And when I'm on top I can only last a few minutes before I'm sweaty and out of breath too. Ive tried, but shes just not comfortable talking about it. Am sure my husband would like to feed me but I don't think he knows how to approach the subject. Its going to happen regardless. Among these, BIA Scales and Devices give you the most accurate estimation, which is very important. I thought I was the only one with a wife like that. Give him what he loves! As a fat woman myself, I'm still struggling with how I feel about it. At 5'-3" tall she was beautifully plump. Fatten him up and race him to 300. They seem to be accepted by their peers. She loves to tease me with saying I think I need to gain a few 100 pounds and it's an honest statement because she says please feed me some more. Now, this can have two reasons. She's gonna have to lift my belly though if she wants me. She was pretty happy about losing weight, she made it down to 210, when one day, she eventually noticed that the backs of her thighs looked gross when she was standing--she was right. Last weekend we went to a BBQ with my family and my father and brother were surprised and also happy that he starts to look like a 'real man' (they have a really large bellies). Now, he doesn't get a second look, haha, all mine! Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. I don't know exactly what I'd thought I'd accomplish by confessing. She currently weighed in last week at 417. How much ice cream can you eat at one sitting? We always talk about how much does she want to gain and she always says whatever will make me happy so with us their will be no limit. University of Buckingham A100 2023 Offer Holders, TSR Community Awards 2022: Favourite Oldie - VOTING OPEN, AMA - I'm one of 5% of GPs earning more than 225k (income before tax). Love love love that belly of his pressing onto mine!!! I like things round and big. The fatter he gets, the less you have to convince yourself. Purposely making a child obese is call abuse. Get a clue you fat slob. Urgent help needed - student finance isnt enough, estranged, parmezanne's life and wellbeing blog 2023 . How much weight has she gained so far? My ssbbw wife is about 380lbs and was supposed to lose 100 lbs for our daughters wedding but gained 50 lbs instead! Moreover, many people dont take action even after knowing because they think its fine as long as they look good, though its not. And he's a really cool guy-----BUT he doesn't workout, and never really has. It's fun to eat all you want and your partner praises your weight gain. Just ask him how big he would like you to be. The moobs were first. Ooof, me too. So I just started to make larger and larger plates for him, and he started gaining weight, and most of it went to his belly. We even talked to therapy and I explained my reasons. When I'm with my married friends they speak about their husbands looks and weight in such a negative way. Now we are very happy and healthy and s** is amazing. She succeeded. And truth be told, I sort of like the air of mystery about it. Sorry about the title, but that's exactly what is happening. At 55, you are a very normal weight for awoman. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. How can you not go along if she's eating and you're not? Maybe seeing my words will help me assess the situation. Yes, looking good is definitely important, but whats more important is to be healthy and have a long life. On the days that I need to be on the road, my mother-in-law helps out as my wife is growing too fat to take care of the kids and the house at the same time. And the gain has been all over, so its not like it looks odd to be 20 pounds heavier. Great job darling- a man should have what he needs! I was surprised how attracted I was to my hubby as he started piling on some pounds. He would probably get turned on . I like the way I look, but my present boyfriend is encouraging me to take off some weight. How big are you willing to get? When we were dating, he was 170 pounds. It was a pretty rough birth as our daughter was very large, almost 12lbs so a c-section was performed. Thats when it really gets fun. He was (and for me still is) like a God on Earth. A Saturday evening with her dad, you're thinking . He has put on nearly 250 pounds, and I intend to keep getting him even fatter! It really burns their skinny little a**** when they see how devoted I am to my beautiful, enormous, princess. But she still seems to love it, too. One told me, "Yeah, you didn't realize . are my parents right to lock me in my room as punishment for drinking underage . He stepped on the scale the other day and he has gained 50 pounds! We have been married for 16 years and we have 2 children, 14 and 12. He jokingly calls me fat but I don't let it bother me. I'm guessing you already told her you like her to be curvier; keep enforcing that. Is a 70 pound 2 year old too big? Lucky man. So I recently asked my husband that if he could choose what weight I could be, what would he choose (Im 55 and WAS about 125 pounds). Morris McLennan as a kid. Ugh, I feel dirty and guilty for enjoying it so much and doing sneaky things to encourage him to consume more. There is only one issue that has become increasingly difficult to deal with: he is rapidly gaining weight. My husband is always grabbing my love handles ( having kids, I can't get rid of them no matter how hard I try). We's got preggo 2 years ago when I's 400 an I put on about 85 pounds. Sounds like your wife doesnt want you to lose any weight. He didn't give a real clear reason. Early on I made it clear that he would eat until I decided he was full enough, and then and only then could we fool around. It's a total 180, and I can't fully grasp this new attraction I have. They'd hate it!!!!! So I told her that she didn't need to lose weight for me and that I would love to feed her back up to at least her previous 400lbs. Fat is where it's at in that family and I love it. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? Otherwise, if its a preference about their hair being another color or length, if its whether they look better with makeup on, if its about what they do with their pubes, whether they get plastic surgery, whiten their teeth, or dress like its 1987, I implore everyone to keep their negative thoughts to themselves. My lovely wife had been gaining weight over the years, then, at one point, when she was around 255 pounds (5'5") she decided, enough, time to go on a diet. Oh I know why BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY. But life happens and with work and kids and the house it is only natural that he got bigger. I think he has fetish for big woman . He had his shirt off last night, and WOW, what a pot belly. My wife has been more aggressive in her encouragement of me eating. People with skinny fat tend to have really attractive bodies, so its no surprise that you like your boyfriends skinny fat body. Both mom and baby came through with flying colors. I know it's not good for you but I am having fun with it and figure I can lose if any health problems show up. This site is owned and operated by John J. What are you eating to gain? I'm retired! I have always dreamed of growing a big, round, huge belly my whole life. I write about why I'm fat and what has worked for me to lose weight and the things I've learned about how hard it is, and the problems with that. He's not really proactive about it, though. Probably just living the life of an average American woman at this point and the pounds have just come on. The funniest thing is, he has never said a word about his weight! With that being said. How many women want to seriously fatten up their husbands? With her size now I have to have her track pants made and forget undergarments bras and panties they don't make any large enough for her. See what he says. I have been dating this guy for over 2 years now. Can you take walks with the dog together? Shes only 598lbs but she loves to eat and has no desire to stop gaining. My wife started her married life at about 220 lbs. My wife always seemed to like me in good muscular shape, but when I accidentally grew a huge belly, she seemed to keep feeding me even more and certainly seemed turned on by the much fatter husband she now had. F uck that! Most of their friends are fat themselves, but my girls are still the fattest. You should always seek an expert opinion if you need to. I loved his new body. I feed him well, he likes to snack and his fat . I fretted over that but he said he preferred by fatter and encouraged me to just eat what i want and so i did, which was really liberating for me. She's well over 350 now, but won't weight herself anymore. I consider the two of us extremely lucky guys. So glad to hear other wives react that way. I am that fat wife. They were'nt worried about how the partner's of his daughter/sister looks. Now my motivation is gonebecause of her and I really hope to get it back. I know it's not good for your health. I'll start off by saying that I am madly in love with my boyfriend. If his face stays handsome and his body blows up like a balloon but he can still f--k, no problem. God it's fun when your wife gets fat! I can't take my hands off her fat bum . Plus he carries most of his weight in his tummy and face. It hasnt been bad. Yeah, I gained during the pandemic, then added to that. So far she doesn't seem affected but who knows for the future. Some people are just attracted to fat, overweight, plus-size, etc. Master Age: 22. A half year later and she's preggo. Trying to fatten up my gastric GF with booze - it helps. 2. If I gets fat enough to be imobile, thats OK as long as he can still f uck me. Huffing and puffing getting dressed while I massage her fat side rolls. Just please do not take that out on him or his body. Its very important to me that we take care of ourselves and this is part of that. You can also bring up how you feel you havent been having sex as much recently and wanting to change that. Actually, this is the main reason why so many people are reluctant to overcome their skinny fat because they think that looking good is all that matters. I've put on over 120lbs of pure fat since then, sitting around 322 now. It's not going as well as planned and there are arguments and tantrums everyday. It's not my place to be mad if he wants to less eat or drink fewer sodas. TWO: GET STRONG. He says you gained 88 pounds, thats really bad for you. Maybe your boyfriend likes it as much as you do, so he is not particularly worried about it. Most of my wife's family are fat too, especially the women. Just the sight of his boxers folding under his gut or seeing him try on clothes that are now too small for him.. Its definitely worth it in the end to achieve a healthier lifestyle. His messed-up mind tells him, "Nobody will want a fat . Buying him things that are too large helps, and encouraging him to wear sweatpants on weekend so he can eat all he wants but his pants won't be tight. I have stuff around the apartment, like sodas and sugary juices and snacks I know he'll enjoy. What justification do people have for imposing that type of stress on someone? Any idea on where you will stop? Iam very big girl now at all most 400 pounds and Ive been married for 6 years my husband adores me loves me am very happy and glad of the attention. Im really liking it. Iam happy with my weight. After the pregnancy, her blood sugar normalized, and she's still packing it on. My life is sooo ******* sad, ask me anything. Sooooooo, why do people do this Again? Its fun to have great food and enjoy moments with delicious food! Being comfortable in a committed relationship is more important than any dress size or pants size to me. He loves to play with her belly rolls. One of the reasons I'm trying to get them to drop a few pounds is the clothing situation. Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, How to handle colleague/former friend rejection again, Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, The Cambridge College Hurt/Heal Game [part 2], Andrew Tate arrested for human trafficking, are there more doors or wheels in the world, The Official Love Island Thread Winter 2023, History NEA- John Guy Historian validity and analysis. (I also want to be clear that its beyond beyond beyond beyond fine to gain 40 pounds at any time, and its especially fine to gain 40 pounds during a years-long pandemic. Because if she is the type to be constantly trying to be a good fatty by constantly attempting some dumbass diet or worse yet, weightloss surgery, then both you and she will be miserable for the rest of your lives. Huge sagging belly and t***. There are three main ways to determine body composition-. I love him to bits . That was a little over a year ago and now I have a 520lb wife and a 2 little girls that very much take after their mom. Another important role you have to play is to reduce his stress levels as much as possible, which you can do by taking him to recreational activities. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. Name a popular food that you really dislike? How are you handling that? I found out recently that many of his past girlfriends were plus-sized ladies from one of his friends - high school, college, etc. He's grown out of some of his clothes, he's got a noticeable double chin, he has a round belly, chubby cheeks, even his chest is softening up. You cant really notice when Im wearing clothes, especially in the winter. Im no longer physically attracted to him, and I feel horrible about it. Clothing makers in the UK are actually pioneering the clothes for overweight children and it is slowly spreading to the US. I'm at 250 now, heaviest I've ever been. It's good to get it off my chest, though. How much weight have you both gained? Hell finally figure out that you want to get fatter and fatter and hell encourage you! Same here. It's only bigger and rounder for the future! There is always next year to shape up! 1,500 calories in fatty fast food is much different than 1500 calories of lean protein and vegetables. There is nothing better than being able to eat whatever you want and get as fat as you want and your partner adores the fat on you! Whenever he comes to meet with me, he brings fast food with him. Anonymous confessions, stories and advice. Outstanding! I think they're crazy and completely insensitive. She battles enjoying the effect on me with self confidence, but if thats not an issue, let go. With you at what weight will you or would you stop letting your husband keep getting fatter, is the a upper limit or just see where it goes? Get loads of people loving the pics I share of her. Plenty of fit people are unhealthy. But: He's fat. I was, too. So if the doctor has said that your husband has obesity health risks and you didnt fully understand what they mean by skinny fat, now you know why. Sounds fantastic - are you mutually gaining? Listen to what he says and how he responds. I want to learn some, Ive never been fatter and my wife has never been happier. The problem is I feel guilty watching him fatten up and liking it. Also, you might consider not posting in all capitals. She says she feel perfectly fine, and won't go back to the doctor unless she doesn't feel well. Always great to see old friends who are shocked at the fattening wife. So all y'all whose getting fat, keep on going! I could do with some now actually! Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! My boyfriend and I have been dating about 3 almost 4 months now. After she had our son it didn't seem like she lost that much weight . We even talked about marriage in first year . After 5 years of marriage, he now weighs 360 pounds with a 60 inch waistline. Im sure there are more examples that didnt make it into your letter that are not exercise-related. She has slowly thickened but its nothing compared to me. Then show him some pictures of various bbws from 200-400 pounds. There are people that look. Well, if you dont mind how he physically looks or feels (although part of you sounds jealous because you have stayed in shape for him), then I would suggest telling him that he is still attractive and you dont mind his extra weight, but that you want him to start trying to be more active and healthy (not necessarily lose weight) and say you can work on it together. I feed him well, he likes to snack and his fat belly and mushy chest are a turn on for me. They read something about being fat helps you think better or something like that. Include 2.4kg of protein per kg of his body weight in the diet for the same reason. She was maybe 120and has gained maybe 15 or so. He says he wants her to gain another 100 pounds. Do you think it's cute, if he has lost inches? I shouldn't be shocked. She says she doesn't care how fat she gets, so the number doesn't matter. My comment is perfectly valid. That day, she started chowing down, and now she's a very pleasing 275 or so. 2- If the pill is having an adverse effect on you or your health, you should see your GP. I had finally reached my goal weight of 98 pounds. Then bring bigger pants on the honeymoon so he can enjoy himself. Here's the thing. When we first started dating, he was a very hot, very . My friends think I'm crazy for liking this, but they don't understand that she is the most beautiful woman in the world to me. Hi guys, how are you doing? Have a strong preference for bigger girls, but the one I married wasnt. When you were singles seeking a mate, you knew you needed to maintain your appeal . Too bad she doesn't want any more kids! Not sure if I want to keep gaining because its just so foreign to me to not be in good shape. . My belly is sticking out right now from yet another demonstration of my lack of self control. My darling angel weighs 206 lbs as of her last check-up. But subtly overindulging on a regular basis sure is taking an effect! Its not just the physical appearance that bugs me, its the difference in lifestyle that's getting to me. Is your husband or boyfriend fat? I weighed 250 pounds when I married. I love her. Also, put melted butter on everything including pizza (it tastes great!) Now she saggy and I'm kinda lost interest. #nothingbutlove . Small changes are better than nothing after all. I love my fat husband! Flash forward another 2 years and she got pregnant with our 2 child. A couple of years ago I thought of having gastric bypass surgery but am glad I didn't because it would have ruined my marriage . Lots of ice cream, desserts and soft drinks. I fantasize about poking the bulging bellies of these privileged yet porcine princes and princesses, and calling them "piggy". I also love seeing successful people grow wider and wider. Now super SAGY all over. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The relationship is so much better not to mention the s** just gets better and better. My boyfriend is like the complete physical opposite of me. I love to show my fat wife off to all the skinny b******. On top of that, he has everything to lose from you saying it. There is nothing more disappointing than when a fat bride loses weight for her wedding or loses weight after she is married. I LOVE it when people ask me about my weight gain, I saw an old friend earlier this week that I haven't seen in a few years and she was SHOCKED at how much weight I've put on. Like I said, it took some pressure off to know how he felt. That's good to hear. With you - my 340 pound jelly girl had gastric surgery and now we are down to 260, I understand that. Just be honest and upfront and complementary of her new size and shape. Were not kids any more. She was 275 now 180. They said they wanted to keep me from developing health issues as I grew older. My wife has gained 30-40 pounds during this pandemic, and I love it! I told my wife I have to lose weight this year and she smiled and caressed my bulging love handle. But when it comes to weight and food, I feel so helpless. In the mean time, I'm just enjoying her massive belly and butt and great s**. I keep in shape attending to their needs. It's.. everything about his growing body that drives me wild. When we were dating she was 180 or 190, and she's only 5'6". 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Cant really explain it. About a year later we got married, and she was around 225. All contours sharply defined. It's difficult, challenging, and potentially straining to be in a relationship with someone who has a weight complex. My parents. I guess because it came from someone else. Cant even fake it - Im a tub o lard. What is a healthy body weight for you as an individual. The lesson I took from camp was that people will only love you if you're skinny. I want to marry you and keep you all big and fat. This is a very sexy post! Dear E. Jean: I adore my boyfriend of six years. Your boyfriend's consistent remarks about being fat indicate that he feels uneasy about himself and may be looking for validation to feel better about himself, at least temporarily. THIS IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!! I wouldn't mind if he did . When Your Husband Gets Fat. I see it as lazy. Is it all her fault? 2022 is the year of the real fat man for me. What makes you feel good in your body, confident, and happy. But what can be expected when you don't even have enough self respect to keep your own weight under control? I'm trying really hard to back off and not try to influence him, but I'm dealing with the internal argument of how to tell him this. My gf compares me to Thiccollegegirl, especially cause my belly sticks out so much. I love his weight pressing down on me, and his belly sagging when he's on top. LOL. Is it hopeless? If my mum gives me cooked food at my age, why am I diagnosed with an eating disorder? It's easy to think that if our boyfriend tells us that either he doesn't believe in marriage or he doesn't want to get married that he's going to change his mind. Brian was the type of guy I spent most . "I like my girlfriend's weight gain.". My wife has to lift my massive belly to have s**. I love that full, heavy feeling of over eating with a full fat growing gut hitting the table. At 41, Liz remains slender. He is supportive, intelligent, has a great sense of humor this list goes on and on. With her encouragement, and I ADORE HER FAT, I foresee a large amount of belly rubs in my future both getting and giving. I love having a takeaway once or twice a week. By the way I should admit that I like how he looks and the security that he shows in himself. Raised her eyebrows like she was disgusted in your suggestion or raised her eyebrows like shes interested in you getting fatter for her? My face is a little chubbier, went up a cup size and a pants size. she stood there looking in the mirror for a minute or 2, then declared, I'm gaining the weight back. He tells me, don't lose them, he likes them and side belly. But unless you know me really well, its not super noticeable. He came back 20 pounds heavier. His face isn't hard on the eyes either. A good plan is to upsize hubbys tuxedo by a size prior to the wedding so he can grow into it. If your boyfriend is annoyed with you, you must develop a good sense of humor and keep him light-headed. Over the four years we've been married, she has completely ballooned, weighing 245 or so after year 1, then 260 year 2, 280-290 year 3, and so far this year, she's really piling on the pounds. I m not so sure its a fetish for everyone. Shell order a big dish herself then casually slide her remaining portion my way. In a way, it was nice to hear that hes always been attracted to bigger girls. In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. This is so adorable:"but I've made sure my husband got really fat. So you should still put some care into his diet and exercise. Though its less common, skinny fat is also a result of excessive stress because a hormone called cortisol would increase in the body, leading to insulin resistance and eventually fat gain. We are experimenting with feeding which I like. My husband is getting fat. Hes up 30 pounds and Im up 22 pounds. My (28F) girlfriend (29F) wanted me to gain weight early last year and I haven't been able to top since. It has ruined a lot of marriages which I thought about. Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. At 31, I've been in a couple of long-term relationships before. Shes been fattening me up for many years. I have found tremendous stress reduction from adopting a foodie/feeder lifestyle.Now that I am obviously obese, I am very humble and nonjudgmental around the growing numbers of similarly configured men and women I encounter. She's really putting away the chocolates, cakes, pies, Oreos, and ice cream. Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being a replacement for Professional Doctors advice. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Her next goal is 500 lbs. Only a few people have noticed so far. One time, I was on top and she started sucking one and I moaned. I tried this, thinking I would be sneaky and get him just a little fat. My fianc is an attractive man and makes a good living. Your second paragraph was unnecessary and sounds like excuses. She's only 135 and works out regularly. Dunno, half and half I guess. skinny and exercise every day but still not physically fit, Rejected from uni and feeling kind of down. He is trying to make you fat on purpose because he wants to make you look "unattractive.". I should be able to push her way up over 600lbs in the next year. Last week at the doc's I was 271, so I'm still growing. He seems so much happier and content and less prone to mood swings since he's put on weight and eaten food regularly (instead of forgetting to eat for half a day when he was in school), but maybe I'm making a false argument for causation equals correlation. You arent happy about it? Trust me, she knows she has put on weight. It would be wonderful if we didnt ascribe any meaning at all to someones weight. Be honest with yourself and him as to what you desire as well. She has had some good luck with a few online specialty retailers. But no plans for diet or exercise to lose all this weight, unless, you know, something goes wrong with my health. 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