Naofumi initially believed Motoyasu played a part in framing him for raping Malty for his own personal gains, but over time, Naofumi came to realize that Motoyasu is very naive, delusional, stupid and evidently doesn't know that he's being manipulated by Malty. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law.. in addition, Why did MYNE betray Naofumi? Naofumi considers Ethnobalt to be an incredible intellectual resource. Naofumi not knowing her name called her "Woman 2." The first time Naofumi met Imiya he had mistaken her for a boy due to her inexperience with beastmen, then Raphtalia explained that Imiya was actually a girl. He is subsequently stripped of all his rights to the throne, along with any power he had already accrued within the kingdom. Because Melty has never seen a Filolial like Filo (her large appearance, ability to speak, and ability to take a human form) before, this interest grew even further. However, as Fohl slowly matured, he began to cooperate with Naofumi and started seeing him in a better light. When she gave the choice of punishment for Malty to her greatest victim. They did not kiss, in a future illustration by the director and an illustration by a staff member it's shown that it was a hug and the producer confirmed on a panel that it was a hug . If you're getting married in Pennsylvania, you must first apply for a marriage license. Malty is much like her mother in the worst possible . This seemed to have activated the Pride Curse Series and caused him to only believe those who praised him such as her. Much of which she explains away as claiming it was "for the sake of the world" or "necessitating a harsh reform," during rebuilding efforts. They start off on neutral footing, but it soon becomes alienated by his dark disposition, which only gets worse when he learns of her royal lineage. After this, Trash resigns himself to remain silent in front of Naofumi, unlike previously when he would create a ruckus against him. Eventually, after tracking down him down, Naofumi, with the help of Eclair, suppresses him and knocks some sense into him. Following his defeat, Itsuki completely breaks apart, losing his pride, sense of justice, and becoming near-emotionless. Eclair was also the governor of the land which Naofumi eventually took over. After Itsuki's curse is lifted, the two heroes have a heart-to-heart conversation. When Naofumi's name was cleared, the queen gave the choice of punishment for Malty and Aultcray to Naofumi. Raphtalia is also the only reliable restraint against Naofumi's more villainous tendencies and she expresses to him her preference that he acts as a proper hero, despite his belief that he is not. How did Naofumi become a god? Naofumi sees himself more as Filo's owner like how he views Raphtalia as his own daughter, thus not seeing Filo as a love interest. Motoyasu would continually believe Malty's words and cause Naofumi and his party trouble. Ren believes her accusation of Naofumi's attempt to rape her and berates Naofumi without hearing his side of the story. However, despite these misgivings, he still cares for her greatly as a companion. Naofumi at this point realizes the real threat of the Waves of Calamity (after witnessing Glass's strength) and avoids making any new enemies, so he agrees to just rename Aultcray to Trash. Itsuki Kawasumi. Motoyasu blindly trusts her; due mostly to his extreme gullibility and casanova tendencies, he ends up being used by her in most cases, such as leading him to nearly take Raphtalia away from Naofumi and levying a heavy tax on a village hit by the waves after Motoyasu became its lord at, via Malty's coaxing, her father's behest. Malty is ultimately the cause of Naofumi's dark and cynical personality due to the fact that she betrayed him and falsely framed him for the attempt of raping her for no other visible reason. After the Spirit tortoise incident, she abandoned her teammates and left without turning back. In the web novel, Naofumi does in fact marry Melty while still having relationships with other characters. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. When the 1st Princess's past actions are brought to light by the Queen he, alongside Ren, agrees with her punishment was befitting of the former princess's actions. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Mald decrying the former as a lesser hero whom partners with monsters and demi's whilst Malty openly citing him as despicable in character and demeanor. Instead, he helped the Shield Hero (at Kizuna's request) in making a shikigami to find Raphtalia. through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Since then, S'yne has only proven to be extremely loyal to Naofumi by accompanying him almost everywhere as if he were his shadow. Despite initially being enemies of the royal family. How did Naofumi become a god? He didn't think much of Atla's goal to be his "shield," not realizing Atla was very serious about it. The Rising of the Shield Hero has emerged as one of the most-loved isekai anime of recent years, offering a slightly grittier and more realistic depiction of life for a hero in another world. Light Novel Spoilers She constantly seeks Naofumi's attention and approval and expresses great joy when she pleases him but displays great worry that he may possibly leave her. Malty being who she was, grew irate and insulted by the revelation and promised to murder the pope for betraying; in her words, the next queen. Since then, Malty continues to try to hurt and/or undermine Naofumi; still pining to Motoyasu in outrage about how her mother gave the Devil of the Shield his own plot of land and a nobility title. Volume 15 Spoilers Though she hates Malty, she pretends to get along with her, so that she doesn't get into any trouble. "Aw, okay. This Article is based on the Official Translations of the Light Novel series! Going so far as to liken the man as "evil" before and after hearing about the terse history he shared with Raphtalia, the slave girl in his care. She points out how Naofumi has saved many demi-humans from slavery, gave them a home, and has worked tirelessly to help them. After the events of the Spirit Tortoise incident, Naofumi meets Ren again, this time their roles reversed, Naofumi is now loved and adored by the public while the three other Heroes are hated and despised. She would put on a front of affectionate interaction whenever seen in public or around they're father. Naofumi also usually gives Ren some advice so that he can solve his personal problems, such as what he should do with his infatuation with Eclair, how to deal with Wyndia, or his mistrust when forging weapons. They both work for Naofumi's territory. After the Spirit Tortoise incident, Malty approached Ren and took advantage of his damaged emotional state to manipulate him and use him to escape from Naofumi arresting her. Mirellia lost all hopes on her and decided to name Melty, her second daughter to be the first in line to the throne. The character is also known as Mr. Naofumi, Bubba Shield and Master Craftsman. This was the first and only time for Malty to call the once hated saint by his name. Even with all of the above, Naofumi considers Shadow a very useful asset due to his information gathering abilities, and is very grateful for all the help he has given him and the rest of his teammates. The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. She was one of the experts which Queen Mirellia found to help teach the heroes how to properly fight. Such findings being based upon the falsehoods by the church that the Devil of the Shield had in fact been using those very same methods to turn the public to his favor when that was not at all the case. Why did MYNE betray naofumi? Melty expressed her desire into wanting to befriend Filo and vice versa. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Together, they were able to plan an ambush that killed Mirellia and liberate Malty from her slave crest for good. He hates the Shield Hero because he fought a war with Siltvelt, a country that worships him.Because of such, he unjustly villainizes Naofumi, simply because he bares the role, unwillingly; and helps Malty with her lies, even . After Malty eventually betrays him, Motoyasu falls into depression, which leads to Filo cheering him up and causing him to fall completely in love with Filo and start calling Naofumi "father-in-law." Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. However, Malty's hatred of her mother festered during this time. Naofumi's second real comrade and slave. Naofumi was forced to purchase her as a slave early on in order to compensate for his lack of offensive abilities, along with the stigma of the false charges against him that prevented him from forming a party with anyone else. How did Naofumi become a god? Regardless, Naofumi deeply respects Sadeena for her strength and begins depending on her in the rebuilding of the village and training the villagers to fight the Waves. She also suspects Malty's claims of Naofumi's attempt to rape her but decided to ignore it. Eclair was first introduced as one of the mentors Queen Mirellia had called in order to train the heroes how to properly fight. He enjoys petting her that it's how he spends some of his free time. After the Spirit Tortoise incident, she abandons him completely. Does Naofumi marry melty? The Strongest Characters in The Rising of the Shield Hero, Ranked. When they meet again by having another similar conversation, Sadeena expresses her respect towards Naofumi's strength and surprise on how well he holds his liquor and even eating a lukor fruit. However, for Naofumi and Raphtalia's sake, she declines. However, due to her compassion, Naofumi was able to unlock the shield of compassion which suppressed his shield of wrath and allowed him to feel proper emotion again. However, she later managed to escape custody before her execution could be carried out. Why did naofumi marry melty Touching relationship with Raphtalia - Desperate, poor, and lonely, the shield hero was approached by a slave trader. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! They met again shortly after, when S'yne suddenly appeared in Naofumi's village, where he asked if he could stay and work for him, a request that Naofumi initially refused, but after S'yne saved him and him rest of your group. In fact, among his companions, she is one about who he cares the most. Sharing the same mindset of Malty in many ways and was almost similar to her, thus the two demented aristocrats got along well with one another and joined in on all of the evil acts. Melty and Eclair seem to have compatible personalities. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Naofumi first meets Kizuna when he falls into Kyo's trap while traveling to Glass' world and is dropped into an inescapable prison instead. It'll cost you $30.50 to $90.00, and you'll have to use it within 60 days. If this hypothesis is true, then Naofumi is the reason for the shield hero to be called . The two became close comrades when Melty joins her, Naofumi, and Filo in their quest against Church of the Three Heroes who were conspiring with Malty against Naofumi with more false charges. When Whore approached Ren and Itsuki after the Spirit Tortoise incident, she tricked them into believing that Naofumi was the real evil and that she was the victim, again referring him as the "Shield Demon." No, thanks. While the Queen loves Malty dearly, her loyalty is to the country of Melromarc. As Naofumi didn't seem to fit any of the bad rumors circulating around the Shield Hero, L'Arc assumed Naofumi to be one of those who pretends to be the Shield Hero. She (alongside her father in the web novel) would attempt to poison some food prepared for the Shield at her mothers behest. Later deciding he was of little use, she stole everything of value before leaving a note belittling him, and joined Mald's revolution, causing Ren's already fragile psychological stability to fall completely and succumb to the dark influence of his Legendary Sword's Curse Series. He struggles with these newfound emotion and tries to sort out his feelings - including the ones with Raphtalia. Keel is also obsessed with Naofumi's cooking and will even eat it off the floor if it drops. The fact they were both serious otaku in Japan means they sometimes get into serious discussions their other friends cannot follow at all. Ambition of the Red Princess is a Rising of the Shield Hero Alternate Universe Fic co-written by Qinlongfei and Comrade Broseph.. Answer: There is also the webnovel, which follow a different route compared to the light novel and the manga, that is the one I will talk about. As such she was put in the reluctant position of punishing Bitch and using her as a political tool in order to save Melromarc since her eldest and her husband Aultcray had nearly caused a world-wide war. This is seen where her father was visibly shocked to learn of all of his eldest daughter's lies being revealed via the temporary slave brand marked on her set to shock her every time she lied, hinting that Aultcray never even suspected Malty of lying to him. During their stay at Cal Mira Island, he said that Malty spoke in good terms to him before her disowning. . Since he saw his sister as perfect, he considered Naofumi an enemy who was trying to harm his dear sister. Malty often acts like a doting big sister to Melty in regards to the actions of the crown, but the main reason why she was targeted for her and the Cult's latest scheme to undermine Shield Demon naofumi in the first place was, simply because she rebuked her regarding the matter of having Naofumi and the King reconcile since it was on the Queen's order. Even after betraying them, stealing everything they had, and then leaving a note where she admits these things while also insulting them, she still has the gall to tell them that all her problems are Naofumi's fault and she might be willing to love them if they kill him. After the death of her mother and the victory of war against Faubrey, she succeeds in the position as the new queen. Although Naofumi starts displaying his hostility towards the princess after learning of her identity, Raphtalia was more lenient towards Melty as she claimed they did travel together a bit. In the anime the first princess was willfully collaborating with the heretical cult. Naofumi Iwatani. Melty, alongside Raphtalia and Filo, objects when her sister calls Naofumi "ugly," and is noted by her mother to actually have a chance at marrying the man (which has a lot of political advantages that the Queen eagerly tries to force). It is unknown why she was so loyal to Malty since she is of blue blood that was not obligated to serve a former princess, but she was also faced a fate similar to the Witch when after confronting the Shield Hero. WHY DOES RAPHTALIA LOVE NAOFUMI EXPLAINED // The Rising Of The Shield HeroIn today's Shield Hero video we are going to look into why Raphtalia loves Naofumi.. Due to their early history, Keel becomes the voice of the villager slaves but also acts casually and familiarly which annoys Naofumi. While Naofumi considers the slave merchant to be a useful person due to his role in providing him with various slaves for his growing army, he does not indicate any real trust for the man. and is even biding for her youngest daughter Melty to marry him, or at least become pregnant from him, both in simple bids to . Raphtalia is very open about her feelings to Naofumi, who slowly starts to reciprocate. Naofumi starts When it comes to strength and abilities, Itsuki is pretty strong but . After been talked down, her punishment was having her completely stripped of her royal status and her civilian name changed to "Bitch." The information and terminology on the article will be based on the source material rather than the adaptions. He even encountered a number of fake heroes and got fed up in his search. Why does malty hate naofumi? When the Queen returns and clears Naofumi's name, she allows him to mete out punishment to the King, Naofumi immediately asks for the death penalty, but is talked down to a less extreme punishment that results in changing the King's given name to "Trash." However, they don't exactly show this due to their royal status and often act formally towards each other except during diplomatic-based arguments. While Naofumi was ultimately Fohl's dear sister's savior, Fohl was ultimately antagonistic towards Naofumi. Melromarc is also a Matriarchy. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. The merchant has noted that Naofumi has good business sense, referring to him as his favorite customer and a man who cannot be easily deceived. It was the perfect crime to paint the narrative that the Shield Hero is an irredeemable person that everyone should avoid. Get the behind the scenes scoop on how Tangled's star chameleon Pascal got his name!. Physical appearance. After Filo saves Rishia, Naofumi swears to her that he will help make her stronger so that Itsuki will beg to have her back on his team. Immediately upon creation, Raph-chan is very affectionate of Naofumi. Even whilst acting as though they hold pretenses of being on amicable terms, Malty has always held her sister in venomous contempt due to their mother passing her first daughter over as successor to the monarchy, However, Mirella had strong reasons for choosing Melty as her heir. I went and looked up on Google Images to see if the manga also covered this, but I couldn't find any manga pics that c. However, she slowly starts changing her mind about Naofumi when he saves her life against an assassination attempt from the Church of the Three Heroes; henceforth, under the Shield's protection, their relationship finally begins to thaw, although she is still terrified of his harbored resentment toward her family. She teamed up with the Spear hero after a couple of days of Malty becoming his party member. She was aware of her firstborn's spoiled, selfish and sociopathic personality deficiencies underneath her friendly exterior, and deemed her out to be unfit to be the next ruler of their country for this reason. It is through this travel, and the battles they face during it, that they are able to do combo skills together. But when the veil upon the church's conspiracies had been dropped and he made his intentions clear for all to see. This relationship is further strained due to how Melty is next in line for the throne despite being the youngest princess, much to Malty's bitterness due to believing she, as the oldest princess, deserves the throne by birthright. Hepurchased her as anegg from the same slave trader that he obtained Raphtalia from. She joined Naofumi's party after being kicked out of Itsuki's party. Does Naofumi marry melty? Who is Naofumi love interest? An Orca demi-human who was Raphtalia's family guardian before the Waves destroyed Raphtalia's village. After Ren's persuasion, Itsuki agrees to investigate the abduction case against Naofumi. His skills come from a blacksmith from the East. Rishia doesn't share the negative view of the Church of Three Heroes because of her education at Faubley and expresses fear at Naofumi's demeanor until Raphtalia is able to remove her doubts. Even if she causes any trouble, she pins it on someone else and he will punish the victim without a seconds thoughts. Although she was purchased more along the lines of a beast, he raises her with compassion alongside Raphtalia. Appearance. Naofumi finds his new personality troubling, but easier to cooperate or manipulate since he has sworn his loyalty to him. In the light novel, the situation is changed, with Queen Mirellia Q Melromarc proposing that Naofumi and Melty get married and have children for political reasons. Kanato Sakamaki is one of the Four Legendary Heroes. from otherworldly invaders, she agreed to let her stay in her village and work for him. Answer (1 of 7): Ah, yes. Likewise, Mirellia is well aware that her firstborn is a writhing mass of deceits and is full of trickery. The two began to grow closer after Naofumi saved the lives of Shadow and the Raph species that usually accompany him, from an incurable wound caused by the soldiers of Piensa, when Naofumi's village was transported to the time of the shield hero Mamoru. In return, Filo immediately wanted to rescue Melty instead of using the chance to escape like Melty intended. The two are sisters wherein Melty is Malty's younger sibling. ago. What is the cast of Shield Hero? As with Ren, Myne later decided to take all his belongings while leaving him in debt, leaving him a similar note of her berating everything about him. When it comes to strength and abilities, Itsuki is pretty strong but . Despite coming off as friendly and charitable when they initially met, Naofumi could see straightaway just how much of a condescendingly self-righteous individual Pope Balmus was behind his pretense of altruistic sanctimony. When they finally face each other, Raphtalia ends up revealing their respective true identities. For example, the web novel finishes with Naofumi essentially ending up with everyone in a harem, but this was changed in the light novel adaptation. Naofumi hates the King, and with good reason, as he played a part, along with his daughter Malty, in setting Naofumi up with the criminal charge of rape and made certain to spread the word all throughout the kingdom. As you might expect, it appears that Naofumi eventually ends up with Raphtalia. Last Update: Jan 03, 2023. He gets rid of the cold, lonely, and cool persona he was trying so hard to maintain for a genuine hard-working attitude. There is hope that they will get married in the future! Related: How Many Episodes Will The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 Have? However, due to her actions of helping Takt and her later encouraging him to kill Queen Mirellia, her own mother, and him later doing so to her own pleasure, Aultcray was shown to have been completely horrified by his own daughter's actions and later fell into shock upon realizing Malty's true character. Ren refuses to face the reality that he was easily manipulated by Malty, who later betrays him, causing Ren to unlock his Curse Series and going rogue. Naofumi also finds Ethnobalt to be quite an effective intellectual asset and has thought about replacing Filo with Ethnobalt several times, which upsets her when she realizes Naofumi is thinking of it. Bow Hero wants to be a hero so bad he sometimes rushes in with bad judgments. Beyond his attempts on her life in order to make a viable persecution against the Shield Hero, she never initially thought much of him until meeting Biscas in person. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. For example, when she kicks Motoyasu in the crotch during her first encounter with him, Naofumi immediately feels she was a brilliant investment andtells her to do it every time henceforth. When it comes to strength and abilities, Itsuki is pretty strong but . This is largely because he never got the chance to make the same trouble the rest of them did. In the "Reprise of the Spear Hero", due to Motoyasu already having known of her truly reviled personality and his own mental instability causing him to see her only as "a red oinking pig", she could no longer manipulate him to do her bidding and he actively avoided her, causing her to instead latch on to Itsuki and successfully fool him to do whatever she wants with little trouble and no remorse. Truthfully however, unbeknownst to Bitch. Since then, Malty has grown to hate the Shield more passionately and personally. When all of her crimes are brought to light by the Queen while clearing Naofumi's charges, Ren, along with Itsuki, agrees with the punishment Malty received to be fitting. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. She wants Naofumi to look at her as an adult woman and has stripped completely naked in front of him to get his opinion of her nude figure. and to her surprise, the man she married, Iwatani Naofumi, sitting on the other side of the table. She also doubts all his past deeds told by her mother. Naofumi notably defines Raphtalia as "very charming" when he sees her dressed in a traditional Japanese miko (shrine maiden) outfit. Naofumi is presumed to have the appearance of a 20-year-old man because of his age. likewise, her adventurer name was changed to "Whore" to match. At the banquet held in honor to Naofumi and the other three Heroes. All on top of alleged crimes stemming to kidnapping the second princess and killing Ren and Itsuki via an unsealed monster. Even still, Itsuki still held Naofumi in some contempt on the grounds that he was stealing credit for a couple guild missions he underwent. As Ren explains how his party was murdered during the Spirit Tortoise Incident, he calls them weak and blames his now deceased party members for their deaths and not himself, causing Naofumi to call him out for this. Once having easily convinced the Spear Hero of falsely claiming Naofumi had something as ridiculous as a "brainwashing shield", by which he supposedly mind controlled people around the country into accepting him. When Melty starts showing more intimate attachment towards Naofumi (like asking to be called by her first name), Raphtalia becomes uncomfortable on how close the two were getting. Thus causing the hatred he feels for the disgraceful former princess to grow and become more maniacal as time passes. This was the first and only time for Malty to call Naofumi by his name. Stay at Cal Mira Island, why does naofumi marry melty raises her with compassion alongside Raphtalia instead, he said Malty! That the Shield Hero to be the first and only time for Malty Aultcray! 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