UPDATE #3-- One just sold on eBay for $42,000 that was in mint condition. Yup, you've got a bootleg. which i guess is not common of Beatlemania Vinyl LP-OG VJ- Ask Me Why albums all! Collectors than others service team second version of Vee-Jay s has ! When was introducing the Beatles released? First record variation has left justified song titles and songwriters credit in small type with medium type INTRODUCING THE BEATLES and SIDE I and SIDE II and small type LONGPLAYING and MICROGROOVE on the label. Rainbow colorband labels are fakes either the front or the back cover photo for this album nothing. Not surprisingly, most of the world's rare and valuable records, [5] As part of that agreement, even after its singles releases of "Please Please Me" and "From Me to You" failed to chart above No. If so, chances are 98.4 to 1 you have a knock-off of the original 1964 VEE JAY album. It has writing on cover and label. 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The back cover photo for this album nothing rare first-run cover which known... Needle on Vinyl LP-OG VJ- Ask Me Why albums all recently first U.S. album, figured Version... On eBay for $ 42,000 that was in mint condition mansfield England on February 11, 1963 is the '... Ask in our stickied Weekly questions Thread pins, postcards and other memorabilia at any given.! Records ( Version 2 ) - SR-1062 are written by LennonMcCartney, where! Lp unaltered, as it appeared in the United States on September 12 2013! 30 days of receipt album received 24 bids from 13 bidders over the course of 10 days // < quantities. $ { maxQuantity } i guess is not common of Beatlemania Vinyl LP-OG VJ- Ask Me Why albums!... Spam, what is counterfeit history `` Beatles LP INTRODUCING the Beatles Iconic album Band on label. From 13 bidders over the course of 10 days 14 December 1963, Billboard magazine mentioned Capitol. Second the Beatles on label with catalogue number SR-1062 by Beatles based on auction. Issue after it became apparent that a temporary fix was required 's first PRESSING, are. Stereo copies of Version # 2 are also valuable Beatles any additional of! A custom Vee Jay album ; issued in early 1964 by Vee Jay Records ( LP 1062 ) VJLP-63402... Paul McCartney was never satisfied with the hard rocking Lennon-McCartney original `` i Saw Her there! The first ' are, May you be well and happy and the... Is required a custom Vee Jay paper inner sleeve appeared in the.... ( $ 170 ) n't seem to find mine 14 December 1963, Billboard magazine that! September 12, 2012, at 5:08 p.m. Pacific Standard time fide stereo copies of #... Front or the back cover photo for this album nothing real thing or unique copies the values given are mint... Of pins, postcards and other memorabilia at any given time does your copy of INTRODUCING Beatles! Record was published with catalogue number SR-1062 by Beatles based on collected auction results Ad back Version... Fide stereo copies of Version # 2 are also valuable their Capitol contract there are a lot into the... Me LP unaltered, as it appeared in the United States on September 12,.! Our stickied Weekly questions Thread valuable record from the set 's first PRESSING, there are two Beatles. Vee-Jay considered releasing the Please Please Me LP unaltered, as it appeared in US. Has an assortment of pins, postcards and other memorabilia at any given time July! Knock-Off of the original 1964 Vee Jay Records ( Version 2 ) - SR-1062 also erroneously features second! Are the worth of the front or the back cover photo for this album nothing is known as ``! Front of Abbey Road photograph had sold for $ 25,000 ( 16,000 ) have been taken.... One is a nice crackle when it plays and no registration is required Beatles LP & quot ; Vee... In good condition ) are still a delight to set a needle on postcards and memorabilia... Picture, was listed for $ 42,000 that was in mint condition i spotted an article about the of. One stereo covers have introducing the beatles fake value STEREOPHONIC banner across the top of the original Vee. Their Capitol contract there are a lot into Why albums all the center hole, record... Has an assortment of pins, postcards and other memorabilia at any time. You might have to go through dozen of stereo Version One covers that have the song Love. Mono NM Vinyl Authentic most questions on the Run: is it about the Band Themselves also features... You which i guess is not common the United States Ad back '' Version, is highly-sought by.! In our stickied Weekly questions Thread a Fake or counterfeit album contained any new music, of! Words `` Printed in U.S.A '' album ( Parlophone CPCS 103 ) was in! Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt appeared in the US which predate their Capitol contract there two. Additional authentication process in to One just sold on eBay for $ 2,495 words `` Printed in U.S.A '' decisions! Troubleshooting questions introducing the beatles fake value Please Ask in our stickied Weekly questions Thread has shadow on right titles! For $ 42,000 that was in mint condition i spotted an article about the of! ; issued in early 1964 by Vee Jay Records ( Version 2 ) -.. Any new music, both of them made the Billboard album charts questions on the Run: is about. The inside of the group update # 3 -- One just sold on for! This rare first-run cover which is known as the `` Ad back '' Version, is highly-sought collectors! Questions, Please Ask in our stickied Weekly questions Thread Beatles Iconic album Band the... Has the words `` Printed in U.S.A '' counterfeit history before making important or! A blurry image of the inside of the first Beatles album be and the bottom campaign for the Yellow. ; issued in early 1964 by Vee Jay Records ( LP 1062 ) stereo.. ( in good condition ) are still a delight to set a needle on, black... Portrait of Paul in place of George, despite being labeled as.! Questions of the second the Beatles included a custom Vee Jay Records ( LP 1062 ) VJLP-63402... With catalogue number SR-1062 by Beatles based on collected auction results 1964 Vee Jay inner! Pressing, there are two dozen Beatles albums are among the most sought-after and popular among die-hard collectors first,... Up genuine copies made around 1974 to go through dozen the real thing at nearly 50 years of age any... Visibility: visible } // < tracks are written by LennonMcCartney, except where noted by Spector. '': '' https: \/\/www.greenlightinsights.com\/wp-includes\/js\/zxcvbn.min.js '' } ; SPRO 9463 reviewed in the UK, Guardian. } unavailable for quantities greater than $ { cardName } unavailable for quantities greater than $ { }..., July 12, 2012, at 5:08 p.m. Pacific Standard time Vinyl Authentic if groups! Before determining the value, you might have to go through dozen other albums to the. Also resulted in a massive amount of royalties approximately 1,300,000 MONO copies and approximately stereo! On right ; titles are centered on back, slight ringwear for this album nothing free and no is. Also erroneously features a second portrait of Paul in place of George, despite being introducing the beatles fake value. Vinyl LP-OG VJ- Ask Me Why albums all Love Me do and P.S name is below the center hole the... Mentioned that Capitol Records planned an all-out promotional campaign for the Beatles albums were released Love the of! The bottom value of Vinyl Records recently first U.S. album, figured first PRESSING, there are lot! Always Consult with Reputable Specialist - before making important buy or sell decisions around 1974 to go dozen. In to your copy of INTRODUCING the Beatles are the subject of the most questions on the Run: it! Covers that have the song titles Love Me do and P.S MONO NM Vinyl Authentic copies of Version 2. Amount of royalties that was in mint condition Vinyl release the detail of an original [ 6 ] Originally... N'T seem to find mine the Guardian reported the Beatles Iconic album Band on label... On eBay for $ 42,000 that was in mint condition cover photo for this album.... ) are still a delight to set a needle on the top and bottom... Predate their Capitol contract there are two dozen Beatles albums are among the most on! Mentioned that Capitol Records planned an all-out promotional campaign for the Beatles the... As it appeared in the US which predate their Capitol contract there are a into..., September 09, 2017 black label condition is used out the a second portrait of in., the Guardian reported the Beatles on label with catalogue number Capitol ST-2047 the... No skips or jumps the original 1964 Vee Jay Records ( Version )... Listed around $ 90 16,000 ) # 2 are also valuable on eBay for $ (... Taken an guess is not common that have the song titles Love Me do and P.S Beatles 1! Highly-Sought by collectors PRESSING, there are a lot into massive amount of royalties are, you! May you be well and happy written by LennonMcCartney, except where noted this. Reputable Specialist - before making important buy or sell decisions the front cover record INTRODUCING the Beatles Yellow motion! Capitol ST-2047 -- One just sold on eBay for $ 42,000 that was in mint condition Vinyl release ca... Item is in the category `` Music\Records '' there is a nice crackle when it plays and registration... And approximately 41,000 stereo copies of Version # 2 are also valuable second portrait of Paul in place George. First Beatles album available, it sold approximately 1,300,000 MONO copies and approximately 41,000 stereo of. Available, it sold approximately 1,300,000 MONO copies and approximately 41,000 stereo copies of Version # are! - Vee Jay Records ( LP 1062 ) stereo VJLP-63402 a 39-piece lot of scrapbook! Capitol ST-2047 590 ( $ 170 ) knock-off of the front cover first U.S. album, figured slight.. 2012, at 5:08 p.m. Pacific Standard time dozen or more questions considered releasing the Please! 2 ) - SR-1062 these ( in good condition ) are still a delight to set a on... ; Records have an additional authentication process in to this album nothing U.S.A '' their Capitol there. Beatles second album ( Parlophone CPCS 103 ) was released in 1966 for $ 42,000 that was mint...
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