And, you were instrumentalD:No, I didnt use it, personally.K:in discovering? And then what? D:They dont. This is an original technology which was derived from ancient cylinder seals, by people from our future who provided it to us, meaning the rogues, the P-45s.K:OK. Timely updates from the world of Extraordinary and Strange, Cosmic events, Culture and the Future [camera turns to Marci]. The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamiltons] source that linked with inside sources and took notes onProject Looking Glass(LG) andTime Travelexperiments: With regard toLG(Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. Aside from that I have no explanation. In my earlier analysis of post 3585 , I covered the origins of "Project Looking Glass", and described how both the military intelligence community and the Deep State have been using such "time distorting" technology since at least the 1960s. The Orion ET races have given President Eisenhower a cube about eight centimeters wide by another eight centimeters long, capable of predicting the future. And so, no, we dont want that to happen. Looking Glass Community Services offers a range of programs and services that may be creatively combined to serve children, teenagers, adults, and families. The Star Gate Project was a DIA-funded government program that operated for over 35 years in secret, until being declassified in 1995. deep state troll I guess not sure how anyone could look at the likes of Biden, Clinton, and Obama and think these Democrats are the better choice. In Alice in Wonderland the White Rabbit is introduced as always running late. DO NOT REMOVE MY COMMENT PLEASE! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Evidence suggests that pole shifts are both magnetic and geophysical, with a periodic cycle of recurring and predictable cataclysms involving huge earthquakes and tsunamis, changes in latitude and altitude, mass extinctions, and the destruction of civilizations, reducing them to myth and legend. Yeah. They get the Earth to themselves. This specific floor contained a laboratory for weapons research and development, three board rooms, and provisions for emergency supplies. Better yet, it functions as a comforting nightlight for kids. Two of those men, in military uniforms, offered Dan to work on a high-level project, where he could have put his professional talent at the governments disposal in a context of maximum secrecy. I first read about Project Looking Glass in a book by exopolitics author Dr. Michael Salla titled Kennedys Last Stand. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. And so, the individuals who want to carry the, the negative line, are convinced that its going to occur, are not presenting the facts. K:OK. Well then what OK. Youve talked about the P-52 Orions and the P-52 J-Rods. Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped', says military insider. No, they shall say we have two presidents, what do we do now? Fear not, for God said, as I promised before this is My Nation and I will change things according to the time and season and I told you now I will expose and reveal things that have been hidden so that My Nation can move into this next election and to the next phase with victory and honor and glory, says the Lord of Hosts! I mean theres a sense in which what you are talking about is not so much that the P-45s, for example, Timeline 1 exists, as it will actually separate from our reality and become more like a parallel reality instead of an intersecting one. The name Looking Glass, which is another name for a mirror, was chosen for the Airborne Command Post because the mission operates in parallel with the underground command post at Offutt Air Force Base.[3]. They shall say, what is your plan for this giant and he will take a simple stone, remember the name and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him. Project SIGMA: the Secret Human-Alien Accord Few Know About, Photos of pyramids and statues on Mars that NASA doesnt want you to see, The secret of the ninth planet is revealed: is there a threat to the Earth and what does Nibiru have to do with it, Astronomers have found the mythical planet Solaris, described in the legendary novel by Stanislav Lem, Signs of advanced alien civilizations have been found in two galaxies, How fear and horror were used in the wars of the past, Carvilios holographic ring: a unique artifact with a 3D effect was recovered by archaeologists from a 1st century AD Roman tomb. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This page was last edited on 11 November 2022, at 12:31. The numbers that we received beforeLooking Glasswas shut down, disbanded, was that there would be a 19% probability with an 85% confidence, that the disaster would occur, that there would bea transition from Timeline 1 to Timeline 2. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. SITUATION UPDATE: PROJECT LOOKING GLASS REVEALS CONVERGENCE OF FUTURE TIMELINES - The Phaser Featured SITUATION UPDATE: PROJECT LOOKING GLASS REVEALS CONVERGENCE OF FUTURE TIMELINES By The Phaser | March 30, 2021 0 Comments Loading. According to Burisch, accounts provided by captured beings known in the program as p-45s, future humans 45,000 years into the future, the Earth was destroyed by massive cataclysms around the year 2012. It would be hidden from the United States within Area 51. D:Yep. Looking Glass is programmed in the Java language using the Java 3D system to remain platform independent. Listen with an open mind, BE in Love for our approaching truth, and then BE in . Watch the video below and judge for yourself. The Project Looking Glass device was used to predict the potential probability of future events. K:they are agents of change, in a sense. How much soul did they have when they threw my grandpa on to a car? But its our use of technology which provokes the catastrophe. China will be given back to the Good people, CCP= ANNIHILATED. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Hushmail and other emails From Concerned Insiders. It is a program that uses DXGI (or NvFBC if you're on Quadros or better on Nvidia) to directly capture what is displayed on a video card in a windows virtual machine and then display that on a QEMU/KVM Linux Host in near real-time. In other words, youve got theLooking Glass technologythat they used, and you used. And that is a frightening thing to me. I think that the disaster itself, from everything that Ive read and heard, is a direct, ah consequence of the technological aspect of bringing too much energy toward us, in a non-natural manner. Also located on level 4-2were two specific areas which contained components for project sidekick. One of the things that they found is that they could actually use it as a peering portal, like a peering glass, if you will, to see different aspects of, not only the future, but the past. K:So, what youre saying isthe Illuminati to get back to that thread. Unlike network based streaming applications, Looking Glass does not use any form of compression or color space conversion, all frames are transferred to the viewer (client application) in 32-bit RGBA without any transformations or modifications. Conspiracy Theorists often use the phrase Going down a deep rabbit hole when dealing with government and military cover ups and the black ops world. Area 51 whistleblower Bob Lazar mentioned this decades ago when asked about: Looking Glass? I initially became aware of the project viaDavid Wilcock, in his presentationThe 2012 Enigma. A mysterious new group by the name of 'Guardians of the Looking Glass' has released videos talking about major upcoming events and how humanity's awareness of these events can influence and change them. Cut to the Chase with Conspiracy Theories About Famous Singers: Staging Deaths. Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker. Q Of course, this idea of positive elements/people within our government and military that have been working to nullify the elite agenda (New World Order) is nothing new. bill wood : above & beyond project looking glass Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Project Looking Glass reveals convergence of future timelines. Q's reference to "Project Looking Glass" invites members of the Patriot movement to dive deep into the highly classified world of time-distorting . I love Daniel and Tealc as much as anyone. The Looking Glass Portrait projects 45 to 100 different "views" of 3D scenes to create its holograms, which is great for more detailed captures from light field photography, but for less . If five of the Mayan Long Counts measures one cycle of precession of almost 26,000 years and if, as at least one researcher suggests, this is measured by 2160 orbits of Jupiter around the sun then maybe the roughly 11 year disparity between Mayan and Hindu start dates for an age corresond to one orbit of Jupiter, and the end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 was really a warning that we were reaching the final 11.2 year orbit of Jupiter and that 2023 or early 2024 at the latest is really the time to watch out for? After 1975, East Aux was assumed from the Looking Glass backup ground alert aircraft launched from Offutt AFB. Well, we hadLooking Glass technology, and portal, actualstargate technology, in Iraq, as late as the start of 2003. Burisch worked directly under the orders of the Majestic 12. Why would it be that one with a double mind would stand up and face the people? Huge online community of Project Managers offering over 12,000 how-to articles, templates, project plans, and checklists to help you do your job. The plan calls for the ten square miles of the District of Columbia to operate under a separate form of government than the Republic. Diplomatic discussions between civilizations took place at this meeting and an agreement was approved to abduct human beings for the purpose of studying them, provided that they did not have to suffer and remember nothing of their experience. Facts matter! Federation of American Scientists, Looking Glass: USSTRATCOM's Airborne Command Post By Airman 1st Class J.T. D:I would say that they slightly predate Sumerian timeframe but that some of the information which came down from cylinder seals that slightly predated the Sumerian timeframe were then recopied in Sumerian seals as well, and . Dan describes a Stargate who is in Area 51 by saying that next to this huge apparatus, there was a platform that allowed to throw the object inside the wormhole to travel to other stars, teleporting people or materials from one place to the other. That information from the Looking Glass was supported by the direct testimony of both the J-Rods and Orion beings, according to their written and oral histories. According to the testimony of Burisch, the technology was provided to the human race during Sumerian times, when an advanced contingent of future humans went back in time and provided that civilization assistance after a cataclysm known as the deluge. Members of the WWABNCP network included: More specifically, this program dealt with the physics of seeing the effects of an artificially produced gravity wave on time. D:Essentially, yes. Come on. Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. In more recent years it has been more officially referred to as the ABNCP (Airborne National Command Post). Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the (historic) code name for an airborne command and control center operated by the United States. However, aside from some superficialsimilarities, the actual Stargates looked nothing like this. We know that they had a human soul, as black as apparently what it was or as covered over in their demented brains but I still pray for them that theyve even them that theyve been made whole withGod. The Boeing EC-135 Looking Glass aircraft is a conversion of the basic C-135/KC-135 family of aircraft for the strategic command and control mission. D:They just want for themselves. Dr. Dan refuses to provide the official project name for that program. Little official information about Project Looking Glass exists in public domains. I really dont know since my information sources would only tell me so much about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. Burisch holds disconcerting great information about extraterrestrials, the time machines called Looking Glass(Orion Cube Stargate), the plans of the secret government and the extinction of the human race. The entirety of the technology must either be disabled or destroyed. EC-135, Looking Glass. I initially became aware of the project via David Wilcock, in his presentation The 2012 Enigma. It is always best to start out with less, you can always increase more water/vinegar solution. In such an event, the general officer aboard the Looking Glass serves as the Airborne Emergency Action Officer (AEAO)[2] and by law assumes the authority of the National Command Authority and could command execution of nuclear attacks. And as for any changes in mass, or movement within time-space. The Looking Glass uses Wormhole technology. These cookies do not store any personal information. (LogOut/ Hillary thought she would win but . If so, what is it in our future that . As the timelines converge as the end of 2012 approaches, it would mean that the different kinds of lesson paths for people to learn about duality are . However, in my typical reverse-logic search for corollaries, this tells me that there must have been many test subjects that made it through just fine. The remote viewing skill developed via mental discipline, which enables the practitioner to observe events or locations in any space or time, even in alternative timelines, with the assistance of a trigger and what is called a conductor. It I mean. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that when he arrived in Kherson after it had been liberated from Russia, he had the feeling that he had gone through the Looking-Glass. Filmmaker & researcher Frank Jacob joins us for an INSPIRED conversation . Looking Glass has been released under the GPL 2.0 license by Geoffrey McRae of. Flying aboard each ABNCP is a crew of 22, which includes an air crew, a Communications Systems Officer and team, an Airborne Emergency Action Officer (an Admiral or General officer), a Mission Commander, a Strike Advisor, an Airborne Launch Control System/Intelligence Officer, a Meteorological Effects Officer, a Logistics Officer, a Force Status Controller, and an Emergency Actions NCO. See it in action here! Try RV on for size guys! This executive briefing will help you make an informed decision about what you can do to make a difference. For the conspiracy theory about time travel, see, [Hopkins III, Robert S. 1997. spirituality and healing for the mind, body and soul", What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? Its JORDAN not jonathan, This one incorrect item calls your whole website into question. D:So the soul didnt go away and then come back. Because the Looking Glass was placed and used on Earth, it can only show lesson paths that are meant for people of this planet, it cannot show the lesson paths meant for beings of other planets. The history reads that the natural passage of us through this energetic space is a good thing. The negative outcome is dependent on a series of terrible events that will occur from 2022 to 2029. Created by Looking Glass Looking Glass 1,301 backerspledged $844,621to help bring this project to life. Operation "Scope Light" for the Commander in Chief. We want to keep our hands off of nature. Unsubscribe at any time. This is undoubtedly one of the more intriguing topics in awakening times, which seems to be well hidden in popular works of fiction. It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers are destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. I originally thought it was a monkey, but I found out that there were many test subjects that got sent through, so I am not certain what kind was involved in the experiment that went bad. FYI. Feb 22, 2014 And then God says, that there would be highly embarrassing time for many politicians in the upcoming elections and the democrats would be shaken and unsettling for the republicans. Some insiders claim that it allows one to peer into the future with "99.999% accuracy." One insider has even said, "Why do you think no major world leaders have been assassinated any time recently? K:Youve gotthe Illumination the one hand, youve gotthe Majesticon another. We dont want to. But how is it that In other words, if. The people who. But the plan is so brilliant, says the Lord, it could only have been given by me. Share on Twitter; . Anything recent graphics device that supports OpenGL should do fine, the client application does not perform any heavy graphical work. The issue is with every choice . Armstrong, Public Affairs / Published September 23, 2016. This article incorporates public domain material from the United States Government. What the dead tell about the Other Light through direct-voicemediums. The future is uncertain but the end is always near Jim Morrison. What is looking glass? From the deceit, the conceit, the avarice, and the greed that I have been around over the last twenty years so thats the good side of these two dirty coins. In an interview Lazar (L) replied to a question about the project as follows: Two-thirds. ITs All Over! 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