Whenever you change gears or apply gathering speed buff, The game calculate the gathering speed again that moment. From about 200k/h to about 300k/h. This simply means that you are less likely to have free time after you are done gathering. If considering only attack, its better to use more resources for one of the troops, but if considering defense, all troops are needed, so I evenly distribute them. Hi, Do you know if we can use Fenrir fangs to summon after the Event finishes? They can be obtained at taverns or by collecting slate fragments at relics, etc. The copyright and other intellectual property rights of the game screenshots and images used in the contents of this site belong to TOP GAMES Inc. As much as possible, try not to start construction. The current requirements for these 2 Evony Glory Achievements can be seen below: Upgrading each of these pieces of equipment will cost 800 Badges and 30M Gold. If you found this Evony Equipment Crafting Guide useful, then join our community to be kept up to date on any new Evony Guides added to the site. I would appreciate it if you could let me know for reference. Evony is a massive RTS game that allows you to build different structures. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Anyway, hunt a lot of the above bosses with double-drop generals. That concludes our guide on getting more power through research tactics in Evony. (270,000 Gems (about $1,100)) #evony. Also, don't forget to hire generals to get strong buffs. If you just want to collect 25 fragments, it will take you less than half a day. (This also applies to monarch gear.). Crafted Evony equipment can be improved even further by refining it. How can I purchase only speed ups without spending gems or buying packages? This is an upgraded version of the regular Academy, and you can conduct special research projects here. (You dont have to complete the exploration. & What happens? By carry over, I mean the score that I earned from using Blood of Ares. Is my blacksmith on strike or what?! This is because the return on investment is inefficient. Huo Qubing - Reduce troops' marching time by 20%. . Was told by support to reinstall game. A comprehensive, all-inclusive guide to collecting large amounts of resources in a short amount of time. Upgrading the Blacksmith research in the Defense Research Tree at the Academy building. If you have an Android device, you can download a copy from, If you have a Kindle, then you can grab a copy from the. Thanks, i am k32 with no pay, my limit still 2.5B, trying to complete the food part i start having more ground troops than any other troop, any advice there? You can get a "Royal Chest" by defeating 3 Royal Thief. When you open a resource item, if you are lucky, you will get double the amount. Lining these up correctly can be a great way of cheaply improving the buffs from equipment. Please see below. Hi, just one info about skill books for exploitation I saw them on one of newer servers and was told it was possible to get them only in one event at very beginning of that server. Also, how many friends do I need to complete the exploration in time to get the fragments? Is there any way to complete the 5B resource consuming return event each time without robbing from Alt accounts or charging? To wait until the "speedup" consuming return event starts, and then complete it. Each set has 6 different equipment pieces to be crafted for it. The More Advanced research requires Research stones which you aquire by finishing quests in the research factory or by making them which costs Gems and Gold. There is more to do than just build, however, as you send out troops for raids, battles, and to gather supplies to break up the wait timers. Reference: Exhibition Hall Reward List (Art Hall). So say you have 26% from crown 20% from a general And then say 150% from research. When attached to a General, the Evony General Equipment will apply many powerful buffs to that General. What equipment you need to craft will depend on your Generals role. Indeed, it is recommended not to craft much equipment below the Dragon tier if you can avoid it. Play on PC Free to play on Bluestacks Evony: The Kings Return MMOStrategyFantasyPlay on PC. Several events and shops sell advance march speed items. Hi, thank you for all your informative information! How do I add them? No. Unauthorized use or copying and replication (including translation into other languages) of the data, images, etc. By advancing the Alliance category of research, you can increase the speed of gathering alliance resource tiles. The basic specs are that Ground is strong against Ranged, Ranged is strong against Cavalry, and Cavalry is strong against Ground (though sometimes not, depending on the strength of the buffs). The higher the tier of the equipment, the more it will cost for each of these resources. Gengis Khan and King Arthur also have basic skill of March size yet I think they cannot learn march size skill book and fall behind those two, and Isabella requires Dragon which is wasteful. If you tap on it, you will see a list of resources, and there it says Gathering Warehouse Capacity: 0/100B. So in my case, 15M = 1000 gems seems reasonable. Shajar does not appear in the tavern, but can be obtained for free from the Great General Chest. Refresh the black market and buy from it? Today, well show you which research tactics increase power in Evony! Please note, that the only way to currently get Evony Staff and Toga Scrolls is by reaching level 8 in the Party Cake event. Please refer to the following guide for more information. They would basically get mad at you for doing something stupid . You should refine many times until you get the buff you want with a high value. If not, you can still check the daily log-in bonuses in the event center and collect some speedups from there, if you invite ten friends, you can collect 53 sixty-minute speedups. You wont get far with a common general! Also, there is an event that provides you with some valuable rewards for performing these researches. The copyright and other intellectual property rights of the game screenshots and images used in the contents of this site belong to TOP GAMES Inc. Hi, Does using a resource gathering speed-up also speed up gathering of Gems? They are all equally useless until you open them up. Is this a bug? So it would in theory be 296. Roblox Black Friday deals and mobile game bargains this year, Pokmon Violet is beating Scarlet in the popularity race, The titillating tail of Genshin Impacts Ms Hina, Gorou, and Itto, Pokmon Violets Ceruledge is catching the attention of trainers, Win a copy of Pokmon Scarlet or Violet for the holidays. * With the ver4 major update on 11/4/2021, the higher the resource tile level, the better the production growth. Apply Napoleon's Diary to a training group to reduce the initial recruitment time. The copyright and other intellectual property rights of the game screenshots and images used in the contents of this site belong to TOP GAMES Inc. If you are lucky, you will get one of the following from it. I made a table in Excel, but sadly Reddit doesn't allow me to line things up properly. The most effective way to skip wait timers is to stockpile as many speedups as you possibly can. And I really like the trial of knights event because it gives you free premium generals By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Tried American and European for months. Press J to jump to the feed. Resource Gathering Speed. Evony Boss Monsters are randomly dotted around the map and range from level 1 to level 17. Reference 2- Kings equipment is replaced by Transcendence Set (2), Total with Champion Set Resource Gathering Speed (any 1 type) Max +129.5% Extra Resources from Gathering +10%, IMPORTANT If the effect expires during resource gathering and you use the speed-up item againIf you use a speed-up item while gathering resources, the gathering time will be recalculated.Therefore, if you do not have a gathering speed-up crystal (monarch gear) equipped at that time, the gathering time may INCREASE.This also means that if you are gathering with more than one type of resource tile, the gathering time of one of the resource tiles will always increase.If all of the following apply, the gathering time will increase. When you arrived at a resource tile, you had used a gathering speed-up item. When you arrived at the resource tile, you had equipped a crystal (monarch gear) that increases the gathering speed. During gathering, you used a gathering speed-up item while not equipping the above crystal.The time will not be increased in the following cases. Originally, you were not equipped with a crystal. You were equipped with a crystal, but your crystal level was 7 or less (41% or less) and you had not used the gathering speed-up item.Related: How to use Monarch Gear, which Beginners Tend to Make Mistakes, (Can be found by looking at the Alliance City details in the center of the hive.). The military research is definitely worth it, though. To use advanced march speed, simply click on your troops on the map and select the option speed up. 20. and I have a time limit of 60 days and I believe i'm in day 20 . The main way to obtain these items is the black market.Reference: Black Market Item List. I dont know what the truth is, but maybe it was temporarily implemented only on some servers. When I used the 50% increase in gathering speed for 24 hours, 6 hours of gathering became 5 hours. However, this is not an officially approved method and is at your own risk. As they grow in power, they will eventually unlock a special academy called the Military Academy, which needs special research tactics. That would give you a total of over 640 days of speedups. So the food you have should be up to the limit of what is not consumed. Pocket Tactics is the world's number one mobile games site. ; Korea - increased lumber production, ranged troop attack and healing speed. Using a general with high politics or a general with a gathering speed skill does not increase the gathering speed. How to Research Tactics in Evony: Research Tactics Guide, How to Get and Use Blood of Ares in Evony. Once you are happy with one or more of the buffs, you can lock them in so they do not change the next time you refine the equipment. There are specific examples in this article, if youd like to take a look at them. The probability of this increases by 10%. Jan 14. I would be happy if you could give me a guideline. I think you are talking about ALT, but you should raise it as much as you can. In addition, if you can complete all of them, you will get 175M of each resource, which will make the next resource consuming-return event a little easier. Evony Crafting is undertaken in the Forge building and will require you to collect many materials to be consumed when crafting. Good evening. They are all level 40 and full king equipment. However, there is a different event, the 2nd day of the Gather Troops event, where you can receive a reward for training speed-up digestion. I have a main account that I pay for and two alt accounts, but no matter how hard I try, 15B is the limit . All are vital for fast growth. It takes a lot of time and money, but if you have all flagle the materials it's definitely worth it. evonyguidewiki.com. Create more ground troops and fine-tune with the other three types. Since production growth is good up to Lv30, and poor after Lv31, it is best to aim to get all resource tiles to Lv30 first. When you press it, you will have the option of increasing your march speed by 30% or 50%. 3 If you lose, it will be taken. Relic How to Gain More or Explore Faster (with Verification Report). Just by having Korean subordinate cities, you get an additional bonus from the subordinate city buff. I know you tend to focus on the best generals, but for people at the very beginning of the game it would be useful to know who else to use if you dont have Queen Jindeok. The basics of anti-monster are: cavalry only, tiers only in the same tier and dont mix other tiers. When I take resources from an alt account, how high should the alt accounts lvl be? If you are looking for a site you can trust, check out, playing Evony with a group of people who have been there and done that can save you countless hours and gems spent upgrading the wrong things, when you play, you will collect chests, bags, and boxes full of supplies. The mayors siege attack debuff is worth so little that it is really only worth -30% archer attack. Switching your Monarch Equipment Crown to the Agile Crown. I have the following three questions There are 7 different ones to choose from. Also, there are events that cut farming time from tiles 50% occasionally. I have a question about Queen Jindeok. This is covered in the Evony Upgrading Equipment section further down in this Evony Equipment Crafting Guide. Thank you for pointing that out. This will change the gathering speed of each resource tile in B-2-8 above. I rewrote the text in the relevant section. As you start to craft higher tier levels of Evony Equipment, the time taken to complete will increase significantly. hi, how often does consuming event happens. The Best Cultures in Evony TKR - When and How to Use Each Effectively. In order to do it, you will have to spend some resources, and the most interesting among them is called Tactic Scrolls. There are 3 key requirements that must be met when crafting equipment in Evony. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For information on how required times are calculated, see this page: Read. With this, you can easily reach 1,000,000 mins in the Common Speedup section. If you found this article useful, I would appreciate a donation. There is a huge amount of interesting MMORTS games that you can find in the modern game industry and one of the most remarkable ones is called Evony. The time it takes for construction, research, or recruitment can be reduced in several ways. Production is not included. If you need help making that difficult choice, and more, youve come to the right place! Nice to meet you. 360 gems per 1M seems rather expensive. (18), 2M x4 types Ymir 3, Typhon, Witch 5, Warlord 5, Nian5, 1.5M x4 types Witch 3, Warlord 3, Jormungandr, Sphinx6, Hydra4, Nian4, 1M x4 types Phoenix, Pan4, Sphinx4, Golem5, Lava Turtle5, Hydra3, Nian3, 900K x4 types Pan3, Golem4, Lava Turtle4, 700K x4 types Golem 3, Lava Turtle 3, Behemoth, Hydra2, 500K x4 types Fafnir, Sphinx2, Hydra1, Nian2, 400K x4 types Kamaitachi, Golem 2, Lava Turtle 2, 200K/stamina Witch 3&5, Warlord 3&5, Nian5, 120K/stamina Jormungandr, Pan3, Sphinx6, 100K/stamina Phoenix, Pan4, Sphinx4, Golem 5, Lava Turtle 5, Hydra1, 93K/Stamina Golem 3, Lava Turtle 3, Hydra2, 53K/Stamina Pan2, Golem 2, Lava Turtle 2, 25,000 mins (about 17 days) 5M x4 types, 100,000 mins (about 69 days) 20M x4 (25M x4 total), 250,000 mins (about 173 days) 35M x4 (60M x4 total), 500,000 mins (about 347 days) 50M x4 (110M x4 total), 1,000,000 mins (about 694 days) 65M x4 (175M x4 total), 2,500,000 mins (about 1,736 days) 160M x4 (335M x4 total), 5,000,000 mins (about 3,472 days) 220M x4 (555M x4 total). Kings Spear +25% (rss food). (See Stats) Research . With alliance resource tile, this is not the case, as you can extend the gathering time to a day or more by sending a large number of troops. How to get Resources Efficiently (Items, Gathering, Production), If you cannot increase your boss hunting and resource gathering any further, you can create a new sub-account (=alt) to participate in rallies and gather resources. I always find it very helpful (thanks). ErusNauction If you found this article useful, I would appreciate a donation. There are several research trees to choose from in the Military Academy, and each one is focused on a specific type of troop, like ground troops, mounted troops, siege troops, and so on. Therefore, do not overspend resources during speed-up consuming return event. Research is very important in order to make you stronger and everything go faster. So I did, and still cannot craft. Below are the Civilization Equipment Sets that can be crafted. How many gems per 1M do you think are worth exchanging? 2 This is displayed when something is produced in front of the wall and can be collected. This is achieved by buying packs in the game and is only attainable by heavy spenders. Luckily, there are several ways to decrease the time that crafting takes. Please note that Ares equipment has further requirements and is crafted via upgrading Dragon equipment. About 10 days - Refining Stone Consuming Return Event (Super Refining . I think now is 15% . I am honestly wondering if it would be better to invest in cavalry for rallying, as it is too long until the original investment is paid off. This will add an additional Gem cost to the refining process. The aim of the game is to constantly upgrade, research, build, and expand your kingdom to become the most powerful force in all of Evony. I have updated the production section of the article. First, complete all of the research related to construction in subordinate city thats available to you at the level of your academy. For more information, see the following. This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. Research is hugely important in Evony. Congratulation for the guide! In my case, originally, I dont want to buy it unless I can save more than 66 gems per 1M. Since a huge amount of speedups and resources are rewarded, the degree of difficulty of construction changes dramatically depending on how many of these you can complete. Thanks to this, when I was at the keep level of 30-35, I had a surplus of speedups. I think it would be difficult to do so, since it depends on how each person enjoys the game and how much they pay. Thank you for your advice. How to use Monarch Gear, which Beginners Tend to Make Mistakes, I attacked different cities of Keep Level 7 Both had more than 1M of Food as well as Lumber. That's probably the best combo right now, I'm really liking the Roland/Zhao Yun co, Evony is designed to make people spend m, Is this game the most technically flawed, In the original Evony that was played on, Ranking (B) Considering Stamina Efficiency, How to get Resources Efficiently (Gathering, Production, Items), There are specific examples in this article, When is Server Merges ? If you like to specialize in a certain type of troop, you can focus on them and have them become a major part of your army. However, expanding too much too fast draws the attention of enemies, so make sure you form an alliance or two to protect your empire. For information on how required times are calculated, see this page: Read. Reference Approximate Keep Level to Complete 4 types (in my opinion). Relic How to Gain More or Explore Faster (with Verification Report). Regarding the assistant, can you please confirm if Constance can assist to Jindeok to accumulate the amount of gathered rss? A good general can even increase the speed of the march of your troops, which will make your movement even more efficient. How to Beat Treasure Hand in Persona 3 Weaknesses and Download Terraria v1. Mod Apk (Free Crafting). If you can consume 2.5B in 4 types of resources, you will get a total of over 640 days of speedup.With this, it will be easier to clear all the normal speed-up sections in the next speed consuming-return event (1,000,000 minutes = about 694 days). The better the equipment that you are crafting, the higher the requirements for each of these things will be. So, Dragon Set is not strongly recommended considering the cost effectiveness of crafting and refinement. However, if you dont actively refresh your tavern with gems, it will be difficult to get 6 of them.Related: Drop Rate of Historic General at Tavern (Test Results). In the early stages of the game, when it is difficult to obtain the Queen Jindeok, you can temporarily use the purple generals Constance I (+20%) or Shimazu Yoshihiro (+30% food) instead. best evony page! It is worth keeping an eye on anyone that comes through there as a top general is incredibly rare and vital in the later stages of the game. I am at K31, and using these techniques, I get 400% construction speed buff for subordinate city. Reference Approximate Keep Level to Complete 4 types (in my opinion). (For events after the completion of the Keep, the Wall / Rally Spot / Academy, etc.). Once this is accomplished, there will be an abundance of speed-up items, and you will almost never be in trouble again. Each fully owned set will give you a buff, in addition, to further set buffs for every 2, 4, and 6 pieces equipped to your General. This Evony guide will teach you everything you need to know to master this. I bow to your verification every time. I didnt buy her since I could get her for free eventually. (1) When you tap on the bar at the top of the castle screen, you can see a list of resources, right? It is a hot topic in my alliance to gather a lot of resources in combination with wounds. Thank you for your detailed and thoughtful reply. If you can do your best, I think Elise is a possibility. You can grab a copy of Evony for your iOS, Android, and Kindle devices. . I saw Shajar al-Durr 3 times in the tavern while I had the Arabian culture. Thank you very much. The Tang Dynasty wakes up to the sound of the morning bell. (Bibars, Theodora, Cleopatra, and other generals with luck skillbooks equipped with the kings ring). It would be great if you could create an article on how to use gems effectively when you have time. I ask because im trying to figure out how many champion sets i need if i wanted to have all 5 marches gathering at once overnight. This includes: Evony Equipment Sets are combinations of certain types of equipment attached to a General which will give you even more buffs. They are not incapable of hunting monsters, but they require a large number of troops, even more so than cavalry. (See Stats) We include affiliate links in articles. The maximum star level for equipment is 5 stars. Reference 2- King's equipment is replaced by Transcendence Set (2) Transcendence Set (2) Weapon, Ring. Finally, attach equipment that improves construction speed in subordinate city. Do you have any tricks or tipps on how to handle the construction of buildings because of the limited builder-slots and the dependencies of buildings. Thanks for the explaining about speedup.Sorry for my english is not good. I would appreciate your advice on this. (You can have a maximum of 9 subordinate cities, one of which is a subordinate city within a city. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you are looking for a site you can trust, check out APKPure. If you can spend 20B each, you can get more than 3B each. If youve only been playing for 3 weeks, Im assuming that your main focus is monster hunting, so Id recommend limiting yourself to cavalry in the meantime. (Forge equipment and Civilization equipment ). If two of these friends make it to level 20, you can also earn another 53 sixty-minute speedups, as well as 53 one hour speedups for researching new technologies, if you go into your city, and swipe down to the main gate, there is a chest that appears every so often which may have a speed-up or two inside, if you are that desperate, you can buy some speedups directly, or get them inside of the bundles you can purchase, you can trade your gems for speedups in the shop. Thank you for the very useful information. It has been confirmed that you can get this skill book through the Academy-Skill Books Shop. You can get a Royal Chest by defeating 3 Royal Thief. (For example, 5M of resources costs 1,800 gems, but it takes more than a day to gather 1,800 gems, while 5M of resources can be gathered in a few hours. You can only get it when the server is young. Make sure that this general has a level 4 Construction skill book attached. Could you go a little more in depth with resource consuming event. These pieces of equipment possess powerful buffs. one of the requirements was to get to keep 24 which I did pretty easily and decided to research the requirements for the higher leveled keeps to be prepared and do it more efficiently but I saw how expensive it got with the last one being almost 500 million of each resource. Therefore, it is possible to obtain it without paying. I for example have Constance I as my main gatherer, and Ive added ore gathering speed and ore exploitation skill books to her, so I think it is not too far from Queen Jindeok but much easier to get? Equipment Scrolls are a key ingredient in crafting higher-tier equipment as outlined further up in this Evony Equipment Crafting Guide. Note that the number of marches can be increased to 5 at Academy level 25 and to 6 at Academy level 35.Details: How to get more March Slot. Cerberus & Pan are by far the best choices.Next, Ymir.If not, I recommend Griffin, Witch 3, Warlord 3, Hydra3, Phoenix. You can always spend your gems to skip the timers, but gems are hard to come by and shouldnt be wasted for no reason. Cant figure out what culture has Nathanael Greene. Tactic Scrolls is a very interesting resource that allows you to obtain Tactic Score points during the Tactics Researching event. Equipping the following 4 will give you +10% due to set buffs. Therefore, it is recommended that the production increase be done within a reasonable range. The speed displayed on the detail screen changes, but not the actual speed. It will increase the march speed.). (+3 ~ 15%). 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