Initially, it operated as a passenger service on routes between Marseille, Mlaga and Casablanca in the Mediterranean. Wider strips will produce a larger star. It is not," Ole Arnt Westberg of the Support Group for the Scandinavian Star Accident said after the report was presented in parliament. Um representante sueco da PolFerries, que estava interessado em adquirir o navio em 1990, afirmou que o Scandinavian Star era "um cavalo de trs patas" e que seu valor no estava nem perto de US $ 20 milhes devido, pelo menos em parte, ao seu pobre manuteno, uma vez que no era um ferry Ro-Ro. The first time DNA profiling was effectively used in a DVI process, was in 1990 in the identification of the victims of the fire on the Norwegian ferry 'Scandinavian Star'. Embora os anteparos fossem de ao com paredes de amianto, eram revestidas com um motivo ornamental constitudo por um laminado de resina melamina, um material que em anlise posterior se revelaria altamente inflamvel e uma das razes pelas quais o fogo se alastrou ao longo do convs 3 e posteriormente atingiu os conveses 4 e 5. The Danish government has agreed to start a fresh inquiry into the tragedy that claimed 159 lives in the ocean between Denmark and Norway. Denmark. O MS Scandinavian Star, originalmente chamado MS Massalia, era um ferry para carros e passageiros construdo na Frana em 1971. I am glad that a broad majority has now agreed to have elements investigated in the case of the tragic fire on the Scandinavian Star. I think of the seconds and millimeters we were from dying, said Tore Netteland, as the car and passenger ferry sailed the route of the Scandinavian Star. Inicialmente chamado MS Massalia, o navio foi construdo pela Dubigeon-Normandie S.A. em 1971 e entregue Compagnie de Paquebots, que o atribuiu rota Marselha-Mlaga-Casablanca, operando por sua vez como navio de cruzeiro no Mar Mediterrneo. The MS Scandinavian Star was a vehicle and passenger ferry built in France in 1971 by Dubigeon-Normandie. The task force will hone in on the owner of the vessel and its. 159 mennesker mistede livet som flge af de psatte brande. I think of all the people who died so needlessly. All you need to do is use some yarn or thread to slide under one of the woven pieces of fabric, knot together the ends and Violia - a hanging star! However, the ultimate cause of the fire remains somewhat shrouded in mystery. Following the fire, the damaged MS Scandinavian Star was towed to a port in Copenhagen. Os problemas identificados incluam portas corta-fogo mal fechadas, aspersores enferrujados que no podiam ser testados, uma porta corta-fogo substituda por uma porta de vidro ineficaz e a ausncia de uma broca de incndio. . (Filmin) Sin embargo, en 2009 nuevas investigaciones arrojaron nuevas sombras sobre el caso: se haban ocasionado varios fuegos con hasta nueve horas . 3. O navio foi incendiado em 7 de abril de 1990, [1][2][3] matando 159 pessoas[4], e que a investigao oficial determinou ter sido causado por um condenado incendirio que morreu no incndio. It also claimed that they sabotaged efforts to put the fire out. To this point, this might be the "most difficult" part only because it takes the most time. But to get to that April 7, 1990, you have to travel to Miami at the end of 1989, its rich inhabitants and its continuous boat parties. 2. Meine. I have always e, At least two different fabrics, up to four different fabrics. [13], Uma investigao policial em Oslo inicialmente concentrou suas suspeitas em Erik Mrk Andersen, um motorista de caminho dinamarqus que morreu no incndio e teve trs condenaes por incndio criminoso. Now that you have all 4 strips done - the only thing left to do is fold them in half vertically - so they are half the length ( or about 6 inches long ). O navio foi incendiado em 7 de abril de 1990, [ 1][ 2][ 3] matando 159 pessoas [ 4], e que a investigao oficial determinou ter sido causado por um condenado incendirio que morreu no incndio. De acordo com as autoridades martimas dinamarquesas e norueguesas, nenhum deles foi informado sobre o Scandinavian Star, razo pela qual nenhuma inspeo foi realizada antes de 7 de abril. (As pictured). Como o navio havia sido convertido de navio cassino para ferry de passageiros, a nova tripulao teve que ser treinada em apenas dez dias (o perodo normal de treinamento deveria ter sido entre seis e oito semanas, considerando as dimenses do navio). Next, unfold that fold to then fold and iron each side in half to the middle, one side at a time. The search has ended for victims on board the gutted hulk of the 10,500-ton Scandinavian Star ferry moored in a Swedish port, and officials estimated 160 dead and one person unaccounted for, said police in Oslo, Norway.A list of the victims' names will be issued Monday, police said. Fartyget sjsattes den 19 januari 1971, som M/S Massalia. She was given her final name by Scandinavian World Cruises: Scandinavian Star. Unfortunately, this resulted in toxic gases entering into the passenger cabins. O Scandinavian Star estava longe de ser navegvel quando comeou a acomodar passageiros em 1 de abril de 1990, com sua segurana tambm recebendo baixa prioridade. Despite the bulkheads being constructed of steel with asbestos wall boards, the wall laminate was constructed of melamine a highly flammable material and this greatly accelerated the spread of the fire. The 1990 fire aboard the ship Scandinavian Star that killed 159 people was professionally and deliberately set by two members of the crew, a Danish ship inspector said over the weekend, breaking 26 years of silence. Sren Sndergaard (EL): "Mordbranden p Scandinavian Star med 159 dde og tusinder af overlevende og prrende med sr p sjlen er den strste forbrydelse i Skandinavien siden 2. verdenskrig. But they did manage to spark a reopening of the investigation by the Police in Norway in 2014, which in turn cleared the deceased suspect Erik Mrk Andersen. [15][uppdateringbehvs]. Solheim, T.; Lorentsen, M.; Sundnes, P.K. One additional passenger lost their life several weeks later from their injuries. 02:00 uppstod en andra brand utanfr en hytt p dck 3, vilket ledde till ett vldsamt brandfrlopp med spridning till dck 4, varefter beflhavaren satte igng det otillrckligt fungerande brandlarmet. We remember the tragic story and how it went on to change fire safety codes at sea around the world. Essentially, you are putting the raw edges of the strip of material in the middle of the piece, or hiding the edges, so they don't fray. Perto dali havia um estacionamento de veculos arejado com grandes ventiladores que circulavam o ar atravs de uma porta corta-fogo mal protegida, fazendo com que as chamas se espalhassem rapidamente do convs 3 para os conveses 4 e 5 por meio de escadas localizadas nas extremidades. In 1971, Dubigeon-Normandie S.A. shipyard built an extravagant car and passenger vessel: a ship that would go down in history not for its design but for something more disturbing. Since then, DNA profiling has been a mainstay in DVI work, and in some situations the method has proven to be the only doable method for victim identification. The body of convicted terrorist Abderrahim Khayali, 36, was. Do the same process for all 4 pieces of material you have cut to the 3 1/2 by 12 inch strips. Em 2020, a DR, NRK e o canal TV4 transmitiram o documentrio de seis horas Scandinavian Star, baseado no livro do jornalista do Politiken Lars Halskov intitulado Branden - Gden om Scandinavian Star (O Fogo - O Enigma do "Scandinavian Star"). No convs 5, onde ocorreram mais bitos, os corredores apresentavam um layout que continha vrios becos sem sada. Photo about Sculpture of mother pulling the boy away from the disaster Memorial to the victims of the Scandivaian star fire. It had been taken over by a Danish shipowner just a week before the fire and put to work on a new route with a new crew, many of whom spoke no Danish or Norwegian and limited English. Her first ferry route was to cover Marseille, Malaga, and Casablanca. The victims were 24-year-old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen from Denmark and 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway. The official investigation determined the fire had been caused by a convicted arsonist who died in the blaze. That's sad," Klomst said according to NTB. Did you make this project? Others said they came to say farewell. SummaryWith 158 victims, the fire on board the "Scandinavian Star" was one of the world's worst ferry disasters. O MS Scandinavian Star, originalmente chamado MS Massalia, era um ferry para carros e passageiros construdo na Frana em 1971. The Norwegian captain was found to have abandoned the ship while passengers remained alive on board. Esta pgina foi editada pela ltima vez s 11h07min de 14 de abril de 2022. Scandinavian Star preliminary fire investigation-scandinavian star.doc. On April 6, 1990, the Scandinavian Star passenger ferry departs from Oslo to Frederikshavn. Published: 9 March 2018 16:29 CET. Ms. Holen expressed anger about safety rules that allowed the Scandinavian Star to sail. Finally, or at least for the time being, the retired Danish investigator who led the initial investigation, Flemming Thue Jensen, also claimed the fire was a deliberate act by members of the ships crew. Den norske kaptenen Hugo Larsen lmnade fartyget kl. Red balloons to honour child earthquake victims. We including the staff captain and two more crew members were rescued by an helicopter from Sweden. The vessel was registered in the Bahamas and caught fire en route from Denmark to Norway. Politiet har aldrig kontaktet ham. He is a journalist, a literature student and a keen runner (amongst other things). Ancient Greek,English,Scandinavian. English,Scandinavian. La miniserie nrdica que lo investiga (y toma el mismo nombre del crucero) se estrena el prximo 8 de octubre y da una nueva vuelta de tuerca al caso que conmocion a la sociedad escandinava hace tres dcadas. Of those, 136 were Norwegian citizens. ** As you can see in the first few photos - I started placing mine down one at a time to help you see how I wove them together. The abandoned Khiam Detention Center: where people were tortured three times a day without exception, White Bay Power Station: A filming location for The Matrix Reloaded & the Great Gatsby. En frsta brandhrd i en hg sngklder och skrp upptcktes kl. This Scandinavian Star was the one that I chose to make when I hosted my exchange. But once you have the technique down, it will go faster. Besttningen var ny och hade bara ftt ngra dagars trning p fartyget, och till exempel inte gjort ngon brandvning. [2] A commission of representatives from Norway, Denmark and Sweden ordered regulations tightened for ferry traffic in Scandinavian waters. These are only three of the 495 lives - 395 passengers and 100 crew - that the Scandinavian Star carried inside on April 7, 1990 when several intentional fires took. Over the years I have become a self proclaimed "Creative Sort" of person. If you have laid down both of the first two pieces, make sure the fold of the third piece is at the "open" end (cut end) of the first perpendicular stip, then between the next piece of perpendicular fabric. [12] Hugo Larsen, ao saber do incndio, tentou fechar as portas corta-fogo do convs 3. In March 1990, it was acquired by Vognmandstruten K/S, A/S. Of the 395 passengers and 97 crew on board that night, 158 died in the fire. and causing a runaway flight between fallen bodies towards the lifeboats, which were not in a position to evacuate the occupants and the crew, who did not even know act because he had not done the previous drill. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. De acordo com a autoridade martima dinamarquesa, o navio foi registrado em Nassau (Bahamas) e, portanto, apenas obrigado a cumprir os regulamentos de segurana muito mais brandos do pas. Some returned to the site of the tragedy to help cope with grief or fear. Fold one piece from each of the 4 open ends back on itself and weave as you just did - so there is one cut end on every side of the star. Many were still sleeping. The ship was again sold, repaired and renamed several more times before being taken in 2004 to Gujarat, India, where she was scrapped. [1] Contents [ hide ] 1 History 2 Fire 3 Police investigation 4 Salvage 5 Memorial 6 See also 7 Notes 8 External links History Mordbranden p Scandinavian Star natten til den 7. april 1990 er Skandinaviens strste kriminalgde. I was so glad to see this. At this point you should have a woven square - pull all the pieces together to have a tight piece as in the last two pictures. If the task force uncovers new information, it could lead to the resumption of the criminal investigation. That night, a tragedy results in the deaths of 159 people. Em 2015, por ocasio do 25 aniversrio da tragdia, a Rainha Sonja da Noruega, a Primeira-Ministra Erna Solberg, a Prefeita de Oslo Fabian Stang e o Embaixador Dinamarqus na Noruega Torben Brylle prestaram homenagem s vtimas e sobreviventes em uma cerimnia diante do mar. The Scandinavian Star was engulfed in flames midway on its overnight run from Oslo, Norway to Frederikshavn, Denmark. All you need to make sure is that you have enough of your recycled material to make at least one strip 3 1/2 inches by 12 inches. [17] Por sua vez, em fevereiro de 2016, o investigador dinamarqus aposentado Flemming Thue Jensen, que havia liderado investigao em 1990, afirmou que o incndio tinha sido sabotagem e tinha sido iniciado por membros da tripulao; que as portas corta-fogo foram abertas para permitir a propagao do fogo; e que um terceiro incndio ocorreu aps a evacuao do navio e foi causado por membros da tripulao que encharcavam os colches com leo diesel. Enligt ett vittne ska ven besttningsmannen ha krossat en glasvgg till ett diskotek, eventuellt fr att han ville ge nring t elden. New Investigation Into 1990 Scandinavian Star Ferry Fire, Ryksopps Profound Mysteries Live in Oslo, Viking Words: The Old Norse Influence on English, Caving in Norway: The Best Places To Go Spelunking, Americans in Norway: Facts, Stats & Resources. What happened on that fateful night was compounded by a number of failings and foul play onboard. [13] Granskningskommissionen siktar p att avlmna slutrapport senast 1 juni 2017. Johansen och Hansen dmdes ocks till nringsfrbud fr sjfartsverksamhet. The official investigation determined the fire had been caused by a convicted arsonist who died in the blaze. However, an investigation in 2009 ruled that a number of separate fires had been started on the night and therefore there must have been a number of people involved. Looking at the length of the material that is below the point / angle - make one straight cut just below the cross piece below. This claim was backed up in a 2013 report by the Foundation for Arson Investigation Scandinavian Star, who claimed that Andersen died in one of the earlier fires, long before the later fires were even ignited. Some passengers hid in bathrooms and closets. The report stated the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) should not have allowed the 20-year-old ferry to set sail from Denmark to Norway. The ship had experienced other fires prior to this major one. The trailer for "Scandinavian Star" by Mikala Krogh and Lars Halskov is officially out watch it here! In the early morning, around 2 am, on April 7th,1990, a fire was reported by a passenger to a receptionist. As autoridades martimas condenaram as declaraes de Berlau, dizendo que no encontraram provas documentais que sugerissem que algum funcionrio tenha visto o navio. 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