This article contains a list of essence item codes for Mask of the Betrayer (NX1: MotB). The best scimitar you see before enchanting becomes easy is +1 +1d6 fire damage. This is a tough fight, especially if you try to engage all of Aramans forces at once. We managed to finagle a Brilliant Spirit Essence by devouring its soul, so you may want to perform that action on it. Head back to a portal and do so. Kaji is pretty weak, and does not partake in battle, but if an enemy casts an AOE spell on your party, he can still be killed. With helpers in tow, talk to one of the death knights to start the fight. Still, hes a single target taking on a well-oiled machine, so he wont be able to stand for long against you. Amulet of natural armor, Ring of slashing/bludgeon/piercing resist, ring of death/ability damage/drain/negative levels immunity, cape of resistance, boots of sun soul, belt of storm giant strength, braces of I don't remember, Githyanki most op sword, magic defense(cant recall exact name) shield, hand crafted +8 greatsword(monkey grip 1h) with fire and shock enchantment and FB special power attack I also remember having regen item and slotless wonderous item buffs, soloed final battle easily at very hard diff. Sure, you may look funny, but you'll be all but untouchable in combat. The nearby machine isnt marked on your map, but if you examine it, either you (via a Lore check) or Safiya should be able to deduce its basic functionality. Find a good one overlooked here? If, on the other hand, you decide to side with the defenders against Zoab, youll have to immediately kill Seyryu. The second round of challenges is a bit tougher than the first. Kaji makes an acceptable lockpicker if your main character is incapable of performing the act. Beyond his spellcasting, though, Ganns combat feats mostly revolve around the shortbow. Using the Shadow of the Void or Shape of Fire essences to enchant a weapon is amazing: 6D6 Cold or Fire damage; only negative you get is some fire or cold vulnerability along with it. I am open to enchanting already existing items, especially Sergei's falchion (forgot the name) and boots of sun soul. For example, you can get a +2 +1d6 acid longsword very early on. You can drop the housings that youve found onto the floor to get around this, but theres an easier way to avoid the defenses: simply load up one of your characters with all of the housings in the repository, then switch to another character, tell the first character to stay put, then walk the second character over to the stairs leading to another level. Golem Fighting Bugfix. That will cause ghosts to appear. It makes the game far more tactical if you can sneak around or use items from other classes. In the rear, a spellcaster will pelt you with spells and summon creatures to fight you. Thieve's Hood (OC): immunity to KD and Poison and some minor skill bonuses. Eventually, you'll be able to devour the spirits of multiple enemies at one time. You can also buy various magical items from her, including Chimes of Opening, which may come in handy for doors and chests that Kaji cant open. Khai himself isnt overly difficult, but taken together, your foes can be difficult to manage. Rest up, fight off the gnolls in the back rooms, search for items as you like, then go to Liennas bedroom, search the worktables, and head through the portal that opens. The new ones still retain the old item's description, though you can change the name. Slaying Myrkul will also net you the Ravenous Incarnation ability, which lets you turn yourself into a fearsome creature of the night. When youre ready to make your golem, bring all of the parts to the Golem Crafting Station here. If you do, they'll occupy it and join your party as One of Many. The hags won't take kindly to your eating of their dream. Speaking of the Wells of Lurue, theres one last task for you to complete before you head into the Death Gods Vault. One thing to note is that Gann seems to chew through ammo pretty quickly. (Oddly enough, despite the fact that hes listed as eventually getting stuff like Power Critical and Improved Critical, his critical strike rating stays at 20/x2. Hi guys, I would like to seek your opinion on building a pure monk(30) for the original campaign and MOTB. If you wish, you can simply kill all of the berserkers here in the hut. Youll have to take out the bear spirits. The Cinders are the other item that you need to invoke the gods in support of Gnarlthorn. If you head to the Sleeper area (its near where you enter the Skein via Mistress teleportation, youll find Geiard, a half-crazy denizen of this dungeon. Which, of course, means that you should head downstairs and open it. If you can find any way to grant yourself a Freedom of Action status, then you might want to use it. I just had some time off and went through OC and MOTB using the same character. Since youre kind of low on party members, Mordenkainens Sword will also be a good addition to the party. Youll gain the Shadow Mulsantir and Prodigal Daughter journal entries. Repeat the process until Hunger is dead, then focus all your fire on Akachi to finish him off. Kill your way back to the rear cavern to find a Paragon Beast of Malar, which drops a Legendary Blood item when killed. The dryads will get some spells in on you, but if youre lucky, only Okku and some of the Telthor wolves and snow leopards will follow you. The archers here hit pretty hard, so try to take them down with spells and your own ranged attacks before moving too far down. Kill them, loot all the bodies, then head into the Ashenwood in pursuit of Nadaj. Hell have plenty of protections, so if possible, cast something like Mordenkainens Disjunction on him to strip them away, or simply unload on him with attacks and spells until he falls. Youll need Nefris key to access the room, though. Hell be your main source of information while youre here, so talk to him. Ammo can now be crafted from these materials: Adamantine, Cold Iron . Gann is a chaotic neutral Hagspawn Spirit Shaman, so hell take some getting used to. If you buff yourself properly before the fight and summon helpers, they should go down quickly. Immunity to Knockdown, Mind affecting, negative level, ability decrease, poison, disease, slow, movement speed decrease, paralysis, entangle, critical hits, stun, sneak attacks; immunity to evocation, illusion and necromancy and permanent immunity to spells level II and below. You can try to talk her out of it, but if you do, youll be locked out of the Sloop and will need to enter through Shadow Mulsantir. The Tome of the Dolorous Sage is located in the northwestern vault. Use it on a Volatile Spirit Essence to learn the Malleate Spirit ability. THX. My final rig was a joke, though. You can enchant weapons to absurd levels in mob, -2 is hard to even notice. As you arrive, youll find that the defenders of the Basilica have allied themselves with demons. The crafting feats. To the west is a teleporter; step on it to fight some elementals, if you happen to need more spirit energy. In order to defeat Okku, youll have to defeat a certain number of his spirit army. If you possess an Enchanter's Satchel, you can place weapons and armor into it, along with Spirit Essences, then use these feats on the Satchel to enchant the items. I know I don't need it, I just want it. Gann also has a number of spirit-related abilities, but well be honest and say that we never used them and still got through the game just fine. Youll also be able to get another golem piece after defeating her, as well. After defeating the Mistress and the guards, head up to the Covens pedestal and search the corpses in the area for more loot. Youre now forced to fight the bizarre entitiy within you; it hungers for souls, and grants you some new abilities related to them. Use Turn Undead and summoning spells to defeat the foes. With Akachi lying at your feet, all that remains to be determined is what action you take. Safiya is one of the best utility characters in the game, as she can buff every party member quite thoroughly, create magical arms and armor, create wondrous items, and use her familiar to pick locks and detect traps. If you havent finished the Loves Sweet Torment quest in the Wells of Lurue, now would be a good time to get that done. If you eat the soul, then Okku will die and youll move on. When you reach the epic levels, Epic Gate winds up being a good choice, although it takes a while to cast. Neverwinter Nights series NWN2 1-hand or 2-hand weapon (13 posts) solved (13 posts) solved (13 posts . This means you can upgrade certain unique weapons. Head into Mulsantir. ), For the purposes of this walkthrough, we decided to import our lawful evil scythe weaponmaster. Just 30 levels of Monk. Roleplay it as you like, but no matter what you do, youll probably wind up toasting the beast. Okku will be able to question him and finish off the quest. Remove the hammer from the table, first off, then place a golem head, arms, legs, and torso onto the table, along with a Volatile Spirit Essence. Windelhelm made a deal with a devil to achieve greater power, but now wishes to reclaim his soul. Adamantine Falchion. Shell give you the key to Liennas secret room in the shadow plane of Mulsantir, as well. by randomsome1 Updated to v3.2 on Dec 17, 2007 Updated to v3.2 on Dec 17, 2007 With Gann by your side, enter Anyas dreamscape and attempt to talk her down. With +12 strength, it should put most characters over the top, although our weaponmaster already had 24 strength even before equipping it. If you wish to destroy the elemental, its not too difficult to do so: its big and powerful, but theres only one of it, so if it manages to bypass your buffs and hit you with damage, its pretty easy to heal your way through it. Note that this section has SPOILERS in it, so don't read unless you really want to know! Ammon Jerro, when revived, acts as an information source for the end of the NWN2 campaign. The ones to look out for are Stoneskin, Premonition for Safiya herself, the Mass Buff spells at level 6 (with Mass Bears Endurance arguably being the most important), and, perhaps most importantly, a Persistant Haste spell. I also get Weapon Specialization for free at level 12 (but only for my Deity's weapon). Is it that dwarf fighter guy? Otherwise, youll have little choice but to attack them, since theyll quickly become hostile to you when they find you. If youre evil you can try to extort a little cash from them before goading them into a fight. Well start with the quests that have you attacking the city alongside Zoab and his men. Have Gann cast Summon Creature IX if possible. Regardless of who you appeal to, youll get a new item in your inventory: Chauntea will give you the Blessed Salve of the Earthmother, which will save Gnarltooth, while Malar will give you the Toxic Plantbane of the Beastlord. GameSpot may get a share of the revenue if you buy anything featured on our site. If you want to help the berserker out, youll need to find a way to get the frost giants across the river to leave the grove, then find a new spirit to put into the lake there. Some spirits, such as the ones outside of Mulsantir, are neutral to you, so if you wish to absorb their souls, you'll have to Provoke them into attacking you. Hell give you the Mask Fragment (Boy) before the dream breaks up. One of the vaults should have some hidden Dread Wraiths inside, which will be handy for refilling your spirit meter if you havent fed in a while. In the distance, you can see more of your friends, including the great dragon Seyryu and the ultralichious Rammaq. Before speaking to any of the death knights, have Kaelyn and Gann cast Summon Creature IX, with Safiya laying down a Mordenkainens Sword, if need be. You can speak to him for as long as you like to learn a bit more about your curse, and how it came about, but no matter what you do, Araman will leave, with seven instructors remaining behind to take you down. Theres also a soul involved, somehow. You arrive just outside the City of Judgment, where Zoab, a fallen angel, stands in waiting. Youll wind up with a special ointment in either case; the Pure Sanctuary Water will let you apply to Chauntea for relief, while the Legendary Blood will let you plead to Malar. This is considered a Lawful Good action. This last dreamscape will hold the key to saving Akachi permanently. There isnt much to see in the Bazaar area of Shadow Mulsantir, but if you proceed up the path to the northern part of town, youll see an open door in a building just to the east of the Veil Theater. If Gann is in your party, then shell be revealed as his mother, and offer up extra information. Base Weapon Enchantment +1 through +5 will work on ranged weapons but most other enchantments will not. Your reward is the Ring of Major Cold Resistance, which nets you resistance of 30/- to cold damage. Mulsantir is the first major city youre going to see. You have two options here: you can either attempt to complete Fentomys quest with a minimum of delay, which will allow you to bypass some of the line that prevents you from reaching the Coven quickly, or you can shuffle your way through the line, which will net you some optional encounters, fights, and experience.
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