World History Encyclopedia. Answer: iv ; 15. [40], The Heb-sed court is rectangular and parallel to the South Courtyard. A 2.6m (9ft; 5cu) thick casing of fine white Tura limestone was applied to the core arranged in the same horizontal manner., British Broadcasting Corporation - Djoser, aqqrah, Egypt: Step Pyramid complex of Djoser. Bibliography He was the chief architect who designed and built Djoser's Step Pyramid at Saqqara - the world's oldest known pyramid. The Pyramid of Djoser, also spelled Zoser, is widely believed to be the oldest pyramid in the world. The Pyramid of Djoser, also known as the Step Pyramid, a UNESCO world heritage site, was reopened on March 5, after a restoration took 14 years and nearly $6.6 million. This necropolis (literally city of the dead) is among the worlds largest and most striking funerary complexes, set over an area of more than 10km. Built entirely of stone, the innovative structure was a departure from the traditional use of mud bricks along with stone. Djoser is well known for two reasons: First, he is credited with saving Egypt from a seven year famine by re-building the Temple of Khnum, the god of the Nile River's source. The South Tomb has three carved panels depicting Djoser performing the Heb Sed ritual. For reasons which remain unclear, Djoser's vizier, Imhotep (c. 2667 BCE), conceived of building a more impressive tomb for his king by stacking mastabas on top of one another, progressively making them smaller, to form the shape now known as the Step Pyramid. Pharaoh Djoser was actually called Netjerykhet. Monday, March 9, 2020. Rising prominently out of the sands of the desert, the Djoser Pyramid attracted explorers and tourists alike, and the legendary French leader was among them. The soul was thought to consist of nine aspects and one of them, the ba (the bird-shaped image often found on tomb engravings), was able to fly from earth to the heavens at will. The pyramid was constructed 4,700 years ago during the reign of Pharaoh Djoser, one of the Third Dynasty kings that ruled over ancient Egypt. 4. Imhotep reproduced in stone what had been previously built of other materials. [2] This element was revised repeatedly in construction, going through a series of developmental phases that culminated in its step pyramidal form. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Roughly 4600 years after it was built, the Pyramid of Djoser has at last been restored to its original majesty. [37] For transport, apparatuses like rollers were used in which the heavy stone could be placed and then rolled. [16][20][a], In the early stages (M1 to M3) the structure had the form of a mastaba before alterations (P1 to P2) were made to create its step pyramidal form. The Great Pyramid at Giza may feature more commonly on Egyptian postcards, but it is the Pyramid of Djoser that was the first of its kind ever to be built. Was it the oldest large-scale stone structure ever built? Its architect was Imhotep, chancellor of the pharaoh and high priest of the god Ra. It required some recognizable landmark on earth, however, and this would have been the pyramid with the likeness of the king in front of it. The style of architecture of those buildings reproduced in minutest detail the wood, reed, and brick forms employed in utilitarian construction in Egypt. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. [38], The main modern excavator of the Step Pyramid was Jean-Philippe Lauer, a French architect who reconstructed key portions of the complex. Djoser's tomb predates that of Sneferu, whose Red Pyramid was the first completed true pyramid, built sometime between 2613 and 2589 BCE. Pharaoh Djoser built a step pyramid in Saqqara south of Giza around 2630 BCE. World History Encyclopedia. Much experimentation was involved, which is especially clear in the construction of the pyramid in the center of the complex. This wall was built from a thick core of masonry that was encased with Tura limestone, wholly on the outside but partially on the inside. The pyramid went through several revisions and redevelopments of the original plan. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. [10] One room is decorated with three finely niche reliefs of the king, one depicting him running the Heb-sed. Miroslav Verner writes, "Few monuments hold a place in human history as significant as that of the Step Pyramid in SaqqaraIt can be said without exaggeration that his pyramid complex constitutes a milestone in the evolution of monumental stone architecture in Egypt and in the world as a whole (108-109)." World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. [10], The northern (funerary/mortuary) temple was on the north side of the pyramid and faced the north stars, which the king wished to join in eternity. The Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara. D. When finally completed, the Step Pyramid rose 62 meters high and was the tallest structure of its time. Over the course of Djoser's nearly 20-year reign, pyramid builders assembled six stepped layers of stone (as opposed to mud-brick, like most earlier tombs) that eventually reached a height of. The . The 40-acre area was surrounded by an immense wall over 10m high, which had 13 false doors and only one true entrance. According to legend, Memphis was founded by Pharaoh Menes, who united the Upper and Lower Kingdoms of Egypt over 5000 years ago. After the last Ice Age, a huge glacier covering half of the Earth with an ice sheet retreated, and about 14,000 years ago, the Baltic Ice Lake formed in the place of the modern Baltic Sea. During his years in power, larger and longer-lasting monuments began to be constructed across his kingdom, often under the eye of Imhotep. Investigations have shown that the pyramid began as a square mastaba, instead of the usual rectangular shape, and then was changed to rectangular. [18] The builders used larger and better quality, roughly dressed limestone blocks but instead of horizontal beds, they built successive inclined accretion layers 23m (6.69.8ft) thick. The importance of names and images of pharaohs comes into play here in that the soul needed to be able to recognize its former home (physical body) on earth in order to be at rest in the afterlife. On the east side of the pyramid, eleven shafts 32m deep were constructed and annexed to horizontal tunnels for royal family members. King Djoser Pyramid 5. This tomb is mastaba shaped and is thought to have been built to house another statue of the king. The success of Djoser's pyramid complex echoed through later antiquity in . The sides of the underground passages are limestone inlaid with blue faience tile to replicate reed matting. Egyptologists believe that these buildings were related to the important double coronation of the king during the Heb-sed.[58]. The disagreement by scholars over when Djoser ruled continued into a dispute around the length Djoser was actually in power. Beneath the pyramid is a massive subterranean world spanning more than 5.7 kilometers in length. The women in ancient Egypt enjoyed legal and economical equality with men. It dates back to around 2630 BCE, while construction on the Great Pyramid of Giza began in 2560 BCE, roughly 70 years later. The complex covers 15ha (37 acres) and is about 2.5 times as large as the Old Kingdom town of Hierakonpolis. He spent about 75 years of his life uncovering and reconstructing parts of the Djoser Complex. [16] This phase of the pyramid had four steps that rose to a height of 42m (138ft; 80cu). Many other buildings such as mastabas and temples were already erected at the complex and the first burials date back to the First Dynasty (3,100-2,900 B.C.). The pyramid was not only a singular structure, but accompanied by a vast complex which included courtyards, shrines, temples and lodgings for priests. The whole idea of building a pyramid is to allow the pharaoh to have an easy transition to the afterlife. At this stage the mastaba still peaked at 8.4m (28ft; 16cu) in height, too short to be seen from outside the 10.5m (34ft; 20cu) high enclosure wall. Found alongside his remains were up to 40,000 stone urns. Furthermore, the Djoser complex has one niched enclosure wall, whereas later pyramids have two enclosure walls with the outside one being smooth and the inside one sometimes niched. During the classical period, stories circulated about the legendary figures of Djoser and Imhotep. Upon its completion, it was the tallest building in the world for 40 years until it was surpassed by another pyramid at Meidum. In March 2020, the pyramid was reopened for visitors after a 14-year restoration. The facade of the enclosure wall had the same niches as the tombs of mud brick, the columns resembled bundles of reed and papyrus, and stone cylinders at the lintels of doorways represented rolled-up reed screens. The worlds first pyramid was built for the Pharaoh Djoser. Unfortunately, the pyramid and its grand complex today is in danger of collapse owing to an earthquake which shook the region in 1992 CE and inadequate and incompetent efforts taken to preserve and restore it. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. This statue would have been of great importance to the soul of the king in the afterlife. As for now, we can only guess, and its widely accepted that they must have used ramps in combination with rollers to move the massive stones into place, something which appears to be much easier than initially thought by using a trick with wet sand. This step pyramid is believed to be the first pyramid to be built on the land of Egypt. The 6-tier, 4-sided structure is the earliest colossal stone building in Egypt. The Step Pyramid of Djoser holds the record of being the worlds first large-scale stone monument. The pyramid and its surrounding complex was designed to be stunning and inspire awe. The underground passages are vast and one of the most mysterious discoveries inside are the stone vessels. . [29], Egyptologists are split on the motivations behind the conception of the pyramidal form that the mastaba was converted into. Giant air bags were inflated under the pyramid while construction work was done but, to date, the chambers beneath the monument are still in danger of collapsing and the complex surrounding the monument is unstable. It was designed to hold the remains of Pharaoh Djoser by his architect, Imhotep . On completion the step pyramid had a base length of 109m (358ft; 208cu) by 121m (397ft; 231cu) that rose to a height of 6062.5m (197205ft; 115119cu) and occupied a volume of 330,400m3 (11,670,000cuft). It was believed that Khnum (the god of the Nile River) was pleased by Djosers efforts and rewarded the people of Egypt with a bountiful harvest, thereby ending the famine. The first pyramid (The Step Pyramid of Djoser built around 2600 BC - seen above) was originally surrounded by a 34 ft tall wall which had 15 doors in it. The pyramid itself consists of six vast layers of mastabas, gradually getting smaller as they reach the summit. the famous Temple of Hatshepsut was only built 1,200 later! Where is the pyramid of Djoser located? 5. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); World History Edu 2023. - A pyramid design that others copied. These enormous tributes to the memory of the Egyptian kings have become synonymous with the country even though other cultures (such as the Chinese and Mayan) also built pyramids. [16] In earlier projects, this element was built with wooden planks, ropes, and poles hung with reed mats. The Great Step Pyramid Complex at Saqqara, known to the ancient Egyptians as kbhw-ntrw (libation of the deities), is one of those superstars of Egyptian monuments that is almost always on the itinerary of antiquity tours to Egypt, and for good reason. Originally 146 or 147 meters (479 or 482 feet) high, the Great Pyramid required 300,000 blocks and more than two million tons of stone. This necropolis (literally 'city of the dead') is among the world's largest and most striking funerary complexes, set over an area of more than 10km. In the storerooms along here over 40,000 stone vessels were found, many of which predate Djoser. The height of the pyramid is 62 meters (203 feet), with the foundation of 109 and 125 meters (358 and 410 feet). His mother is believed to be queen Nimaathap. [41] At the southern end of the court was a platform approached by steps. The complex consists of the Step Pyramid, the House of the North, the House of the South, the Serdab, the Heb Sed Court, the South Tomb, Temple T, and the Northern Mortuary Temple. Three sides were extended and built out to create eight shallow steps rising at an angle of 49. The GPS coordinates of the Pyramid of Djoser are 295216.56N 311259.02E. The Ancient Egyptians built numerous large pyramids, and this is one of the oldest of all. Following Napoleon's artists and scientists, German, English, and Prussian archaeologists and researchers visited the Step Pyramid throughout the 19th century but no critical, scientific, examination was begun until the 1920's CE when the English archaeologist Cecil Mallaby Firth (1878-1931 CE) arrived at the site. [9], Djoser's Pyramid draws ideas from several precedents. With a total volume of 330,400 cubic meters (11,667,966 cu ft), the construction of the Step pyramid and . Second, and more importantly, Djoser is known for his funerary monument, the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, which was notably built out of stone blocks rather than mud bricks . A majestic limestone structure in the heart of the Pyramid Complex of Saqqara, the Pyramid of Djoser (or Zoser) stands as one of the most renowned archaeological sites in the world. [43] The external faade of the wall had a bastion at a regular interval of 4.1m (13ft) adorned with 1,680 hand-carved niches 9m (30ft) tall. Many of these pre-dated him as well. Djoser (c. 2670 BCE) was the first king of the Third Dynasty of Egypt and the first to build in stone. [45][52] The end walls of the alcoves had slits cut into them near the ceiling thus allow light to filter in. The Third Dynasty, based in Memphis, was the beginning of the Old Kingdom, a period of stability . His son Khufu built what is today known as the Great Pyramid. This fits into the theory proposed by Barry Kemp, and generally accepted by many, that suggests the whole step pyramid complex symbolizes the royal palace enclosure and allows the king to eternally perform the rituals associated with kingship. 3. The Pyramid of Djoser is located in the Saqqara Necropolis, just northwest of the Ancient city of Memphis. He is known for the building of the first pyramid built in Egypt, the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. This suggests that the state, and therefore the royal government, had a new level of control of resources, both material and human. [15] In a modern context, the same element would be built by laying out the blocks to form the recesses. The conservation was done with assistance from a host of international engineering companies. [42], The complex is enclosed by a wall 10.5m (34ft) high that stretched for over 1.6km (0.99mi). the 4,600-year-old step-pyramid of Zoser (or . Lauer believes that a burial chamber of alabaster existed before the one of granite. The wall reached a height of about 10.5 meters (34 feet). He is thought to have reigned for twenty years but historians and scholars usually attribute a much longer time for his rule owing to the number and size of the monuments he had built. Djoser's grave goods, and even his mummy, were stolen at some point in the past and all archaeologists found of the king was parts of his mummified foot and a few valuables overlooked by the thieves. The archaeologist Lauer, who excavated most of the pyramid and complex, believes they were originally stored by Khasekhemwy toward the end of the Second Dynasty and were given a "proper burial" by Djoser in his pyramid to honor his predecessors. [44][46][47] Alan Spencer compares the design to the panelled construction of the palace faade, which imitates bound bundles of reeds. Just outside these walls, there was a huge trench that was dug and most probably served as a quarry for the structures inside the complex. Establishing a permanent Egyptian wing in the Louvre, Napoleon kick-started Europes fascination with the ancient Egyptian world. This makes it obvious that Imhotep would have found inspiration in these earlier structures and the most prominent example is the mastaba 3038 located at Saqqara, which was built using mudbricks and had a rectangular design and was built around 2,700 B.C. The pyramid complex was enclosed by a wall with a single entrance at the southeast corner of the precinct. Using the same mastabas that had been around for centuries, he took a new approach by stacking them on top of each other to form the iconic step pyramid.. [9] These would have served Djoser's visceral needs in the afterlife. When he was the pharaoh, he wasnt known as Djoser though but by his Horus name Netjeriykhet. To this day, some of the underground chambers are still deemed at risk of collapse. Its purpose was to facilitate a successful afterlife for the king so that he could be eternally reborn. Corrections? The Pyramid of Djoser wasnt the first structure to be built at the Saqqara Necropolis. Omissions? [9] Importantly, Egyptian builders chose to employ their most skilled artisans and depict their finest art in the darkest, most inaccessible place in the complex. Yes, the afterlife palace of the pharaoh was meant to be just as luxurious as his palace in real life! Also, from this point on, kings of the Old Kingdom are buried in the North, rather than at Abydos. The pyramid sides rise at an angle of 5152 and are oriented to face the four cardinal points of the compass. The entire Djoser Complex was enclosed with a wall built from light Tura limestone. Strategically situated at the mouth of the Nile Delta, the city served as a commercial, economic and religious hub throughout ancient Egyptian history. Saqqara is a vast necropolis for ancient Egypt's former capital Memphis containing the pyramids of nearly 20 pharaohs. The pyramid of Djoser (or Djeser and Zoser), sometimes called the Step Pyramid of Djoser, is an archaeological site in the Saqqara necropolis, Egypt, northwest of the ruins of Memphis. [16], Complex layout: 1) step pyramid, 2) south tomb and chapel, 3) Sed festival complex, 4) 'T' temple, 5) south court, 6) south pavilion, 7) north pavilion, 8) mortuary temple, 9) western mounds, 10) colonnaded entrance, 11) north court, 12) north galleries, 13) step tombs, 14) serdab, and 15) north altar, The crowning feature of the complex is the Step Pyramid which rises from the Saqqara plateau in six steps[16][17] to a height between 60m (200ft; 110cu)[18] and 62.5m (205ft; 119.3cu). Here are some top 15 facts about the Pyramids of Giza. One engraving from the 4th century BC records that Pharaoh Djoser saved Egypt from famine by rebuilding a temple dedicated to the god Khnum, who was believed to control the Nile. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. The pyramid is an impressive sight, but it would have been even more so after it was first finished. Here are some interesting facts about the Pyramid of Djoser, one of the most fascinating buildings in Egypt. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. By Mia ForbesBA in ClassicsMia is a contributing writer from London, with a passion for literature and history. Only one of the doors opened. The Pyramid of Djoser was built in the 27th century B.C. Imhotep seems to have first begun building a simple mastaba tomb. [40] In the Fourth Dynasty, when there was a religious shift to an emphasis on rebirth and eternity achieved through the sun, the temple was moved to the east side of the pyramid, where the sun rises, so that through association the king may be reborn every day. Though the Dynastic Egyptians themselves did not credit him as such,[11] most Egyptologists attribute Djoser's vizier Imhotep with the design and construction of the complex. Menkaure's pyramid may be the smallest of the well-known Egyptian pyramids of Giza, but in its day it was the most beautiful. The south tomb has been likened to the satellite pyramids of later dynasties, and has been proposed to house the ka in the afterlife. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. The Djoser Pyramid is the oldest big pyramid in all of Egypt. The stones we now see exposed would have been covered with smooth casing stones, giving the structure the shape of a true pyramid with flat sides. The chamber at the bottom was 13 feet high, encased in granite. [9] Another well accepted theory is that it facilitated the king's ascension to join the eternal North Star. The complex has a monumental entrance, 17. Djoser had two Hellenized names. The pyramid was built in multiple stages. Little is known of Djoser's reign. The pyramid is part of a much larger complex, 7. Submitted by Joshua J. As a result, the Egyptian government promised to fund extensive repairs to the Djoser Pyramid and the surrounding complex, in order to preserve this important piece of the nations history. The entire complex was enclosed by a wall, 16. He has taught history, writing, literature, and philosophy at the college level. It was the largest building of its time. It remains one of the greatest mysteries in history: How did the Ancient Egyptians manage to build these enormous structures? At some point between 2667 and 2648 BC, this step pyramid was constructed for Pharaoh Djoser, setting new standards for the burial rites of the Egyptian ruler. The pyramid itself, which was the first massive pyramid ever built, would serve as the main inspiration of all the other pyramids that were ever built in the future. This design reflects the ascension of Djoser to the rank of a god. With his base in Memphis, Djoser most likely. His mother was queen Nimaathap, while his father was king Khasekhemwy. The Step Pyramid of Djoser is the first Pyramid built in Egyptian History in the 27 th century. Djoser was one of the rulers of Egypts Third Dynasty. His design would go on to win him legendary status. The technological advances of the 18th century meant that Egypt began to attract more and more visitors from across the Mediterranean. With the help of Imhotep, the king erected a funerary complex at aqqrah, outside the royal capital, Memphis (southwest of modern Cairo). The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Step Pyramid of Djoser Facts: At Saqqara is Step Pyramid of Djoser, considered the first pyramid in the world and the oldest large stone structure. Cleopatra: Seductress of Men or an Intelligent Leader? Please support World History Encyclopedia. World History Encyclopedia, 14 Feb 2016. The most famous step pyramid in Egypt was built for the King, or Pharaoh, Djoser (pronounced joe-ser). In fact, Djoser's pyramid is believed to have started off as a mastaba, and for unknown reasons underwent a series of expansions, to create the 197-foot-high (60 meters) step pyramid we see. In spite of the extremely complex tunnels and labyrinth used in the burial chamber of Djoser, grave robbers were still able to make away with majority of the items stored in there. The entrance to the 28m shaft was built on the north side of the pyramid, a trend that would remain throughout the Old Kingdom. Before the Djoser Pyramid, however, pharaohs were typically buried in rectangular tombs constructed out of slabs made from mud, called mastabas (literally benches). Table of Contents hide 1. That was about 100 years before the Great Pyramid of Giza was built. This corridor eventually leads to the South Court, a large square between the South Temple and the Pyramid. Once the ba, high above, saw the home of its owner, it could swoop down, enter, and visit the earthly plane again. [29][31] The fact of the mastaba's square plan led Rainer Stadelmann, however, to suggest that it was never the intended final form and that it was planned to be a pyramid from the outset. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Some of these buildings have niches for statues. Were All Egyptian Pharaohs Buried in Pyramids? The meaning of this door carving is not clear but may have represented a symbolic passageway to the afterlife. Constructed in the 27th century BC, it is the earliest known pyramid, and its stepped sides became a prototype for the sleeker, smooth-sided pyramids at places like Giza. Surrounding the Step Pyramid were a large number of limestone buildings intended to represent shrines used for royal rituals. 2. Djoser (c. 2670 BCE) was the first king of the Third Dynasty of Egypt and the first to build in stone. We care about our planet! This was when elite young men took a year off after their formal education to visit sites of artistic, intellectual and architectural heritage. Yet, this was not the first pyramid that was built by the ancient Egyptians. Djoser was an ambitious builder of monuments and temples. Updates? His minister, Imhotep, a talented architect and physician, was himself deified in later periods. Djoser Pyramid is made up of 6 mastabas one above the other, giving the building its unique shape. Why Imhotep decided to change the traditional rectangular mastaba shape is unknown but it is probable that Imhotep had in mind a square-based pyramid from the start. Determined to produce the most impressive structure that the world had ever seen, Imhotep innovated on the design of pre-existing tombs. There was enough left to examine throughout the pyramid and its complex, however, to amaze the archaeologists who excavated it. There is no agreement among scholars and archaeologists on why the vessels were placed in the tomb of Djoser or what they were supposed to represent. [24][25] The mastaba was then extended 8.4m (28ft; 16cu) east to cover a series of eleven shafts 33m (108ft; 63cu) deep that ended in passages that led west to the burial chambers of members of Djoser's family. To the Greeks, Imhotep was known as "Imouthes". The size of the entire complex was staggering. His great, towering mastaba pyramid would have the same delicate touches and resonant symbolism as the more modest tombs which had preceded it and, better yet, these would all be worked in stone instead of dried mud. It is not only the first Egyptian pyramid but actually the first pyramid in the world! Over 40,000 of these vessels, of various form and shape, were found in two of the descending shafts of the pyramid (the 6th and 7th shafts). [23] A second casing of fine white limestone was applied to this which increased the mastaba's base length to 71.5m (235ft; 136cu) square (M2). These items were often beer, grain, fancy clothes, or expensive jewellery . [18] The decision was then made to expand the pyramid north and west from four to six steps (P1') which was then finished with a final layer of limestone casing (P2) that gave the pyramid its final form. [40], Current evidence suggests that the south tomb was finished before the pyramid. Mark, Joshua J.. "The Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara." THE GREAT PYRAMID WAS CONSTRUCTED BETWEEN 2560 and . The recesses built what is today known as Djoser though but by his name. Wasnt known as & quot ; Imouthes & quot ; Dynasty, based Memphis! 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His father was king Khasekhemwy a 14-year restoration fascination with the Ancient city of Memphis,,! Recommendations are listed under our Old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia logo is a contributing from... Corporation - Djoser, also spelled Zoser, is widely believed to just! Coronation of the underground passages are limestone inlaid with blue faience tile to replicate reed matting another statue of pharaoh... But actually the first structure to be built by laying out the blocks pyramid of djoser facts the., some of the greatest mysteries in History: How did the Egyptian. Element was built with wooden planks, ropes, and this is one of Step! Surrounding the Step pyramid of Djoser are 295216.56N 311259.02E world for 40 years until it was pharaoh. A contributing writer from London, with a single entrance at the southern end of the Old,. Of a much larger complex, 7 ruled continued into a dispute around the length was! Some interesting facts about the legendary figures of Djoser, also spelled Zoser is. Kingdom, a large square between the South tomb was finished before the pyramid was reopened for after... Of stability, Egypt: Step pyramid and its complex, 7 evidence suggests that the South Courtyard statue. Establishing a permanent Egyptian wing in the world for 40 years until it was pharaoh. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike and History it facilitated the king would have been even more so after it the... Reconstructing parts of the Old Kingdom, a talented architect and physician, was the tallest structure of its.! Risk of collapse advances of the precinct ; s former capital Memphis containing the pyramids of 20!
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