No, get a different one. The reader should always consult his or her doctor before discontinuation of any medication. Misdiagnosed with epilepsy. In fact he asked me where did I see that I could make that attachment. Be careful that if you have seen your doctor and are responding yes to question 19 and your doctor diagnosed you with ADHD (or suggested that you had ADHD), you will also likely need to respond yes to question 18m. All content on Executive Flyers is rigorously reviewed by experienced and qualified fact-checkers. The FAA Medical requirements need revision and made more rational instead of simply being a procedural nightmare for pilots. I think a regular physical should be required, but the special AME physical in all reality boils down to a tax disguised as safety concern. It was good news. A pilot might reason, for example, that the antidepressant he's taken for months hasn't caused any side effects and actually makes him more mentally fit to fly, a safer pilot. When that happens, your whole medical history will come under review. And, apparently, if and applicant for a first medical certificate with student certificate has had epilepsy, he/she can be deferred even if seizure-free for more than 10 years. Yes, I lie about the counseling part. Now do you AMEs see how ridiculousness the form is? Let me start with a word of advice: DONT DO IT. That would include most of the trainers (Cessna 120, 140, 150, 152, Piper Tomahawk, etc.) Are you serious? Thats if they even decide to give you a medical waiver. I am a nurse and I see it all of the time. If you are a student looking to get your first medical certificate issued, or a pilot who needs to renew your license, the same principles apply. There shouldnt be different standards for flying than are for driving. However, when it comes to flying without another capable pilot on board.only friends and family..that is another matter. Now that I have no further problems I have to take an Awake and Alert test annually. But with such a vague statement, you can see why many pilots may unintentionally get themselves into trouble. Do you need a medical to operate a large motor home, car, boat, sand dune buggy, tractor, motorcycle, etc, etc. Most get grounded for a year? Who would you send them to? You want to make it more difficult? They may only get 3rd class, but they are flying with strict guidelines on preflight accu check, inflight accu check, etc. your PIC in the Cockpit might have the most serious medical condition, but will never no it thats why the federal government made the HIPPA law. The FAA is hopelessly stuck in the stone age, especially in the Aeromedical division. No problem there both were on the approved list (most are). The real problem was that I also am prescribed anti-diarrhea medication and I take it as needed. From a practical standpoint, it makes the most sense. Now I am only minutes away from completing my first flight medical form without any worries! Take two people, with same medical condition, one who has been denied previously and the other who has not. The only way to get information to them is via the USPS, another government agency stuck in the past. I used to go up about twice a week; now I havent flown since August. Is Medical Coding The Same As Medical Transcription? Can you say, Martha Stewart?, I do think that the First and Second class medical criteria should be more stringent.. My wife bought me some flight lessons for my birthday. | site designed by. One correction that I expect an AME to know if you have a condition that you KNOW will result in a medical denial, youre not qualified to fly sport. Telling the truth in MedXPress is clearly the right thing to do, but that is not what this article is about. At least three questions on the FAA medical application (Form 8500-8) can identify to the FAA that an individual potentially has a history of ADHD. I see my doctor at least once a year and sometimes twice he says Im healthy, But I dont trust the FAA. Anyone who would report this immediately loses their medical and has to wait a year. Yet, until recently, the FAA wouldnt allow any pilot to be treated with an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) a medication with an excellent safety record concerning accidents. You and I both know our government never needs to justify their But missing information will simply cause delays and more work; the medical examiner and/or the FAA's Aeromedical Certification Division in Oklahoma City, Okla., won't process an incomplete form. From the archives: Richard Collins goes behind the scenes at Center, First solo out of the pattern: an unexpected adventure in risk management, Press on and get the job done: the aroma of deference, Friday photo: Grand Canyon wrapped in a blanket, Im going to crash! -helping a pilot in distress. My own doctor sent me to the local hospital who cleared me and found nothing wrong. Just like the annual inspection on the aircraft, when it was signed off everything was supposed to be airworthy, what happens after that is anyones guess. I would have assumed since this person had been flying for awhile, and flying solo that they would have imposed sanctions such as the ones discussed above. What next, psych eval, cholesterol screen for atherosclerosis, denying smokers because risk of copd exacerbation in unexpected decompression, genetic screening to predict addictive personality or anger tendency? In this application, you must disclose any information about a condition that has the potential to affect your eligibility to fly. So the Medical certification system is statistically, virtually, perfector..redundant AS LONG AS you are in a multi-crew aircraft. As a pilot since 1953, and now a retired vascular surgeon who still flies, I have wondered for years if there is any evidence that pilot physical exams save lives. It is so easy for those not flying professionally to prescribe stricter rules for those that do. Typical government bull-. There are are more decisions that have to be made while driving than flying. It can also ensure you keep flying for years to come. My new AME, (old one finally retired,) is a pilot, as is his wife, the office manager and head nurse. While not endorsing that, it is understandable at the emotional level. When learning to fly originally I was not even made aware this nor the NPPL was available. AMCD will consider much more than the information you submitted in MedXPress and your AMEs exam findings. Google "Operation Safe Pilot." In a blatant violation of the privacy act of 1974 as amended, the FAA, DOT Inspector General, and SSA Inspector General, conducted an illegal database match looking for common personally identifying information (names and/or social security numbers) in the FAA medical certificate database and the SSA Title 2 and Title 16 disability databases of 45,000 Northern . Also, if you are too young for that, they can check other insurance companies and, apparently, a company, McKesson I believe, that gathers and compiles statistical data from and for insurance companies. instead of just listening to the engine, watch the instruments that monitored the engine. SO ITS FLY TILL I DIE OR GO TO PRISON. What Are the Chances of Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? Question 19 speaks to visits to healthcare professionals within the last 3 years. If on this question, an applicant identifies that he or she has been to see his or her doctor for treatment of ADHD, this will likely warrant deferral. TO LOW TO BAIL SO HAD TO TO FLY IT DOWN . If you have vision with only one eye, you can get a Statement of Demonstrated Ability (SODA) by taking a Medical Flight Test. None of the above activities has any significant medical requirement. Flying brought some much needed joy back into my life. The FAA will catch the application when it comes across due to the flags. 2years ago my nephew a commercial flight captain had an in flight blackout he has been seen by several neurological specialists who can find nothing wrong but he has been told he cannot fly commercially until he has been clear for ten years is this correct and is there anything he can do. Until the rules change, abide by them, and make sure you self monitor. As statistics show flying is considerably safer than any land based carrier. We have to be honest with ourselves. All FAA medical certificate applicants are required to acknowledge that warning before submitting their application in MedXPress. I forgot to mention that your Idea sounds like a good Idea. Holy hell! The Federal Aviation Regulations and U.S. law require that FAA Form 8500-8, the application for a medical certificate, be filled out completely and truthfully'or else. I was diagnosed with PTSD from my service in the infantry Vietnam in 1968/1969 and have received counseling for it. Your family and friends consider you more important than any flying you may do. I am not sure whether the doctors are always correct or what specifically they are looking for to justify one pilot is medically fit while another is unfit. Not only is the medical certificate process flawed, so is the new AOPA iniative. File closed. Experts offer these tips: When he isn't flying, Paul Engstrom writes and edits from Sebastopol, Calif. Deaply sorry it was a dumb statement. The only truthful answer is yes, most every night. One may invoke Fifth Amendment rights, but not outright lie. A quick examination of the many truthful and honest individuals that are truthful during their AME exams and are no barred from ever becoming a pilot! I live in the UK and the medical over here for a pilot licence, they dont do an EEG. I hope the AOPA and the EAA will also move quickly, and I want to thank both organizations for this effort. The system is imperfect in many ways and should be fixed, I do not disagree with that. If your AME does not spot anything on your physical exam, you have a clean driving record and you have never served in the military, chances are that the FAA will not question the information you submit in MedXPress. At medical renewal you give a different date for same previously reported event. People, in general, are in better health than they were 20-30 years ago, largely by not smoking, watching their weight, eating less fatty foods, etc. They have little to do but think up new restrictions, all under the banner of safety. The only way around this is to pay for all of your medical care yourself and not use insurance. He refused to take the physical his business required because his family had a history of heart trouble, he was a bit overweight, etc. The Third Class is an absolute joke. In this age of fax machines, email, twitter, facebook, linked in, etc, it is obvious that the FAA is stuck in the past. The all have SODA and continue to fly. Does anyone really believe that this is also not true for pilots and in fact is probably much higher, given the hard working conditions. I was not asked or tested for alertness. The FAA gives final denial to only 0.01% of applications. The real question is; Do you trust you AME? You should report any AME who does not do a reasonably thorough examination and review what you put on the 8500-8. Thank you for the advice and expertise Sir, you just saved me a $50.00 discussion appointment with my AME. See Also: Do Flight Schools Drug Test Students? in detail and conduct a physical exam. You are there to take away joy and livelihood. Meanwhile the FAA now sits on thier collective thumbs deciding what to do. The information contained herein is meant for informational purposes only. Chuck Yeager is the ultimate pilots pilot, yet safely flew his historic breaking the speed of sound flight, with 3 fractured ribs, which certainly impaired his functioning and would have caused most flight surgeons (covering their own asses) to ground Yeager. If you cant pass the physical you need to find another way to fly. Most pilots I know plan to fly for longer than it takes one or two medical certificates to expire. Ask those young people who posted personal info online and then got turned down for a job interview because of those posts they placed years ago. Now Ive been unemployed for a couple months and who knows how long before some beaurucrat decides to actually look at my file snd say ok. Ive followed all the steps they dictated,all my tests and results are right on but because they wont simply look and see that Ive followed thrie rules and was honest,Im looking at becoming a burden to the system and living on public assistance until I get my medical back. Maybe this will thin out the disastrous ideas, programs, attitudes and regulations coming out of government (like helping poor people buy houses) by ensuring government employees are not under the influence of mind altering drugs or pharmaceuticals and had a good-nights rest unhampered by sleep apnea. Sometimes I think its not necessary for ATC people to have medicals. One assault charge, not so much. Insurance companies now have a way out of paying the claim and if there were passengers or other property damage involved now lawyers get involvedsomething to think about! The regulations are not arbitrary. One had sleep apnea that resolved with weight loss and the other no longer has type 2 diabetes. to get it straightened out. Also my flight instructor was telling me that he knew an applicant who lied about his criminal history for shoplifting and two to three months later the FAA found out and pulled his medical currently and he did not hear back for any clearance to fly again so these are great examples why not lie. Nope, they requested an entirely new one. You get caught lying on a medical, they'll do a lot more than just bust your balls. Until recently, a new pilot who had prostate cancer 10 years ago and has no evidence of recurrence had to jump through a bunch of hoops, and might have required special issuance. I'm a pilot, and an air traffic controller. The FAA will then require more detailed medical information before they can determine if you qualify for a medical certificate. What will actually happen if you are caught lying? If you have ever been denied a medical, you still cannot go in and just use your drivers license. Note, denial is different from deferral. If you do or don't disclose, that's your business. It explains a lot of stuff that seems ridiculous, like have you ever been unconscious. Age is only a number. Unfortunate as those events are, they do NOT cause accidents. Even without a lie, I've seen situations in which the need to disclose something might have been questionable and the pilot answered "yes" one year, but "no" in a later year. Fess and get a special issuance if necessary. Investigating complaints from citizens and co-workers. You just hit a key to the problem. 99.999999% of pilots can and should self-certify for 3rd class flying. I refer them to my TMI rule; if it was transient, dont say it. If I continue to wish to fly.I had better take care of myself by good nutrition and exercise..on the issue of lying no, I would not lie because not only is it stupid it is cause for losing the ticket. My new AME, (old one finally retired,) is a pilot, as is his wife, the office manager and head nurse. Before submitting your application, you will be required to review the penalties above, certify that you know the FAA will be scrutinizing your medical history, and authorize the National Driver Register to provide the FAA with a copy of your driving record. As a 74 year old pilot, I feel that seeing the Aviation Doc every two years is good for my health. or special licenses for either of those vehicles if they are used recreationally (with the exception of a written test for air brake endorsement, if so equipped). They are busy guarding the barn only after the horse is back inside. Never happens! Ask your AME to call Oklahoma City and ask to speak with a physician about your case. Further, you fly with your family and maybe some of your employees if you use an aircraft for business transporation. The message the FAA should be sending to pilots in my opinion is Manage your health. While a diabetic can develop hypoglycemic coma, a cardiac patient faint from an arrhythmia, or a patient become mentally impaired from an excessive dose of a medication, the real world evidence does not support that such incidences are common enough to recommend banning driving by those with such medical conditions. In my case I have never lied, but if Im at risk of loosing my license for a medical condition that is under control I might do that also. An example is the FAAs recent rule change on anti-depressant use. Thanks,for the new online magazine. He wouldnt go to hell and back (becoming a commercial pilot) if he didnt want his dream. One just hopes that the untruths are regarding minor medical issues they feel will disqualify them that wont compromise their safety as well as all others around them. I think its a very poor decision to falsify your medical. Thank you for the post. While I share our concern about pilots going unconscious in flight, I have as much concern about FAA going unconscious while on the job. I was dumb enough to tell them about my marriage counseling! The most recent was a year and a half ago. Once set up by politicians, these agencies rule by fiat, for which there is no recourse. I was better off lying. Reply. I am hoping that they do the right thing when it comes to my health assessment. I am an AME and 4,000 hour pilot. You wouldn't report your dad or grandpa if he had a serious medical condition that could endanger his passengers and he was lying about it? FAA Disqualifying Conditions: Bipolar Disorder. As for lying on the medical form, lies can be undiscovered for a lifetime of flying, but if there is an incident or accident, the FAA and/or NTSB will dredge up every doctor visit, medication, hospitalization they can. My thought exactly: my last 3 medicals have consisted of please pee in this cup do you have any complaints? It was less rigorous than a regular over 40 physical, so I took one of those too. Some of the disqualifying conditions are definitely going to keep someone from getting a medical certificate, but these are illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. If you qualify for an FAA medical certificate, they will issue it to you at the end of your appointment, document your exam findings, and transmit your application to the FAA. The FAA can get your records from Social Security if you are on Medicare. People Lie to do what they love to do. The problem with the medical certification process is that on the one hand the questions are so stringent i.e. Responding to a letter from the FAA about your medical certificate almost always requires you to provide detailed notes from your treating physician(s) and other objective evidence to show you are safe to fly. Pilots lying on the there 1st 2nd and 3rd class medicals happens all the time, and it happens just as much as people going to MEPS for the Military. So please just be honest you they are gonna find out about one day or another just like the case out in California back in 2005 for pilots lying about question 18y Medical disability benefits and many of them were in legal trouble. Thus by forcing pilots to avoid medical treatment, in order to protect their medical certificate, the FAA actually promotes ill health and thus diminishes safety. Multiple assaults or domestic convictions might indicate some psychiatric disturbance that requires looking into. As you say does nothing to hinder my ability to fly a plane in anyway, but the FAA says is not allowed, SO. If you fear denial, speak to someone that knows what they are talking about, not a blog. I lost some respect for FAA there. Due to the self-reporting nature, the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical aren't very high. Contact an aviation medical examiner (AME) early if you have doubts or questions. Id rather be flying but I dont require the FAAs approval for my activities. He had diabetes. Why would I want to go through the unbelievable hassle of explaining myself to a bunch of know-nothing bureaucrats and internal medicine doctors who dont know their ass from their elbow about depression beyond some laughably simplistic characterization of the disorder in a diagnostics manual? Hes very consciencious, and does not tolerate much in the way of obfuscation, at which he appears to be very good at spotting. If pilots routinely lie, but its never a safety issue, why do we have medicals in the first place? At worse, you may face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. No, most pilots have few issues. And for the record, someone who is truly medically incapable of handling a C172 should not be driving on roads shared by schoolbuses, gasoline tanker trucks, etc. Don't undergo a physical exam if you suspect you might be disqualified. He passed his 3rd class every time. What to do? Lying on the medical is usually unnecessary in order to keep flying, and has such potentially dire consequences for ones life, family, and finances that its not worth the risk. I think ill just go to Mexico and get a falsified medical. The word EVER in the forms will toss you through a buttload of psychological tests you will be sorry you were ever honest. The issue is what we feel is important, because the government wants a complete history and providing it isnt possible and pilots are going to make their own judgements about whats truly important to fully disclose. Port St. Lucie, FL 34988 I hope you realize a world that had perfect safety would be one not worth living in. In other words, bigger name on the other line. Skydiving. There could be a much better system in place that would not compromise safety of small aircraft. PO Box 882196 If he admits it and is taking an approved medication, there are a few extra steps but he will maintain his medical. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. Federal employees should qualify for at least a class three medical for airmen and let us toss in the medication list and drug testing for commercial drivers. I am going to take my FAA First Class Medical examination in a few months for my very first certificate. 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