As Mary Margaret sadly takes this news in, Regina turns around before smirking and taking her leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ("Broken Heart"), Learning Hook has unleashed the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld, Regina goes with Robin to search for and take down Hook, while everyone else splits up from them to cover more ground. While the others are more concerned about tracking down Mr. Gold so they can learn the Wicked Witch's identity, Regina settles for returning to the farmhouse alone and searching for evidence. Once upon a time is a television show with a massive and very devoted fan base. I am completely open for prompts on words or short terms, characters or relationships, and other ideas. Later, Regina and Snow comfort Emma when she finally allows herself to cry over Hook abandoning her when things got tough between them. "Yes. When Mary Margaret loses hope over her inability to help Hercules or herself, Regina reminds her that Snow White never lost faith in her, the Evil Queen, and won her over by becoming her friend. ("Sisters"), Shortly after letting Zelena go, Regina explains her decision to her allies, who are skeptical about whether her sister can change Hades or not. ("The Return"), Some days later, Mary Margaret sees Regina at school for the first time since her release. :) The pair interrupts Tremaine's daughter Drizella as she is in the midst of preparing to torture Henry for information about Cinderella's whereabouts, and when the girl questions who they are, Regina threateningly states that she is Henry's mother before magically flinging Drizella into the wall, knocking her out cold. In turn, the Queen snaps that she never learned the most basic lessonall actions have consequences. Despite David's reservations, he allows Regina alone time to speak with Daniel. When her son does not show up at home, Regina angrily presses Emma for answers over the phone, only to discover Henry has entered the sinkhole to find proof of the curse. Evil self: The news devastates Regina, but by the next day, she makes drastic changes after letting go of her true love. ("A Pirate's Life", "Secret Garden"), After Regina gets her locator spell to work, she, Henry, and Hook arrive at a camp, where Cinderella has joined Tiana in a Resistance group to take down Lady Tremaine. When she tells Henry what happened to Emma and Mary Margaret, he blames her for the loss and leaves with David and Ruby. Emma snaps out of it in order to use the baton, which leads to Hyde's capture. She pegs Dr. Whale as the culprit and discovers him in the hospital mental ward with one of his arms torn off. Read to find out more. However, Regina admits she didn't come to the farmhouse to apologize and had wanted to sneak in to look for magic. Though it is positive criticism, Regina can't believe Archie disclosed confidential information, and confronts him at the dock the next morning. Unknown to Regina, Tinker Bell gives Henry information about Cupid's arrow, which can lead his daughter to the person she loves most: the man with the lion tattoo. Evil self: If this is true, where are Emma and Killian of the A Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction: A thirteen year old girl is mysteriously found unconscious at the docks in Storybrooke. This is just a totally random book where I try to write funny stuff but it might not always work. When Emma's parents talk about letting their daughter choose to remove her magic, Regina relates her own mistake of not accepting Henry in the past out of fear of losing him, which changes their opinions. As for the heroes, Merlin requests that they work to get Excalibur from Arthur. Regina sobbed wetly into Emma's shoulder. The blonde briefs Regina on the enchantment Arthur has her parents under, because he wants the dagger to unite it with Excalibur, in order to kill Merlin. United RealmsRoni's (formerly)Tiana's Palace (formerly)Resistance camp (formerly)Her house (formerly)Her palace (formerly)Summer Palace (formerly)Her manor (formerly)King Xavier's castle (formerly) Once Upon a Time: Regina's new name revealed! Meanwhile, Regina brings Henry to the mayoral office; apologizing about her feelings for Robin distracting her from Operation Mongoose. Regina confides in Tinker Bell about her miserable non-existent marriage and having a stepdaughter who destroyed her true love. They reach an bridge, evidently made from Elsa's magic, and as they cross, the Snow Queen's wind gust stops them. Later that same day, Regina is affronted by Emma, whose opinion has changed and now believes the mayor is absolutely guilty of killing Archie. They find nothing there, and on their walk back to the cabin, Cruella drives up in her car and announces Ursula has betrayed them to the heroes. Regina vows to snuff out love, light, and hope in the hearts of the people by casting her curse, and by the end of the melody, she magicks the mirror to make it crack. As Mary Margaret expresses concern for the comatose man, Regina watches with satisfaction and relishes in knowing the lovers will never be reunited with each other. Regina begs Henry to help her, but he merely says she has brought this on herself. After each person has had a drink, the curse causes everyone to fall asleep, but following Snow and David's awakening, Regina and the other people present also wake up. During the time Robin is packing up, Regina gives him a book about the various fictional incarnations of Robin. Emma nodded. She explains her intent to cast a curse to bring everyone to another realm that has no magic, and there, Hook can kill the crocodile. ("Dreamcatcher"), After informing David, Mary Margaret, Hook, and Belle about Emma's slip up about Merlin, Regina explains her plans to use the Crimson Crown to talk to the sorcerer, though they need Arthur's help enacting the spell, as only someone chosen by Merlin can use the toadstool. Regina exchanges tense words with both Little John and Robin Hood since her less than pleasant reputation as Queen still remains. After Zelena returns home, Regina forbids her from seeing Hades again, but Zelena believes she can change him into a better person, like Regina did with Robin. Mother Superior casts a spell to find the sapling, which brings Regina, Snow, and David to the woods, where Regina discovers a trapdoor leading to the underground. I do not own any of the characters. Roni blames Kelly for ruining her plan, while Kelly questions her decision to send Lucy into a snake pit. When Robin seemingly doesn't make it through the wardrobe, Regina is crushed, however, she is elated when he does arrive and hugs him, letting her emotions get the better of her. Later on, the Queen pays Prince Charming a visit in his cell to inform him she has no plans to kill Snow White and has another form of punishment that is far worse. First appearance: Turning away from the girl, Regina reacts in shock, but she regains calm to spare Snow White's feelings. From outside the room, both Regina and Emma watch as Mary Margaret has an agitated outburst over her innocence being called into question and admits in the heat of the moment that she "wanted Kathryn gone", which serves as a murder confession. He blurts out his father's objective to kill Henry and prevent a seer's prophecy from coming true. For a moment, Cora feels genuine love for her daughter, but suddenly, she dies of a mysterious chest wound. She learns Hades has created tombstones for her and her friends, and that he wants to leave for Storybrooke with Zelena. An upset Regina chucks the phone and accidentally sets it on fire, which causes her and Emma to fear Mr. Gold will harm Henry since magic outside of Storybrooke is now possible. Arthur later shows them a tree in the courtyard which the sorcerer is trapped in and asks which of them is the prophesied savior. The plan falls through after Mr. Gold convinces Emma to join him for a better idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to get both of them into Hades' lair, where Hook is. Killian and Emma both into Swan Queen af. Regina knows nothing about the photo, but she lies about not knowing Sidney's whereabouts. The mayor furiously proclaims Mary Margaret is a liar as well as murder and will pay for what she's done. Emma agrees, much to Mary Margaret's displeasure, though the heart allows Regina to send Devin back to Pan's camp to deliver one half of a mirror to Henry. Grumpily, he expresses disinterest in making deals at the moment, so she tells him about Belle's supposed death. Although August is now Pinocchio, Regina believes he may have answers about the Author. Emma proposes getting Mother Superior to help them collect more crystals from the mines, to which Regina mentions unsuccessfully trying to get ahold of the nun, however, Zelena reveals she saw her body in the pawnshop. After Emma retrieves the dreamcatchers, Regina's lost memories are restored. Only when she climbs up does she see a bound Regina. On return to Storybrooke, Regina releases the crystal's magic back into the town. Status: Gothel, with intentions of helping Drizella cast the curse, shows up with a coven of witches to free her before all of them teleport away. Suddenly, both of them get a video message from Cruella, who threatens to kill Henry unless they kill the Author. Regina heads for her mayoral office, but when she gets to the door, she sees Leroy, Walter, and Mr. Clark strangely blocking the entrance. After finishing, she and Emma magick the door open, but instead of access to Hades' lair, it reveals a brick wall. When Weaver sees the Author's pen in the Dark One's hand, Henry apologizes for screwing up as he found the pen only to have it stolen from him. This unexpectedly has fatal consequences as this only makes Henry more stubborn to prove the sinkhole has something to do with the curse. Despite that Regina is ignoring the situation, Robin comes over to offer her a drink, which she declines. Cora, too, wants her daughter back and offers to repair their broken relationship by reuniting Regina with Henry. ("We Are Both"), Having been asked to step down as mayor of Storybrooke, Regina is in the midst of packing up her things when she received a phone call from Henry. At the hospital, Dr. Whale checks out Henry and can find nothing medically wrong with his health. Emma, searching for a missing Elsa, joins her. Once Regina puts Marco and Pinocchio to sleep, Emma tries to convince her not to take the boy, but the latter promises to watch out for the boy. Brown Roni goes to confront Ivy in-person about her suspicions that she is only going after Henry to ruin what he and Jacinda could have. Regina suggests that it must be a place that has sentimental value to the townspeople, which Snow guesses is the diner. Zelena is tipped off to the intruders because of baby Robin's crying, with the Queen prepared to incinerate the couple, however, Regina teleports in to save her friends and whisk them away. Bartender at Roni's (formerly)Mayor of Storybrooke (formerly) He was furious and refused to take part in her giving birth. ("Murder Most Foul"), Finding Robin in the woods, Regina apologizes to him for putting pressure on him to be like the Robin she knew. After the Dragon fails to open a portal to the other realm, he advises that they seek magic with the power of belief. ("Where Bluebirds Fly"), At her house, Regina notices Zelena struggling to put together a baby crib by hand. Henry threatens to expose her plan to annihilate Storybrooke, however, she erases his memory. Cora chastises Regina for the attempt to get rid of her as Rumplestiltskin materializes in the mirror to give encouragement. She and Emma hide from Henry and some soldiers who are looking for them, and later seek out Pinocchio, who agrees to make another magic wardrobe to help them go home. regina ouat onceuponatime emma emmaswan henry swanqueen mills reginamills outlawqueen swan evilqueen hook once snowwhite upon robin storybrooke rumplestiltskin charming. Once upon a time is a television show with a massive and very devoted fan base. Hook, uninterested in torture, leaves Greg and Tamara to their devices. While everyone else works on preventing the realms from becoming real, Roni attempts to steer Sir Henry away from the path of vengeance by telling him about the family he still has in her realm who can help him heal from his pain. Following Nick's arrest, Roni returns and gives her blessing for Kelly to return to San Francisco to marry Chad. She then trots back into her carriage and coldly tells her father to find his own way home. Her father blames Cora for killing Daniel, and he insists Cora wants to control her by forcing her to become dark. When Emma's attempts fail to yield anything, Regina snatches the map and places a locator spell on it, which leads them straight to Pan, who then sends the Lost Boys to engage them in a quick paced combat that ends fairly quickly. While walking through the woods alone, Regina spots a cloaked figure near a broken tower. When the only way to save Emma's family is for her and Killian to go back to the day they met, their trip goes awry and they end up fifteen years in the future. ("Secret Garden"), Sometime after Zelena and Robin stay in the New Enchanted Forest, Regina joins Henry, baby Lucy, Ella, Zelena, and Hook by a campfire in the woods, where, from a distance, Alice observes them through a spyglass. Realizing his unfinished business, which was to ensure Regina is free of Cora's control, has come to an end, he bids both her and Henry a farewell, before ascending to a better place. Regina talks Zelena into redeeming herself by helping them, to which Zelena unveils in a mirror that Dorothy is currently under the sleeping curse in Oz. Fairytale OUAT FANFIC(Regina Mills x FEM!OC) I DO NOT OWN ANY OUAT CHARACTERS, I ONLY OWN PRIMROSE CHARMING/THE SORCERESS. In defense, Regina claims Tinker Bell was the one who wrongly interfered in her life. The girl just barely mentions Hook when a hellhound, Cerberus, approaches them, prompting Emma to teleport all three of them to the Underworld version of her parents' apartment. Angered at their refusal of her, Regina sends them to the Infinite Forest. Regina learns Hades is in love with Zelena, and while she cares about her sister, she presses her on the matter of Hades' weakness. While he gloats about her powerless state, she promises to find a way for her magic to be restored and take Henry back. She also warns to never cross her again, and if he does, death will be the punishment. Roni appears in a photograph in "Flower Child". United RealmsRoni's (formerly)Tiana's Palace (formerly)Resistance camp (formerly)Her house (formerly)Her palace (formerly)Summer Palace (formerly)Her manor (formerly)King Xavier's castle (formerly) She doesn't answer when Mary Margaret asks why Regina hates her so much. In the woods, she carries Sidney in a pocket mirror as he directs her to the Snow Queen. "Leaving Storybrooke" As the final nail in the coffin, Regina phones Emma, pretending to reform her ways, and sets up a meeting with her where they discuss Henry's well-being. Tired of his meddling, Regina shrinks him and traps him in a box. Continuing with the therapy session, he asks Regina if there is anything holding her back from moving forward. Brown Unimpressed, Regina explains that, while they are indeed one and the same person, this also means they share ownership of the lamp, to which she uses the second wish to be sent to where Emma is. She breaks into the apartment, approaching a depressed Mary Margaret to rip out her heart, though Mr. Gold blocks her from getting any closer. ("Sympathy for the De Vil"), In the aftermath of Cruella's death by Emma, Maleficent desires an alliance with the heroes if the savior can locate her daughter, Lilith. The Blind Witch still resents Regina for killing her, while the former Evil Queen reminds the witch that there were bound to be consequences for stealing her apple. GALLERY, Roni Rumplestiltskin reverses the disguise, to which Regina gazes at her reflection and states, "Long live the Evil Queen". The next day, Regina arrives to the loft looking for Henry, who has stolen the crystal and left town to destroy it. Roni then spots a paper flap sticking out from an open locker and discovers a shocking photograph inside. Both sustain blows, but neither give up. With another scheme in mind, she calls for her carriage so she can get to the wedding. When asked, Regina confirms her love for Henry is genuine, which placates Tinker Bell, who returns the heart. Female I never had the chance to say this to you, but your smile is the most exquisite thing I've ever seen. Disclaimer: I only own the story itself. :} You can skip the torture scenes without missing any of the plot, but there are other (MANY other) dark themes in this story, as well. She drops a cup, startling him, but quickly recovers to apologize. Suddenly, Margot arrives at the bar, having finally returned from her travels to be with her mother and aunt. Relatives: Roni plays it off by suggesting she wanted to add a kid's menu to the bar which she knew Kelly wouldn't like. The night of Henry's graduation party at Granny's, he receives a phone call from a stranger, actually his adult self who was cursed to go back in time, who offers him advice about his future. Drizella arrives, telling him that she has detained Regina for the time being, before giving the heroes a prophecy about a curse she will cast on the child's eighth birthday. On her way out of town, Emma crashes her car, spending the night in a holding cell, where Regina sees her while looking for a missing Henry. Not knowing where her son could be, a panicked Regina calls Sheriff Graham to her house. Robin picks the lock to free both of them and gifts her a feather from his lucky arrow. ("Heartless"), Seeing Snow's misery over David's current state, Regina almost goes to confront the Queen herself, but Emma convinces her it won't do any good and that she needs to be there for Henry. Later on, the heroes discover pixie flowers, which have the ability to reunite those who share true love, may be Snow and David's chance to undo the curse. Furious at Snow White's plans to take back the kingdom, the Queen sets out to stop her. Cora, taking it upon herself to do what she believes is best for Regina, rips out Daniel's heart and crushes it. Roni sympathizes with his reluctance to move on from them, but reasons that eventually he has to let go of their ghosts. Things cool down only when Neal makes him hand over the box. However, Regina is taken aback when Mr. Gold determines she is envious of not having someone. As the two catch up, Zelena pops out and brings Regina up to speed about just how dangerous the coven of witches are. Upon learning the Queen went after Zelena on Mr. Gold's orders, she suggests that it was an empty promise and that the hole in the Queen's heart made her so desperate to believe him. (basically Hatoful Boyfriend but with pretty OUAT ladies). With the genie lamp, whose genie is now Aladdin, the Queen grants Emma's wish of having never been the Savior. Regina later tries to locate Robin's feather, but it doesn't work because, as Henry notes, she wants to find Robin when he's already dead. Inside the castle, she earns an audience with Maleficent, but the woman has since lost herself after her revenge against Briar Rose was thwarted by King Stefan. ("The Guardian") ("The Guardian"), Directly after the curse is broken, Roni wakes up to reunite with Henry before conjuring up a fireball to throw at Gothel, but her magic is no match for the latter's. Additionally, whoever uses the dagger will never be able to harm Snow White or Prince Charming as long as they are in the Enchanted Forest. Emma is pregnant with Regina's child but before she gets a chance to tell her, Regina decides she needs to give Robin one more chance. Though Emma confirms Killian wants to move on, Regina advises her to help Hook to forgive himself for his dark deeds, as that's something she struggled with in the past too. With her New York rescue mission put on halt, Regina joins Emma and Hook to scour the forest near the Toll Bridge, where Cruella has Henry. When Mary Margaret refuses to surrender the dagger, Regina summons a captive Johanna and rips out her heart. The little girl feels connected to the couple and knows they are her parents. She is a quick learner and has strange and powerful magic. After regrouping with the others, they determine the Dark Ones cannot exist without living souls taking their places in the Underworld, as everyone with the mark will die when Charon comes for them. To stop her snaps that she never learned the most basic lessonall have! Dagger, Regina believes he may have answers about the Author questions her decision send... 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