This would be like a, This Option I will inquire on your behalf before the Lord for the next. Things I Hate That Other Millennials Love. E-mail Address: *. Amen! God bless you, you are in our prayers! If you need a quicker response please consider making a donation towards this ministry because those words are given priority (Because they help to cover the costs of the free words) We pray that all that the Lord has shown may come to pass. This Option I will inquire before the Lord on your Behalf that will Reveal Past Present and or Future of what the Spirit desires to convey concerning your life as the Lord will allow. Your Session will last around 1 hour or until you feel that all of your questions have been answered by Steven within that time frame accordingly. Please allow7- 10Full days from Request for your Word. Explanation:"A Plea for Salvation" is a request or appeal for help in attaining spiritual or eternal salvation. Or are you a SINGLE man still looking for that special woman? With this Option your question will be answered within a 24 hour time frame and put on the top of Steven's Prophecy Requests. God bless you! Image. Wow ! We are in no way here to rob Jesus of His Bride! Your impression was that C****s was at a house with a cul-de-sac style street & a white mailbox. It is downloading your Heavenly Fathers agenda for you any month. Touch us by your mighty power, wrap your arms of love about us, and give us your grace and mercy. There are times when the expression Thank you just doesnt capture the true sentiment, and this is one of those times! Prophetic ministers speak words of encouragement, edification, comfort, and strength in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 14:1 and 3: "Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy . I do look at the possibilities and come up with ideas and solutions and tend to look toward the future. Thank you for seeking the face of God for me and my husband (my friend is actually my husband). During a life crisis and with prospect of loosing my income God got my attention and gently said "Do you trust me? After years of ministering quietly in the prophetic I was challenged to get more training and to step out more and more. een van de onderstaande formulieren. I do all the time and that's the question I am posing for this particular Blog Post 4 U today. Ive wanted to make a recommendation in the past for a place people can get personal prophetic words, but this is the first resource Im aware of that I know is legit and that I can recommend. Thanks for the recommendation! Tony has confirmed Gods personal messages for me. None of the words Ive received contradicted scripture in any way, and much of them directly quoted Scripture. You can request prophetic word from Steven at his ministry website at, Don't be fooled dear saints from the charlatans on the social media platform because it seems like everyone is a prophet or apostle now and they can claim just about anything, and people are unfortunately so gullible to believe their claims of false request prophetic word and ask for a donation for a FAKE generic request prophetic word for your life. The purpose of prophecy found in 1 Corinthians 14: 3 (NBV) , But someone who prophesies speaks to people, and what he says is constructive, comforting and encouraging. I speak French. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 explains it this way: "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. I will send you the word and you forward it to your friend. Request a Prophetic Word, 4 Your Future in Christ! "YOU MUST BE SINGLE (NOT MARRIED) TO REQUEST THIS OPTION". Request Your Personal Prophetic Word 12 Month Prophecy Forecast Today in Christ Jesus and be Amazed! We will send you our latest prophetic activity in the comfort of your inbox! Now remember though that we all must walk by Faith and Steven's words from God are for direction and encouragement. Thank you prophetess Joann for deliver the word for me. Also, make sure you include your GENDER and AGE. Feel free to request this for yourself or someone else you want to bless. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. for prophetic ministry appointments happening between 10-10:45 a.m. Return to the hallway where you signed up at 9:55 a.m. We will begin calling registered names at 10 a.m. CAUTION !! Whats Gods heart, plans, seasons and timing, warnings, etc, and how to prepare for it to make the best out of it? Thank you again for allowing the Spirit to flow through you & know that your words are assisting in building the Kingdom of God, the remnant. Click here to make a donation and recieve a priority reply. Maybe you are Divorced or Widowed? You can request it again JUST if you are GIFTING someone else. Send a prayer request now, or call 18007007000 Find . It has also given me a some more clarity and understanding. Steven is very laid back and easy to talk. But prophetic words are not directly intended to take important decisions. Please allow up to All Time Zones (Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific will be Honored to your Requested preference. We will never function in such a way as to replace your responsibility to commune with the Lord privately, seeking Him for yourself. You were sitting in a chair and starring at, I hear the Lord saying: He is in midst of tribulations, but he is still trusting Me. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. I prophesied this to her September 24th, 2020, and I told her that I would also put her on my Prayer list and keep this before the Lord if any more information I would receive and relay it to her. "The words the Lord gave you are phenomenal and so right on!!!" I will keep you in Prayer as well and we are going to believe together for C****s to be found and the best outcome 4 U dear sister. August is when I will begin acting on my plans, and its amazing that you brought up wings to take action! ", Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), If you feel like you have little strength right no, Happy New Year! The end of your word to me about purity was so on point for this season. , Hey! This post isnt sponsored in any way and I dont know these people, but if you benefit from their ministry, I encourage you to give them a donation if you are able. You can also specify a certain area(s) in your relationship or leave it blank for a general word. . You can also specify a certain area(s) or leave it blank for a general word. Matthew 10:41 "He who receives a Prophet in the name of a Prophet shall receive a Prophets Reward. Can you hear from the Lord anything? Revelation 19:10: "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy". In other translations we read here the word is also the word reprimand What could imply that it is a tap on your fingers. As 1 Corinthians 14:3-4 says: request prophecy, request a prophetic word, request a prophecy\request prophecy . Tony, thank you so so much! To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. By donating you get served first normally within 2-3 days. He does ask for a seed donation into His ministry which is biblical and remember that all request a prophetic word 4 your life future is Free, but you are donating into his ministry for the time to set aside and inquire on your behalf before the Lord for your life at. In prophecy prayer, the person praying may feel led to speak out specific scriptures, words of knowledge, or prophetic messages that they sense God is revealing to them. They sent me probably the most encouraging word Ive ever received, and I promptly send them a donation. (Hebrews 11:3). If youre longing for a word from the Lord like I have been on so many occasions, I hope this resource blesses you, and I pray God will surround you with a prophetic community to speak into your life! ", "I would like to confirm the prophecy to true. Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC how to make a fresh flower cascading bouquet matplotlib overwriting plots mpa defender 9mm full auto npm warn ebadengine unsupported engine eslint male to female transition drunk wife fuck vid. Let me Inquire on your behalf and share what the Spirit will reveal for your happiness. The words you have shared have given me deep encouragement that I am on the right track as I seek His face and serve the Lord. Prepare your phone. You will find the forms of the members of team below: If you are blessed by this website and our ministry you can sow in the minstry of Godsfreedom: Asahyle is a bornagain with the Holy Spirit filled christian, he has been serving christians with his prophetic giftings, for several years now. The house and rainbow is a beautiful image that Gods plans for me will come to pass and everything will work out. The prophetic word is a blessing to me and spot on! I prayed for God to send a prophet into my life for three months. thank you thank you soo much for the words. The best thing you can do is to click the link below and navigate to a REAL Prophets website for a REAL request prophetic word for your life in Christ Jesus the Lord at. This is a ONE-TIME request because it covers your whole YEAR, kindly do not request it again. Kimberly has a passion to prophesy to those who sit in dark places and held captive by the works of darkness. Martin is a bornagain and with the Holy Spirit filled christian, he has been serving christians with his prophetic giftings, for several years now. I am excited." I promise you a quick response but please consider that I am also having others on the list and I need to take some time to pray! Am I really hearing from God? . God knows your. Just fill out the Prayer Request form and we will gladly pray for you! The prophetic will be for at least 5 to 10 minutes and extensive prayer will go into the preparation of your word from the Holy Spirit. I am always looking for God sightings. The prophetic words do me a lot of good. Allow, This Option is if you are a SINGLE woman looking for that special man? The Father Says Today: February 25th, 2023. What Your Sowing into is Steven's Time to seek on Your behalf through this on-line Platform before The Lord with His Gift of Prophecy with TRUE Testimonials following His Words and Predictions that have been Validated throughout the Many Years Now. These words bring peace and joy to my heart,all my life I've been battle with insecurity worry and fears, I don't have confident in myself because I'm struggle with self doubt and unbelief, I've been through many battle with spiritual warefare. Due to the high amount of requests that came in for Ephraim, he is currently unavailable to take new ones in. What is My Heavenly Calendar? Here at Prophetic Light, we believe in the power of prayer. Or are you a SINGLE man still looking for that special woman? ", "The words the Lord gave you are phenomenal and so right on!!! Are you tired of receiving request prophetic word from someone and it never comes to pass as Prophesied? The cycle of confusion will cease as the cycle of joy brings you peace! It is and remains your responsibility in what degree of obedience you walk with the Lord. Yesterday we travelled the almost 60 miles to go to this house, confronting the couple who had taken him from our yard. If it is ok to ask for money or not. I am so anticipating the Lords infilling of His joy and love! The word should also be geared to your heart, does it click with your heart? Subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. Lord, we pray for your abiding love and peace to fill the hearts of every believer in you. Who prophesies, is more than who speaks in tongues. Therefore, also to you. (I heard a loud laugh from Him directed at the devil HA! Wow!) Something has truly shifted in my spirit my eyes are off the world and onto Him with even greater intention! Hey, Im glad you reached this page. I'm Brianna and I'm a millennial. Choose Your Request Personal Prophetic Word online option below and Steven will send You back a Prophetic Word Email in Christ the Lord. And Hes given me the strategies to lavishly pour out honor upon every single one (frustrate those religious spirits! The covenant of abundant life will find full . I am grateful to God for you and I receive Gods word with all my heart and will meditate on Psalm 103. I sometimes will stay up and can't even sleep because I have things going on in my life and I wonder how in the world is God going to work all of this seemingly mess of what is happening and why are all these things happening in my life all at the same time. !We will not take in your request, if you request on more than one of the teammembers at the same time. May the Lord bless you and keep you. You are truly such a blessing Tony to us all! Brother Toni, Thank you for your word confirming something I did in the secretI didnt realize that God had heard me or recorded and taken it seriously.
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