For each proposal that proposes to conduct research off-campus or off site, the AOR must complete a certification that the organization has a plan in placefor this proposal regarding safe and inclusive working environments. The proposer cannot edit this form. The information on the Awardee Organization is prefilled on the Cover Sheet based on the login information entered. OHRP maintains the International Compilation of Human Research Standards which contains a listing of over 1000 laws, regulations, and guidelines on human subjects protections in 130 countries and from many organizations. 12372 (Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs) for activities that directly affect State or local governments, or possible national security implications. Submission of a collaborative proposal from multiple organizations. ), i. Senior personnel are required to update their Current and Pending Support disclosures prior to award, and at any subsequent time the agency determines appropriate during the term of the award. The checklist is not intended to be an all-inclusive repetition of the required proposal contents and associated proposal preparation guidelines. The NSF* Current & Pending (C&P) Support document generated from the Current & Pending Tool in ERA is in the process of being updated to mirror the 2022 NSF PAPPG version of the NSF form, which adds two new sections for NSF C&Ps: Overall Objectives and Statement of Potential Overlap.However, the ERA update will not occur until later this Fall. The process or method for making incident reports as well as how any reports received will be resolved should also be accounted for. This section should provide a discussion of the broader impacts of the proposed activities. that will be secured through a service agreement/contract should be budgeted on line G.6., Other Direct Costs to ensure appropriate allocation of indirect costs. If the primary purpose is to speak or assist with management of the conference, then such costs should be budgeted in appropriate categories other than participant support. For reasonable accommodation requests, NSF may request medical documentation signed and dated by the proposers physician that describes a) the nature, severity, and duration of the impairment; b) the activities the impairment limits; and c) why and how the particular reasonable accommodation requested will assist the proposer. 617-384-9451
Resulting awards will be administered in accordance with standard NSF policies and procedures, including no-cost extensions and supplemental funding requests. Compensation for time normally spent on research within the term of appointment is deemed to be included within the faculty members regular organizational salary. Except as specified below, Special Information and Supplementary Documentation must be included as part of the Project Description (or part of the Budget Justification), if it is relevant to determining the quality of the proposed work. (4) In-Kind Contributions (see PAPPG Chapter II.D.2.h(ii)(g)(iv)) In either case, the lead organizations proposal must contain all of the requisite sections as a single package to be provided to reviewers (that will happen automatically when procedures below are followed). Therefore, inclusion of a website address is optional. These exploratory proposals also may be submitted directly to an NSF program, but the EAGER proposal type should not be used for projects that are appropriate for submission as regular (i.e., non-EAGER) NSF proposals. In the interim, proposers must continue to meet the guidance specified in PAPPG Chapter IX.B. [9] Proposal Not Accepted is defined as will not permit submission of the proposal by the AOR. the location of the organization: Enter the City, State/Province, and Country where the primary organization is located. Requests for funds for special equipment or assistance to facilitate the participation of individuals with disabilities should be included in the proposed budget for the project and documented in the budget justification. Additional information on NSF auto-compliance checks is available on the NSF website. NSF does not negotiate rates for entities that do not yet hold direct NSF funding, nor does NSF negotiate rates for subrecipients. Requests may be for up to $200K (including indirect costs) and up to one year in duration. [46] Ideas Labs are generally one to five days in duration. This information is relied upon by NSF in formulating the total award amount and final award budget that is incorporated into any resultant award. For all eligible categories noted above, the supplemental funding request may include funding for up to six months of salary support or stipend for a maximum of $30,000 in direct costs of salary compensation or stipend, but the duration of the salary or stipend support may not exceed the duration of the family leave. NSF provides support for a variety of individual Centers and Centers programs that contribute to the Foundation's vision as outlined in the NSF Strategic Plan. The Project Description is limited to two pages and should include information regarding the applicants specific expertise and interest in the topic area, as well as certain personal attributes that enhance the success of the Ideas Lab workshop (e.g., experience and interest in working in teams, communication skills, level of creativity, willingness to take risks). To provide a complete list of resources and support, all Key Personnel must take inventory of all resources provided or otherwise supported externally and available in support of their research. (ii) Plans for Data Management and Sharing of the Products of Research. Costs that will be secured through a service agreement/contract should be budgeted under Line G.6, Other Direct Costs, to ensure the proper allocation of indirect costs. biologics, chemical, model systems, technology, etc.). . Proposers should include an aggregated description of the internal and external resources (both physical and personnel) that the organization and its collaborators, and subawardees will provide to the project, should it be funded. In cases where the PI or any co-PI has received more than one award (excluding amendments to existing awards), they need only report on the one award that is most closely related to the proposal. (v) The FWA Number that the proposer has on file with OHRP should be entered, if available. Supplemental funds for special equipment or assistance to facilitate participation in NSF-supported projects by persons with disabilities may be requested under existing NSF awards. Misrepresentations and/or omissions may be subject to prosecution and liability pursuant to, but not limited to, 18 U.S.C. for any proposals currently under consideration from whatever source irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. non-acceptance of a proposal submitted to NSF; ensuring that individual(s) who violate these requirements are not permitted to perform work under an NSF award; ineligibility for participation as an NSF reviewer; suspension or termination of an award; and/or. This plan should also identify steps the proposing organization will take to nurture an inclusive off-campus or off-site working environment, e.g., trainings; processes to establish shared team definitions of roles, responsibilities, and culture, e.g., codes of conduct; and field support, such as mentor/mentee support mechanisms, regular check-ins, and/or developmental events. Data curation costs are expenses associated with preparing data into a form that others can use. Salaries of professional personnel, editorial, clerical, and other staff members in proportion to the time or effort devoted to the preparation and conduct of the conference and summarizing its results. NIH Shared Instrumentation Program/ S10 2023 (External Funding), NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Summary Chart (NSF provided PDF), Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter II.C.2.f (NSF website), Biosketch Now (NSF example) (Harvard provided HTP tutorial), NSF FAQs Using NSF Fillable PDF (NSF provide PDF), SciENcv tutorials (Harvard provided HTP course bundle), NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support (NSF provided PDF), Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), Chapter, II.C.2.h (NSF website), Current and Pending Support website (NSF Website), NSF Current and Pending FAQs (rev 7/2022) (NSF provided PDF), SciENcv tutorials on HTP (Harvard provided course bundle), FAQs NSF Current and Pending (rev 7/2022) (NSF provided PDF), NSF FAQs Using NSF Fillable PDF (NSF provided PDF), Job Aid: GMAS Other Support and Activities Download (Harvard provided PDF), Other Support and Activities (Link to GMAS for automatic download of Excel report), Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) (NIH website), Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter II.D.2.h.i (NSF website), NSF FAQs Using SciENcv (NSF provide PDF), NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support (NSF provided PDF), Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), Chapter, II.D.2.hii (NSF website), Current and Pending (Other) Support website (NSF Website), Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects. The substance of the relationship is more important that the form of the agreement. *Location: Enter the City, State/Province, and Country where the primary organization is located. Indicate virtual if the project is not based in a physical location. NSF uses the information submitted in the Current and Pending Support section to assess the capacity of the individual to carry out the research as proposed, and to review any potential overlap/duplication with the proposed project. %PDF-1.6
Total award amount for the entire award period covered (including indirect costs), Number of person-months per year to be devoted by the individual, brief statement of the overall objectives of the project/proposal being proposed or in-kind contribution must be provided, summary of the potential overlap between this proposal and any active or pending proposal or in-kind contribution, Additional details can be found on the NSF, Exporting Current Outside Activities from OAIR (Harvard provided PDF), Exporting Data Use Agreements from the DUA module (Harvard provided PDF), All Harvard individuals who are designated as Key Personnel on an NSF award/subaward are required to report all their research support to NSF via the Current and Pending Support form, which is required at JIT and with each RPPR if their support has changed since the last submission. Proposal Budget and Budget Justification: A budget and budget justification for the travel prepared in accordance with Chapter II.D.2.f. Proposers are responsible for ensuring that proposed subrecipient costs, including indirect costs, are reasonable and appropriate. In such cases, the costs must be classified as participant support if payment is made through a stipend or training allowance method. A university, professional society or other non-profit organization may apply for funds to enable it to coordinate and support participation in one or more scientific meeting(s). A letter of support submitted in response to a program solicitation requirement must be unique to the specific proposal submitted and cannot be altered without the authors explicit prior approval. ore detailed information about the content is available in the. The . See also Chapter XI.B.1 for additional information on the administration of awards that include use of human subjects. A statement of the need for attending such a gathering and a list of topics; Information on the location and probable date(s) of the meeting; A statement of how the meeting will be organized and conducted, how the results of the meeting will be disseminated and how the meeting will contribute to the enhancement and improvement of scientific, engineering and/or educational activities; and. No proposer-supplied information may appear in the margins. PIs are responsible for obtaining the required authorizations. Amounts and expenses budgeted also must be consistent with the proposing organization's policies and procedures and cost accounting practices used in accumulating and reporting costs. (ii) ORCID ID[29] (Optional): Enter the ORCID ID of the senior person. Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources that includes a description of the physical facility, including floor plans or other appropriate information, where the equipment will be located; a narrative description of the source of funds available for operation and maintenance of the proposed equipment; a brief description of other support services available, and a statement of why the equipment is severable or non-severable from the physical facility (Chapter II.C.2.i should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal). These project ideas typically will be high-risk/high-impact, as they represent new and unproven ideas, approaches and/or technologies. Conference Services. The approval letter must be provided to the cognizant NSF Program Officer before an award can be issued. Communications within team and to the organization should be considered in the plan, minimizing singular points within the communications pathway (e.g., a single person overseeing access to a single satellite phone), and any special circumstances such as the involvement of multiple organizations or the presence of third parties in the working environment should be taken into account. Note, however, that if awarded, a single award would be made to the submitting organization, with any collaborators listed as subawards. . for additional information. This includes items such as: home address; home telephone, fax, or cell phone numbers; home e-mail address; drivers license number; marital status; personal hobbies; and the like. In addition to other provisions required by the proposing organization, all contracts made under the NSF award must contain the applicable provisions identified in 2 CFR 200 Appendix II. While not required, the following format may be used in preparation of letters of collaboration: "If the proposal submitted by Dr. [insert the full name of the Principal Investigator] entitled [insert the proposal title] is selected for funding by NSF, it is my intent to collaborate and/or commit resources as detailed in the Project Description or the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal.". Requests are made in conjunction with regular competitive proposals, or as a supplemental funding request to an existing NSF award. [16] Travel, meal, and hotel expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. Investigators may be working in closely related areas, or their research may be multidisciplinary. (h) The individual also must report any proposal, other than the proposal currently being submitted, that will likely be submitted imminently or in the near future. [36] Editorial board does not include Editorial Advisory Board, Scientific Editorial Board, or any other subcategory of Editorial Board. [48] This coverage also applies to symposia and workshop proposals. Pursuant to 45 CFR 690.101(g), the Common Rule is not intended to supersede any additional protections that may be afforded to human subjects under foreign laws or regulations. Results from Prior NSF Support (up to five pages). There is no separate program for funding of special equipment or assistance. Violation of disclosure requirements may lead to criminal, civil, and/or administrative consequences as may be deemed appropriate based upon the particular facts of the violation. NSFs RECR policy is available in Chapter IX.B. PIs are cautioned, however, that the text must still be readable. *Status of Support: Select the appropriate status type as defined below: Proposal/Award Number (if available): Enter the applicable proposal/award number for each proposal and/or award, if available. (See Chapter II.D.2.h(ii)). Any other direct costs not specified in Lines G.1. office/lab space, equipment, personnel, materials not freely available, etc.). Note this proposal preparation instruction deviates from the standard proposal preparation instructions contained in this Guide; EAGER proposals must otherwise be compliant with the proposal preparation requirements specified in Part I of the PAPPG. to foster safe and harassment-free environments wherever science is conducted. NSF also will not fund research that involves the creation, transfer, or use of enhanced PPPs except under special circumstances where the potential benefits to society far outweigh the risks and all other conditions of the Policy are met. Planning proposals do not constitute any commitment on behalf of the PI/co-PI(s) or their organizations to submit a future proposal or carry out a research, education, or infrastructure project, nor do they imply an intent on the part of NSF to support a future proposed project beyond the planning grant. Building the Future: Investing in Discovery and Innovation - NSF Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2018 2022. [31] In accordance with the NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance, senior personnel typically do not include graduate students. The proposing organization may request that salary data on senior personnel not be released to persons outside the Government during the review process. Overlap Sample Statements: There is commitment overlap for Dr. XYZ between 5R01AG123456-01 and the application under consideration. It should be noted that contributions derived from other Federal funds or counted as cost sharing toward projects of another Federal agency must not be counted towards meeting the specific cost sharing requirements of the NSF award. (iii) *Position Title: Enter the current position title of the senior person. Chapter II.D.2.g should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal. [7] Detailed instructions for completion of this process are available in A conference proposal will be supported only if equivalent results cannot be obtained by attendance at regular meetings of professional societies. Proposers are advised not to exceed the mandatory cost sharing level or amount specified in the solicitation.[25]. Compensation classified as salary payments must be requested in the salaries and wages category. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.413, the salaries of administrative and clerical staff should normally be treated as indirect costs (F&A). Interdisciplinary research and education projects that enable faculty from different academic departments or institutions to interact with one or more industrial partners in IHE-industry groups or networks are encouraged. Examples of mentoring activities include but are not limited to: career counseling; training in preparation of proposals, publications and presentations; guidance on ways to improve teaching and mentoring skills; guidance on how to effectively collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplinary areas; and training in responsible professional practices. Potential commitment overlap exists. An editor-in-chief must list the entire editorial board. Federally negotiated indirect cost rate(s) must be used in computing indirect costs (F&A) for a proposal. Adheres to the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (known as the Common Rule as defined in HHS regulation 45CFR46). If this application is funded, Dr. Y will request permission to reduce effort on R01HL567089-07 from 4.80 calendar months to 2.40 calendar months; If there is no overlap, please write "none." Individuals with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations as part of the proposal process must contact the Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR) Disability Program Manager (DPM) at at least 30 calendar days prior to the proposal deadline date. Not Accepted is defined as will not permit submission of the senior.... 16 ] travel, meal, and Country where the primary organization is located not. About the content is available in the Accepted is defined as will not permit of... Be requested under existing NSF award on travel status are unallowable research be. Associated proposal preparation guidelines additional information on the Cover Sheet based on the Cover based. 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