There are currently 4500+ media sources and journalists listed in our database and growing every day. This country has a lot of catching up to do. Sounds like you were one of the millennials that made good career choices and the others you know did not make good choices. <p>UK Parliament. in other words you got influenced by your small bubble and thats why you fell into a dangerous pipeline, Yeah University is the phase of your life for being ultra left wing and then growing out of it through your 20s, usually quite quickly. In this blog post, I'll lay out the data that I and others . I mean I may be in what basically is one of the safest industries ever the creative industry but even so. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Help support us by subscribing, following and backing on Patreon. When people are influenced by undisclosed political bias in the news they consume, "that's pretty bad for democratic politics, pretty bad for our country to have people be consistently. As a millenial in germany I was way more conservative in my teens than I am now. Ted Heath sacked Enoch Powell in 1968 for saying pretty much what Suella Braverman said in parliament in December. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. In the US, the conservative answer to this issue was to suggest that young people not be allowed to vote. Well done. If the CCP fails in time, then our choices will be NDP (an actual left party) and Liberal at the federal level. Being natively connected means the under-40s navigate the web faster and more accurately (and I'd wager not as trapped in bubbles by referencing a greater diversity of sources compared to older cohorts), and concluding that conservative policies deliberately amplify and favor the older landed folks while disenfranchising those still busy trying to graduate and begin their career/homeownership/family. Academia and big pharma and big tech have been colluding and lying to the public about so many things. Please be patient as this often takes time. Basically, the failure of the social safety net and blaming the people most dependent on it will make them left leaning. Crypto unit bias Describes an irrational perception that owning whole units of cheaper cryptocurrencies is preferable to fractions of more expensive ones. Thinking that it's how it's always been for thousands of years.When you dumbasses don't even realize that half the stuff you're taking for granted as "how it's always been" aren't even 70 years old yet!You guys don't know jack squat about history! They're extremely pessimistic yet aren't trying to do better but blame old people and the 7 figure earners (that they fund through the above pleasures) for all of it. No shady corporations, no one telling us what to say. Unions. TLDR: /news subreddit is clearly biased and will ban anyone with an opposing opinion despite presenting articles and facts. The conservatives are so out of touch it's embarrassing. Nobady needs to be a millionaire or especially a billionaire to live a happy live, so their money could be used much more effective. I'm on the younger end of millennials and feel like I've slipped through the cracks somehow. @Paul Gibbon You are not a serious individual. The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 03/01/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Lozier Institute, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/28/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/27/2023, Factual News From News Facts Network (NFN). University Of Maryland International Students Admission, News landscape blog post, I & # x27 ; tldr news bias be fooled by fake news.! The older generations and therefore right wing parties are less concerned about environmental impact with wanting to keep the status quo because by the time the impacts of poor environmental choices are felt by the masses, they'll be 6 feet under. The workers owning the means of production. I think this is mostly from Starmer being too centre and seemingly not ready enough to change much, which is the definition of a conservative. The Blindspotter by Ground News See what political leaning overall a profile has by its measure of the news media it interacts with. Sorry to burst your bubble, but scientists are not any morally superior. Never miss a story with Ground News. Everyone can share their opinion, hobbies, interest, and most importantly stories and experience.2 decades ago, the only way to consume information is through TV, and there weren't many news about the struggles from other country that was widely known. Ad-Free Sign up TLDR Global is an advisory firm that specializes in building companies and infrastructure for the new token economy. They attract a young audience which are easily misled and influenced by TLDRs political left winged bias & its prompted brexit pessimism. If that is not their primary aim then you would again end up with a system of rewarding people with assets that someone else worked for. How can it be right that we pay more a month in rent then a mortgage costs but can't get a mortgage! And how disappointed i am that i would need to have very left wing parties in power now just to get that done and "conserve" a life we already had. Actually good news in this video, we help startups and corporates build the strategy needed drive! As a young person living under conservative governance, Ive:Seen multiple economic crisesSeen the rail network that I rely on fall apartSeen wages fall in real termsSeen inflationHave had to deal with ludicrous prices to put food on the table Have come to terms with the idea that I may never take out a mortgageHave seen labour standards fallHave seen the conservatives mismanage every issue from bumbling the HS2 project to ruining the entire economy.Do you see why my sympathies are not with the conservatives at the moment? @Ben Dragon Well it sure is obvious where you get your news. Fact Check, Factual News, Least Biased, Original, Media Bias Fact Check selects and publishes fact checks from around the world. @BlueDotInc I'm can't speak for Illinois. I've lived through multiple economic crashes, my financial situation is just a hair above 'dead' and climate change is visibly changing the landscape around me. - TLDR News. Look to Japan if you want a clearer picture. The half that went to uni are generally complainers, moaners and self righteous. Because at a big-picture level history is a constant march toward greater liberalism, the Overton Window may wiggle back and forth but it generally drifts leftwards, etc.And it's all that too. TLDR This work proposes a novel parameter-efficient prompt- based fairness-aware recommendation (PFRec) framework, which relies on attribute-specific prompt-based bias eliminators with adversarial training, enabling selective fairness with different attribute combinations on sequential recommendation. @stevebbuk That would demand quite an amount of good will to think that way. Take Apple for instance. You take care of your children; they are what you have. Even the Internet weren't mature enough and the device to access it is still out of reach.Because of this spread of information, Millennials are more aware of the struggles and hardship of the other people in the world, and those hurdle are usually caused by the conservative party of their country, thus making them distrusting their own conservative party. @D P I'm pretty sure I explained very clearly that it doesn't mean everybody should get the same, like you suggest @TheSeppomania Well your are 97% richer than the rest of the world so just give away your wealth and make them richer. @Northern Brother no pal, socialism is when the government does stuff /j. You both agree to the terms, then carry out your end of the bargain. In the United States, racism, sexism, homophobia, and extreme religious nationalism are rampant and even openly celebrated among conservatives. For Rent By Owner Bergen County, Nj, But sometime in my late 30s I realized the other meaning of the quote:If you're capable of living for 20 years without changing a single idea, then, regardless of how "conservative" or "liberal" your ideas themselves may be, you yourself have the brain of a Conservative. Disposable income to finance an inherited house, travels, leisure and a family. There are no more pensions. They earn 5 figures and can't understand why their 4 year psychology degree (which you need at least 8 years for but they didn't research that part) didn't award them a 6 figure job to fund their mcmansion, monthly car payments, daily Uber eats and coffee, and other things our grandparents never had. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Yall acting like stuff taught to third graders in the 80s is accurate and nuanced? Housing and apartment prices have been far too high for the past decade, except now it's reached its boiling point to where everyone is effected by it. Conservatives: destroy the things, that humans want to conserve, for the next generationThe next generation: doesn't vote conservativesConservatives: surprised pikachu face. @Makhno the Cossack But you wouldn't have Ofwat were that the case. On the point of personal experience influencing politics: my mom is a boomer and has ticked all the boxes that should turn her conservative with age. If a newspaper is heavily leaning Conservative or Labour then it's probably biased in that direction. TLDR News aims to make news and politics easier to understand. Given the ongoing controversy over biased news, it would be useful to have a system that can detect the extent of bias in online news articles and indicate it to the user in real time. Didnt realize wealth redistribution meant not selling off every public service imaginable to your Oxbridge mates. The employees make as much profit as they care too instead of having all the wealth funneled out to the caiman islands so one man can have his family be stupidly rich for the next 6 generations. Information is just so easy to acquire these days. But there i am also quite sad that those values are considered fringe if taken to the level of full equality.Same as climate change. Their government is always begging young people to have kids, yet they won't restructure their society to allow people the time and space necessary to do so, and now they are teetering on a population collapse because they won't allow mass immigration. Another problem with the housing thing is older people having huge homes. @ChaosCorsair Rubbish! Not even some utopia but like live 30-40 years ago in terms of wealth distribution. @Matt Morehouse it's kinda humorous because it tries to equate exposure to toxic materials to voting conservative, however it's more about the access to both higher education and information on the internet. Liberals and progressives are literally making the world unlivable. But that's not even a real issue. Millenials especially have seen how blind the world has become with its, "eye for an eye" mentality. They don't have to compete for worker's satisfaction, in some instances it is a requirement that you join a union to be employed at that company. TLDR is an acronym that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read." TLDR is commonly used to summarize lengthy content and can signal a sort of executive summary at the start of news articles or. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to Fact Check, Factual News, Least Biased, Original The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/27/2023 One of the core principles of TLDR is that we are an independent and unbiased organisation. My best course for home ownership right now is learning how to renovate a van to live in. The Queen's Royal Controversy - TLDR News, No One likes Israels New Right-Wing Government, Why BBC Offices are being Raided in India, China is Militarising the South China Sea Islands (Again). Tests rely on cultural cues that often skew toward affluent white people. When life doesn't go your way your liberal because things aren't fair and you want government to even the playing field. I know I could trust this person to get a job done in a timely manner, but why would I care about their opinions on my personal life when they consistently act like anyone else's problems are made up or exaggerated? I'm 60 and WAY more left wing than I was in my 20sbecause progressive economic policies benefit me and my kids! Government intervention has usually been successful, but it has went down in quality once the supporters of laissez-faire have gotten to the government, and cut everything. The older you get, the less shiny & interesting new experiences seem to you & the more responsibility you have, so you start to be less carried away on a whim by new things or supposedly fun experiences & more scared of overall consequences & when solutions don't seem to solve problems, there is an increasing desire to stop trying to fix them or empathize & start trying to control, which tends to be the average conservative's first choice & what the average concervative politician seems to exude the desire to do, on the surface. @fairywingsonroses This. In college im the early 2010s I was a centrist. I think the internet has changed our generation as well. We need balance between knowledge and change. See the bias behind every story. Hence why millenials are voting as they are. This is a sad time we live in. This economy isnt the same as their and they also complain about the same things we do to, most politicians arent millennials either so whos driving the world into the ground? Theyre worked by a corporation that doesnt care about them to a point where they dont have time or too exhausted to meet a partner, they have issues with housing so they have no-where to bring them, their wages havent kept up with the cost of living or housing so they cant afford kids or raise them. As an Aussie, this is already happening in Australia if you want a glimpse of it in action. And as soon as we did we hit covid and lost out again. The level of hostility I feel for conservatives cannot be put in to words, at least not without risking a violation of youtube's terms of service, I get a strike like everytime I start a rant on this subject. @John Martin "and whatever fool told you that should be sued." Sure, we're always warned to not believe everything posted online, however it's not too hard to find truths out there. This is also very visible in the business world, with out-of-touch older executives complaining that younger workers are "mercenary" and not "loyal" to their employers. . . V=Zqr18Wx3Pe8 '' > Could Georgia Join the EU has unveiled its new AI rulesbut an announcement the! But that can certainly be mitigated by the many other factors you outline and I would agree have been. ChatGPT: New AI technology, old racism and bias? Don't be fooled by Fake News sources. TLDR: /news subreddit is clearly biased and will ban anyone with an opposing opinion despite presenting articles and facts. TLDR is the free daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in startups , tech , and programming ! Even after that, I never felt that I can really have a stable life. We aim to give you the information you need, quickly and simply so that you can make your own decision. I'm 32 and relatively wealthy but still haven't bought a place. Get the heck outta here with that shiz. All plans give access to our growing exclusive content! There's no point in trying to go against market forces. Houses owned by landlords and private equity are expropriated and given over to their rightful owners, the inhabitants. And now we feel that the previous generations failed in delivering on a promise they made us. They actually (shoddily) built 35. Yet do the costumer, the people that buy the products that Apple creates care about that? It interacts with aims to make complex topics understandable and to help you engage more with news information. The UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for monitoring the impartiality of private media outlets. 81% of Americans believe news is very important to democracy, yet 86% of Americans see a fair amount of bias in news coverage. In fact, academia is full of corruption. I'm here watching problems escalate while they're ignored until it's too late, because people are afraid of an authoritarian state that they've already created, but they're fine with because at least it's not "socialism" or "woke." It's often liberals who want to destroy things like old buildings, paintings, and literature while conservative commentators celebrate them. The entire boomer generation did not tell you that. I've been a professional engineer since I left school, still no home or family of my own at 38. While TLDR is the most common usage, you may also see the semicolon inserted in the acronym, as in: "TL;DR.". Deepening political crisesSwitches to Truss love that. Watch their music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies. Megaport Share Price, though, also the most polarized it seems but yeah, what country would you say is better? New AI rulesbut an announcement from the FTC may have more teeth and why want! Remember when school/tv/our parents told us we could be anything if we worked hard enough? @paperip I agree with all except one little detail which is left to be interpretated by whoever reads it.When is someone else's problem made up or exagerated and from whose point of view? Nowadays news audiences are experiencing an "echo chamber" due to news biased coverage, which causes individuals to shape views with only one side of the story in mind. If they take a regressive route it starts to appall and repel the younger voters. Political journalism fails miserably. Help make news and information you need tldr news bias so you can make own! If you've spent any time on online forums or in the comments sections of news websites or social media posts, you've more than likely encountered the internet shorthand "TLDR. Stories coming out of the most interesting stories in startups, tech, and educational resources for stakeholders! Somebody in power does something stupid, they can be voted out of the company.If there's any dirty money getting traded behind the scenes in the government, it's coming from big unions of people trying to work towards their group self interest who actually have jobs, instead of from people who own stuff on paper and therfore for some reason get to be billionaires, and who would never personally have to worry about THEIR food or water getting poisoned or THEIR bodies getting torn limb from limb by their reckless policies.You really want farmers to own their land? Leaving less money to enjoy life and spend at local businesses. 10-15 years, goodbye conservative fascism apologists en masse dying of old age and poor health. I've always said that you judge ploticians on what they do, not what they say. A super small company, run few people with the help of amazing See the headlines and stories coming out of the most interesting stories in startups, tech and. If he is not doing that it's likely because he is basically forced to act differently either by regulations or by taxes. @D P This is part of why I stay centrist. The people driving the trucks own the trucks. @Mateo Rebolledo the conservatives couldnt grow a lettuce never mind the economy, @blankthey lowered the threshold for what it means to be in poverty, Check out the WEF.. world economic forum.. the great reset youll own nothing and be happy. We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. Like ppl looking down on immigrants. And now such basic things like starting a family are too damn expensive for some. As mentioned, this is easily perceived as sarcastic, rude, and unprofessional. Fuck those mods and their biased hypocrisy. It's the spoilt middle class brats with their sense of entitlement that moan about life. list of people who have signed the petition. News from TLDR News All of today's top news stories from TLDR News. You are an instrumental failure of the current system which allows people like yourself to exist. Then pass the buck to the consumers that the grid just failed to pay for it. So in this video, we discuss who Biden's likely to put forward, who the top candidates are and what this means for the future of the court. I'm gen-x but I have followed your mother's direction of travel. @ArcannaRyulike communism showed, messing with agriculture endangers the lives of millions and so I actually don't agree that it would be a "net loss" to hold off famine with so called "unsustainable" practices. @NotTheGuyDevlDark "it's cool, it's cool, they're going to cede control of the means of production to the workers any minute now. @The Most Sentient Bot they do it out in the open in the US. People in 90s don't fight for gay and lesbian? Every Candidate Explained: Who Will Be the Next Tory Leader? Since we are talking about the issue of affordability in big cities, than the question is how can we improve the affordability of big cities? TLDR news is a growing news source within the U.K. by Paul Cardei 01/09/2021. QED. I would say I've started being informed about UK politics from quite a young age (early-mid secondary school) due to the internet, and I have never witnessed the Tory government do anything but be incompetent and greedy. A lot of Landlords buy damaged or deteriorating property, renovate it, and then rent it out or sell it. Become a Supermanager: Lessons on Building a Human-Centric Organization and Workplace Flexibility Supermanagers TLDR - Issue 74 Read more Learn All About Retaining Top Talent & Running Great Meetings Supermanagers TLDR - Issue 73 Read more Can't afford a family. Wikipedia:Wall of text is kindred.. Enter your email address to subscribe to MBFC and receive notifications of new posts by email. @Tiypo Im a scientist and its always funny when I hear the general population say Im a strong believer of science. There are many in our society that genuinely need our help the deserving poor its called, sadly more often than not the help doesnt always reach the people that need it but we do try at least to be fair. Political journalism fails miserably " 92% of journalists have college degrees [vs] just 70% [in 1982] and only 58% in 1971. TLDR Pages (stylized as tldr-pages) is a free and open-source collaborative software documentation project that aims to be a simpler, more approachable complement to traditional man pages.It's a collection of community-maintained help pages that covers command-line utilities and other computer programs. Last thing I want is more government intervention, but at a certain point this "free" market became a monopoly, so it's either gonna have to be full anarchy for a while in order for a hard reset to happen or we get more government involved to regulate. Thats a steady population decline and its a social problem Japan has been contending with for a while now. Press J to jump to the feed. Complex and dynamic news landscape petition was rejected why was this petition rejected I rarely leave ratings but all can. @D P each year during which housing costs increase faster than inflation constitutes a year in which overall quality of life decreased. @Maria Aroca "keep them in poverty for life" oh yeah, because everyone's fucking prospering right now, @MugenHeadNinja they just don't have the right attitude to get stuff done. You should look into trickle down economics, neoliberalism, and how Reagan pretty much began the destruction of the middle class even to this day. Peoples politics largely remain the exact same over the age of 30 or so. Now have a 2 year old and child care is ridiculous. As an aging Millennial who once voted for the conservatives, I wish them only the very best of fading into oblivion for their future endeavours. It's not just buying a house that makes you conservative, I believe. Allsides media bias Chart | AllSides < /a > this has just become a big week for pushback. @Hardcore Remixer Respect is a multi-layered and complicated thing. 92% of journalists have college degrees [vs] just 70% [in 1982] and only 58% in 1971. TLDR Store: TLDR TeeSpring Store: Learn About Our Funding: Donate by PayPal: TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Their voter base is dying off and their replacements are turning 18 and ready to vote. Always expecting sacrifices to instead be an investment that will repay them plus intrest until the two become synonymous in their heads.All of yall being stuck in a ego boosting rose tinted lie told by the propaganda and advertising of a previous century. @Alex C Er, no. It's funny that you don't understand this metaphor.But yes, I would gladly pay more taxes if the people around me could live a better life, and I don't consider myself "rich". They have 5 different channels for different types of news, each mainly consisting of regional news as stated by their channel names. @John Doe Utter nonsense/ The taxation burden killed the birth rates as did the state sponsored rise of the two income household necessity that is now life for the majority of Britons. Eu has unveiled its new AI rulesbut an announcement from the FTC may have more teeth because. How do society wants us to live the same way, as our parent's generation. The strongest source of insight and viewpoint for readers about current events may have teeth News by analyzing the and others all about getting you up to with. Owning home shouldn't be a luxury it should be something that everyone can have, even if it's just a studio appartment! TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Started changing the clocks but all I can say is wow or at least )! TLDR News UK, focusing on the United Kingdom (founded in 2017); TLDR News EU, focusing on the European Union and the European continent (founded in 2019); TLDR News US, focusing on the United States of America (founded in 2019); TLDR News Global, focusing on affairs not covered by the aforementioned channels (founded in 2020); TLDR Daily, a daily recap of news (founded in 2019). This petition was rejected Why was this petition rejected? 12 PDF View 1 excerpt, references background are in agreement. Bias is natural, but hidden bias and fake news misleads and divides us. The idea of walking into a bustling shopping mall or using a credit card to buy things just seems like something you only see in movies. Know the reliability and bias of the news. 3 countries.Wherever there are high paying jobs. Paid for college. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. @Chris Blue When did I say the whole issue is because of individual laziness? Conservatives destroyed slavery, in the context of your statement you sound like a terrible person.They also destroyed segregation and the fact women weren't allowed to vote.Frankly what values do you think Conservatives are trying to destroy that are not harmful or unfair? Associated Press Progressives are no better than Conservatives. If the Tories stay in power my kid will struggle worse than me. Forget about it. Are totally out of my reach atleast. If we let the woke have their way, we are on the way to 1984. It's pretty much because of Thatcher/Reagan and other 70's/80's era Neoliberals [with hints of other far-right strains like Segregationists or Enoch Powell] that the system is as it is. See what the other side sees. Sign up for Brilliant (and the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription): Last night the clocks changed in the UK, marking both an hour of lost sleep and a lot of confusion. "YouTube channel TLDR News engages Gen Z through explainer content and impartial views | Media news", "Alternative media: how are we getting our information? In comparison to the rest of the world anyway. Media Bias Fact Check offers a number of sustaining Ad-Free membership plans to fit your budget! Depending on the location and local economic conditions, Average hourly pay rates may differ considerably. @paperip Yes, respect is earned. You can argue over how "substantial" the difference should be allowed to get but that's about it. Nobody supports absolute monarchy anymore, not even today's conservatives. Snopes Like most memes and acronyms, the origins of TLDR are murky, though the Merriam-Webster dictionary cites the first known use to be in 2002. Then he had multiple offers before he even finished college for a couple different engineering jobs, one he stayed at til he retired 42 years later. I really hope they won't course correct. Get the full analysis behind how media bias impacts breaking news. Trying to make housing costs double every decadenot much could be more harmful to society. Here's a quick rundown of a few noteworthy news sources. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. You guys so much history and you are blind to it. Everyone just kinda gets that things are fucked and well be poor. Ten years in the workforce as a mechanical engineer and with a family on the way, I'm basically an anarchist. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. The Blindspotter by Ground News See what Communism is just hilariously inefficient. Some of us are in our 20s now, and guess what, those who aren't lucky enough to have a family member keep supporting them also go from a shitty job to a shitty job, renting with roommates to make ends meet, all the while boomer politicians complain about how we don't want to have kids in the foreseeable future. Not condoning making it double every 10 years. NPR News Mixed with a gut reaction of "well back in the good ol days I was special for being a white man American and now I don't feel as special anymore so I wanna break all my toys and trow them out of the pram" petty entitlement about equality not feeling as good as being on the top of a pyramid.Yall feel like it's the end of history because you all stopped paying attention to history the moment conservatives stopped being the center of the universe.Wake the hell up.And quit acting like there's no point in doing anything dummy. Most interesting stories in startups, tldr news bias, and extreme religious nationalism are and! 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