Katherine is only sporadically seen after 1969, as the adventures of Sam Driver largely take over the narrative. Johnny Kane. One suspects readers had written in wondering whatever happened to her. Abbey Spencer. Katherine and Alan bond over an ensuing custody battle over Jeep with the girls paternal uncle, Tom Carson. 1968 Katherine and Alan marry. In narrative terms, he seems to have been a prototype for Sam Driver. This according to Judge Parker himself, when Sam Driver asks. Once again declaring her love for Sam, she never repents and escapes at the end of her failed mission, hoping to escape the wrath of the man who hired her. Whatever the reason, only two years into the strip, Dallis introduced a neighbor girl who had a pre-teen crush on the Judge. Mimis brother, Helmuth, orders her return to Eon, via whatever means necessary. Celebrating diversity in culture, myth and history, Informed Consent Statement for Closed Bereavement Study, Baron von Steuben, Washingtons Gay General and Friend. Given that people of every age can read the comic strips, the funnies pages remain one of the most conservative mediums for telling a story. Avery Blackstone. But Hugo wont forgive or forget and kills Jasper with a blow to the head. Randy Parker. Under the stress of Sophies disappearance, Sam and Abbey grow ever more distant from each other. The narrative highlights Jeffs denial and then minimization of Lauras drinking problem. More Dixie Julep stories, less stories about Neddy and her drama with Godiva. In 1959, that was about as explicit as you could get on the newspaper comics page. On February 13th the Parkers are driving off to their honeymoon. In 2006, she helps Randy on his campaign to be elected judge in Alans place. The General. Luke Largo. I can find a thousand muscle boys like you at a dime a dozen! Sams attractive, long-time Latina secretary who is a key employee of the branch office of the Legal Aid Society in a poorer, ethnic section of town. Adding to Helens distress is Kim, her 16-year old daughters marijuana use. The arrival of brainy Wellington Marks in 1955 creates a juvenile romantic triangle of sorts. 1985 Katherine suspects the Judge of an affair with Wendy Savern, his new secretary. Abbey is understandably annoyed at the many times Sam neglects her, often due to his involvement with a beautiful female client. Mimi is the daughter of E. Tanner Doubleday, the recently deceased founder of Eon, a multi-million dollar Scientology like cult. In 2005, Horace encourages Randy to run for Alans judge seat in when his father retires. The extremely wealthy and elderly aunt of Neddy and Sophie, the older sister to their mother, Victoria, whom they barely remember. Contact Neddy falls in love with him despite her Aunt Rachels objections. Mr. Hugo. Judge Parker is still featured in many a newspaper comic strip section, but readers might be forgiven for wondering why it still has that name. Judge Isaac Parker, often called the "Hanging Judge," from Fort Smith, Arkansas, ruled over the lawless land of Indian Territory in the late 1800s. Rusty is drawn to Driver and kisses him to seal the business deal drafted in his clients favor. Glorias colorful sister, Alexis, appears in the narrative in 2001 to stir up trouble. Passmore dies of a massive heart attack, leaving his criminal empire up for grabs. An attorney who often does legal legwork on cases with which Alan Parker become involved. 12/2/86-8/7/87. There is more than a little of the authors White male perspective showing in the portrayal, but for the late sixties, the character was still groundbreaking. Dallis chose to explore the legal profession and the courts in his new strip in contrast to the world of doctors and diseases in his first one. Lu Ann of Apartment 3-G was sweet and naive, in some ways like Abbey in Judge Parker. Jeannie ultimately elude capture in 1981 by leaving Tim in the dust as she escapes in their getaway car. 4/10-10/10. 8/54-3/55, 7/55-12/55, 4/56-7/56, 10/56, 1/57, 4/60-7/60, 12/60-3/61, 11/62, 5/63-6/63, 11/66-3/67, 12/67, 2/68, 9/22/71-2/12/72. 1980 Conwoman Jeannie Kelso and her brother hide out at Spencer Farms. An aspiring theatre actress, she and Ralph, her scientist husband, are on the verge of divorce when Jeep is injured by a hit-and-run driver and they recommit to their marriage. For twenty-one years, Judge Isaac C. Parker held the bench of the U.S. Court for the Western District of Arkansas. Georgia also tries to woo Sam from Abbey but ultimately realizes she cant win his heart. Sheila turns out to be a pathological liar who attempts to romance Randy and Sam Driver simultaneously. In 2010, Mark returns to tell Neddy that he is divorced and has treated her badly, but Neddy, planning to return to Paris, suggests theyve learned that long distance romances dont work. Ezra dies of a heart attack while working at the farm. His tenure was unique in the history of the federal judiciary; while most U.S. district judges toiled away on civil cases, Parker heard thousands of criminal complaints involving disputes and violence . When Alan Parker invites him to come back to the states, he arranges for documents that declare Abbott Bower is dead and adopts a new identity as Norton Dumont. When Judge Parker is apparently targeted for assassination, Delgado poses as a detective who investigates her only hit attempt. One questionIve yet to track down the 1956 Argo reprint of Judge Parkerthe one issue release that you include a photo of on this site. In 1993, Abbey becomes the guardian of two girls, Neddy and Sophie Barton, who had been squatting on the grounds of her ranch. In its early years, the comic strip could just as easily have been called Judge Parkers Family. April returns in 2009, supposedly having quit the CIA. Sinister housekeeper Nadja pushes her down a flight of stars. 3/10), 8/10-10/10, 10/11-4/12, 3/13-6/14, (Aprils disappearance referenced 6/16-7/16), 12/16, 7/17-10/17+. In 2007, Trudi and her brother return one last time before disappearing from the narrative. A good-looking man in his forties, the closest Cory gets to romance is a brief 2016 flirtation with Godiva Danube. judge," defense attorney John Parker . Dark-haired beauty who heads a misguided peace movement, Brothers for Peace at bucolic Peace Acres. gform.initializeOnLoaded( function() {gformInitSpinner( 1, 'https://www.markcarlson-ghost.com/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/images/spinner.svg', true );jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_1').on('load',function(){var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();var is_postback = contents.indexOf('GF_AJAX_POSTBACK') >= 0;if(!is_postback){return;}var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_1');var is_confirmation = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_confirmation_wrapper_1').length > 0;var is_redirect = contents.indexOf('gformRedirect(){') >= 0;var is_form = form_content.length > 0 && ! April leaves Sam and Randys practice to become a linguist with the CIA. She returns home two years later with an aspiring designer in tow. 2011 Sophie clashes with Honey Ballenger over guitarist Derek Wilcox. 1/70-4/70. It ultimately is revealed that shes been married three times in the last five years, described by one of her exes as having a conniving, hedonistic personality. Watch out! When Alan marries Katherine Cory in 1969, he is gradually seen less and less in the narrative. Randy got engaged to Mimi Doubleday, but newsflash, she was involved with a cult. Ann is seen only briefly at her fathers wedding to Katherine Cory and is never seen thereafter. Take him in context with the rest of the strips on the comic page. Alan Parker is now portrayed as something of a curmudgeon, nurtured by his optimistic and incredibly patient wife Katherine. 6/68-10/68. Abbey considers adopting Lili Benson. 1 shot and killed while attempting to escape. The Gardia Brothers use Aprils trip to see him and get married to track his location. With Woody Wilsons retirement as only the second writer of Judge Parker in 2016, some dramatic changes were made in the narrative, the repercussions of which are still being felt. Bobs mother is understandably concerned when she learns her son is dating Rachel Cabots niece but is won over by Neddys good nature. For a time, he successfully creates deceptive narratives to drive a wedge between the Parkers and Katherine. April is woefully over qualified for the role at the office, being fluent in four languages and having completed a Masters thesis on the economics of the European Union. Sam Driver. Lila Benson. Sam considers offering him a partnership in 1994 but doesnt when Randy gets a job offer from a prestigious firm in Atlanta. Trudi and Keith St. James were old friends of Abbeys from California who became her business partners. Shes adopted by aunt Katherine Cory, who wins Alans heart. Her true occupation, however, was not revealed until a new artist took over who could portray her with all the sexiness any spy worth their stripe deserves. Casandra charms many a male acolyte, called brothers, including a youthful and still nave Randy Parker. By the 1980s, Judge Parker is rarely even mentioned in the narrative. She soon falls for him but fears he could never love her given the age difference. After the elder Passmores death, Tony proposes to D.B., who appears ready to give up her career for marriage. Years before the ongoing narrative begins, Alan Parkers wife Mary died, leaving the judge a widower with two children, Ann in nursing school and Randy, in high school. He has her boyfriend, golf instructor Gary Jaye, savagely beaten when he begins to suspect his scheme. The Judge has been largely supplanted by cocksure attorney Sam Driver and his beautiful girl friend/now wife Abbey Spencer. As both of Abbeys parents died in an auto accident, the two share an orphan status and happy memories of Spencer Farms. 1979 Orphaned Patty Modesto falls in love with painter Ben Castle. But Delgado resurfaces when she is hired to kill Randy Parker. 2014 Randy and April marry in Mexico. Raju. 2015 Neddy falls for Hank Tolling while pursuing her fashion manufacturing dream. But Hugo wont forgive or forget and kills Jasper with a blow to the head. Young shoe designer with whom Neddy falls in love in Paris and out of love once they return to the States. 1991 Horse trainer Cory Duncan and troubled son Mark start work at Spencer Farms. . Later in 2016, on a road trip with Dereks band, Honey throws a liquor bottle at Sophie but accidentally hits Derek instead, leading to a near fatal accident. 11/92-8/16, 12/16-6/17. I thought it would help some of my people to know that they can escape the ghetto, if they dont lose hope, and are willing to work hard.. In 1961, Ann returns from Europe engaged to a man named Pepe who turns out to be a jewel thief. Another character started a business and was wiped out by a calamity, fell into depression . Subject Message* Several stories between 1954 and 1957 revolved around these characters. 1961 Wellington and Jeep thwart a gang. Neddy Barton Spencer. Hugo is overweight and wears a floral vest over his shirt which often sports a fresh white carnation. Randy ultimately graduates from college, and attends law school like his father, though none of this is portrayed contemporaneously. In 1966, Randy becomes a devotee of Casandra Canabar. After months of not knowing her fate, in 2017 Randy finally gets to meet and raise his daughter, even as April is falsely imprisoned for crimes she did not commit. 8/00-1/01. Anywayfantastic work, and a great resource. Isaac Charles Parker served as federal judge for the Federal Court of the Western District of Arkansas in Fort Smith (Sebastian County). Ann Parker. In this instance, they attempt to con a young mans mother to pay for their silence regarding an assault on Deborah that never happened. 2/10/91-7/30/91, 12/92-5/93, 8/93-10/93, 4/94-3/95, 5/97-6/97, 8/99, 1/00-8/00, 4/03-5/03, (referenced 9/03, 12/05-1/06), 6/10-9/10, (referenced 3/13), 10/14-1/15, 6/15-7/15. But little was made of Randys new judicial duties. 43 commuted to life or lesser prison sentences by the President. Twin brothers in their forties, the Gardias are Roma gypsies and arms dealers who worked for the Romanian government. In 1962, Judge Parker declares himself to be in good shape, standing 6 foot, one inch and weighing in at a trim 180 pounds. Mark promptly accepts a job offer in Hong Kong. Rowland Sharon. 1953 Randy Parker returns from boarding school. (No one seemed to care about Anne and Randy!) Thank you. Beginning in 2012, however, it becomes clear that April is actually a government operative. In 2005, Neddy learns from Marks father that his son has married. Intern turned publisher representative from Cheatam Publishing. 1976 Aging acting legend, Shelby Shore, is infatuated with Abbey and alcohol. Cal Reynolds. In 2005, in the longest extended narrative centering on Sams legal secretary, Gloria is arrested on trumped up illegal firearm possession. Palm Beach County Judge Bradley Harper, who in 2016 became the first Black judge to earn a spot on the county bench by election instead of appointment, on Thursday became a circuit . Marks father who first enlists Sams service to help his son whos been arrested Cory used to be a horse trainer but gave it up when his first wife and Marks mother died in a car accident. Driver and Judge Parker share the stage for roughly a year and a half. 8/28/73-2/15/74. Unique three woman con artist team, Maxine and Deborah are beautiful young women, while Amy is an older con woman who poses as Deborahs mother. Bob McDuff tries to keep Anns interest. 1982 D.B. And while Rex Morgan was relatively young and single, Dallis decided to make Alan Parker, his new hero, somewhat older and a widower with two teen-aged children. Former exotic dancer with severe anger management problems. During this time, April falls in love with Randy Parker, fresh off his breakup with Mimi Doubleday. Sam Driver and Abbey finally married on New Years Eve 1999, leaving Randy to carry the romantic intrigue of the comic strip, along with Neddy of course. Unfortunately, Harold LeDouxs artworkvery nicely rendered when he took over drawing the strip in 1965gradually went down hill, though remaining serviceable until his retirement in 2006. 5/9/95-10/95, 11/20/97-6/98, 9/05-10/05, 8/06-10/06. Stories often rotated between having the Judge, Anne or Randy being the focus of any new story. Muscular and physically adept, Cedric is a handsome, bespectacled 30-something butler from Canada who temporarily works for elderly Parisian resident Rachel Cabot and therefore assists her guests, Abbey and Neddy Spencer. As a young man, Randy is portrayed as a light-hearted youth. A scheming would-be actress and trouble-making niece of Martha Carson, Sandra blows into town deciding to model as a break. 2012 Avery Blackstone plans to film the movie adaptation of Alans novel. Paul Planchard. Largo served in the war with Alan Parker and later blamed Parker for breaking up his marriage. Jeannie seeks to win Sam Drivers heart, all the while managing the singing career of Country Boy Lukas, and sidestep Tims schemes to get released from prison. But back to the story. She becomes a good friend of Abbey and often speaks up for her interests and the interests of their relationship. Breitbart Politics, by Katherine Hamilton Original Article. Bumps and Wellington would largely disappear from the narrative. Beginning in December 1954 she is stalked by a psychopathic young man named Stanley Weckler. He doesnt respond well when she says she isnt ready to marry. She toys with a department store executive but sets her sights on marrying Judge Parker who sees through her various schemes. Later that same year, Sam does offer Randy a partnership and he accepts. April Parker Jones is an American television actress, best known for her roles as Darcy Hawkins in the CBS post-apocalyptic drama series Jericho from 2006 to 2008, and as Natalie Henning in the Oprah Winfrey Network prime time soap opera, If Loving You Is Wrong (2014-2020). April admits to Randy that she is a spy in July 2013. With 2011, Katherine is once again featured on a fairly regular basis. He is often seen holding and petting his white Persian cat when he isnt swirling a glass of alcohol of one kind or another. In 2017, Abbey learns she has a demented half-sister Senna who kidnaps Sophie. Just out of the Army, Driver is starting his new job at the Legal Aid Society. Caesar. Despite these absences, April maintains a strong romantic interest in the elusive Randy Parker and the pair ultimately become engaged in April of 2012. This Marie begins being a featured character from time to time after 1987. Hugo is overweight and wears a floral vest over his shirt and sports a fresh white carnation. Cedric Hart. Helmuth Doubleday. He is portrayed as less handsome as the years go by, slender with a somewhat thin face. Email* 4/09, 7/09). 1952 Ann Parker, the Judges daughter, gets dangerously involved in one his cases. Parker, No. Beautiful career woman sought after to helm a television talk show, Betsy is also an old flame of Sam Driver. Laura and Jeff are old friends of Abbeys. With Nicholas Dallis retirement in 1991 (and not long after, his death), his longtime assistant Woody Wilson took over the writing of the strip. Unfortunately, Glorias aspirations to help her community fade from the narrative and she increasingly falls in the smart-talking sidekick role. Faron dabbles in Arabian horses, an interst he shares with Abbey, but whose purchase he uses for money laundering to cover up his dealings with European heroin cartel. He was wiser than his years in observing the foibles of others but rather foolish in navigating his own affairs. Judge Parker first appeared in newspaper on November 24th, 1952. 3/69-7/69. It was the fifties, after all, and someone may have suggested the Judges family was skewing a little old when most families in the post-War baby boom had younger kids. Rocky Ledge. Laura and Jeff Grace. In 1971, she comes home from boarding school from Switzerhad, at the age of 17 in love with a handsome skiing star named Eric Stedman. 2/14/91-7/30/91, 12/92-3/93, scattered appearances thereafter, 12/05, 3/13, 10/14-11/14, 1/15, 5/15, 8/15, 3/16. In doing so, however, she will continue to work with her husband-to-be but disappears from the narrative. The women who populated soap opera comic strips written by men represent fertile territory for a study of mens attitudes toward women in the first decades of womens liberation. A talented artist, Neddy travels to Paris to attend art school in 2007 while living with her aunt. Katherine is the sister of Martha Carson, and assumes the care of Jeep with the death of the nine year-old girls parents. A rebellious teen, Mark nonetheless needs help breaking away from a gang known as the Hatchets. Hollywood big wig whom Sam approaches about helming the movie adaptation of Alan Parkers first novel. In 1967 Ann is torn between the attentions of a penniless, two-timing playboy named Preston Palmer and a struggling young attorney named Dave Williams. And talking about dimes, you didnt have two to rub together when I picked you up off the beach. Enraged, Jasper attempts to strangle Hugo until he snaps out of it. He charms Sandra Deare into assisting him in various schemes, ultimately escaping consequences when Sandra refusal to testify against him results in a jury finding him not guilty on an attempted murder charge. Piling up a huge gambling debt, Slade is subject to being pressured to fix a football game by gangster August Poole. Mr. B. Narcotics crime boss. When Camille shows interest in Sam, he becomes suspicious and learns that Rus has been giving Carl Winters deadly medication. 31 appeals resulted in acquittals or overturned convictions. 10/15/16-11/16, 1/17-4/17, (referenced 5/17-6/17). 1973 Betsy Fremont, a former love of Sams, schemes her way back into his life. Laura, for her part, is skilled at hiding her drinking even as she promises to do better. Unfortunately, Shore also has a problem with alcohol. Craig Lewis. He arranges to have a woman make recurring calls to Katherine accusing the Judge of adultery. Horace Riley. 3/19/78-10/1/78. In 1955, he is concerned over a friend named Larry Sinclairs increasing obsession with pinball machine related gambling. She is surprised when he shows up to visit at Spencer Farms. Tom and Gwen seek control of the $250,000 that has been left to Jeep by her parents. When last seen, Raju is managing the diets of collegiate wrestlers. 1974 Karl Wakeman schemes. Youthful and short genius who attempts unsuccessfully to romance Neddy. Keith wears his medium length hair tied behind in a ponytail. Judge Parkers loyal and gray-haired secretary. Fans of "Judge Parker," a serial created in 1952 that follows the life of small-town judge Alan Parker and his family, will have noticed that Judge Parker's storyline has taken a hard turn. 1965 Mr. B and henchman Swish, then Maxine Deverows female cons vex Sam. Marie. Dori is separated from her husband in 1960, a state of affairs engineered by her sinister housekeeper, Nadja. 5/93-10/93, 12/97-6/98, 5/04-1/05, 9/05, 12/06-2/07, 5/07, referenced only 2/13. Johnny Kane killes Abbeys maid. 1975 Abbeys young cousin Willson falls for Donna Laval, exceptional belly dancer. Randy Parker infiltrates the organization in his efforts to prove that Horace Riley is not mentally incompetent. The Gardias believe that Abbott Bower stole a fortune in diamonds from them. 5/12-11/12. Jeep Carson was a precocious tomboy whose best friend was a somewhat less precocious everyboy named Bumps. Dallis trots out a whole nother set of androgynous markers this time around. That is the classic comic strip created in 1952 that follows the life of small-town Judge Alan Parker and his family. 4/67-8/67. He is taking this down a Sally Forth kind of path, with comedy/comic overtones. D. B. smokes cigarillos, knows karate, and is very compassionate. Judge Parker should be more realistic. It soon emerges that Neddy and Sophie are actually wealthy in their own right, having trust funds that were hidden from them by their often manipulative aunt, Rachel Cabot. to Sam Driver, hoping they will become law partners, but the two are only interested in sharing office space. Randy proposes to April Bower in April of 2013 and after an extended cruise, Randy meets Aprils father and the two are married in the jungles of Mexico in April of 2014. The judge went to prison. Collectively, Rex Morgan, Judge Parker, and Apartment 3-G loom very large in the world of story strips between 1950 and 1990. Judge Parker is still featured in many a newspaper comic strip section, but readers might be forgiven for wondering why it still has that name. Alan Parkers son and ultimately a judge himself. The boys stay with Craigs sister, Aunt Beth. 9/08-1/09. Neddy and Mark Duncan began a long and troubled romance. 6/63-12/63. Abbey raises Arabian horses there. That is the classic comic strip created in 1952 that follows the life of small-town Judge Alan Parker and his family.. Lili Benson. It is a serial strip starring a no-nonsense, upstanding lawyer who stoically handles drama and suspense. Abbott operates out of a heavily fortified compound in the jungles of Mexico. David Delacourt. Judge Declines to Block Florida's 15-Week Abortion Ban in Case Brought by Clergy Members. A financial consultant, Pres soon shifts his focus on Katherine Cory, when he learns of her oversight of Jeeps quarter million trust fund. In 1995, Randy represents eccentric Horace Riley, who will be an important figure in his life. Sandra Deare. 11/92-5/07, 4/10-10/10, 3/13-pr.. Sophie Barton Spencer. An innocent romance develops between Mark and Neddy. In the first half of 1969, Sam is confidante to Katherine who suspects the Judge of an affair even as she is being romanced by the sinister Luke Largo. Enter war hero, Steve Shannon. The story of his election campaign is told sporadically during the Fall of 2006 and 2007. As for the Judge Parker comic strip, his wife Katherine has largely been involved in domestic and romantic storylines, with no apparent career or interests of her own despite not having minor children to raise after Jeep reaches maturity. 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