2014;13(2):253-92. doi:10.1142/S0219635214400081, Dinan T, Cryan J. Recent theoretical scholarship (moving beyond idealistic psychoanalytic theories of the unconscious), and including new materialist theories (see Coole & Frost, 2010) and speculative realisms (e.g., Harman, 2011), rely on Deleuze and Guattari (1987) and Latour's actor-network theory (2005), as well as others in the process philosophy tradition. [55] Jung compared mass movements to mass psychoses, comparable to demonic possession in which people uncritically channel unconscious symbolism through the social dynamic of the mob and the leader. Because were playing the classic telephone game here. [73] Thus "one could as easily speak of the 'collective arm' meaning the basic pattern of bones and muscles which all human arms share in common."[74]. Jung, Carl. Because all people have families, encounter plants and animals, and experience night and day, it should come as no surprise that they develop basic mental structures around these phenomena. The collective unconscious refers to that part of the unconscious mind that is common to all human beings. [29], Jung suggested that parapsychology, alchemy, and occult religious ideas could contribute understanding of the collective unconscious. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung's theory suggested that these archetypes were archaic forms of innate human knowledge passed down from our ancestors. Rather than being seen as purely biological, more recent research suggests that archetypes emerge directly from our experiences and are reflections of linguistic or cultural characteristics (Young-Eisendrath, 1995). The collective unconscious is a term coined by psychoanalyst Carl Jung and refers to the unconscious mind shared by all of humanity. Because of the protection it implies, the magic circle or mandala can be a form of mother archetype. Comparison and Significance of Myths: In this section, you will compare the two myth variations. [57], Based on empirical inquiry, Jung felt that all humans, regardless of racial and geographic differences, share the same collective pool of instincts and images, though these manifest differently due to the moulding influence of culture. [70][71] (Conversely, religious critics including Martin Buber accused Jung of wrongly placing psychology above transcendental factors in explaining human experience. For example, a picture of a diamond represented "self"; a square represented "Earth". )[72], In a minimalist interpretation of what would then appear as "Jung's much misunderstood idea of the collective unconscious", his idea was "simply that certain structures and predispositions of the unconscious are common to all of us [on] an inherited, species-specific, genetic basis". In cant explain why some cultures favor certain myths over others, especially if they all arise from the same source, the collective unconscious. Digital Geography Soc. In "The Significance of Constitution and Heredity in Psychology" (November 1929), Jung wrote: And the essential thing, psychologically, is that in dreams, fantasies, and other exceptional states of mind the most far-fetched mythological motifs and symbols can appear autochthonously at any time, often, apparently, as the result of particular influences, traditions, and excitations working on the individual, but more often without any sign of them. This tension between collective unconscious and collective consciousness corresponds roughly to the "everlasting cosmic tug of war between good and evil" and has worsened in the time of the mass man. Some of us will have conflicts with our parents, or our tribes, some of us experience violence, some of us receive love. The foundation for this theory was based on specific archetypes and patterns that dictate how people process psychic images. More than just being repressed wishes, Jung felt that dreams compensate for parts of the psyche that are underdeveloped in our waking lives. Percival charges Jung with excessive determinism and writes: "He could not countenance the possibility that people sometimes create ideas that cannot be predicted, even in principle." The collective unconscious goes beyond cultural barriers of human beings and presents a commonality to all humans. [22][23] These instincts could be compared to the "drives" discussed in psychoanalysis and other domains of psychology. In other word, do myths come from with, and move their ways into our psyches, or are they strictly products of our experiences? The term "collective unconscious" first appeared in Jung's 1916 essay, "The Structure of the Unconscious". Princeton University Press, 1969 - Psychology - 451 pages. Regarding the claim that all humans exhibit certain patterns of mind, Percival argues that these common patterns could be explained by common environments (i.e. Likewise, in Norse mythology, the goddess Freyja is as much a goddess of love and sex, as she is war and death. This has allowed for the study of dreams as an instrument for research, diagnosis, and treatment for psychological conditions and phobias. For Jung, our primitive past becomes the basis of the human psyche, directing and influencing present behavior. [12][21] Whereas for most animals intuitive understandings completely intertwine with instinct, in humans the archetypes have become a separate register of mental phenomena. [22], Humans experience five main types of instinct, wrote Jung: hunger, sexuality, activity, reflection, and creativity. Jung also believed that the personal unconscious was much nearer the surface than Freud suggested and Jungian therapy is less concerned with repressed childhood experiences. [7] He said: My thesis then, is as follows: in addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. On Tantric Tuesdays, Kali has been a featured guest. Seligman, M. E. P. (1971). If we accept that nature, or heredity, has some influence on the individual psyche, we must examine the question of how this influence takes hold in the real world. "Neuroscience and Jung's Model of the Psyche: A Close Fit" (, Rosen, D. H.; S. M. Smith; H. L. Huston; & G. Gonzalez. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). With understanding of multiple archetypes & symbols available to us, which are time & again exposed through our behavior, beliefs, dreams etc. The same is true of his wife Hera, who becomes Juno among the Romans. For Jung, the purpose of psychic energy was to motivate the individual in a number of important ways, including spiritually, intellectually, and creatively. Jung's exposition of the collective unconscious builds on the classic issue in psychology and biology regarding nature versus nurture. Regarding the Mother archetype, Jung suggests that not only can it apply to mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, mothers-in-law, and mothers in mythology, but to various concepts, places, objects, and animals: Other symbols of the mother in a figurative sense appear in things representing the goal of our longing for redemption, such as Paradise, the Kingdom of God, the Heavenly Jerusalem. Jung worked with Sigmund Freud, another prominent psychologist during that time. The archetype is often associated with things and places standing for fertility and fruitfulness: the cornucopia, a ploughed field, a garden. collective unconscious. Dispersion Theory concerns the constraints that govern contrasts, the phonetic differences that can distinguish words in a language. Each sex manifests attitudes and behavior of the other by virtue of centuries of living together. [62][63], Jung contrasted the collective unconscious with the personal unconscious, the unique aspects of an individual study which Jung says constitute the focus of Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler. Mary Williams, "The Indivisibility of the Personal and Collective Unconscious". The ego is largely responsible for feelings of identity and continuity. 2015;63:1-9. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2015.02.021, Dabos P. The exclusion of others on Facebook: The technological unconscious, the orientalist unconscious, and the European migrant crisis. According to Jung, the human collective unconscious is populated by instincts, as well as by archetypes: ancient primal symbols such as The Great Mother, the Wise Old Man, the Shadow, the Tower, Water, and the Tree of Life. [11], The collective unconscious exerts overwhelming influence on the minds of individuals. One school of thought follows the work of psychologist C.G. [8], Jung linked the collective unconscious to "what Freud called 'archaic remnants' mental forms whose presence cannot be explained by anything in the individual's own life and which seem to be aboriginal, innate, and inherited shapes of the human mind". For Jung, the result was that the full psychological development both sexes was undermined. However, in modern Western civilization men are discouraged from living their feminine side and women from expressing masculine tendencies. This is the animal side of our personality (like the id in Freud). 2020;65(1):44-62. doi:10.1111/1468-5922.12566, Mills J. Jung as philosopher: Archetypes, the psychoid factor, and the question of the supernatural. var cid='9865515383';var pid='ca-pub-0125011357997661';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-simplypsychology_org-box-3-0';var ffid=2;var alS=2002%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);container.style.width='100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Jung's collective unconscious is essentially a foundation of archetypes and psychological motifs that are inherent in humans. collective unconscious, term introduced by psychiatrist Carl Jung to represent a form of the unconscious (that part of the mind containing memories and impulses of which the individual is not aware) common to mankind as a whole and originating in the inherited structure of the brain. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. On October 19, 1936, Jung delivered a lecture "The Concept of the Collective Unconscious" to the Abernethian Society at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London. [45] Brown & Hannigan replicated this result in 2013, and expanded the study slightly to include tests in English and in Spanish of people who spoke both languages. Weve moved for resources, weve moved for trade, weve moved for conquest, weve moved for sex, weve moved for love. "[37], Jung cited recurring themes as evidence of the existence of psychic elements shared among all humans. [9] He credited Freud for developing his "primal horde" theory in Totem and Taboo and continued further with the idea of an archaic ancestor maintaining its influence in the minds of present-day humans. (LogOut/ D. H. Rosen, S. M. Smith, H. L. Huston, & G. Gonzalez, "Empirical Study of Associations Between Symbols and Their Meanings: Evidence of Collective Unconscious (Archetypal) Memory"; Jeffrey M. Brown & Terence P. Hannigan, ". [58] However, above and in addition to the primordial collective unconscious, people within a certain culture may share additional bodies of primal collective ideas. In this sense, archetypes express the instincts in a biological sense, but at the same time they understand the spiritual . Struggling with jung: The value of uncertainty. However, by far the most important difference between Jung and Freud is Jungs notion of the collective (or transpersonal) unconscious. Three theories conceptualize this further: those of Engestrm, Nonaka and Takeuchi, and Wenger. 2 Reviews. While these archetypes are universal, their expression from individual to individual, and culture to culture, are unique, accounting for the apparent differences in myths. the part of the unconscious that, according to Carl Jung, is common to all humankind and contains the inherited accumulation of primitive human experiences in the form of ideas and images called archetypes and manifested in myths as well as other cultural phenomena (e.g., religion) and in dreams. Questions arising from conceptualizations of the archetype, Struggling with jung: The value of uncertainty, Listen to a BBC radio broadcast on Carl Jung. They were innate responses to stimuli found in all human societies for thousands of years, such as babies, old people, heros, and maidens. by shared nurture, not nature). Are archetypes transmitted more by culture than biology? Jung's concept of collective unconscious was developed at the time when he was working with schizophrenic patients in Burgholzli psychiatric hospital. Jung admitted that the idea of the collective unconscious "belongs to the class of ideas that people at first find strange but soon come to possess and use as familiar conceptions.". These universal predispositions stem from our ancestral past. 1. In line with evolutionary theory it may be that Jungs archetypes reflect predispositions that once had survival value. Whether it was his friendship with Campbell that started shifting Campbells approach, or Campbells own development, remains unclear: either way, his next great work, the four volumeMasks Of God, showed a movement away from Jung and towards a different explanation, cultural dispersion (for more on Campbells life, including his friendship with Watts, see his biography,A Fire In The Mind). [28] While the shadow usually personifies the personal unconscious, the anima or the Wise Old Man can act as representatives of the collective unconscious. They found that even when subjects did not consciously associate the word with the symbol, they were better able to remember the pairing of the symbol with its chosen word. Identification with the collective and voluntary segregation from it are alike synonymous with disease. Dreams were thought to provide key insight into the collective unconscious. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. For example, while Jung agreed with Freud that a persons past and childhood experiences determined future behavior, he also believed that we are shaped by our future (aspirations) too. Another example the African trickster god Rabbit made his way to the Americas via the slave trade. 2017;24(9):462-471. doi:10.1101/lm.044115.116, Roesler C. Jungian theory of dreaming and contemporary dream research findings from the research project 'Structural Dream Analysis'. Jung, C. G. (1933). This give us access to the primordial images that underlie all thinking and have a considerable influence even on our scientific ideas.[33]. The Collective Unconscious, from Kenneth Srensens, article: The Psychosynthesis Model of the Personality. Archetypes are signs, symbols, or patterns of thinking and/or behaving that are inherited from our ancestors. Can also be symbols, such as spirals and swastikas. Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. function Gsitesearch(curobj){curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value}. J Psychiat Res. Corrections? The phenomenology of the spirit in fairy tales. Jan 2013. figure in literature and religion makes it a good starting point for delving into Carl Jung's theory of Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Though initially Jung followed the Freudian theory of unconscious as the psychic strata formed by repressed wishes, he later developed his own theory to include some new concepts. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Broadly speaking Jung divided the psyche into three main realms: consciousness, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Ernest Jones (Freuds biographer) tells that Jung descended into a pseudo-philosophy out of which he never emerged and to many his ideas look more like New Age mystical speculation than a scientific contribution to psychology. The microbiome-gut-brain axis in health and disease.Gastroenterol Clin North Am. It's actually something like a proto-evo-psych theory about the . ", Niesser, Arthur. James M. Glass, "The Philosopher and the Shaman: The Political Vision as Incantation". This book was begun at a time when the threat of an unparalleled disaster hung over the heads of humanity-when a generation only just recuperating from the trauma Simply Scholar Ltd - All rights reserved, On The Relation Of Analytical Psychology To Poetic Art 1, Are archetypes transmitted more by culture than biology? This is why, according to Jung, Christ (son of God) is a symbol of . "Synchronicity and the Archetypes,". The collective unconscious has been controversial within the field of psychology ever since its introduction. [54] The common importance of the collective unconscious makes people ripe for political manipulation, especially in the era of mass politics. [25], A more common experimental approach investigates the unique effects of archetypal images. Sometimes he seems to regard the predisposition to experience certain images as understandable in terms of some genetic model"[75] as with the collective arm. Jung (1933) outlined an important feature of the personal unconscious called complexes. (LogOut/ Jung. A proven example of dispersion can be seen between the Greeks and the Romans (the Etruscans play a vital part in this process, but once again, time for that in another post). Many things arousing devotion or feelings of awe, as for instance the Church, university, city or country, heaven, earth, the woods, the sea or any still waters, matter even, the underworld and the moon, can be mother-symbols. [31] In alchemy, Jung found that plain water, or seawater, corresponded to his concept of the collective unconscious.[32]. Probably none of my empirical concepts has been met with so much misunderstanding as the idea of the collective unconscious. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Collective Unconscious Vs.Dispersion, Christopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers, The Huichol, the Flood and Mythological Theories Myth Crafts, The Case for Cultural Misappropriation Myth Crafts, B_, the Ambiguous Ninth Avatar of Vishnu Myth Crafts, HathorsRage, the End of the World, and Blood Red Beer Myth Crafts. The three main ones were the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. ", Brown, Jeffrey M., & Terence P. Hannigan. A single archetype can manifest in many different ways. [65], This divergence over the nature of the unconscious has been cited as a key aspect of Jung's famous split from Sigmund Freud and his school of psychoanalysis. 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