackerman, a specialist in Islamic textiles, were part of this movement that opened doors to the arts of Iran. The distinction here lies in the fact that the Shah hosted these feasts, while the Ottoman Sultan was never seen in such ceremonies, nor were the Indian Mughal emperors personally engaged in eating and drinking with their guests. [4] Professional female mourners even used various aids such as onions, grilled seeds of millet, lentils and rice to provoke tears and increase weeping in rituals. In contrast with the male members standing on the two sides expressing their sorrow through facial expression, most of female members were denied of revealing their faces but to present their emotions through exaggerated and dramatic gestures. Therefore, education could be provided to them only at homes which could be afforded only by the rich. The most popular of these themes was the Persian, The Ardabil Carpet, Maqsud of Kashan, Persian: Safavid Dynasty, silk warps and wefts with wool pile (25 million knots, 340 per sq. Disclaimer Copyright. [16] The large group of Safavid alams in the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul are presumably reached to Ottoman by the several wars between the Safavids and the Ottomans suggested by the explicitly Shiite messages inscribed on the roundels with the names of the Imams [Fig, ]. Despite the Safavid Shii zeal, Christians were tolerated and several missions and churches were built. Sultan Muhammad, The Court of Gayumars, Shahnameh for Shah Tahmasp I, c. 152425, opaque watercolor, ink, and gold on paper, 45 x 30 cm, folio 20v (Aga Khan Museum, Toronto; photo: This fusion of artistic styles is best glimpsed in the story of. Iran, with slaves employed in many levels of society which could be provided to them at., making the Empire technically a theocracy countries have risen and fallen, developing these civilizations to what know!, represented the loyalty to his religion partsthe men and the women also adversely their. Impactful and memorable empires have arisen law in a society practising sexual discrimination and segregation to what we know today! To see Africa interpret Islamic law in a flexible manner, instead of following it strictly in... 0 obj WebThese three factors played critical roles in the foreground lifted hands. Empire technically a theocracy in United Arab Emirates * you can also browse our support here. 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